First Time at the Club


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She'd somewhat acclimatized to being so undressed in public now, but that delicious feeling of exhibitionism still remained, and it made her horny. She was aware of her nipples, like two hard chips of ice, and she found herself unconsciously thrusting out her breasts as couples walked by, trying to get them to look.

Her pussy was wet, had been since she'd arrived, and an exquisite ache had settled around her clit, which ached to be touched. She briefly wondered what people would do if she started fingering herself right here at the bar, and felt another tingle in her crotch.

It felt good to let go of her inhibitions.

A guy walked past then, his eyes glued to her arse, with his mouth almost hanging open. Paige stared back and smiled sweetly. Wow, the true power of the naked female form. She idly wondered how it'd be at work if she dressed like this. She'd get a promotion that was damn sure. She'd have the old CEO's eating out of her hands.

"Excuse me, we couldn't help but notice you both over here. Mind if we join you?"

The new voice startled Paige from her thoughts and she turned in time to see Damon shaking hands with the same older gentleman from before, he of the salt and pepper hair.

Beside him stood one of the most erotic sights that Paige had ever seen in her life. The young girl who she'd seen briefly before was still dressed the same, the black lace demi-bra pushing up those smooth breasts of hers, each nipple still hard and erect and red, the same lace thong showing glimpses of the waxed smooth crotch beneath, and those same fishnets covering the long slender legs.

Her once smooth as silk hair however was definitely not the same. It was mussed up at the sides, and wild at the back, her lipstick smeared across her lips, as though someone had kissed her, and kissed her hard.

The image was a crazy juxtaposition of an innocent, nymph like girl, and a wanton slut who'd obviously just been fucked silly. Paige had time to wonder if her lover had even bothered to take off her thong, or just yanked it to one side before sliding his cock inside.

The thought made Paige instantly wetter, and her clit throbbed to be touched.

"Hi," said the girl quietly. She held out her hand to Paige.

Paige took it, suddenly shy again and marvelling at how delicate her fingers were, how soft. She wondered if those same fingers had recently been slipping inside that waxed pussy of hers and tickling at her clit.

Jesus, what was wrong with her?

"Hi, I'm Paige." Paige muttered back. She didn't know where to look. Her eyes kept drifting to her breasts.

"Hi Paige," said the older guy who stepped forward and took her hand. "My names Aaron, and this is George, my wife."

Up close, Aaron was even better looking. Older yes, but in a mature and distinguished way, the crow's feet at his eyes only adding to the warmth in his face.

Paige turned in time to see Damon lean forward and embrace George in a hug. She couldn't help but notice the way George's bare breasts squashed up against her husband's chest, and a pang of something shot through her. She thought it jealousy at first, but no, it was more like lust. It looked fucking hot.

"I love the dress Paige, very erotic, and very daring if I may add." Aaron was smiling as he looked her up and down brazenly, his eyes lingering on her breasts.

Paige felt exposed and open. And she loved it.

She felt more confident now than she'd done in years. And sexy too. Paige had never, ever thought of herself as a 'sexy' girl, she just didn't ooze sex appeal like many other women did. But right here and now, surrounded by a multitude of guys who, to a man, wanted to fuck her, she felt sexy, god damn it.

And she was damned if she wasn't going to enjoy herself.

She glanced back at Damon. He was looking at her, staring as much as Aaron was, even with a stunner like George beside him, he was only engrossed in her, flushed with pride at having such an amazing wife, mixed in with his rising lust for her.

"Why thank you Aaron," Paige put a hand on her hip, pushing out her breasts that little bit further, and striking what she thought was a sexy pose. With her free hand she rubbed slowly down her side, lingering across the swell of her breast. "It's new. Damon treated me, for being such a good girl." The last she almost purred.

The effect was instantaneous. Aaron stumbled over his reply, and the bulge in his pants was undeniable. Paige felt electric. Hell, even George was staring at her now, a smile on her face, her eyes intense.

"Erm...well, we, that is Georgie and I, wondered, maybe you two would like to come and join us? In the playroom I mean." Aaron, for a smooth talker was certainly having a hard time concentrating.

