Friday Night Alchemy


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"Have you had a good time, Lover?"

"Wonderful. Kat even stole Sophie's stockings for me." This surprised her. "As a pressie for Steve."

"That's alright then. I don't want you collecting anyone's underwear but mine. I'm the jealous type." Her assertion flew in the face of all the evidence to date. I kissed her forehead to remind her where my affections lay.

"How could you possibly think I'd be interested in Sophie Anderton when I have you. Ok, so she's very beautiful, but I bet she can't cook quattro formaggi sauce like you can." Well Shana wouldn't have believed me if I'd told her she was prettier than the model girl so I built on her other talents.

"So I'm homely but you like my cooking?" Shana expected me to do better and she was angling after another compliment.

"You're not homely. You're incredibly desirable and if I had my way I'd only ever let you out of bed to cook for me." It was the best I could do at such short notice, and drunk too. Amazingly, such a politically incorrect sentiment didn't make me instantly single again.

"Thank you Lover. Its nice to know you aren't just interested in one thing." That was irony. I wasn't so drunk I didn't notice, but I was too far gone to be interested in her brains. I let it pass.

"Will we be leaving soon?"

"We could sneak off now if you want. Elizabeth will finish up here." It was music to my ears.

"Sold!" I got to my feet too fast. My head swam and Shana steadied me.

"Careful! We don't want you on the binnacle list for another weekend, do we?"

"Don't I get a goodnight kiss?" Kat had noticed our bid for freedom and wasn't going to let us get away without saying goodbye.

I looked to Shana for approval.

"Go on then! You've been good all night, I suppose you deserve a reward."

I hadn't been good but this was neither the time nor the place to tell her. Kat bounced off Piero's lap and kissed me and kissed me and a minute or so later was still kissing me. There weren't any fireworks like with Shana but I couldn't fault her technique. Phew!

"Thank you Alun. I've had such a wonderful time. See you soon." Kat still had enough breath left to speak. I was amazed.

"And thank you for being such charming company. Goodnight Kitten. 'Night Piero."

He waved vaguely from his place on the sofa and Kat let go of me to kiss Shana goodnight too. She whispered something I couldn't quite make out and both girls ended up with a fit of the giggles.

"Come along Lover." Shana led me by the hand to the door, the doorman hailed a taxi for us and we headed for my place. In the cab I felt I should apologise for Kat's somewhat OTT goodnight kiss.

"Sorry about that. Kat took me by surprise."

"Silly boy! Did you enjoy it?" Shana wasn't cross so I admitted it.

"Too right. She's got great technique. What were you two giggling about afterwards?" It was her turn to come clean.

"Oh nothing. Just girl talk." A classic evasion, but I wasn't going to let her get away with it.

"That's not playing fair. Tell me or I'll get the cabby to take us back so I can ask Kitten what she said. Well?"

"Bully!" She stuck out her tongue. "All she said was that she'd warmed you up for me and you were obviously raring to go. What did she mean?" She acted naive, trying to embarrass me.

"That its a good job I'm wearing tight underwear or everyone would know what Kat knows." This was not the time to get embarrassed about being turned on.

"What do you mean? What does Kat know?" She was enjoying this little game so I played along.

"Remember that uncomfortable bulge when we were snogging? It wasn't a mobile phone."

"It wasn't uncomfortable."

"It was for me."

"But what was it?" She was adamant I was going to say it.

"You'll find out soon enough." I decided upon evasion as the best tactic. "Now give me a cuddle."

"No." She snuggling closer anyway. "I want to know what you're hiding from me." Shana slipped her hand into my trouser pocket. "Where is this big secret then?" She rummaged around until she found what she was looking for and gave me a squeeze.

"Stop it Shana." I pleaded. "This is a rented suit." This worked. She retracted her hand and contented herself with just cuddling up.

I figured Shana's actions constituted a green light for taking a few liberties so I let my hand slide down until I could cup one of her breasts and gently stroked her nipple through her dress with the ball of my thumb. An almost inaudible sigh told of her contentment.

"Hmmm. 's nice." Her voice was barely a whisper.

The taxi turned into my road.

"Next right and right to the end." I gave the cabby instructions for the last few hundred yards.

"Just here'll do fine."

I read the metre and handed him fifteen pounds for a twelve pound fare. "Keep the change. Come on Dear, we're home."

