Fae War Ch. 11


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Swallowing down the bile of anger and fear that threatened to rise into her mouth, Erin turned from the rising sun and watched the still dark forest around her. She liked having the lake at her back. It gave her a sense of security knowing that her enemies couldn't easily come at her from behind.

She bit back a smile that threatened to give too much away as she grounded her feet solidly and felt her fingers twitch with the energy of the land. 'Bring it!' she thought to herself, 'there's no time like the present.'

One by one Weres began to emerge from the trees. Several were large cats, their graceful gait full of contained power, and the rest were wolves, slinking along the tree-line, teeth barred, occasional snarls and low growls emitted from their throats. Once the Weres had her surrounded on the land, other beings began to materialize from the gloom: Spirits of the Woods, Elementals, and Fae. A quick estimate put their numbers at around eighty, significantly more than Erin's security force. She shuddered, but covered it by drawing calm from the placid water behind her.

Riahn strode forward, coming to within twenty feet of Erin before stopping. The look on her face was pure malevolence, her smile one of triumph.

"You are the stupidest royal in a very long line of stupid royals. Did you really think those shields were strong enough to cover more than a hundred miles of border? We breached them with hardly a twitch," Riahn began, pacing. "And to think it was this easy to track you and find you alone! Have you no sense at all?"

Erin remained silent, shielding her mind from those who were trying to breach it for information.

"We got your insulting invitation to sit down and negotiate," Riahn continued, "but I much prefer to take what I want by force. I have no interest in equality of representation," she spat out, "Were's and Elementals are the strongest Fae, and we intend on making the rules from now on."

"Really? Are you sure about that?" Erin asked, sarcasm slipping in even though she tried to keep it smooth. "My impression is that all Fae have strengths -- and weaknesses. I have come to believe we are only truly strong when we stand together."

Riahn covered her ears in exaggerated horror. "Listen to the platitudes! You sound like those weak humans that espouse non-violent protest and equality for everyone. There is no equality! You are only as strong as you are, and will only achieve what you want by taking it!"

Erin looked around at Riahn's gathered forces. She felt anger radiating from many, but there were those who seemed to be listening to her, so she addressed them, "Do you all agree? Do you each have enough strength to individually get what you desire for yourselves and your families?"

"Don't talk to them!" Riahn demanded. "I am the queen of this people, and you will speak to me only."

Erin turned back to Riahn, "But I am finished talking to you."

Riahn appeared abashed, then furious. "Who do you think you are to stand here, alone, surrounded by my people, and dismiss me? This war is over and I have won."

Erin smiled. As much as she tried she couldn't keep from gloating, "Really?"

Riahn glared, turning to the wolves she communicated telepathically and four large beasts moved forward and circled Erin. Riahn looked at a particular Elemental and said, "Now!"

The lake began to roil and a water spout formed, arcing and surrounding Erin before stilling and appearing as a glass dome over her with the wolves still pacing the inner perimeter.

Erin continued to smile, benevolently now.

Riahn let out a snarl before ordering, "Kill her!"

The wolves actually looked confused for a moment before two of them turned and started toward Erin. Erin continued to look mildly at Riahn as the first wolf lunged and was deflected without so much as a twitch from Erin. The wolf yelped pitifully as it flew at the wall of water and was deflected back to the ground where it landed with a heavy thud. The second wolf went for Erin's ankles, only to act as if an electric shock sent it flying back toward the water dome.

Riahn looked utterly confused, but snarled a new order at the elemental, "Drown her!"

The water began to implode toward Erin before she smiled again and the water was suddenly absorbed into the ground. The two wolves that had not attacked her backed away, teeth barred.

"I believe some of your so-called congress are interested in an egalitarian society," Erin began casually as she swept her arms out as if to hug the entire group. A buzz of energy surrounded them all, emanating from Erin's outstretched fingers. Riahn looked stupefied.

Erin's forces melted out of the forest and stepped casually into the electrical field, raising their arms as if to join hands around the perimeter. They glowed softly as they posed themselves equally along the field.

"You had the opportunity, Riahn, to bring this division to a peaceful end and possibly avoid many of the consequences for your actions, You chose to continue to use violence. Anyone who has not committed a crime is welcome to join us now with no retribution. Those guilty of acts of violence against Fairies or humans will stand trial and receive punishment for their crimes. It is time to choose."

The beings within the circle looked confused, glancing toward Riahn, then Erin, then the strange energy field surrounding them. An Elemental hovering near Erin moved first, bowing to Erin before stepping backwards into the force-field where he glowed softly like the others. Several others followed his lead and did like-wise.

A Were turned abruptly and bound toward a gap between the Fae encircling them. As he leapt to cross the circle a buzzing preceded a sizzling sound as the Were was thrown back into the circle, fur scorched and smoking. He landed in a heap and another Were rushed forward to nose at him, whimpering over his dead body.

