Forsaken Ch. 02


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A voice called to him from the darkening shadows, playful with a child's sweet innocence. She danced into view, clad in a most unusual ensemble... Threadbare and dirty from difficult trials, she was hastily stitched in chaotic patterns. The heavy sweater, which swallowed her tiny form, seemed pieced together with brightly colored safety pins, each fastened a tiny trinket. Her faded jeans hung lose about her waist and were decorated with a multitude of patters and colors. For jewelry, around her neck was a thick leather collar complete with lock and tags, her thin fingers adorned with large plastic rings swirling in brilliant colors.

Her dance brought her to stand before him. Her eyes smiled peering playfully from behind gentle curls. Her stare innocent and playful, captured a secret happiness. She could be free of fear and pain and doubt, Raven could only wish. She peered deep into his soul with those sweet, smiling eyes curious and excited, she began to sing. Her song captivating him, starting soft, and her angelic voice soothing in delicately sweet notes reached out to him, to embrace his wounded heart.

She sang his misery, playfully mocking the confusion set upon his brain. He could not help but laugh, feeling a joy nearly forgotten. She laughed with him, before plopping down to wrap her arms around his neck.

"I knew you would come," she sighed, pressing her head to his chest. She nuzzled against him, hugging him tight, feeling warm despite the bitter night winds.

"You been waiting long, I apologize. This is my first time through," he smirked, drunk with her radiant confidence.

"Don't laugh at me," she lured, "I remembered. Yep-Yep, it was you that forgot." She pulled him closer, her sweet breath a seductive kiss faint within his ear. Her velvet lips brushed lightly upon his cold flesh, "This aint the first time," she giggled.

He forced his body to respond, battling for restraint, he politely pulled away fighting to conceal his growing passions. The hunger desperate to consume him, as lustful intentions coursed boldly. Finding the strength, he met her enchanting stare, "I'm sorry, but I'm not the one."

She looked up at him with eyes purest green, a questioning stare of sorrow, "It is you I swear. You are you I promise." Her head nodding to emphases her point, "You are sent here by Fate, chased by your own demons. You are him; you."

Raven cast a warm smile, and spoke softy to this child in his arms, "I am not sure what I am so how is it you are so convinced?"

"Of course it's you, cause only you have this," she reached under his sweater to press her cold palm against the mysterious mark carved deep into his chest.

Fear surged, he held his breath not knowing what to expect or how to respond. The shock catching him unaware, he gathered himself enough to ask, "How is it you know about that mark?"

"In my dreams a big scary bird, it was shiny and black, and she told me. I swear she told me," she said in a dolly voice that began to fail. "She told me that you could make the bad monsters go away," her frail voice sinking to a whisper as she buried her head. "Please make the bad monsters go away."

He cradled her, stroking her hair, wishing to ease her fear searching for his own comfort. Wishing he could understand. Clouded in fantasies, and lost with in his mind raced answers to these questions. The fear of knowing, and a hunger for understanding hurled him into the churning sea headlong, there could be no turning back. His fear enticed his curiosity, warping his stormy emotions. This was a chance for what he knew not and dared himself not to ask. With a heavy sigh and lonely heart, he arose to accept the challenge.

"You found me, so now what happens," he smiled nervously, eager with anticipation. Fate lies in waiting among the shadows of the beyond. Absent the logic or reason in his action, he was compelled. Primal forces independent and whole exposed him, seduced him. A trembling urge burrowed through the infinite recesses, a raven sulking, staring at riddles, and starved for mysteries tempted him.

"You will? Really, for real? Oh, I knew it was you," she hugged him, overflowing with glee and pulled him to his feet. "I'm BB. That's what they call me cause I'm so small, but I'm not small. I'm just not very big," she said in a tiny voice that carried her sweet defiance. "So what do they call you?"

"I'm called Raven," he stated reaching for his lighter. "It is nice meeting you BB, so where are we going?"

"Don't worry," she chirped, "I got friends that will help. That's were we gotta go. Come on hurry, it's not nice to be late for you're own party," she laughed, pulling him as she ran down the path.