"Thanks Mate. 'Night Miss." The taxi driver bid us farewell as we got out and he swung his cab round, disappearing into the gloom.

All the way to the front door, Shana clung to my arm for support. The adrenalin was wearing off and fatigue and champagne had caught up with her. She was dead on her feet. I resigned myself to the fact there was only sleep on the menu tonight, which wasn't so great a disappointment: I was pretty tired too.

Once inside the flat, I took Shana's coat for her while she went to the bathroom, then I laid out a clean tee shirt for her to use as a nightie and put the kettle on, just in case she fancied a coffee.

She came into the kitchen behind me, four inches shorter minus her heels, and hugged me resting her cheek against my back.

"It was wonderful tonight, wasn't it?" She wanted a bit of reassurance.

"It was wonderful. You were wonderful." I stroked her ego for a moment. "Coffee?"

"Not for me thanks. I just want to sleep for a week." It sounded true.

"What time do you want to be up for work in the morning?" I reminded her as gently as possible that she had things to do in the morning.

"Beast! After all I've been through you're going to kick me out of bed early. Seven o'clock should do. That'll give me time to go home and change before work."

"I've put a tee-shirt on the bed for you, if you want to get ready for bed I'll go and phone Steve and book you a car for the morning."

"You think of everything don't you, Lover?" She squeezed me once and padded into the bedroom.

I phoned Charlie's Cars.

"Charlie's Cars."

"Steve. Its Alun."

"Hello Mate. Had a good night have you? Limo OK?"

"Yeah, the limo was perfect. Went down a treat. Can I book a car?"

"You need a ride home?"

"No Mate, we're already home. Shana will need a car in the morning though. Seven thirty from here, going to New Cross. That ok?"

"Sure Mate. Seven thirty at your place. Have fun."

"Thanks. 'Night Steve." I hung up and went to see how Shana was getting on.

I knocked first. "Shana, are you decent?"

"Yes Lover."

When I pushed open the door, she was already in bed. My jacket and bow tie were in the lounge and it took only moments to discard my trousers and shirt, then I turned off the light and climbed in beside her. She snuggled up close.

"Thank you." She whispered.

"For what?" What had I done right now?

"For understanding, for being so thoughtful and for not showing it, even though I know you're disappointed." Shana kissed me in the darkness, not with passion but with feeling.

"I'm not disappointed, I'm tired too. Sleep now. It's been a very long day."

"Hold me." She lay her head upon my shoulder, her hand resting on my chest. I put my arms round her, cupping one breast as I had done in the taxi and closed my eyes.

When they opened again, it was morning.

Saturday 6:50

Shana was still fast asleep and the alarm clock showed a few minutes shy of seven. I could feel her heartbeat through her breast, trembling like a sparrow against my palm and in the dim light filtering through the fabric of the curtains, I watched her as she slept. She really was very lovely.

I woke her gently before the alarm went off, the loss of a few minutes sleep being the lesser of two evils. Once she was awake, it became possible to extricate my arm from underneath her and get up just long enough to switch off the alarm clock before it could voice an opinion about how long we should stay in bed.

I was welcomed back with open arms, quite literally, because Shana had decided it was my turn to be cuddled. In what turned out to be a most pleasant role reversal, I spent a glorious ten minutes with my head pillowed on her bosom, discussing our respective plans for the day while my hand, guided more by instinct than intent, found its way under her tee shirt and came to rest cradling her hip.

"And what have you got on today Lover?" Shana asked an ambiguous question. I manfully fought off the urge to say 'Y-fronts'. We had very little time together and I didn't want to waste it on word games.

"I've got to go into work for an hour or so to sort out last night's errors, then I'll take the dinner suit back to Moss Bros and that's it really. Oh, and find somewhere nice to take you for dinner tonight. Any preferences?"

"Somewhere casual. I'm going to be at the shop until gone six and I really don't want to have to go home and change. I'll take some jeans with me and change there. Am I going to meet Steve and Trish tonight? If so, we could all go to dinner together."

Shana was being sensible and considerate. I had hoped for a romantic dinner for two, but I had no valid excuse for turning down her suggestion. Very well then, if it was going to be a party of four, there was only one choice.

"I'm sure they can be prevailed upon. How about TGI's in Covent Garden? Good menu, great cocktails."

"And if you buy me a strawberry daiquiri you might just get lucky." She was making promises again.

"You really think I'd ply you with strong drink so I could take advantage? Upon what evidence do you base this accusation?"

