Friends Become Lovers

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Older man & younger woman find themselves in love.
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Gary met Cherie when he interviewed with the company, seeking a software engineering marketing job. He was fifty-seven at that time and she was twenty-nine, eleven years ago. When he got the job, he was assigned to work out of the same office as she did. Gary noticed right away that Cherie had a special talent for connecting with clients and the technical skills to win over client technical experts. He used her technical expertise to impress clients, helping Gary win many large contacts for the company.

Cheri was a pretty young woman, with medium length blond hair, blue eyes and a trim, lovely body. She dressed very well and was always neat, even on the 'casual dress days' when she wore T- shirts and blue jeans. Cherie was comfortable with herself, even though many of her female co-workers often pointed out that Cherie's chest was nearly non-existent. These jabs were mostly in fun, and Cherie was not offended. She gave as good, as she got. That was one of her charms. Gary recognized that she possessed excellent management talents. They made a fine team working to secure business for their company. Gary would uncover the business opportunities and Cherie would convince the clients' technical staff that the company could do the job. As a team, they traveled all over the country winning contracts and making huge profits for their company.

Gary was married with grown children and a wonderful wife, Lori. In a few years, Lori would suffer a massive stroke and become, for all practical purposes, an invalid. Cherie, too, was married to a young man, Ben, who was rising swiftly as an engineer with a Fortune 500 company. In many ways, Gary had taken Cherie under his wing to help her hone her management skills and prepare her for advancement. Working as a team, Cherie and Gary would often lunch together discussing work items, family activities and generally enjoying each other's company. Gary and Lori considered Cherie as the daughter they never had and were thrilled when she became pregnant. They attended her showers and were among the first to visit Cherie after the baby was born. Cherie was very comfortable being around Gary. She sometimes used him as a surrogate father in getting advice about both business and personal problems. Later, Cherie had another baby to round out a beautiful family with two children.

After eight years, Gary had an opportunity to retire comfortably when the company decided to downsize. The company offered senior staff special retirement benefits, which Gary could not ignore. He retired and Cherie found herself without her friend at work. Gary was provided with the customary retirement party and his last day was sad. Cherie cried and hugged Gary, telling him that it would just not be the same without him at work every day. Gary and Cherie kept in touch by occasionally meeting for lunch and at company parties that included retirees. Gary always brought Lori to these lunches and parties, but Cherie, was more often alone. Her husband, declined to attend these get-togethers. When Gary's wife suffered her stroke, it left her unable to feed herself, see, stand, or walk. She was confined wheelchair everywhere, indoors and out. Occasionally, Gary would call Cherie and invite her to lunch as a respite from the care he was giving Lori. Graciously, Cherie would meet him and try to cheer him up. It was as a breath of fresh air for Gary, to get away for a couple of hours from the responsibility of care giving.

One pleasant August morning, Gary received a call form Cherie to meet her for lunch. After finding someone to care for his wife, Gary joined Cherie at a local restaurant. As usual, he hugged her when he first joined her. He was a bit surprised at the length and strength of the hug she gave him, but quickly shrugged it off. Cherie looked visibly upset as they sat down. They ordered their lunch and exchanged some small talk before Cherie detonated a bomb. "Gary, Ben has moved out of the house," she declared. Gary was stunned. Never in his wildest dreams, had he expected Cherie and Ben to separate. He was at a loss for words. Cherie continued, "He told me that he needs his space to figure out what to do." Gary remained dumbstruck. "Ben feels that I spend too much time with the children and don't attend to his needs," Cherie told him. Wisely, Gary listened and did not try to offer advice on a situation that he had little knowledge about. He remained the shoulder that Cherie needed to unload her pain.

"I don't know what he means, Gary. I do everything with him, but he seems so aloof and indifferent about the children's activities. He rarely attends their school or sports functions and becomes upset when I go without him," she related. They ate in relative silence and Gary tried to comfort Cherie. He said it was just his midlife crisis and it would soon pass. Cherie wasn't sure, but replied that she hoped that was it.

"Some men have a hard time as they approach age forty, and they do some silly things," he encouraged her. Finally, Cherie said she had to return to work and thanked Gary for listening. She had to tell someone about it and Gary was the one she trusted most He thanked her for her confidence and told her he hoped he helped her in some small way, although he wasn't sure he had. Cherie assured him that he had, just by listening. She hugged him again and left.