"The guilty will pay for their crimes," Erin repeated simply.

The remaining Fae within the circle sat or lay upon the ground, submitting to the superior power of Erin and her forces. Riahn did not.

With a roar and a flash, Riahn turned into a panther and lunged at Erin, claws extended and mouth open in a terrifying scream. A collective gasp went up from everyone present, and, as if in slow motion, they watched as the large cat flew at the Queen. Erin shook her head sadly and closed her eyes just as the panther twisted in agony and plummeted to the ground, broken at her feet.

Erin gazed at the once majestic beast, a steely resolve in her continence. When she looked up at the remaining beings within the circle she saw true fear.

"You are all under arrest. You will be interrogated and go to trial. Your punishment will be decided by a panel of judges composed of every race of Fae. Do not resist and no one will be harmed." With that the force field dissolved and the security forces gathered the remaining Fae and began to lead them through the forest.

Several of the members of Riahn's group who had joined Erin in the circle began to come forward with questions, but Luka discouraged them from approaching the Queen now, telling them there would be a statement released shortly that would answer most of their questions.

Erin stepped forward and glided to her knees in front of the broken panther. She reached out a hand and stroked the silky fur. "What a waste," she murmured. "May the glory of the Fae always be protected from the avarice of a few." She continued to pet the dead leader as she cried softly.


Within the week, everyone who wished to be had been evacuated from the rebel camp and situated on Council lands. One Were pack remained in the old camp, choosing to make it their home, and a family of Spirits remained as well. Several of the Were packs that had relocated to Council lands had applied for loans to start their own compounds nearby. Erin was strongly encouraging the very rich Fae to make those loans as a sign of good faith.

Franco returned to the Council. He forgave Erin for leaving him behind, even though she continued to feel awful about it. Even after his experience as a captive of Riahn's forces, Franco led the push to reintegrate all of the Fae into one society with equal rights and privileges. He declined a position as a judge for the war crimes tribunal, stating his role as a witness for the prosecution would involve him more than enough in the process.

Erin had been surprised by the willingness of the Elementals to come under her rule. She had learned that Elementals have a solitary nature, seldom socializing even with others of their own race. Because of this, their numbers were very low. They seemed pleased that all the new government asked of them is to keep them updated on where they chose to live, and to maintain secrecy from the human world. Beyond that, they had freedom their kind had been denied for centuries. It made some of the Fae nervous, but it made Erin very happy.

Elections would be held in June for a new council made up of representatives from each race. Erin hoped that eventually the elections would be truly free and open, not divided by race, but for now, this was a place to start.

Erin sat in her desk chair, turned looking out the window at the snow covered forest where the sounds of hammers cut the brisk air as members of her kingdom built homes on the lands nearby. When hands slid down her chest and a warm breath brushed her cheek, she sighed and closed her eyes.

"It's time for my Queen to take a vacation," Luka spoke softly beside her ear. "I have our tickets booked. We leave tomorrow for the Caribbean."

"Tomorrow?" Erin jumped, "I can't leave now!"

Speaking forcefully, Luka replied, "You will never think it is a good time to go. We leave tomorrow."

Erin started to argue, but realized Luka was probably right. Shrugging, she stood up and wrapped her arms around her mate, nuzzling into his neck. Nothing about their courtship and mating had been normal, but Luka insisted they take a honeymoon and act like regular people for a week. If she was honest, there was nothing she would rather do.

"All right, my love. We leave tomorrow."

Amazed at her capitulation, Luka swept her up in his arms and headed for their rooms, ignoring the shocked faces and giggles in the hallway. Closing the door behind him and locking it, he set Erin back on her feet.

"What was that all about?" Erin laughed.

"As of five minutes ago, you were relieved of your responsibilities to the kingdom," he said with conviction, "Your only responsibility for the next eight days is as my wife."

Erin couldn't help but laugh at the stern face Luka was giving her.

"So you don't take that responsibilities seriously, huh? We'll see how seriously you take them after I've tied you to the bed and tortured you for a few hours," he continued, scooping her up again and heading for their bedroom.

They both knew Erin was stronger, magically, and that keeping her tied up would be her choice entirely, but at this point, neither cared. Finally it was their time, and they didn't plan to waste a minute of it.


I hope you enjoyed "Fae War". I plan to work on the second book of "Lesser Gods" as well as a few stand-alones I've got rolling around in my head for a while. I really appreciate your comments and encouragement, so please let me know your thoughts. I also wouldn't mind hearing from anyone with story ideas. My muse is sometimes sporadic.

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blackknight314blackknight314almost 2 years ago

Good job; thanks for sharing your work!

DocWordsDocWordsover 2 years ago

That was a well written, well told, work of art. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Thoroughly enjoyed this story

It did come across as a somewhat rushed ending. Overall it’s a lovely story, I am of course a sucker for a HEA.


