Family Paradise Ch. 01


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"Maybe him, but certainly not David. I'll say this for him, no wonder he has such good luck with the girls at school, that guys got a monster dick on him, even if I do say so myself."

"Oh? Didn't look like that much of a monster to me," she smiled, only then actually biting into her banana, chomping off half of it in response to that.

"You should have seen it last night," I grinned wickedly. "And then you'd know what I had meant by that."

"Something tells me...I must have missed something after you left," she grinned.

"You might could say that..." I said picking up a slice of cantaloupe, and then licking it in much the same way I had licked her last night.

"Do tell me," she grinned walking over, once more fondling my cock as the two of us stood there, dad just sitting a few feet away outside the door. Though we both noticed then, his hand was subtlety moving up and down in his lap as we stood there.

Standing there watching dad actually jerking himself off as I told her about the night before, all three of us just finishing as mom and Chris once more made an appearance just a short distance away down the beach again.

"Come on...let's go for a swim," I said taking her hand pulling her along behind me. "And besides, like you said earlier. You still owe me one."


We soon after made the short walk to the clear crystal pool, swimming for a time, even frolicking beneath the falls. Deciding to take a breather, dry off (amongst other things) we made our way up to the plateau from the other side, opposite of the way that Chris and I had climbed up. Once there however, we walked over to the exact same spot where Chris and I had been, spreading out a blanket to lie down on and allow the sun to dry us off.

"So...about time I returned the favor from last night isn't it?" Stacy said finally sitting up again, though I remained flat on my back, allowing her to basically shield the sunlight. At least in this way, I could look at her, watch her, as she sat beside me Indian style, already beginning to play and fondle with my rapidly growing dick.

She had barely even gotten started however when we both heard someone coming up the path that I had taken the day before.

"We've got company," I warned her, though she'd already heard it too, releasing my cock, though she made no effort to scoot away from where she'd been sitting. Slightly surprised, and somewhat relieved, it was Chris that suddenly emerged now walking...and smiling...towards us.

"Hope I didn't erupt...or better yet, miss anything," she announced walking over towards us, likewise placing her own towel and blanket down next to ours. The fact my cock spoke for us both said it all anyway, there was no sense denying it at this point.

"Actually...she was just getting started," I quipped smiling easily now, wondering in a way what might be expected next. Until I remembered that Stacy had no clue that it had been both Chris and I who'd been up here the day before. I figured it was best that I come clean with it before Chris said something.

"She saw us...well, me anyway...when we were up here watching the two of them yesterday," I announced. Only then Stacy realizing that I hadn't been alone up here.

" saw us too then," she asked looking at her sister.

"Yeah, I did. And it looked pretty hot from where we were sitting," she added to that.

"Funny. I didn't see you sitting up here. Only Brad," Stacy said looking directly at me as she said that. "Where were you at the time?"

Now Chris was looking at me. "Probably laying down at that point," she said easily enough. "I dozed off after a while as cozy warm as it was."

I was grateful for the small omission. Pleased that Chris was wise enough to see that might, and could cause a small discomfort here if she was to actually tell Stacy what it was she had been doing at the time.

"Anyway...don't let me interrupt you," she said grinning now. "Besides, I'd like watching that myself."

"I ah...told Brad about us," Stacy said though she had already reached over taking my now VERY hard stiff cock in her hand again.

Chris laughed. "Figured you had, just a matter of time before I knew you would. No worries was going to come out at some point or another. Especially seeing you with Jessica yesterday. I figured if you hadn't told him about us yet, that you would...especially after seeing the two of you."

"You done anything with Jessica yourself?" I now asked, wondering just how many in the family she had been with.

"Not yet, never really had the opportunity or the inclination really. Not that I wouldn't given the chance mind you...but it's just never seemed to be the right time, or right place. Have you?"

Her question surprised me, though it made me chuckle as well. "No...I haven't, was almost starting to wonder why she hadn't approached me if she'd already approached everyone else. Though admittedly, she and I haven't gotten along any better than David and I have."

"Speaking of which," Chris said lowering her voice almost as though she was afraid of being overheard. "You should have heard the two of them going at it last night!"

"Jesus! You heard that?" I exclaimed, now suddenly worried, and wondering if anyone else had, if she had.

"Actually, I was still trying to go to sleep after everyone got back. Couldn't as yet though, still wired maybe from the club. Anyway...soon after, Jessica gets up, obviously sneaking I followed her, and low and behold, she went straight over to David's hut. So I stood outside, watching them through the window."