In the ensuing months, Gary met Cherie for lunch a few times and nothing had changed between she and Ben. He still lived apart from her and the kids, and was seeing a therapist about his 'problem'. Gary assured her that she was not at fault and that soon Ben would realize the error of his ways and come home. Several weeks passed when Cherie contacted Gary by email. She was free for lunch and asked Gary to meet her at a nearby Holiday Inn restaurant for lunch. Gary called a friend to stay with Lori and emailed Cherie that he would meet her. He arrived a little early and waited a few minutes until she arrived. They hugged, as usual, and sat down for lunch. Cherie seemed nervous and Gary worried that Ben had upset her further. Cherie toyed with her food and finally put her fork down and looked Gary in the eye. "Gary, you know that I care for you a lot and wouldn't hurt your relationship with your wife for anything in the world."

"Cherie, I know that, but I'm not sure what you mean," Gary replied, "there isn't any fear of that. Both Lori and I care for you too, and your kids."

"I'm so afraid, Gary, that no one loves me, except for you," she blurted out. "I know you care for me, but I need to know if you love me, Gary."

Gary took a deep breath and took Cherie's hand in his own, looked deeply into her eyes. "Cherie, I do love you. I have loved you for some time. Before I left the company, I knew that I was in love with you," he divulged.

"But you never spoke out, Gary. You never said anything, or made a gesture to me, even when we were traveling together on business."

"I didn't say or do anything because both of us are married and obviously there is the age difference thing, nearly two to one. Besides that, I still love Lori. Believe me Cherie, it is possible to love two people at the same time, because I've done it for all these years," he replied.

"I know, Gary, I have loved you as well. I reasoned that it was a deep friendship, not love, so I didn't take any initiatives either. But now I know that it was love. I wish you could have known how many times I wished that you would have knocked on my hotel door late at night," she revealed. "I even fantasized that I would put a coat over my nightie and come surprise you in your room."

Gary smiled and sighed hard. "You aren't the only one with that fantasy, Cherie."

"I know you love your wife and believe you when you say you love us both, but you and I need more than love, Gary. At least I do." she said as tears began to well in her eyes. "I need you physically, too, Gary. I can't live celibate and you can't either, can you?"

"No, I can't, but Cherie, there are so many things to consider. You're still married too. I'm sixty- five years old and you're nearly forty. I've had a prostate procedure and I need medication… to…to perform," he said with a tinge of embarrassment. "And finally, are we both sure we want to do this? It could affect our wonderful friendship," he told her.

"I know, Gary. I know," she replied. She stood up and took his hand in hers, kissed his cheek, placed something in his palm and walked out of the restaurant. Gary watched her leave. When she was out of sight, he looked at his palm to see a room key card that she had left there. He sat down again and pondered his next move. This was madness, he thought. Where would this lead? Then he thought about how celibate he had been for the past two years. His wife would never get well and he would remain celibate, becoming even more frustrated. As he mulled over his situation in his mind, he realized how sharp the 'horns of a dilemma', truly were.

Cherie heard the door opening and sat up in her chair. Gary entered the room as she rushed into his arms and kissed him passionately. Her tongue sought out his, and they embraced warmly. "Thank you, Gary," she whispered, kissing him again. Gary inhaled the scent of her perfume and was immediately aroused. She realized his arousal and ground her hips into his very stiff cock. She dropped her robe, revealing her naked body, as she walked Gary to the bed. He breathed deeply as he looked upon his lovely partner's body. Her long shapely legs rose beautifully to join her flat tummy, capped by a neatly trimmed blonde bush. Higher, her small erect breasts, tipped with hard nipples, barely protruded from her chest, but looked absolutely marvelous perched there. Finally, her lovely face crowned her countenance, free of make up and naturally beautiful. Her smile, now a grin, revealed perfect teeth and Gary melted as he looked at her. As she slipped into bed, he caught a glimpse of her sweet pussy, free of hair and obviously moist. Quickly, with her help, he striped naked and climbed into bed with her.

She grabbed his cock and smiled at its considerable length and girth. Her fingers fondled his balls as they kissed again. Gary bend down to lick her breasts and flick his tongue over her nipples. Cherie trembled as she whispered, "They're too small, my titties are too small." Gary licked and sucked her nipples for several minutes as she writhed in pleasure.

