George and Shawna Ch. 04

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She did a bad thing.
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 09/18/2009
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Share George with his girl friend? Good Lord why had she blurted that out. Could she share him like she told him she would? She didn't really have an answer for that one and the way George had acted after she had blurted it out led her to believe that she would never have to find out. Her begging to be a part of his life again hadn't seemed to faze him at all. Just "I want to go to bed, please leave."

She was at a loss as to what to do to get George back. She needed his love, his tenderness; she needed him to want her sexually even if it had to be the way he had just done it. She hadn't liked the way he had taken her and in fact, when she finally told him about the rest of her night with Glen at the party she had told him that if he had ever treated her like that she would be gone in a heartbeat. Well, he had treated her that way and she wasn't packing her suitcases. She had not liked it one bit, well that wasn't exactly true - she had gotten into it when he took her ass - and she hoped that he would never be that way with her again, but if he did she knew that she would somehow suffer through it in the hope that somehow it would help heal the marriage. She needed sex even if it was bad sex.

Giving up Mel had been hard on her, but she really believed that fate meant for her to be with George and she did not regret making her promise to George. It wasn't going to be easy - temptation was everywhere - but she was determined to somehow get George back and it would never happen as long as she was letting someone else scratch her itch.

She thought back to the night she and Mel had shown up at every place that George and his date went. She remembered how Mel had taken it when she had said that it was over between them.

"You don't mean now do you? You mean after our weekend right?"

"No Mel, I mean now. I'm going home and I'm going to wait for George to come back to me no matter how long it takes."

"You can't do this to me baby. All night long you have been rubbing my cock and promising that you were going to fuck my brains out. I'm as hard as an iron bar" and he had taken her hand and placed it on his cock and she had rubbed it once before jerking her hand away.

"I'm sorry Mel, but I can't help you. All the signs say I have to be with George and I promised him that I was going to go straight home from here and then not have sex with anyone but him ever again."

"Come on baby; you can leave me hanging like this."

She had looked at Mel and she actually felt his pain. For him it was like it had been for her for the six months she had tried to get George interested in her again. She had glanced at the door to the Blue Room and then she had made up her mind. She knew she was splitting hairs, but she couldn't - just couldn't leave Mel to suffer.

"I said that I was going to go straight home from here and then never have sex with anyone else. Technically as long as I'm still in the parking lot I'm still here and I said that once I got home there would be no other men for me. I guess if I stretch the point it means I can fuck you as long as we stay here in the parking lot. I'll do it one time to get rid of your swelling, but then I'm going home. Agreed?"

"Anything you say baby, just get me off."

They had gotten in his car and moved to a dark corner of the lot and had gotten in the back seat. She had only intended to get him off and then go, but the excitement that she had felt when she had fucked Toby on his back seat grabbed her again and she had fucked Mel, sucked him hard and then had fucked him again and all the time hoping to look up and see someone watching.

When Mel had cum the second time he wanted her to suck him hard again, but she pushed him away and told him to drive her to her car. She had thanked him for the wonderful times he had given her and then she had kissed him, gotten in her car and had driven home. As she drove she thought about her last time with Mel and was glad she had rationalized it the way she did. That would be the last sex she would have until she either got George back or gave up.

She had made George a promise and she would keep it, but she was a realist. She knew that she couldn't go without forever and if she and George couldn't put it their marriage back together back together she would need to get her sex somewhere else. To do that she would have to void the promise and the only way she could do that was divorce. The question was how long could she hold out.


The next evening, after he and Carol had made love, he told Carol about what Shawna had said about sharing him.

"And what did you say?"

"I didn't say anything."

"She has to love you a lot and want you pretty bad to go that far. She is crawling baby; the only thing she hasn't done is lick your feet. When are you going to admit to yourself that you love her and forgive her? She fucked up! So what? Everyone makes mistakes and bad errors of judgment and does stupid shit that they regret later. I'll grant you that her's was a whopper, but she was honest and up front about it. She could have kept her mouth shut and the odds are pretty damned good that you would have never known. If it had happened to me God knows that I would never have told on myself. I would have buried it so deep that even I would have forgotten about it and then done my level best to love my hubby to death for the rest of my life.

"That sounds like what she was doing Georgie; doing her absolute best to love you to death only you wouldn't let her. I'm not trying to get rid of you baby because I do like you a lot and I love the arrangement we have, but you do belong with her and you know it. Your pride, ego or whatever is all that is keeping the two of you apart. Some other guy got something that was supposed to be yours and yours alone and it got you all bent out of shape.

"You know that she didn't mean for it to happen and you can't understand how she let it go so far, but you know in your heart that she would never have done it again or let it happen again. You have to know that Georgie. She showed you that when she blew the whistle on herself. She is not the kind who can carry the guilt."

"What about the others?"

"What about them?

"She didn't have any problem going with them."