I laughed.


"So was I. Obviously on the other side. Didn't see you though," I snickered again, as was Stacy now, knowing the rest of the story. Now Chris laughed.

"So you mean to tell me you were watching them on one side, while I was watching them on the other one?"

"Apparently so," I laughed out loud again.

"Yeah, the only one still out cold and solidly asleep was this one here," Chris quipped looking at her sister. "You were out like a light!"

"That's because I'd already had my nice little orgasm...thanks to Brad here. Which is why I still sort of owe him one. Never did finish what I had started doing after we came back yesterday."

"Figured you two would," Chris confided. "I could see it in your eyes all during dinner, that you wanted to go back, and if you could manage it...that you'd prefer it if Brad came back with you. Obviously, everything must have worked out. Except for...that," she grinned again looking down at my still swollen, and now very purple aching cock as Stacy almost nonchalantly sat there flopping it about, playing with it. "Looks to me like it needs to cum. And like I said earlier...I'd very much enjoy watching that myself if neither of you too has any problem with it."

"I know I certainly don't," I informed them both. "And you're really does need to cum here pretty badly too. It's been aching pretty much all day, especially watching you guys jogging earlier.

"For once, I have to say I wish I had your tits instead of mine sis," Stacy said cupping her breasts for a moment. "No more jogging for me without wearing support, that's for damn sure!"

"And I wish I had your tits," Chris told her, reaching over to now cup them herself, holding them in her hands. Stacy moaned as she did that, a reminder perhaps of past times together.

"Been a while since you've touched them," she stated, eyes closed, though her hand once more began stroking my now more than needful cock again.

"Yeah, it has been. And I've missed that. Tell you what. You finish off poor Brad here, as he obviously needs it. And afterwards, I'll treat you to something special, while he watches us. I'm sure he'll enjoy seeing that. How's that sound?"

I almost came then, just hearing her say that.

"It sounds...wonderful," Stacy sighed pleasurably, and then began working my cock up and down almost anxiously. "And how about you Brad? Think you'll enjoy seeing the two of us going down on one another?"

My answer came in the form of several white sticky eruptions that were soon filling the sky, and splashing almost everywhere and upon everyone seconds after hearing that.


Even though I had had one very fine, very intense orgasm, it didn't take long for me to be hard as a rock all over again. Just watching the two of them together was enough to do that. Seeing Chris and Stacy going down on one another simultaneously would have raised the dead.

They had both given each other multiple little orgasms by now, finally rolling away from one another, spent...exhausted, and thoroughly satisfied. The problem was, I of course was now ready again myself.

"Ah oh...look what we did," Chris laughed rolling over towards me. "Can't have him walking back looking like this now can we?" She asked her sister, as Stacy too now rolled over joining her sister as I stood there kneeling between the two of them.

"Certainly not," she agreed, and then as one, the two of them began licking and sucking me together.

The pure pleasure I now felt as their tongues and mouths at times became one, was too incredible for words. They licked, nipped, sucked, tickled, stroked and mouthed me to levels of ecstasy and enjoyment that I'd never experienced before. Once more hovering on the edge, Chris was the first to seemingly pick up on that.

"Ever tasted a man's cum before?" She asked Stacy.

"No, never had. Add that to the list of things I've never done with a man...yet," she hinted back. "But...I have wondered what that would be like."

"Keep going, you're about to find out," I informed them both, feeling my balls beginning to tingle with imminent release.

"Want to find out?" Chris asked again. "Because if not, it's ok...I'll be happy to take it," she told my sister.

"No...I want to, I really want to. And especially with Brad," she said honestly. "We'll take turns with it," she surmised, "You know...pass it back and forth to one another. You take a shot...and I'll take the next one."

"These aren't tequila shots here ya know," I said starting to grimace now, just barely managing to hold off here. "Not like I can control them after they begin."

"Here...we'll just place our mouth's close together, and you do all the work," Chris suggested. "Ready whenever you are," she then added as their tongues simultaneously went back to licking and flicking the tip of my cock again.

"Oh...I'm ready. More than," I said giving them final warning. "Because!"

I knelt there, watching my cock explode. Ribbon after ribbon of spunk leaping from my prick tip. The girls almost fighting over it, tongues lapping, mouths sucking, and licking as Chris basically took over, grabbing my dick, feeding it to Stacy first, and then feeding herself, back and forth until they had each managed to suck out, draw out, and lick off the last remnants of my incredible spending.