"Does that feel good, down here, when I suck your nipples?" he asked as his fingers touched and fondled her wet pussy.

"Oh, God yes!" she sighed, "It feels wonderful."

"Then your breasts are just the right size, Cherie," Gary told her. She smiled and embraced him to kiss him again several times, telling him she loved him. Gary licked her breasts all over, avoiding her nipples this time. His tongue circled her pink areolas as her nipples swelled even harder from desire. Cherie could feel her juices flowing onto her inner thighs as Gary's tongue continued to work its magic on her titties. He touched and flicked his tongue over her nipples. Cherie gave a start and nearly came from the marvelous feeling of his tongue raking across her breasts and nipples. She moaned in pleasure and anticipation as Gary drew his tongue across her belly and circled her navel. He dipped is tongue into her navel to ream it before licking down to her bush. Nuzzling her bush with his nose and lips, he inhaled her fragrance and gently tugged at her hairs with his teeth.

"Do it, Gary…please," she sighed as his tongue licked along the seam of her thigh and torso. He kissed her inner thighs and the sides of her pussylips. Cherie writhed, moaned and tried to move her hips to get his tongue on her cunt, but Gary prevented that. He kissed her closed pussylips as though he were kissing her mouth. Gently, he took them in his teeth to nibble at them as her juices seeped out between her closed pussylips. She reached down to clasp his head to draw it to her sex, but Gary grasped both her wrists and held them fast, as he drew his tongue along her closed nether lips. Cherie bucked, moaned and writhed from pleasure and desire. She couldn't stand the teasing, but wanted it to never stop. Gary sensed this too and he drew a single cuntlip into his mouth to lick, suck and nibble it as Cherie nearly came. He repeated the sequence with the other cuntlip. Cherie was breathing hard, groaning with lust, desire and pleasure at the attention her starved pussy was receiving. Each time she neared orgasm, Gary sensed she was close and backed off just enough to prevent her from cumming. Cheries' eyes rolled in her sockets, as she nearly went mad with the desire to cum.

Gary could see her clit emerging rapidly from its hood begging for attention, but he ignored it for the time being. He let her cuntlips close together again. His tongue parted them and probed deeply into the inner recesses of her pussy. Cherie cried out in pleasure as Gary's tongue explored the inner folds of her cunt. He eagerly lapped up her creamy juices, flowing heavily from her throbbing pussy. He reveled in her scent as he covered her cunt with his mouth, still avoiding her very agitated clit. Finally, his tongue flicked across her clitoris. She cried out in pleasure as Gary's tongue stroked her clit again and again. He took her clit into his mouth and began to lick and suck it as though it were a nipple. Cherie delightfully writhed from side to side, as the entire universe seemed centered on her clit. She could feel her orgasm gathering deep in her cunt and rapidly rising and begging for release. Gary did not disappoint her.

Suddenly, Cherie ached her back and screamed as her orgasm consumed her. Gary continued to 'torment' her clit as Cherie reveled in one cum after the other. Her body shuddered from the intensity of her orgasms. She kept cumming in multiples, without let up as she squirted her sudsy cum juices all over Gary's face and mouth. Finally, she nearly passed out from the intense pleasure and her orgasm subsided. She trembled through several mini after-cums then she lay still, barely breathing. Gary lifted his head from between her thighs, his face glistening from her cunt nectar. Cherie held out her arms to him and he lay down on her still quivering body. Her arms enveloped him and their lips met in a tender and passionate kiss. "That was incredible!" she whispered in his ear as they kissed again. "I've never cum like that before," she caught her breath and continued, "I never had a multiple orgasm before. I'd heard about them, but I didn't believe it was possible." Cherie kissed her lover again and kept whispering again and again, "Thank you, Gary, thank you. That was wonderful."