Paige suddenly wanted Damon, and wanted him now. She didn't care who watched them, in fact the watching part turned her on all the more. Where had this hidden slut come from?

But still, this was all so new and intense that Paige's head was reeling. She needed time to compose herself.

She smiled that new demure smile of hers, and reached out to straighten Aaron's tie, one hand resting lightly on his chest.

"That sounds like a nice idea Aaron. But I'm afraid we've only just arrived, and I think me and my husband should at least finish our drinks first. Maybe we can come and find you both later?"

Paige stared into Aaron's eyes, trying to keep her voice quiet, then leant forward, close enough to smell the scotch on his lips. "If that's ok with you, of course?"

Paige's heart was hammering in her chest, and she could feel Damon and George both holding their breath as they watched her. The sexual energy was off the fucking scale. And then Paige did something she'd no idea she was about to do.

She leant forward that extra inch and kissed Aaron. A stranger she'd literally just met, and her almost naked body was now crushed up against him and her tongue firmly inside his mouth.

Before she had time to think, she felt Aaron's arm slip around her waist, and his other hand cup her arse and squeeze.

An orgasm suddenly hit her.

Jesus it felt good to be a slut. To just let go of her inhibitions. She felt her pussy spasm and moaned deep into Aaron's mouth.

She rubbed herself against Aaron's leg, trying to prolong the sensation, kissing him until the orgasm subsided into a delicious afterglow. She pulled away from him slowly, her legs shaking.

She turned to Damon, tucking a strand of hair back behind one ear, fearing the look of disgust she thought she would be greeted with. But Damon was grinning. Not only that, there was a definite bulge in the front of his trousers that he didn't even bother trying to hide.

"Wow, thank you Paige." Said Aaron, sounding slightly dazed himself.

Georgie stepped forward and hugged Paige herself. The feel of Georgie's bare tits squashing up against Paige's own semi naked breasts almost had her cumming again. She could feel their nipples touching through the thin material. George stepped back smiling at her.

"We're going to get some drinks and mingle, but I really hope we meet up again later? I think we could really have some fun." Georgie said, dropping her a wink. Then she took Aaron by the arm and was gone before Paige or Damon could even articulate a reply.

Damon gave Paige a hug of his own, relishing the feel of her body against him. He could feel her trembling, her body thrumming like an electric current was passing through it.

Paige couldn't believe how horny she felt.

"Come on gorgeous, let's go find a seat and take a breather." Damon led the stunned Paige across the floor to the lounge area by the side of the bar.

Paige was only dimly aware of the glances she was getting from both the men and women in the club, she was still in a sexual daze, but she knew the looks were appreciative. Her tight dress had ridden up above her butt cheeks now but she didn't care.

Damon found them a darker corner of the small lounge area and dropped down onto a plush sofa.

Sitting down in the dark however, gave little or no respite to Paige. As soon as she sat down, her short dress rode up completely above her arse and she was now exposing herself from the waist down to the room in general. Her bare cheeks felt cool on the couch and she was soaking wet, her pussy all but demanding some attention.

Damon sat beside her, but he only had eyes for the crowd. He'd always been a people watcher, and placing him in a room where the majority of the female population was half naked only exacerbated the problem. He was in his element. Paige didn't mind though, not at all, she herself was getting plenty of attention, and it made her excited.

She spread her legs slightly and pushed her bum forward, the shaved mound of her pussy coming into view to anyone who happened to pass by, her plump lips below were swollen and glistening.

A group of three guys were sitting opposite, and they were soon nudging each other and pointing over, grinning like loons at the free show.

Paige just smiled sweetly back, and spread her legs farther apart, inviting them to look further. Damon hadn't even noticed.

"Hey," said Paige, turning away from the men and running her nails up Damon's trouser leg. This instantly got his attention again, so much like an eager puppy that she couldn't help but laugh. She kept her legs spread as the music thumped away in the background, making Paige raise her voice slightly to be heard.

"So you enjoying yourself then? Is it what you expected? This place?" Damon asked, looking as though he was most definitely enjoying himself. The bulge still in his trousers proved the fact.