They passed through the park quickly, all the while with her singing and dancing. To him, her physical appearance was that of a young teen, but she held the innocence of a child. Her curse was that of madness, trapping her in an endless fantasy. In this she was free. Seemingly unconcerned, and unchallenged by the harsh reality which lay just beyond the borders of her self, she continued in joyous glee. It was in her eyes he discovered the secret, purest green, reflecting the knowledge of time. An ancient wisdom safely secured, angelic in contrasting compromise, divine creatures of destiny appear secure in their own self-supported worlds.

Together they began the walk, to what she referred to, as her guardians' house. With her lead they moved unnoticed, as he soon became aware the numbers of police on their path. He counted at least one patrol for every two blocks they crossed. Yet the area still appeared run down, the brick paved streets patched with concrete. Raven noticed sadly once grand fountains stood proud in the centers of intersections, now fractured and crumbling, with dark sludge in place of clear waters.

"Don't worry," she told him, and took his hand. "It's like hide-N-seek, only I know how to hide. Yep-Yep. And they never find me. I am the greatest," she boasted, overflowing with playful pride.

She pointed to the house as they neared, a modern Victorian tower, surrounded on all sides by urban castles. The quaint villa seemed out of place, as if forgotten by time. A unique and enchanting corner stone of development was this ancient castle. Yet it still bore the scars of time. The paint was pealing in large sections and the gardens now over grown spilling out of the bricked boarders. The windows on the lower levels were mostly hidden by the thick growths of holly. On the upper levels most of the windows were boarded up entirely, those that weren't supported heavy iron bars rusted with age. Raven noticed large gargoyles peaking out from the dense shadows and thick brush, but they broken and unrecognizable.

BB led him up the broken marble path; large sections were missing and in some places brick and concrete acted as patches. To the stairs that Raven noticed were crumbling under the weight of ages. Up to the great iron entry, rusted and choked with vines concealing the large stained glass doors depicting scenes of some mad dream. The disturbing images magnificent, colored in deep tones. To be forever captured in brilliant colors and polished silver, but the true depth and glory was reflected upon the freshly fallen snow.

"Come in and meet everyone. It'll be fun," she smiled pushing open the great doors.

The front room was much larger than he could have anticipated, richly decorated with stuffed leather sofas and polished marble tabletops. The ancient hardwood floors glinting in the dancing light of oil lamps seemed only enhanced by age. Raven noticed the hand woven carpets in rich colors and intricate patterns acting as centerpieces. But his attention was drawn to the people of all descriptions huddled in small groups. Some spoke of the changing times while others indulged in deep conversation, but all fell silent as he tread across the thresh hold. He caught hushed whispers commenting upon the great sword he wielded and faint breaths on the reasons of his visit.

BB pretended not to notice; pulling him further only stopping once they had entered the kitchen. In the kitchen, Raven was treated to a cold beer and told to wait until summoned, and then she was gone. Leaving him unguarded, Raven now felt more alone than ever before.

Raven lit a cigarette and sat on the counter, wondering what was to happen. This girl was like none other; even this house was unusual, standing as a hidden Victorian castle. He tried to imagine what she had in store, when the question became apparent.

A great giant of a man strode through the double doors. He moved with subtle grace, regal in his attire, a noble to this collection of wanderers and vagabonds. He was richly dressed in delicate and fine materials, cut to act accent his broad shoulders and thick chest. A scent of authority mingled with his seemingly delicate poise. For his features lacked the hard lines caused by stress, and his eyes held hidden the spark of joy.

The giant pulled a chair from a small oval table, and spoke in a deep rumbling voice. His tone and manner demanding respect, and he expected nothing less.

"Outlander," he boomed, "I am Dakota, and why have you come to my home? As I understand, you have murdered two of these demons, and now desire sanctuary; inmy home." Dakota vented anger at this intruder. "Outlander, do you have any idea the seriousness of this action? Please explain yourself."

"I am known as Raven," he stated boldly, taking a long drag from his cigarette. "I was brought here, by your kid," he said in defense, and slid off the counter.

