Getting a New Peterbilt


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This allowed her to wet her fingers at her mouth and she quickly applied the wetness to her pussy with one hand, as she then moved her thong to the side with the other. I was pretty hard at this point, and she seemed pleased as she took my cock in her hand -- stroked it several times -- and then guided it to her awaiting bald kitty.

It did take a little pressure to enter her, but I did get it in, and as I slowly buried myself all the way to the hilt, she let out a soft diminutive moan. Whether it was a moan of pleasure or a moan of submission -- I wasn't sure. But she was the instigator of this little affair, so I felt I had nothing to worry about.

I guess to keep me from resting my full weight on her, she placed her hands between our respective chests and began to play with my chest hairs while I slowly and steadily plowed her cleanly shaven slit. Since it had been so long since I last had sex, to be honest, I was a little surprised that I wasn't harder. And based on her interest in getting me horizontal, I was also a bit surprised that she wasn't wetter. But overall, the experience was very nice and very much welcomed. I was pleasantly amazed that I lasted almost ten minutes to complete the act. At times, Kelly had accused me of being a 'Minute Man,' so this was possibly a personal best -- at least in duration.

As I reached my conclusion, Donna moved her hands to my back and pulled my body down onto hers. She didn't offer to kiss me, but her bare breasts crushing into my brawny chest certainly did feel good. Sadly though, within just a matter of seconds, my erection was just a sweet memory, and I was quickly slipping out of her. To avoid any further embarrassment, I rolled off of her and onto my back. She rolled toward me, and pressing her boobs into my side, began twirling my chest hairs again with her fingers. "That was great, Sterling," she whispered.

"Thank you, Donna, it was great, and I really needed it -- I can't tell you how much I needed it," I responded. However, what I also appreciated was her remembering my name. But what I wasn't really expecting was what she said next.

"I'm thrilled I could help you out, Sterling -- help you with your little problem, that is," she said sweetly. There was a pause while she continued to twirl my chest hairs, "But I'm sort of in need of a little help myself."

My heart sank as I realized I had just been set up. "Oh?" I said, still leaving room for a pleasant outcome.

"Yeah," she said with a little more resolve. "You see, I'm traveling west -- I'm heading out west -- and my car broke down here. Here in Omaha, and I don't have the money to fix it."

"How much?" I said in a mix of embarrassment that I had fallen for this trick and distrust of anything she might say next.

"Ahh, two hundred would really help," she said.

I sat up and reached for my wallet, which was still in my pants pocket, that were currently down below my knees. I fished out two hundred bucks and handed it to her.

As she quickly closed her fist around the money, she gave me a peck on the cheek and said, "Thank you, Sterling -- thank you!"

And with that, she quickly rolled over me to the driver's side of the cab. As she stood, hunched over due to the low ceiling, she adjusted her thong, pulled her skirt down, slipped into her cloggy shoes, and slipped out the driver's door before I even knew what had happened. I don't think she even bothered to button her shirt before hitting the ground.

As I lay there staring at the ceiling -- with my pants still down around my ankles and my shoes still on my feet -- I became more and more pissed at myself for falling for this old truck stop scam. I'd heard of it many times from other truckers, but for some reason, it just didn't connect with me when she first sat down next to me at the counter. She wasn't really heading west; her car hadn't actually broken down, she was probably just local trailer trash, and this was simply her way of making a living. The classic 'Lot Lizard Scam' and I was too horny to realize it.

The longer I laid there, the more I got thinking about all of the obvious signs: shirt with snaps, extremely short skirt, easy on -- easy off high-heel shoes, shaved pussy -- even though it did have a two or three-day stubble on it. Jeez, Sterling -- what a sucker. I was just glad it only cost me two-hundred bucks. But then I got thinking that she is probably supporting some worthless piece-of-shit boyfriend or husband that lays on the couch drunk all evening with four or five grubby little rug rats running around. And the fact that she probably screws three or four truckers a night -- and without a condom. Jesus Christ, Sterling -- without a condom! What in the fuck was I thinking? Oh yeah, I was thinking with my little head and not my big head. I guess that just proves the old adage -- 'A man doesn't have enough blood in his body to support a boner and an intelligent thought at the same time.' I quickly pulled my pants up and hurried back to the truck stop to book a shower.