I agree that it very definitely belongs in Non Human.

However, I always appreciate it when authors use the TAGS properly. We’re all different, with different likes and dislikes and it’s wrong to joke or mock people who find something repugnant. I have some very specific things that I consider as hard limits, so I always check the Category and Tags before reading. It’s a really unpleasant to suddenly find material you would never willingly read in the middle of an otherwise erotic story. by acutely revolting and sickening. For example I didn’t have problems with the vast majority of the overall story, but the scene with the Weres “learning her scent” was way too much for me.

It’s why authors should use the tags, because TAGS = TRIGGER WARNINGS.

No doubt most of us have had very unpleasant things happen to us in our lives, unfortunately far too many have experienced real physical/ emotional trauma. Some of the content on this website can and does cause flashbacks or nightmares. I’ve come across stories in categories that I enjoy where an author has written something I would never ever read but I’ve found myself happily able to ignore the story completely, instead I left a comment to thank them for taking the time to include those trigger warnings.

All that aside, thanks for sharing your story.

Tess (UK)

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Great read

Like the other commenter, I noticed the lack of editing but I've read so much worse. It is still a wonderful story and I loved Erin's solution with the Council! Keep it up!

Lobosolo51Lobosolo51about 8 years ago

very nice read. my only complaint is the lack of editing - way too many erroneous pronouns. keep up the good work.

JhyrJhyralmost 12 years ago
A bit rushed.

While I really like the magical universe you've created (fae, weres, elementals... what's not to like?), I think that this story alone could've easily been twice as long, or even longer.

It leaves so many things unanswered or just briefly mentioned and then brushed aside. And that's sort of a two-edged criticism, on the one hand I'*m disappointed with the lack of depths, on the other hand I'm intrigued enough by the story to want to read MORE!!

The only specific thing that I didn't like in your story was your portrayal of Riahn. IMO she was almost cartoonishly evil, almost to the point of wearing a Dalmatian puppy-fur cape. A bit too much. ;-)

jamac1024jamac1024almost 12 years ago

the ending was a bit of a letdown...but whatever, it's your story...the plot itself is interesting...the group sex scene wasn't to my taste so skipped it...however, i'm off to read lesser gods.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Disappointing ending...

It doesnt have to be a war, but you didnt even set that up. We discovered that Erin liked to jog and in the same paragraph, hell probably the next sentence, that she was under attack. Then of course she's all powerful so she effortlessly dominates all the bad guys and only two of them even fight back. That whole ending was just boring. And theres not much conflict when the main character is omnipotent.

Also whats with this society? Its clearly a matriarchy, but still Luka seems like the bitch. He wasnt referred to as king once. He never gave an order, just passed on erin's. He seemed more like an attendant with benefits than a king.

And of course jerins comment is stupid. One brief sex scene doesnt merrit a group sex or lesbian posting, not to mention that putting it in lesbian would be misleading as the majority of sex is male female. If bi girls are a turn off just skip a few paragraphs damn it.

cantfightfatecantfightfateover 12 years ago
A bit of an anticlimactic ending

but I liked the story as a whole. Looking forward to the continuation of Lesser Gods. I wants some closure for that story!

Thanks for writing.

daftjanedaftjaneover 12 years ago
great story

you should continue on with something about the children of luka and erin. Maybe a new threat to the kingdom or something. Anyway, this story was wonderful!!

katgoddess1katgoddess1over 12 years ago
Great story

Erin certainly grew into her role as Queen of all Fae and handled her new powers gracefully. Great writing.

quiverclawquiverclawover 12 years ago
Dont listen.....

to Jerin. seriously? Dont put stories like this in the non-human category? Weres, elementals, ghosts, Fae, what else would you call it? well done and very enjoyable!

starwiz01starwiz01over 12 years ago
One of the Best Series ever

I have to say first off, I loved how this last chapter played out. It truly was an attention grabber. I have loved the well thought out characters and how this story has twisted and turned. It always left you wanting more. I have to admit that I am sorry to see it end. But I have to complement you on the great ideas that went into all this. I look forward to your future projects.

MizTMizTover 12 years ago
Great Story

I like the fact that the big battle never came. That the fake Queen tried to ambush the true Queen, what a great idea. By not having a big battle the loss of life was kept to a minimum. As for the previous comment about the sex, most all of the non-human storys I've read contain the same types of sex acts that you had in this story.

This has been a great journey to follow and I thank you for sharing it. I look forward to reading your next submission.

jerin51jerin51over 12 years ago
Did You choose the correct category?

I liked the story as a whole but I don´t appreciate the elements of lesbian and/or Group Sex. They are quite a turn off. Think about it before You write the next story. If You want to write about Group Sex it is OK but not in the Non-Human Category, please!

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