Dakota smiled, relaxing a bit in his manner, "She is very special. Gifted with such talents, are at times dreadful curses for one so sweet. Do you understand you are not the only one? Each of us here holds something special. With her it is difficult to explained, but she tells me you are the one"

"The only one, what?" he snapped. "The only one cursed; cause that's what it is." Unable to control his building anger, Raven felt this frustration at his own expense. "A curse," he continued, though his voice became cracked as he fought back the tears. "To be hunted and feared just because they don't understand, or worse because they do, people seek to destroy what they disapprove and it is us, all of us which bear the burden. Now these so called ‘demons' look, I'm out of patience."

The giant slammed his fist to the table, his eyes cold with mounting rage. "No, you are out of luck. The wyrm-spawn you slew, they are the soldiers. The true beasts you have yet to witness." Dakota sighed trying regain his composure, "These monsters will chase you to the ends of the earth; here you have the option to rest. Out on the streets, you'll be dead by dawn."

"How's this, you give me a hot shower and a full meal and I'll sit with you and explain what I am. Till then, no worries," Raven said.

The giant agreed, and as he left BB rushed in, her eyes carrying a deep sadness. She wrapped her arms around Raven, and in that innocent embrace he felt welcome. She smiled up at him and asked, "What do you want first, food or a shower? Stinky man," and giggled and opened several of the cabinets.

Raven returned the smile and chuckled. "Stinky would like a shower," he laughed, putting his cigarette out. "Then if you would, we could fix a bite of dinner."

"Come on," BB smiled pulling him back through the arched doorway. She flung open a closet handing him a large towel, and dragged him by the hand to the small downstairs bathroom. This like the other rooms he noticed was polished marble from tiled floor to tub, but the walls were covered in seamless mirrors that reflected the soft light of candles and oil lamps.

"I get you some clean clothes," BB said as she slammed the door on her departure.

It was near morning when at last they sat together, the house nearly empty as now few wanderers remained. Dakota had the feeling of privacy and so relaxed in discussion.

"I must apologize for my behavior, and thank you for being patient," Raven said sincerely. "With trouble following me it's difficult to accept kindness from strangers," he stated casually.

The giant, his manner more casual smiled. "I understand, we all understand. Each of us here has searched the world for acceptance. But your story, what brings you here."

Raven leaned back in his chair lighting a cigarette, trying to weigh his words. "What captured me was the unknown. As you've heard I got into a fight, but know the reason was just. Those monsters attacked a woman, and so I intervened."

"You say the mystery lured you to the city?" Dakota asked.

"To the city, no. The question brought me here, my riddle as it were. The city offered a place to hide. A place were I could start fresh, try a new life."

"Tell me then about the woman," inquired the giant.

Dakota listened carefully as Raven recited the story of the battle and how he met her child after the conflict. Dakota found honor and compassion in this heroic event, revealing some of the nature of the beast before him. They talked for hours on the logic and motives, unaware of the time that passed. The grey haze of winter's morning crept above the modern towers when Dakota offered a proposal.

"My friend," Raven spoke, "if your offer of sanctuary still stands then I accept, but not for my sake, for the girl and the child. I shall do what I can to handle my own mess. If you shall choose to accept, but understand she and the child are first."

The giant sat for a long moment in silence. His thoughts on all that recently transpired, "It seems this mess is not you own, yet you embrace the challenges ahead without thought of yourself; for a stranger no less. My offer is this; bring the girl and the child here so to learn the whole, only then I shall decide. You must understand, we here are hiding from the true lords of this city." The pain of that statement could be heard in his quiet tones. "The creatures of shadow and deception that rule everything, we are but a small band of rebels. This stranger could place us all in danger, and in that case all I may offer is escape; a safe exit to another city."

"I understand your concern, but I will not run," he stated flatly. "It's too late for that, as it's already begun. Out of respect for you and your situation I will not ask you to get involved. Though any assistance you provide shall be invaluable."

"Know us as sanctuary, here," Dakota leaned forward offering a card, "If you should ever require our assistance." On the card, a numerical code, "With this we are always close."

Raven reached deep into his coat pocket, removing the crystal vial and his money pouch. As he counted the last of his cash and placed the card in a folded bill. The vial glistened coldly with a living aura, capturing Dakota's attention.

"If I may, where did you acquire such a fascinating object, and what is it?" he inquired, hypnotized by the myriad sparkles, which flowed beneath the cobalt glass.