"Yes, actually, I am." Answered Paige. "But no, it's nothing like what I imagined. To tell the truth, I never imagined I'd feel this way at a place like this. It's strange, I thought I'd be begging you to let us leave after five minutes."

Damon laughed and took Paige's hand. He'd still not noticed her spread legs, nor the guys opposite still watching intently.

"I'm glad you approve honey."

"I do, I do. But I'm interested in what you want from all this, really I mean." Paige waved a vague hand to encompass the room in general. Now that she'd warmed to the Club, she wanted to know the boundaries her husband had set himself while they were here. Gaining confidence by the minute, she wanted to know exactly what he wanted, what he expected. After all, she didn't want to get too carried away.

Or did she?

Damon's grin faded a little, and was replaced with such a longing look of love that Paige felt a pain in her heart. He truly loved her, and it shone from his face like some love sick teenager. It made her feel wanted. Safe.

"Paige you know you're my one and only, my soul mate. If I didn't have you in my life I'd be nothing."

Paige started to laugh at the corny lines, but the sincerity in his voice made her stop. He even smiled himself, though a little ruefully.

"Laugh if you like, I mean I know it sounds as corny as hell, but it's true. Every word of it. I just didn't have meaning until you came along and changed everything. Never think that I'll ever stop loving you, not for a heartbeat. This, all of this," It was Damon's turn to wave a hand around in a vague gesture. "All this is great, amazing really, and fucking exciting yes, but you're the real reason I'm here. You're the centre piece, and without you, all of this would mean nothing."

Paige bit at her lip. She hadn't heard Damon speak this way for a long time. Probably not since the wedding. He'd never been the most romantic soul, but here he was now, laying himself bare for her. And she'd never loved him more than in this moment, in this place.

"Love is one thing we have, and will always have. Nobody can take that from us and no-one can share in it with us. But sex? Sex is something completely different. I know I was only your second lover, Paige, and I know you'd never admit that it bothered you, but because of how much I love you, I want you to explore sex in all its glory, every aspect of it. Sex is fucking amazing!!"

Damon laughed at that, and Paige laughed with him.

"Sex is what makes the world go around after all, or so they say. And between us we have this incredible, loving, sweet sex that is and only ever will be just between the two of us. But on the flip side, sex is also animal lust and hot dirty fucking; just giving yourself over to the moment, to the sensations, to the...the whole god damn taboo of stretching your boundaries."

Paige, after starting to feel slightly calmer for the first time since coming here was suddenly red hot again. Hearing Damon talk like this, all the talk of fucking, so open and so raw was getting to her in a big way.

She slowly slid a hand down to touch her pussy and found it hot and wet and open. She dipped a finger inside.

"I want you to feel how powerful a force fucking can be, I want to unleash the beast inside you that everyone has no matter how deep down they bury it. I want to sit here, basking in all of the love I have for you, and watch my prim and proper innocent wife get fucked from behind by another man. Would I get jealous? Never - I know the bond we share is too strong, and anyway it doesn't matter who he is, that's not important, The Guy is just an anonymous faceless human being with a prick, but a hard prick, made hard by his lust for you and your body, and to watch that hard prick thrusting in and out of you, watching as you scream out and growl and give yourself over to the raw passion of the act of sex would be the most amazing experience of my life. Hell, I want to watch you straddling some big hard cock, bouncing up and down on it, those amazing tits heaving up and down, with another cock in each hand and one in your open and willing mouth as you give yourself over to the simple act of pleasure and taking pleasure-"

Damon didn't even get to finish. His speech had obviously had an effect on him as his cock was rock hard and straining to be released, and Paige just couldn't stand it anymore.

She needed to orgasm. She was more turned on at this moment than she'd ever been in her life. She kissed her husband hard, hard enough to bite his lip and taste blood. She fumbled at his belt, tearing it open and pulling at his trousers, releasing his cock.

"God you fucker, you dirty little fucker, I want you so badly and I can't wait." Paige managed to snarl out. She had no idea where this was coming from. She'd never talked dirty before, didn't much care for it really, but this, this came from another, darker side of her that she hadn't known existed before tonight.