"Well? What did you think?" Chris asked as I once more collapsed backwards, stars still filling my head at the moment.

"Salty maybe...but certainly nothing like I expected, or heard about. I quite liked it," she added to that. And then surprised me, and perhaps Chris too as she suddenly leaned forward kissing her sister, and thus sharing a bit of a cum-kiss with her as the two of them embraced, swapping spit, cum, and everything else again as it seemed.

"Alright you two, before you get all amorous and horny again, we'd best be getting back before mom and dad send out a search party for us."

We hurriedly gathered up our things after that, and began making our way down the hill back towards the huts. Now famished, we headed immediately over towards mom and dad's bungalow of course, especially as that's where all the food was. Neither one was there, and at first, nowhere in sight either.

"Maybe they went over to the resort," Stacy suggested.

"I doubt it. Unless they made arrangements to do so earlier or something. David and Jessica took the launch over this morning, not expected back until dinnertime. Dad already said he was planning to do a barbeque for everyone. So they must be around here somewhere."

I agreed with Chris. "Yeah...maybe they did go off looking for us though. Though the island isn't all that big. Not like you can really get lost here. Surprised we didn't run into them then, especially if they did come looking for us."

Just then, Stacy spotted the two of them out the window. "There they a ways, down near the point there see? Just out in the water."

We all looked. Sure enough, it was them. Though as we continued to look, it was also obvious as to what they were doing too. Dad on her back, legs locked around his waist, basically floating on the water as he obviously stood there fucking her.

"God, they're like a couple of horny kids aren't they?" Chris grinned, laughing. "I have to say, I'm not sure I've ever seen the two of them like this. Especially with their open-mindedness about not just them...but all of us running around in the all together out here. I don't think I've ever seen the two of them this horny before."

"I know what you mean," I said telling her about dad earlier this morning. Watching them jog, and then sitting there jacking off afterwards though Stacy and I were pretty sure he never realized we'd stood there watching him.

"I have an even better one for you," she then told us. "When we came back? Mom and I? You two had just left obviously, and as mom and I came running up towards dad, it was pretty obvious he'd just finished. There were little wet spots in the sand just beneath where he was sitting, but even better, he'd missed some. When we walked up, I teased him a little, but then so did mom if you want to know the truth, because she saw it too. She looked at dad, and honestly said, "So Bradly...getting off on your very own daughters are we?"

"She didn't!" I said laughing out loud.

"Oh yeah...she did! But that's not even the best part! Then she reaches down, swipes up a bit of his cream from the inside of his thigh and licks it from her finger, right there in front of me! And then says: Hmm, tasty as usual too!"

"Oh fuck! No shit! Really?" Stacy says laughing hysterically now.

"But even better..." Chris says again, once again lowering her voice conspiratorially, looking at the two of us. "And then I reached down, and swiped some of it off him myself, and then licked it off with the two of them looking at me, and said. "You're right is!"

"Oh my god! You didn't...did you? Really?"

"I did. I really, really did. Dad was a little stunned, just sitting there, until mom burst out laughing hysterically. Then she promptly sat down in his lap. Needless to say, I didn't stick around after that, but the look on his face was priceless. I'm willing to bet he fucked the shit out of mom right then and there after that. But by then of course...I'd gone looking for you two."

"You sure this place isn't called fantasy island?" I then asked. "Because I'm starting to think that everyone's most wickedly decadent fantasies are starting to be acted out here," I told them both. "I know mine certainly have been!"

"I'm half tempted to agree with you on that count," Chris stated. "And I'll tell you something else too that I found very interesting. I overheard mom and dad talking while we were waiting for the lunch to be made ready to bring us back. They had wandered off a bit, but you know how sound travels when you're next to the water, so I don't think they realized I could hear them as well as I did. Didn't get it all mind you, just bits and pieces here and there. But...what I did overhear them discussing was interesting enough. Dad said, and mom agreed with him, that while we're here. He said we, and mom agreed with him, that while we're ALL here, that whatever happens, no matter what...he's ok with. And mom said the same thing. The way they see it, this is a very, very special vacation, and one that we might never ever enjoy together again like this as they see it. Anyway...I then overheard mom telling dad, "But only if the kids are ok with it...agreed?" And then dad agreed to that, whatever that was."

"Wow...that IS interesting isn't it?" I wondered aloud. "Makes you sort of wonder what it was they were actually talking about doesn't it?"