"True, but she didn't sneak around did she? She was up front about it. If you weren't going to take care of her she was going to get someone who would and she told you before she did it so there was no guilt to carry. She was probably sorry that it had to end up that way and sad that it had to be that way, but I'm on her side there George. Sex is a physical need and in her place I'm pretty damned sure that I wouldn't have waited near as long to see that I got what I needed."

She had started fondling his cock and it responded. As she swung over him she said:

"If she is willing to share lover, I'll go along with the program" and then she lowered herself down onto him."


Driving home that night he thought about what Shawna had said and about what Carol had said. Both of them were willing to share him and he found that amazing. But as amazing as it was it was never going to happen. He just wasn't wired that way. It would be one or the other, but it would never be both. But which one? Even as he asked the question he knew the answer. At least he knew which one he wanted it to be. If he could make it happen. That was going to be the hard part - making it happen.

Even though he was ashamed of himself for what he had done to Shawna the night before what he had done had been beneficial. He hadn't realized how much he had kept bottled up inside after Shawna's confession. It had all come out of him as he took her and used her and yes, abused her. It was as if he had burned the bad shit out of himself and with the bad stuff gone he could look at things and see them in a different light.

Shawna was not the type of woman who would do what she had done, but type or not she had done it and suddenly he could see how it could have happened. She got caught up in it. Isn't that what had happened to him? He wasn't the kind of man who could force himself on a woman and treat her like nothing but a piece of meat, but isn't that what he did? He let his anger take hold of him and it pushed him to do something he ordinarily would never even think of doing. He let himself get caught up in the moment. His moment had been anger driven while Shawna's moment had been driven by sexual excitement. Different yes, but were not they really the same? A time when the rest of you took time off and let some dark part of you take over for a while? Shawna had felt a crushing guilt at letting her dark part run free and he was ashamed for letting his dark part out of its cage. Not the same thing, but close enough to understand. At least that is what he was thinking, but the question was could he make himself accept it?

And there were other questions. It was a given that even if he and Shawna managed to put things back together the nature of the relationship would be vastly different than the one they had before. Would they even like that relationship or was it doomed before it even started? Another question, and one that was really bothering him, was did Shawna really want them back together or was it her guilt at work telling her that the only way she could be at peace with what she had done would be to save her marriage? He didn't have a clue as to what the answers to those questions might be, but he needed to find out.


She was sitting in bed reading "Hidden Prey," John Sanford's latest, when she heard him come in. She glanced at the bedside clock and saw that it was close to eleven. He must have been with his slut again. Didn't he realize how much it hurt her when he was with that big titted bimbo? Stupid question girl, she thought, of course he realized it. That was why he did it - to get back at her for what she had done.

She heard him come up the stairs and then down the hallway. She was surprised when his footsteps stopped at the door to her room instead of continuing down the hall to the spare bedroom. And even more surprised when he knocked on the door. "Yes?" she called out and the door opened and George came into the room.

"Yes George?"

"I have a question for you. You said you would be willing to share me with Carol. Did you really mean that or was it something you just said in the hopes of swaying me?"

She looked at hi standing there waiting for her answer. She had meant it. The idea was repugnant to her and she couldn't think of anything more distasteful, but if it was the price she had to pay she would do it and smile.

"Have you just come from her" she asked as she put her book down.

"Yes. I left her twenty minutes ago."

"Did you shower after" she asked as she got off the bed.


"Good" she said as she walked toward him. "I'll show you how serious I was when I said I'd share."

She went to her knees in front of him and reached for his zipper. "I'll clean her off of you. How's that for sharing."

Her hand was on his zipper when he reached down and pushed it away. "That isn't necessary Shawna. I just wanted to know for sure."

"Why George? Why do you want to know for sure?"

"It is one of the things I need to consider Shawna. Good night."

He turned and left the room closing the door behind him and leaving her on her knees. She watched the door close and she wanted to scream. So close; so damned close. And just what was it he needed to consider?

He was lying in bed and staring up at the ceiling, his mind awhirl with thoughts. It was warm and so he didn't have the covers over him and he was the way he always slept - naked. His thoughts were interrupted when the bedroom door opened and Shawna came in. She closed the door behind her, walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. Before he could ask her what she wanted her hand went to his cock and she said:

"Just asking me if I meant it isn't finding out for sure George. For you to be sure I have to show you that I meant it; I have to prove it to you George. I have to show you how far I am willing to go to get you back."

She lowered her head and took his soft cock into her mouth and started sucking on him. His cock didn't stay soft for long. It had been a long time since Shawna had has sucked his cock, but he had not forgotten how good she was at giving head. He responded and she licked and sucked as she tried to remove any traces of Carol that he might still have had on him. There were none there because the last thing he and Carol had done was anal and he had washed his cock before leaving Carol, but Shawna didn't know that. She thought she was showing him her willingness to share him with his lover.

Shawna worked on him until he was rock hard which was not an easy thing to do considering how many times he and Carol had made love earlier that night. Was he ready for this? Was he ready to swallow his pride and put, or at least try to put, what she had done behind them?