"If you aren't that kind of guy what is your thumb doing under my knicker elastic? And, it wasn't an accusation, it was a suggestion. Of course, if you'd rather not..." She left it hanging.

I hadn't even realised what my thumb had been getting up to with Shana's underwear. I withdrew my hand a little. I wasn't worried I was rushing things but we were nearing the point of no return and didn't have time for the whole journey.

"I'd rather not have to get you drunk. I flatter myself perhaps, but I'd like to think you don't have to be drunk to find me attractive."

She said nothing but I got my answer when I felt her hand on mine as she moved it back to its previous resting place.

"I love you Shana." On an impulse, it slipped out.

"Just a little bit?"

"A whole lot more."

She moved, dislodging me from my 'pillow'. I thought for one brief and terrible moment I'd blown it until she wriggled further down in the bed, bringing us face to face. She cupped my face in her hands and, in a totally unexpected gesture, gently pressed her lips to my new scar. This ritual accomplished, she moved on to my mouth, this time with fire as well as emotional content. She looked so solemn when she let go, I thought she might cry.

"I believe you. I love you too." She didn't have to say it. I'd known by her eyes the moment before she kissed me. Hearing it added nothing to my certainty.

"Your taxi will be here any minute. You'd better get dressed."

The last of my will power brought us both back down to earth. I flicked back the duvet and let go of her so she would have no further excuse to stay. Reluctance in every muscle, she got up.

Picking up her dress, Shana went into the bathroom to change, which was a disappointment as I was looking forward to the floor show. Its odd but women who'll strip for a man will often get all coy about getting dressed again in front of him. As I said, it was a disappointment, but not a surprise.

Five minutes later she was ready to go and I was still lying in bed, pondering my fortunes. When Shana came back into the bedroom to say goodbye, she brought my rented jacket with her from the living room. She put it on its hanger and bagged it up with the rest of the gear to be returned.

"I'll take this lot with me if you like. One of the girls can drop it off."

"Ok. Thanks." And because I can occasionally be considerate too, "D'you want to borrow my overcoat? You look a little underdressed for this time of the morning and that jacket won't keep the cold out."

"Will it fit me?"

"No, but I don't want you catching a cold and using it as yet another excuse to resist my improper advances. Its in the end wardrobe."

Shana acquiesced, getting the coat out of the wardrobe and trying it on. She looked like a bag lady. It was too big even with her little quilted jacket underneath. I laughed, she looked ridiculous, like a little girl playing at dressing up. She came over to the bed and held out her arms, her fingers just visible, peeping out of overlong sleeves. I rolled them back six inches and tied the belt in a bow because there weren't enough holes to buckle it around her tiny waist. It still looked silly but it would keep her warm and offered rather more modesty than her little black dress.

The doorbell rang and Shana rushed to answer it. She was back moments later to get her handbag and my rented suit.

"Its my taxi. I'll see you later. About seven in TGI's?"

"Seven at the bar." I confirmed.

She leaned down to kiss me briefly. "Bye Lover."

I heard the door close behind her and, turning over, went back to sleep with Shana's scent rising from the sheets and flirting with my nostrils.

"Down wanton, down! Have you no shame?

That at the mention of Love's name

Or Beauty's, presto! Up you raise

Your angry head and stand at gaze."

I woke up again at ten or thereabouts, with what is euphemistically called a sunrise. Hence the verse. Steve would probably have had the lyrics to ZZ-Top's 'Woke up with wood' going through his mind but I prefer Robert Graves.

Pretentious twaddle not withstanding, X rated dreams about Shana had left me with a huge erection (these things are relative). In the absence of the source of all this pent up lust, namely Shana, there were only two options: I opted for a cold shower. Not that I have any moral objections to masturbation but Shana had me so keyed up I was likely to put in the greatest sexual performance of my brief career and I didn't want to lose any of that tension - that edge - before tonight.

Steve turned up while I was in the shower. For once he was considerate enough to knock first, before barging into my flat. I presume such uncharacteristic courtesy was for Shana's benefit and not mine. He'd obviously forgotten that last night he'd arranged her ride home. I grabbed a towel and answered the door.

"Morning Mate, how's it hangin'?" Steve apparently hadn't noticed that, technically, it wasn't.

"Put the kettle on. I'll just go and dry off." I went back to the bathroom to finish up.