"I've had this forever," he said lifting it into the light. "Now where can I crash today, I've got a long night ahead of me. With any luck I'll find them in a couple days."

They gathered themselves as BB strolled into the kitchen. "It's the dawn," she whined sleepily. "Are you ready for bed yet?" she asked looking at Raven.

"We're on the way," Dakota yawned, "Would you please show Raven to a room."

She yawned pulling Raven to his feet, "Come on, you can sleep in my room." She led him upstairs with a lamp in hand pointing out the bathroom and pulled him into her room.

He was too exhausted to notice the full aspects of the chamber he entered, his attention focused on the quilted bed lined with stuffed animals. He was asleep the moment his head settled into the warm goose-down pillows.

BB sat cross-legged at the foot of the bed, examining this creature from her dreams. She moved up beside him and with gentle care undressed him as he slept. Motivated by curiosity she traced her naked fingers along the multitude of scars that crossed his back. She could close her eyes and visualize the crashing whip, hear the harsh words, which burned more terribly than the hungry strap. Tears filled her eyes, the sorrow of his suffering weighing heavy upon her soul.

She understood the depth of his miseries, a beast confined by its own self, and snapping at the bonds. The mystery was perplexing, yet the solution was obvious. Her questions though, remained unanswered. What was this creature that invaded her dreams, for a purpose that he was unaware?

She pealed off her clothes and laid beside him, pulling him close to comfort a pain they shared. Tonight the cold loneliness was beaten as she pressed her flesh to his and drifted peacefully to slumber. Together they created a warm comfort forgotten in the cold emptiness, this night the bitter and lonely awareness was sedated and replaced by tranquil security.


When the night at last over took the day, life returned to this beautiful corpse. A cold heart hammered beneath a hollow breast. A tortured soul wrapped in the misery, bound in death emerged from the eternal void. A perilous quest beckoning her primitive lust for seeking truth, and thrilled by the notion of treasures untold, Tara smiled for she was not yet a simple zombie.

Beneath a great towering monument of some forgotten hero of politics, she stirred. Protected in this dark sanctuary, aware of the setting sun, consciences returned.

Tara opened her eyes, aware, piercing the murky darkness. Her world revealed. Her mind still echoed the fading dreams, ancient memories in a time long since lost. She stood shaking these bittersweet pangs, focusing on her task. She and the child must feed.

She pressed her ear to the bitter cold stone. She listened with the delicate senses of eternal night, hearing the faint call of the wind and the distant traffic on worn streets. Summoning her strength, she moved the great stone barrier allowing the winter air to rush in angrily. The child took her hand, the cool caress surprising her as she strained her senses against the night. The child's unspoken command wrapped her mind, as this was the only option. Together they went into the night.

Tara could still feel the presence of a stranger upon her mind as they wandered the hollow streets. A conscience defied her actions, controlled by this fragile being at her side. A storm of emotion she could not explain and cared not to judge, consumed her with violent force. The strain causing her vision to blur, the pressure mounting in her skull, she screamed.

"Explain to me! What is the purpose of this torment, tell me what it is you desire and end this hateful-" she was cut off, enraptured agony flooded upon her. The shear force sent her to her knees, hands over her ears, crying out for mercy against this unseen adversary.

The child simply stared at her, void of emotion, watching with hollow eyes.

The torrents of broken images, frozen moments in chaos and order, a gallery of suffering complete, enraptured her conscience. Tara knew the events to unfold; the true horror yet revealed upon her, own tormented soul combined with those of countless others. Yet in the storm a focus could be found, for in every fleeting glimpse the Raven perched, calm in its manner, a question undiscovered in weary eyes.

Her mind snapped at the beast within, two forces raged, two forces collapsed. She fell to the gutter only to rise with knowledge, a cunning hunter they began the dangerous track.

The night came alive to her senses, she was aware. To her the city offered its secrets, revealing the mysteries her primal instincts defined. The retched stench of mortal decay draping its murky curtain, saturating her in despicable bitterness, the beast arose. The Hunger was burning like fire in her veins. The quest, the stranger, the fear mounting in her psyche driving her to frenzy, Tara wished to escape.