Gary rolled over and lay next to Cherie as she recovered. She looked down to see his cock hard and upright. She reached down to fondle it and take awareness of its heft. Her hand moved to his balls, which hung loosely under his cock. The Viagra he had taken earlier had taken effect and his cock would stay hard for nearly two hours. Cherie, now recovered, arose to straddle his hips. She placed his cockhead between her sopping wet cuntlips and began to slide down onto Gary's cock. Slowly, she descended on his manhood until she was fully impaled upon it. She began to raise and lower her body in slow uniform, strokes. Gary could see his cock glistening with her nectar each time she rose, only to impale herself upon it again and again. Each down stroke pulled back his foreskin and her pussy muscles rubbed his sensitive cockhead. The up stroke massaged his cockhead again and brought the foreskin back over it. Gary, breathing hard, looked up at Cherie riding him. She bit her lower lip and had her head back moaning in pleasure. She moved her head from side to side, intensely enjoying the fucking she was giving herself.

Gary reached up and lightly rubbed her nipples with his fingertips. Cherie cried out with joy and began to fuck him faster. "Pull them!" she gasped as her face glowed with intense pleasure. He grasped her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers to gently pull, roll and tweak them. Her face gleamed with delight, as his fingers manipulated her nipples. She bent over and offered a nipple to Gary as she fucked him. He took it in his mouth to lick and suck as he continued to pull, pinch, roll and tweak the other one. He changed nipples often as they fucked. Her pussy clenched his cock hard with each stroke, as she reveled in her fucking him. Cherie could sense that she was racing toward orgasm with every stroke. Gary's eyes closed and he took a deep breath as he suddenly stiffened, cried out and exploded in a massive orgasm! Cherie could feel his first load volley into her cunt splashing deep into her. He followed with a stronger volley, of thick white cum, filling her. As the third volley of Gary's cum blasted into her, Cherie screamed and shuddered as her orgasm consumed her. Gary was thrusting upwards into her cunt with each of her down strokes. Each time he buried his cock deep it would spasm forth another volley of cum within her.

Cherie could feel his cum leaking from her cunt, flowing onto Gary's balls and her inner thighs. Her orgasm overtook her senses and she fell forward onto Gary. Their lips met and they kissed passionately, intertwining their tongues. Gray's cock was still ridged from the Viagra and he pushed it deep into Cheries' cunt as she moaned with pleasure. She clenched her cunt around his cock and told him she would never let it go. Gary held her close as they embraced. He could feel her nipples, still hard, pushing into his chest. Cherie rose up to dismount from the staff impaling her and sat at Gary's side. His cock was covered with sudsy cum from both of them. Cherie bent down and took his cock into her mouth to cleanse it from their cum. She pulled down his foreskin and expertly licked it clean under the rim, before moving to his cum coated balls. Her tongue lapped up their blended cum and she swallowed it, pulling his balls into her mouth one at a time, to lick them clean. Cherie moved to lie on top of Gary and he held her close. "I love you, Cherie," he whispered in her ear.

"I love you too, Gary. I'm so happy that we finally made love, after all these years," she told him. "I hope you don't have any regrets, because I don't. I know you still love your wife and that's the way it should be. I just needed someone. I'm so glad it was you." He kissed her and they cleaned themselves, showered together and fondled one another again. Gary's cock was still hard from the Viagra, but time was his adversary. He knew he had to go home to care for his wife. They dressed, Cherie kissed him tenderly and left first. He waited about an hour, watching television and reflecting on his romantic encounter with Cherie. Finally, he turned out the lights and left the room. Purposely, he left the hotel from a side entrance to avoid the lobby and any potential prying eyes. He started his car and drove off on his way home. Happy, but wondering if he had done the right thing. He knew that he too, needed someone and that his needs were equally satisfied this afternoon. Three weeks had passed before another email from Cherie appeared in his 'mailbox'. Gary opened and read an invitation to attend a computer show in a city twenty miles away, the following week. He replied that he would meet her there. He made arrangements for a visiting nurses aide to stay with Lori, on that day, and returned to his household work. On the appointed day, Gary left home and drove to a parking garage near the bus station. He bought a roundtrip ticket and boarded the bus. The trip was short and soon he was walking towards the City Convention Center where the show was being held. He bought his show ticket and entered the show. He wandered from one booth to the other looking at the new technology, but mainly looking for Cherie. He paused at the Show's Message Board and saw his name on a message. There was a number for him to call and to bring the message with him. He went to a phone and dialed the number. It was the Computer Shows admissions desk. He told the voice that answered the phone that he had a message to call and gave his name. The woman on the other end told him that she had an envelope that was left there for him. Gary thanked her, hung up and walked to the admissions desk.