Five minutes later I'd dressed and headed for the kitchen. Steve was on his second mug of coffee and was grinning inanely at me.

"What?" I felt defensive all of a sudden.

"Shana stayed the night, yes?"

"Yes she did but she's gone to work and, before you ask, no we didn't have sex, so you can lose that bloody stupid grin for starters." I was now really defensive, bordering on paranoid. Steve interpreted it as a sign of weakness and pursued the subject all the harder.

"That why you were wanking in the shower then?"

"I wasn't wanking...."

"Bull shit! You were standing proud when you answered the door." Steve had noticed after all.

"I woke up with a hard-on and you interrupted a cold shower and why do I have to explain myself to you? Its none of your fucking business anyway." From defensive, I graduated to angry, which was unfair on Steve because he was only teasing me.

"Jesus! Talk about touchy. I hope for all our sakes you get laid soon. This prick teaser you're dating 's driving you crazy."

"She's not a prick teaser, we've just had a spate of bad timing, that's all"

"Yeah, well you're still the only man I know who can get a girl into bed with him twice and still not get his end away. Anyway Mate, its time for breakfast and its your turn to pay so get your coat ‘cos I'm famished."

"Come on then, and after breakfast you can drop me off at my office if you don't mind. I've got a few things to do." And work'll keep my mind off Shana, I thought to myself.

"No problem."

So we set off to Sal's café in search of caffeine, cholesterol and carbohydrates. On the way the conversation turned to the subject of last night's little soiree.

"Tell me Steve, how the hell did you manage to scrounge a limo with diplomatic plates?" I knew better than to ask, but my curiosity was piqued.

"Jon and I were in school together." That was as much explanation as I was likely to get from Steve on the subject of the limo. "Who was the girl you wanted to impress? You said it wasn't for Shana and when I spoke to Jon, after he'd dropped you off, he reckoned you were hooked up with some world class totty." Had Steve been checking up on me?

"Her name's Kat and she works with Shana. She kept me company last night while Shana was busy running things. I suppose she is top class totty if you like that type."

"What type?"

"Slender, extrovert seventeen year olds in see-through mini-dresses who flirt outrageously and always kiss with their mouths open." Ok, so I hyped things a little. The Devil made me say it.

"And Shana trusted you? Silly girl."

"Of course Shana trusted me. It was her idea in the first place and Kat's boyfriend was working backstage on last night's show. Your trouble is you've got a mind like a cesspool."

Steve parked the car and we went into Sal's. Having ordered breakfast Steve asked about the party.

"So what was this party like then? Lots of pretty girls?"

"Too right! Most of them parading up and down the catwalk in underwear. As to the rest of it, the champagne was good, the bar was free and that car you got me made me a celebrity for the night."

"But did you get to meet Kate Winslet?" This was Steve's only real interest in the event.

"Of course, and Sophie Anderton. Oh shit!" I remembered the stockings were still in the dinner jacket pocket.


"Nothing. I've just got to remember to call Shana as soon as I get to work." I didn't want to tell Steve about the stockings for two reasons. If I couldn't get them back, he need never know about them. If I did retrieve them, they'd still be a surprise. "Listen, while I remember, if you and Trish haven't got plans for later, Shana and I are going to TGI's. Fancy making it a foursome? My treat."

"Sure. Trish'll be tickled pink that she's finally going to get to meet your bird. Dress code?"

"Jeans. Drinks at the bar at seven."

I settled up with Sal and Steve drove me to work. I phoned Shana's shop straight away.

"La Perla." It wasn't a voice I recognised.

"Good morning. May I speak to Shana?" I put on my best telephone voice.

"I'm afraid Shana isn't here just at the moment. Can I help perhaps?"

"Not really. Is Katherine there?" My partner in crime would save me.

"Certainly Sir. One moment."

I listened to Vivaldi for the few seconds I was left on hold then Kat came on the line.

"This is Katherine. How may I be of assistance?" She sounded all posh.

"Hi Kitten."

"Hiya! You've just missed Shana. She's gone to visit Cleo and report on last night. Did you enjoy it?" Kat's posh voice was gone. She was her normal, chatty self again.

"Indeed. It was a very stimulating evening."

"I noticed. How was the rest of your evening?" This was getting personal. Her voice was low and full of innuendo. How much did she know?

"I went straight home and straight to sleep. I was shattered." I was careful not to mention Shana's presence, not knowing how much of our relationship was common knowledge.