A few weeks later, I was back in Missouri and sitting on my regular stool at the Iron Skillet. I told Maggie the whole story about falling for the 'lot lizard,' and she agreed it was an old truck stop scam. But she was also very supportive. "You're a single man Sterling, you deserve a little intimacy, and you have nothing to be ashamed of -- you work hard, and you deserved it," she said.

I didn't tell her about the 'no condom' issue. I was genuinely embarrassed about that. But we both did get a good laugh out of the speculation regarding Donna's domestic situation. I theorized that she had three kids, all under five and that her derelict out-of-work husband laid asleep on the couch at home with empty beer cans strewn all around him. Maggie speculated that she had five kids under ten, staying home alone, while her 'boyfriend' was sitting in the truck stop parking lot scouting out her next 'John.' Both scenarios were pretty disgusting, but in any event, we both had a good laugh, and I felt better.

It was probably eight months later, I found myself in Albuquerque. I had just dropped a trailer there and couldn't find another load heading back east. However, I found a listing for six trailers in El Paso bound for Ohio, so I immediately signed up for one. The only issue was that they would not be available until nine the following day after they cleared customs. So, I made the short 270-mile drive south down Interstate 25 without a paying load.

I pulled into a major truck stop just east of El Paso on I-10. There was a motel adjacent to the truck stop, and as I had sixteen hours to kill before I could pick up my next trailer, I decided to get a room so I could enjoy a real shower and sleep in a real bed. I took a long hot, soaking shower, put on a clean set of clothes, and headed back over to the truck stop for a hot meal.

As I walked back to the motel, I noticed a 'gentleman's club' about three hundred yards further down the freeway service road. It was still early, I patted my back pocket to feel my wallet and realized I had a pretty good bankroll, and since the last titties I'd seen were Donna's eight months ago -- I decided to treat myself. I'd been working hard, and I deserved it. I might mention that every truck driver gets a glimpse of a nice set of 'seat covers' from time to time -- but that doesn't really count.

When I walked in, I was surprised that the number of dancers probably outnumbered the customers two to one. So, it was no surprise that just minutes after my first beer was served, two girls plopped themselves down, one on each side of me. "Would you like some company?" they both asked almost in unison.

It was a little too late to say no, as they both had already taken a seat. So, I smiled and said, "Sure -- can I buy you girls a drink?"

"Sure," they both said -- again almost in unison, as they flagged down a cocktail waitress. They both ordered a 'Ladies Drink,' and I ordered another beer. The Ladies Drinks, which I'm sure are mostly fruit juice, cost me sixteen dollars each, so with my beer and a tip, I just dropped forty bucks.

As we were waiting on the drinks, the girl to my right stuck out her hand to introduce herself, "Hi, I'm Annabelle," she said as we shook hands. Before I had even released Annabelle's hand, the girl on my left jammed her hand in front of me and said, "Hi, I'm Marisela."

"Well, hi," I said as I politely shook each girl's hand, "I'm Sterling; nice to meet you." Sizing them up, they both appeared to be Hispanic or at least a White/Hispanic mix. Both had olive skin, brown eyes, and dark hair. Annabelle was the skinnier of the two, in fact, a little too skinny for my taste as you could see her ribs. Marisela was actually a little on the chunky side -- not fat -- just a little better 'padded' than you'd expect for an exotic dancer. But put the two of them together, and they would have been just about perfect.

As our drinks arrived and my wallet was lightened forty bucks, I tried to make conversation. "So," I said, "are both you girls from around here?"

They giggled, "Yes, we've lived here all our lives. We actually went to high school together," Annabelle volunteered.

Well, it couldn't have been too long ago since they had been in high school, but I didn't want to say that as I really didn't want to know how old, or how young, they actually were. However, they were both old enough to work in a strip club, so at least they were old enough to be legal. "Are you two sisters?" I jokingly asked.

Again, they both giggled before Marisela said, "No, but we're cousins."

"Oh, cousins," I said. "Are you first cousins?"

Both of them sort of went blank. "What's that?" Marisela finally asked after a brief pause.