She took her mouth off of his cock and moved over him. He could stop it; all he had to do was turn his body slightly so she couldn't do what she was going to try. If he let it continue he would be committing himself to at least making the effort to try and heal the gap between them and put them back together.

And then it was done!

She used her right hand to guide his cock into her pussy as she settled down on him to take him in deeper and she moaned:

"Oh yes. Oh yes baby. I need this. You will never know how much I have needed this; how much I need you."

She began to ride him. She rose and fell, rocked back and forth and she moaned and cried. It took him a while because of his evening with Carol, but she eventually got him off and along the way had three orgasms of her own. When his cock had gone soft she rolled off of him and lay down next to him and said:

"I needed that. You can't possibly know how much I needed that George. Just your touch George, just your touch. I meant what I said George. I'll do whatever I have to do to get you back in my life even if it means I have to share. I'll even go with you when you go to her and sit in a chair next to the bed and wait my turn. That's how desperate I am to have you back George."

She snuggled up to him and he felt her tears on his chest.



Carol was very understanding when he told he that he and Shawna were going to try and work things out. She said she knew that their affair wasn't going to last and she had expected that some day he was going to end it. She did ask if he was thinking of trying "the share thing" and when he shook his head "no" she said that she knew he wouldn't, that he just wasn't the type.

They did continue to have a close and friendly relationship at work and on the occasions when he stopped after work for drinks with his co-workers they did dance, but never as close as they once had.

Shawna quit her job. She said it was because she didn't believe that she could rise any farther up the corporate ladder, but he believed the real reason was that seeing Glen at work every day served as a constant reminder of something that she wanted desperately to forget. She found a new job without any trouble, but she never stops with her new co-workers after work for drinks.

It took six months of stepping carefully around each other before their relationship smoothed out, but it seems to be working and that is the best that either of them could hope for.

Three weeks after Shawna quit her job Glen was getting out of his car at his apartment when he was brutally attack by a man wearing a hood. The man used an aluminum baseball bat to smash both of Glen's knees so bad that he now has to walk with a cane. The police are investigating, but have no leads in the case.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

At least, this is one story that JPB ended.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

There is zero respect from her end. Using others men's cum as a lubricant and expecting him to fight for her? Are you serious? She is 100% a HOE by definition and the characteristics will never change. She has zero value to him.

AstordatairAstordatair9 months ago

It took him an awful lot of time, but he finally woke up and decided to stop being a teenager about the situation and start acting like a man. Well written, I liked it!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

You are definitely a good writer, the questions you ask when analyzing emotional responses are so real and poignant. You actually immerse yourself into the characters in a realistic and intelligent manor. I do not tire of reading your stories. 5/5

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I get so tired of these fragile, wounded men that every story in LW seems to feature. Immature, over-reactive, incapable of insight, zero understanding of the female psyche, little boys who are more interested in becoming the walking wounded and carefully nursing their hurt instead if talking it over and really communicating. Figure it out. If you need to burn the bitch, burn her and move on. If you need to love her and reconcile, then get back together. But wallowing in self-pity is pathetic and so damned uninteresting.

AA82ndAAAA82ndAAabout 2 years ago

To me this was all wrong. She cheated, love it and George blamed her. That should have been strike one. They should have talked it out and tried again or divorced. Then She cheated again and a third time. I need sex. Again, just anger and bitterness. so finally, he decides to come back, and the writer infers that George cripples Glen. Why. she fucked him and liked it. How was Glen to blame. I realize that people are seldom logical when it comes to marriage and cheating however this story is so illogical that it was hard to read. Sorry. BTRH...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Another good one JPB! 5stars. Please keep writing. You may only write for your pleasure, but there are a great number of folks like me, who love your work!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 2 years ago

"It would be one or the other, but it would never be both. But which one?" - Well, we know it can't be Carol, at least no more than a FWB relationship.

mattenwmattenwover 2 years ago

Cuck cuck cuck! Ha ha ha!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

One of your better ones.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

You are one of the worst writers on this site. Awful story written by a gutless fool

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What a horrible story. Typical JPB. Wife cheats and husband decides not to do anything to the point where it's the wife that takes action. How but you give the husband some balls.

Richie4110Richie4110over 2 years ago

Interesting take on how things can go wrong and get out of hand so completely. Well done


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

She was a slut. If she really loved George she would give him a divorce on his terms and let him find a decent woman with class. Not a slut who enjoys being used like a dirty rag, will feel bad about it, but only after she had enough orgasms.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Stupid story, incredible characters, what else ? 1 star is incredibly generous !

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Unlikable characters all around. Despicable actually.

NitpicNitpicover 2 years ago

Poor stuff.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I'm not a fan but I have to give credit where due. This was a pretty decent story.

However, until the evidence says otherwise, I will never agree that sex is a need in the technical sense- a compelling desire, yes, but a physiological cant-do -without demand like water, air, food? No. Makes for alot of fun tho.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

As usual Bob very good I am half way thru you manifest some are good some are excellent and some are stupendous keep up the good work Jaybee

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

4 stars for outraging the dickless misogynists.

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