Feldare Tales: Oathtaker


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He stopped her as she got ready to leave the water. "You not take bath." He said. "You need bath too, make clean for love tonight."

She smiled at that, sounded like he had the idea. "Okay." She said. Unbuttoning her cotton body suit. But I will bathe myself, you would probably hurt me with that brush.

He nodded and sat on the bank as she disrobed and went into the water. She scrubbed herself well as she could and that seemed to satisfy him. She noted that he had another erection now, and why not, she had just been nude before him.

She got dressed and they went to the cave. As they approached she saw an arrow stuck in a tree near its mouth. Tok seemed to not notice it. She stopped behind him and pulled it out of the tree and shoved it under her dress.

Once they were inside, she managed to get the arrow out while fiddling with the items in the back of the cave and there was a bit of paper tied to it. Sylva could read some, and slowly she read the tiny script:

It is taking longer to find the assistance to rescue you that I need. Please wait another few days. Help is coming. -Darvid.

She crumpled the paper up and cursed quietly. Damn him, the arrogant prig was afraid to try to rescue her without a whole damn army behind him, no doubt. She sighed and turned toward Tok.

He stood up and smiled, admiring his clean skin. "Me like soft skin." He said, touching his arm with his other hand. "You good wife." He smiled.

She smiled back, not even noticing that it was not all that forced. She sighed again and walked to him. "You are becoming a good husband, too." She said to him, and patted his hand.

He virtually vibrated at that touch. She started supper, as bathing him had taken most of the morning and it was now well past noon. Another day for horse stew. She set him to smoking the remaining horse meat, to preserve it. "Make meat last longer time without taste bad?" He said, and shrugged. He took her word for it. "You know lots things." He commented while he smoked the meat over the small fire.

They puttered around the cave the remaining evening. As she washed the dishes she realized that she had nothing left to hold him off with. She got the last of them done and with a lump in her throat, turned to face the room.

Tok was sitting in his favorite chair. There was no stink in the cave now, just the smell of earth and smoke. He looked over at her. "We make love now?" He asked. "Or you still not want me?"

She swallowed hard, unable to think of anything other than. Your too damn big and you'll kill me.

She nodded slowly. "Yes. We will make love now." She said, and looked down.

He stood up and walked to her. "What wrong wife?" He asked. "Me still not good husband."

She shook her head. "No, you've been a good husband." She said. "I'm afraid. I am a maiden."

He looked shocked. "You maiden?" He said, his eyes wide. "Me be extra careful. No hurt you."

She smiled weakly. "You will hurt me, believe me."

"Me no want hurt you." He said. "Me good husband."

"If we make love, it will hurt me, husband." She said.

Tok could not figure a way around that one. He scratched his bald head. "Even make love gentle?" He asked.

"Even if." She said. Then she said. "I have an idea." She went to the brandy barrel and got a bowl full of the stuff. She swilled down a large gulp, then coughed. She force down some more, then another swallow. She said "Wait a minute, I can try to make it not hurt bad." After another half hour she was slurring her speech a bit. And then it truly sank in, she was drunk. She stood up unsteadily. "Okay." She said. "I shink I can do it noooow." She started taking off her dress and walking toward the bed. By the time she got there, she had started unbuttoning her body suit. She shrugged out of it, and sat down with a thump, then giggled. "I am drunksh, my hushbend." And smiled at Tok.

Tok stood from his chair and regarded her a moment, then unfastened his belt holding up his loincloth. It fell to the floor, revealing his massive organ. Sylva's eyes grew large and she said "Wow." And she goggled at it.

He came up to her and sat beside her. She looked up at him and smiled. "It schuden hurt too mush now." She said. Tok winced a little at her ripe breath.

"Good." He said. "Not want hurt good wife." He added. He reached toward her and touched a breast, his large hand enfolded it easily, even though she was far from small. He squeezed it gently, and she moaned a little at the touch, her nipple hardening. She put her hand over his and pressed it harder to her skin. He reached with the other hand and grabbed the other breast. She walked around and stood between his legs right in front of him. He touched and squeezed her breasts and she touched his face. He leaned forward with his large lips puckered. She let him kiss her, and felt the softness of his lips with surprise. She let her tongue run over them and then felt his tongue come out and enter her mouth, filling it, she nibbled on it and he liked that.