"One of your parents -- your mom or dad -- is a brother or sister to the other's mom or dad," I said in disbelief. Of course, I might not have explained it very well, but in any event, they both just stared at me. I guess they weren't expecting a test. After a rather awkward pause, I said, "Well, let's just leave it at cousins." Their smiles quickly returned, and I had a pretty good idea that their combined IQ might not be much more than El Paso's high temperature on a typical summer day.

The song changed, and Annabelle was the first one to ask if I wanted a table dance. I was actually happy just talking to them, but I knew they wouldn't stay if I wasn't spending any money. I smiled and nodded yes. About an hour later, I had purchased a total of four table dances -- two from each of them -- bought another round of drinks, and including tips, I'd dropped close to two hundred bucks. I was getting a little bored by that time, and I think both girls sensed it.

"How about moving to the VIP Room?" Marisela asked.

"What's that?" I replied.

Both girls pointed to the back of the club. There was an arched doorway, closed with a black curtain, and fake potted palms on each side. Over the door was a neon sign that said 'VIP' in big blue letters. I did have my back to the doorway, so it's not strange that I hadn't noticed the sign -- but that still didn't explain what the deal was.

"It's a private room," Marisela said as she rubbed my crotch.

"We can get a lot more comfortable in there," Annabelle added. "We're not constrained by all of the rules we have out here -- and you can get more comfortable too if you like." And with that, she formed a loose fist with her hand and pumped it up and down several times, suggesting I could jackoff if I wanted to.

I had no desire to jackoff in front of these two Chicanas, but out of curiosity, I asked, "How much?"

"Forty dollars to the club, and one-hundred for us," Marisela said with some excitement in her voice.

"One-hundred for both of you?" I quickly questioned.

"Oh -- one-hundred each," Annabelle laughed.

That was what I expected. I wasn't interested in the first place, but the price really sealed the deal. "No -- that's too rich for my blood," I said.

Thinking that was probably it for the night, I was expecting them to get up, thank me for the dances, and then move on to some other poor horny bastard. But no -- they both paused a minute and then made me an offer they hoped I couldn't refuse.

"Are you staying nearby?" Marisela asked with a devilish grin. I nodded yes, and she added, "At the motel next door?"

I nodded yes again, and now with Annabelle also rubbing my crotch at this point, said, "We could meet you in your room if you like. That way, we could all get really comfortable. We could get to know each other much better."

It was clear she meant, 'Get to know each other,' in the Biblical sense. And with both girls rubbing me at the same time, I admit I was getting interested. "How much?" I finally asked.

"Two hundred," Marisela instantly responded.

"Two hundred for both of you?" I said jokingly.

"Oh no -- that's each," they both said in alarmed unison.

I knew she meant two hundred each -- but I had to just jerk their chain a little. Besides, it was fun teasing them. Of course, this also meant I didn't have to pay the club forty bucks, which was really more of a turn-off than jerking-off for them.

"Okay," I said after a strategic pause. "How do we do this?"

I don't think this was their first rodeo, as Marisela quickly said, "Well, you just casually walk out the front door, and then we'll walk out the back ten minutes later. And then we'll just meet you in your room." She was just beaming with excitement as the words left her mouth.

"What room are you in?" Annabelle quickly added.

"Room 269," I said, not really giving any thought to the number.

"Oh," they both squealed. "That's our favorite room," Marisela added with a giggle.

We all quickly agreed on the terms, and I headed out the front door. I probably hadn't been back in my room twenty minutes when there was a soft, yet excited, knock at the door. As I opened the door, both girls greeted me with naughty ear-to-ear grins on their faces as they bounced on the balls of their feet with excitement. They were both still wearing their stripper outfits with added cover-ups, which weren't honestly covering all that much up. Once inside my room, the girls started running their hands up and down my body and were soon unbuttoning my shirt. With my shirt now completely unbuttoned, they pushed me backward into the only upholstered chair in the room.

Annabelle pulled a small cylinder-shaped speaker from her bag. And as she worked to get it 'blue-toothed' to her phone, Marisela was on her knees busily removing my shoes. Once the music started -- both girls began a slow and sensual strip-tease in front of me. By the time the second song was winding down, both girls were nude to their thongs and high heels. Marisela, who had much larger boobs, was rubbing them up against my face, and Annabelle was down on her knees rubbing my legs.