"You like the thought of me being a slut do you? Well I've been sat here for the last five minutes showing off my fucking pussy to those guys over there, and you know what? I'm going to let each one of them fuck me, let each one of them stick their big dicks inside me until they cum all over me, is that what you want you dirty fucker?"

Damon couldn't talk, just moan as Paige stood and bent over him and engulfed his cock with her mouth, right there in the corner of the room. She was like an animal, slavering and sucking at his cock, bobbing her head up and down, and bending over and showing her pussy to everyone behind her.

Her dress was still bunched around her waist, and the three shocked guys behind could see her wet and shiny pussy as she gobbled her husband's cock.

Damon opened his eyes to see the three of them get up, each one sporting impressive trouser-tents of their own and cross over, where they stood behind Paige, not quite touching, but watching closely.

He couldn't quite believe what was happening, all of his fantasies were coming true right before his eyes and it was overwhelming. Almost. It was all he could do to try and stop from cumming.

Paige lifted her head, Damon's cock popping from her mouth, and turned to the three newcomers.

"Do you like looking at my pussy? You like it all wet? I bet you do, and I bet you'd like to touch it too wouldn't you, right here in front of my husband. Well go on then, see what a naughty little slut I am."

She turned back to Damon and disappeared right back onto his cock, taking the whole length in one swallow. The guys seemed taken aback by the tirade of filth coming from this sweet looking girl - but not for long.

The youngest of the three stepped forward and grabbed Paige's arse, squeezing it hard. The rough touch sent shivers up her spine, and she gagged further onto the cock before her, trying to deep throat it. She'd never felt Damon so hard before.

Then she felt a finger slip inside her. She was so wet that it slipped straight inside her on the first thrust, and Paige came on the spot, moaning around the cock in her mouth.

This was only the third guy ever to touch her pussy, and she didn't even know his name. She came and came hard, as the finger became two, then three and then found its rhythm and began fucking her with a squelching noise as Paige forced her hips back trying to take them in deeper.

One of the other guys had lost all of his shyness at the sight before him, and had come forward and cupped both of her breasts through the dress, rubbing at them and rolling her nipples between his fingers. The sensations were overwhelming.

And then above the steady thump, thump, thump of the bassy music she heard the sound of a zipper being pulled, and the fingers were removed from her pussy.

Paige snarled and tried to turn her head to see why her pussy felt empty when she needed it full, but a second later she knew why. She felt the head of a hard cock pressing up against her wet lips. She couldn't believe it.

This stranger was about to fuck her, right here in public, right here in front of her husband of four years, right as she sucked on his own rigid cock.

There was a single moment of pressure and then the cock was inside her, she could feel it's every ridge and contour as it filled her up, his balls coming to rest lightly against her arse.

Then it withdrew slightly, and then came back harder than before, and then he was fucking her, his hands tight around her waist as he fucked her harder and harder. In turn Paige was pushed further forward onto Damon's cock, driving it deeper down her throat. The second guy kept squeezing at her breasts, pulling them unceremoniously from the dress that contained them and squeezing them even as she was impaled by two of the hardest cocks she'd ever felt, each one driving into her willing body.

Her third orgasm of the night hit her and didn't subside, just kept building in its intensity. She could feel herself cumming all over this stranger's cock, cumming for him like the little slut she was. She'd never known sex could be like this, so fucking intense.

She heard a long loud groan from Damon and suddenly her mouth was filled with his seed. Paige had never cared for the taste of semen before, hadn't even tried it to be honest. But right here and now it tasted sweet and sticky and she just couldn't get enough of it. She gobbled it down, swallowing as much as she could, some of it spilling from the corners of her mouth and dribbling down her chin.

And then just as her orgasm reached its climactic crescendo she felt the cock inside her swell, and it was pulled out of her seconds before she felt hot globs of cum spatter all across her back and her arse, burning like a brand, and she could hear the guy moaning, and she thought to herself, I've done that, I've given him that pleasure, enough to blow his fucking mind.

Paige came so hard she almost blacked out, and collapsed back to the couch, the after effects of the intense orgasm carrying her on wave after wave of pleasure. She crumpled into Damon's arms as they wrapped around her.