"Well, I'll say this to that. We might find out tonight during the barbeque. Dad was very implicit about making sure David and Jessica were back in time for it. He told them, and me...that he wanted to have a little family chat during that time. And even said that he wanted us all to sort of dress up for the occasion. Apparently, they bought things for everyone and said that they'd be ready and waiting for us in our rooms prior to this evening."

"Maybe we should go see if they're there already then?" Stacy suggested curiously, to which we all agreed to, though I wandered back to the girls hut with them first before going back to my own place. Sure enough, there were tropical outfits sitting on their respective beds, though by the looks of it, they didn't look like anything more than a single wrap around floral print wrap of some sort as the girls held theirs up, inspecting them.

"Here's a note," Chris said as she began reading it. "In mom's hand writing. It says: Make something sexy fun out of this. Wear nothing else, and come to the barbeque with an open mind. Love, mom."

"Holy shit," I said wondering now, as the three of us quickly went back to my place. There was a similar package and note waiting for me as well. Another floral piece of cloth, but this one, much, much smaller. Barely enough to even wrap around myself. "You mean...this is it?" I asked still trying to figure out how I was supposed to wear the damn thing.

"That's it," Chris chuckled. "Here, it goes like this," she said fitting it around me, tying it off on one side. "There...just like that!"

"Shit, it's like wearing a skirt...or more like a mini skirt at that," I then added. "I might as well show up nude if this is all it is."

"I have a feeling, that's a lot closer to the truth here than any of us actually realizes. I have a feeling, this is apt to be, one very...very...interesting evening ahead of us."

I laughed again however looking at myself in the mirror.

"What?" The girls both asked.

"Well for one thing...imagine poor David trying to fit into something like this. As short as it is, I seriously doubt he'll have enough material to cover up that dangling cock of his!"

"Even better...what if it suddenly gets hard?" She then wondered.

And something told me, it would too. Especially with the girls standing around looking sexy in their outfits.

Once again the name "Fantasy Island" suddenly came to mind. I had other fantasies I hadn't told anyone about either. I mean after all, most men had them at one time or another. I certainly had. But I was beginning to wonder if they were a lot more feasible than I'd ever imagined.

We all three were now anxiously awaiting for the evening to come, and what else might actually be in store for us when it did.

I soon after heard the launch returning and knew that Jessica and David had likewise made it back in time as I returned to dress, the girls having gone back, no doubt doing the same.

I stood looking at my reflection in the mirror, already fighting my erection, trying to keep it down somewhat as I allowed certain thoughts to once more control my mind.

" way," I finally said. And then headed out back to where I knew dad was already starting up the barbeque.


To be continued...

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goducks111goducks111almost 5 years ago
great start

wow - tease was great, sex was great - 5 great stars. you have a great way with words!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

vice is nice but incest is best....

blueyedbobblueyedbobover 12 years ago
great incest tale!!

and getting better all the time,,,well written and erotic,,good tension!!

family_incestfamily_incestover 13 years ago
OMG Great Story!!!

I have read many of Many Feathers stories. Each one gets better and better. He needs to be awarded for his efforts. Many Feathers writings are so vivid and the characters are extremely deep. His stories always move so seamlessly from one scene to another. Every time I finish a chapter I only want more. Keep writing Many Feathers and don’t ever stop. You inspire me in my own writings. Thank you.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 13 years ago
I love the erotic surroundings

Quite the imaginative island and the picture in my mind is very peaceful place to be.

Being so secluded and with 7 horny people to have the privacy to do what they want, I'm sure there is going to be a lot of fucking going on.

I'll be watching for the next erotic chapter, thanks

klaxxklaxxover 13 years ago
Very nice indeed.

I agree with hulvamulva about the warmth, fun, and sexiness that comes through.

On a side note, sometimes typos are just too funny. This one had me roflmao: "waiting for the lunch to be made ready to bring us back". Even better, it went well with the fun tone of the story.

Looking forward to reading more!

Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftover 13 years ago
As usual you've set up a captivating first chapter.

And I can't wait to read more

Lancelot55Lancelot55over 13 years ago
Always worthy of a read!!!!!!!

As usual an excellent beginning to a story! I am looking forward to the future chapters with great anticipation!! Please don't make your loyal readers wait too long!!!

RyeandGingerAyleRyeandGingerAyleover 13 years ago
Well written...

...and has me wanting and waiting for more.

RavenOnCaRavenOnCaover 13 years ago


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