As the third song started, Annabelle stood, and taking my hand, said, "Let's move to the bed."

The course of events this evening were apparently under their control, and it was very clear this was a well-rehearsed and polished act. All I had to do was sit back and enjoy -- which left me with a somewhat uneasy feeling. Other than my encounter with Donna, I had always been at least a coequal in matters of carnal intimacy. But with these girls, it was almost like I was some kind of toy they were playing with. But I'd paid my money, so I guess I was just along for the ride at this point.

Standing next to the bed, both girls worked efficiently to undress me. As Marisela removed my shirt, Annabelle knelt in front of me, unbuckled my belt, and zipped down my fly. As she started pushing my pants to the floor, Marisela quickly joined her by kneeling in front of me and helped by pushing my jeans all the way down to my ankles. All four of their hands returned to the waistband of my boxers, and both girls eagerly oohed and aahed as my manhood came into view. I realized they were clearly just trying to flatter me as I was nowhere near even quarterstaff at that point -- but I did appreciate the admiration. I don't know if I was embarrassed or if these girls just simply didn't do it for me -- but in either event, something was going to have to change for me to get my money's worth out of this little ménage à trois.

With my pants still around my ankles, both girls stood and playfully pushed me backward onto the bed and worked together to get my pants off and over my feet. Now totally naked, except for my socks, they laid down, one on each side of me, and started playfully licking, kissing, and even sucking on my dick. Now I'll be honest -- this did start to get things going down there, and within a few minutes, I was hard enough to get a condom on.

I think it was Annabelle who reached into her bag, pulled out a flat foil pack, ripped it open with her teeth, and rolled the latex protection over my swollen manhood. As soon as the 'protection' was snuggly in place, Marisela quickly slipped out of her thong and proclaiming, "Me first," promptly mounted me cowgirl style.

The condom, I assume was lubricated, and Marisela was already pretty wet, so I easily slipped into her. And as she enthusiastically bounced up and down on me, Annabelle first laid to the side and watched for a minute or two before she started rubbing my chest and stomach. Soon Annabelle moved her hands to Marisela's chest and began playing with her tits, as they wildly bounced up and down.

It was clear Annabelle was getting bored, and after maybe four or five minutes of Marisela pounding away on me, she pushed her off of me and said, "Okay, Marisela, you've had your fun -- it's my turn now."

Marisela didn't really protest -- maybe she was getting tired anyway, but as she moved to the side, Annabelle positioned herself next to me in the doggy position. This was actually the first time I had anything to do other than just lay there, so I was happy to get up on my knees and enter her from behind. Plus, I thought that maybe if I took over the 'fucking,' I might climax quicker, and to be honest, I was getting tired too.

For a few minutes, Marisela just laid beside us watching, but I guess not one to be left out -- she crawled underneath Annabelle, who was still on her knees with her arms straight. Marisela immediately began licking and kissing her cousin's titties. Once she had satisfied herself kissing and fondling Annabelle's cute little 'hangers.' In a series of traveling kisses, Marisela slowly made her way down Annabelle's tight tummy. And then to her sweet poontang where my latex-covered pecker was busy sliding in and out of that girl's slippery doggy hole. Before I knew it, Marisela was completely underneath Annabelle in the traditional '69' position and licking my balls while Annabelle lowered her head so she could kiss and lick her chubbier cousin's pussy.

I know I should have considered this some sort of nirvana -- what guy doesn't dream of fucking two girls at once -- but I was just a little freaked out. Besides, I was getting tired, and I had to drive seventeen hundred miles the next day. I doubled my speed and bent over Annabelle's back so that I could cup her tits in my hands. That did it, and moments later, I blew my load.

I'll have to admit; it was a nice orgasm. And I did need the sexual relief, but I was also relieved it was over. Both girls slowly unwound themselves from each other. And as I lay panting on the bed, they both got up and went to the bathroom to clean up. From the bed, I could watch as Marisela ran the water in the sink to get it hot. She then wet two washcloths in warm water, and as I lay there watching them, Annabelle put one leg up on the sink to wash her coochie while Marisela squatted on the bathroom floor to do the same. I had never seen a woman clean herself after sex like that, and I wasn't sure if it was titillating or just plain nasty. Well, I guess cleanliness is better than the alternative.