She felt his manhood brush her leg as it hardened. And finally taking the plunge, reached down for it. She knelt in front of it and wrapped both hands around the three inch wide shaft. She stroked it gently up and down, as she had to do on the farm when a stallion was hesitant to mount a mare, or a bull a cow. Tok moaned loudly and his face became vacuous bliss. She could not help but to smile a little at this, then stuff started to flow out of the end. It was semen. Had he come already? That would be a blessing. "You are finished?" She asked him.

He looked down at her. "No finished." He said. "Why? You tired?"

She shook her head and watched as more of the fluid flowed out, coating his shaft and her hands. It was thick and white and smelled slightly salty. And, by the One, there was a lot of it. He looked down at her, his smile as wide as his face. "You use mouth?"

She looked at the massive leaking organ and cringed. "I don't know how." She ventured.

He looked at her again. "Just try? Please?" He said, and he was very hopeful-looking. She lowered her eyes, and thought that if she could finish him with her mouth, she might escape with her virginity intact. She knelt down and opened her mouth wide, the smell wasn't at all bad from the semen, and she lowered her head over him. As she put her lips around it, the flow increased as he moaned again. She started swallowing, as not doing so would have been harder, so full was her mouth and tight the fit to her lips. She continued to stroke the shaft and he kept moaning from time to time. She felt she must have drunk half a gallon of the stuff already. It did not taste too bad, and she found it not quite as odious as she had at first thought. Then she heard him grunt. And his hips bucked. Suddenly, her mouth was flooded with the stuff, filling quickly, no matter how fast she swallowed, it backed up and into her nose and dribbled out. Then it finally slackened and stopped. When she let it go and gasped for air and blew her nose clear of the slick stuff, she looked up at him and he was out cold, snoring softly and still smiling.

She crawled up onto the bed proper and laid beside him, and soon went to sleep as well.


The next morning, she awoke to see Tok was missing from the cave. She rose and walked to the mouth. Her head ached, and then she remembered drinking the brandy last night. She supposed she might have overdone it. Looking out into the small clearing, she still did not see him. She went back inside and grabbed some smoked meat to eat. Thoughts of running went through her mind, but she feared he would catch her and then simply smash her flat for her treachery. She swept out the cave, and set some more stew to cooking.

A little while later, Tok came back into the cave, humming happily to himself. "You waked." He said, and walked up to her. He bent low and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

She gave him a morning smile and said. "Where'd you go?"

"To shaman, got something for you." He said, smiling widely as he held out a small package made from flexible leaves, wrapped about with bark-twine. "She say this make you like fire drink, but not make you act funny."

She took the package. It contained some sort of ground powder. "What do you mean?" She asked, looking up at him.

"It make body softer, and make making love easier for you." He smiled gently. "Me no want hurt you." He pointed at the little package she held. "You put in water tonight, and drink with stew."

She nodded. Thinking, something to relax the body. That would be very nice, one would think.

There was a sudden sound in the wood, a distant drum. It rattled off a short burst of deep booms, then ceased. Tok sat upright at the sound, then went to his junk pile and fetched out a small drum of his own. "What was that?" Sylva asked him.

He grinned at her, quite excitedly. "That Grud. It say him wife make baby night before."

She smiled. "A baby? That's wonderful for...Grud?"

"Him friend, 'nother ogre, like me, only not so big." He walked to the entrance to the cave and sat. "We go his hut today and see baby." He pounded on his own drum, beating out a short and complex pattern. There was another drumroll, from the left, similar, but subtly different from Tok's. "That Urto, he and wife come too." He went through his stuff in the back of the cave, selected a choice couple of furs from the bed, and gathered half of the surviving horse meat, and put them in a burlap sack. "We go see them."

She shrugged and they set off. A half hour later, they came to a large clearing in the wood, with a large wattle-and-daub hut in it. As they left the treeline into the clearing the door of the hut opened. Another ogre, this one cleaner than Tok had been, but not as clean as he was now, came out. He shouted at Tok, smiling happily. They smashed fists into each other's chests with impacts that would fell a mule, then laughed.

Tok turned toward Sylva and told Grud. "This wife. She new. Name Sylva."

Grud turned and regarded her. "She human woman." He said, a little disapprovingly. "She pretty but little." He said, explaining the source of his distaste.

Tok nodded somberly. "Yes, she little, but she good wife." He said. "She make me good husband." He looked to his friend. "She show me bath, and show me make toilet hole."

Grud chuckled at that. "Bath? Toilet? She make you wear pants next, Tok."

Tok looked a bit displeased, but not overly so. "Me no wear pants, they make my balls hurt." Sylva could not help but to giggle at that.

Grud looked at her and pointed to himself. "Me Grud, Tok me brother." He said, smiling broadly, but still giving her a wary eye.

She returned the smile, and curtsied. "I'm Sylvie, as my husband has said."

Grud snorted, but smiled more naturally now. "She smart." He said approvingly. "She say words good."

Tok nodded. "Yah, she very smart, she know everything. Like shaman."

They talked some more, leaving Sylva pretty much alone. She looked toward the house, where she saw the door was open, she looked in and there was a large pile of skins and furs on the floor, and an ogre female nursing a baby there. She walked nearer, and the female caught sight of her, and smiled. With one huge hand, she gestured her to come forward.

She walked into the hut, and it smelled, but not so badly. Else, again, she was growing used to the scent of ogre.

The woman was wearing only a loincloth herself, but seemed to have a long shift she had removed to feed the suckling baby ogre. It was huge! The baby was at least three feet tall, and it was just half a day old. The mother held it daintily in her muscular arms, and regarded Sylvie with deep blue eyes. "You Tok's new woman?" She asked, smiling at her.

"Yes." She said. "I am Sylva."

The ogress said. "I am Ichani. We are sister now. Please sit, and talk with me."

She sat and realized this ogre was speaking in almost complete sentences, and was quite gracious. "How did you and Tok meet?" The ogress asked her.

"On the road." Sylva replied, leaving off that she was basically kidnaped.

Ichani nodded. "Tok good ogre, but needed cleaning up. Hope you maked him do that."

She giggled. "Oh, my, did I ever." She said, still giggling. Tok took this opportunity to step into the hut and check on the 'girls.'

Ichani's jaw dropped and she exclaimed. "Tok you handsome ogre!"

Tok blushed and nodded, and then peered at the baby for a moment before ducking back out.

Ichani turned to Sylva. "You more than maked him clean up, he a new ogre!" She nodded and smiled approvingly. "You must tell me how you make him so clean, and handsome."

The ogress and human spoke for a while, before another female ducked into the hut. Ichani introduced them, her name was Licha. She looked around and inspected the baby quickly, then took a seat near Sylva. Ichani showed the baby to them as it prepared to sleep. Its yawn showed a mouth full of teeth already, and its arms were almost as thick as Sylva's. She laid it in a small trough and covered it with blankets, then turned back to the other women.

Ichani asked Licha. "You see Tok?"

Licha nodded, and made a lecherous smile. "I saw Tok, he's handsome now, make me want to get rid of Bruk and sneak into wrong cave." She said, winking at Sylva.

Sylva started when she noticed that she just felt a twinge of jealousy. She bit that back, then said. "I can tell you how to get your men to clean up some."

All three women chattered about the best techniques of making men do their bidding for several hours. The human realized that she was having a splendid time of it. These two other women looked to her as a source of wisdom and she was quickly regarded as the expert on various subjects, and given deference accordingly.

The men would pop in from time to time to check on things, and look at the baby and make funny faces at it. It was a little girl, and she was named Gurta. They would just as quickly disappear and there were sounds of raucous laughter outside and some sounds like scuffling.

Sylva excused herself, saying she wanted to 'check on her man.' and slipped out. Tok and Grud and Bruk were rolling around on the ground, grunting and wrestling. Tok had both of them in headlocks and they were flailing around trying to get loose. The sheer energy being released in this little play fighting was enough to lay waste to a small army. Before she could stop herself. Sylva said. "Tok are you getting dirty?"

The laughter ceased, and Tok looked frightened. The other two men slouched away from him, to let him face his accuser. Sylva got it, finally. The ogres were matriarchal. The women ran the show in their clans. He said. "Me not get very dirty, and me gonna take bath when we get back to cave, promise." He said, unable to meet her eyes.

"Okay then, but not too dirty." She said, then added. "And don't hurt Bruk, I saw you about to squeeze his balls."

Tok blushed as Bruk looked at him with mock fury in his eyes. "I bust you balls, Tok!" He screamed and tackled Tok as Grud ran to join the fray. Sylva leapt back as the three began rolling around again, delivering rib-snapping blows and skull fracturing slaps to each other and laughing.

She fled back to the tranquility of the hut. Ichani asked. "They playing?" He smile was wide and full of understanding.

"Yeah." Said Sylva. "They play rough." She added, dusting off her dress.

Both the ogresses nodded, then Licha said. "Bruk does other things rough, too." She said, grinning like a satyr.

The two laughed, then Ichani said. "Be nice, Sylva human woman, she no can do rough." She pointed at the human woman's relatively slim and frail body.

Licha looked at her. "Yes, I'm sorry. I don't always think of stuff." She looked shagrined.

"It's quite okay." Sylva said. "I am that frail, I'm afraid. Tok will have to be gentle with me or he will hurt me very badly. I am afraid that he will hurt me even being gentle."

Ichani nodded. "I see." She said. "You get sleeproot powder from shaman?"

"Sleeproot powder?" The human asked.

"Yes, it make you body relax, make big things like baby out easier, and let Tok in easier, too!" The two ogresses giggled loudly at the suggestion.

Sylva blushed at the suggestion. "I think I have some now, Tok got it from the shaman for me this morning." She said, pulling the packet out of her pocket and showing it to them.

Ichani sniffed it. "That is the stuff." She said, and patted it. "Make baby slip out like small turd, and let Tok slip in like night breeze." She said, and the two giggled, Sylva giggled too, it was funny. She cautioned the human, though. "You no let Tok poke all the way in on first time." She said. "Not even ogre women want that, it hurts bad next day. You must learn to take it."

The human woman slipped the powder back into her pocket and nodded. "I'll tell him."

Licha said. "If you make Tok clean like he is, you can make him keep part of his cock out of you hole." She looked at Ichani sideways. "At least the first few time."

The new mother said. "Don't take all of powder, your not ogre, take only one piece of four." She suggested. "Take all and you not able to stand."

"I think she no want to stand then." Licha suggested, and they all giggled again. Outside the noise had died down somewhat, and Sylva poked her head out to see the men now sitting quietly, talking in a small triangle. The two men were talking to Tok, and seemed to be telling him something important. Tok nodded a lot and seemed to ask a lot of questions. Then one, two, or all of them would laugh uproariously and then they would go back to talking. She realized they were giving him the same lecture that she was receiving in the women's hut. Several times she heard 'human woman' and a few times 'careful.'

The girls continued talking, and discussed such subjects as baths, toilets, child rearing, food preparation, and sewing. It was almost like a get-together back at the farm, except that these women weighed six hundred pounds and could kill a horse with their bare hands.

The sun had moved low in the sky and Tok knocked on the door. "We need go now, Sylva." He said.

She took a few minutes to say her goodbyes, and got two rib-crushing hugs for her efforts, then she left with him.

On the way back she said. "Tok, I heard you boys talking about human women. What did they tell you?"

Tok thought for a moment, then said. "They say me lucky to have good wife who is human, too, you smart and pretty, and you know good things."

She smiled, but then said. "They said something about 'careful.'"

He grimmaced, as if to say she was not supposed to hear that part. "They say you not tough like ogre woman, that me can no get rough with you." He stopped walking. "They say must be gentle and go very slow and kiss you a lot."

She giggled at that. "Well, kissing never hurt."

She walked up beside him and took his large hand, placing hers in his. "Let's go home now, Tok."

He pointed toward the stream. "No take bath?"

She shook her head. "This once, no." She said, pulling him slightly toward the cave as he had slowed. "I think, maybe, I was being a little to hard to please."

Tok shrugged and followed willingly. They uncovered the fire and she took out the pouch, as she unwrapped it, she realized her hands were trembling. Am I that frightened? She thought. Then she realized it was not fear, her breath was short, too, and she was moist between her legs. By the One, she thought, I'm excited.

She took a quarter of the powder and mixed it in a bowl with some water and just a little brandy. She gulped it back, and started to undress. Tok watched her with interest as she slipped off her body suit. She turned toward him and he stood and started untying his loincloth's belt. Upon removing it, she admired his huge organ, slowly swinging between his thick, muscular legs. She smiled gently, and walked to him. He put his big arms around her and she pressed to him, her head only at the top of his chiseled belly. His ogrehood was slowly growing beside her, and she turned to watch it with fascination. Her breathing was coming faster now, as she realized she was looking forward to this now.