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"Well, don't laugh. If you laugh, I'm going to stop trying this. This is weird, you know."

"Not all that weird. Take your time, just, whenever you're ready."

After a couple of minutes of silence, me still stroking my dick, wanting to have it hard in case it was needed, but not exactly being turned on by lying on my side with no other stimulation - she started, in a bit huskier than usual voice:

"Dianne, I'm dying to tell you something. Can you keep an absolute secret? (I of course 'mm-hmm'd my agreement)

"I'm having an affair! (I was of course surprised, and asked her how it happened)

"David, this guy I met at that class you know I was taking? Well, he and I would chat after class, and he had some really good ideas about our doing the final class project together. But mainly, he's only in his mid-twenties, and he's gorgeous, and I was flattered as hell that he was even talking with me, much less wanting to spend time with an old bag! (In her real role as Dianne then she said as an aside): I naturally told her she's no old bag and gorgeous, which as you know, she is, in that Italian Sophia Loren gorgeous way!)"

And then, also breaking in - not smart, but what happened - I told Dianne that she was gorgeous as well, in her own Jennifer Anniston kind of way, which is not far off - then I shut up again, not wanting to derail this!

"So anyway," she continued, back as Carol now, "one night a while ago, he and I were chatting and he asked me if I'd like to get a drink, so we did that. Tom was out of town - if he didn't travel so much, none of this would have happened, I'm sure! And I don't know quite why, but that one drink led to another and we got into just how we were going to do the research project for the class, and David suggested we continue the planning at his place, and while I knew it might be more than that, I agreed, figuring it would go nowhere, and did I mention he's majorly good looking? Think a young Brad Pitt, like he was in "Thelma and Louise" - and he's got that sort of goofy but endearing innocence going, too - no wonder...

"Anyway, so I went to his apartment that's near there anyway - he walks to class, but I drive, and I left my car at school because I'd had those drinks and oh, I don't know, but I did.

"And at his apartment, he goes to open some wine and I'm looking around at his books and stuff, the way we all do - not quite snooping, but curious, you know? And there's something soft and jazzy playing, when he comes up behind me, and reaches a wine glass around me and I take it, and I realize his hands have ended up on my hips, and he turns me and says, 'Care to dance?' and I don't object and we end up slow dancing there in his living room next to the bookcases, and I'm holding my wine glass for a minute, then I just decide what the hell and I down the wine in a big swallow and put the glass on a shelf and put my arms around his neck and we just sway there for a minute, looking at each other.

"Whew - so then I'm thinking 'what am I doing'?! But he's being so nice and it feels just soft and romantic and all, and then he tells me that he's been wanting to hold me since he first saw me in class, and I think 'what a line,' but he seems to mean it, and in a moment, we just close the distance and kiss for the first time, and what a kisser!!

"That kiss was almost orgasmic! (Back to Dianne breaking in: 'I'm sure I looked shocked at that, but I didn't interrupt her - she was on a roll') And it went on and on, and his tongue was in my mouth and it was sort of searching and sort of playing and his arms had gone around me and I felt one of his hands pressing at the top of my ass, you know, right below the waist line, pulling me closer to him, and then I could feel HIM! And I do mean FEEL HIM! His dick was pressing into me, and he slid his leg between mine and pressed up against my pussy, and I knew in an instant that I was getting wet, which I don't do all that easily, usually!

(Even in the retelling, that kind of language was foreign to the usual Dianne, and I was amazed that she was managing to really get into it! And, of course, her getting into it spurred me - it was all I could do not to roll back over and restart to fuck, but I held back, amazed at the transition)

"So we stand there, his leg in my crotch and his dick trying to make sure I knew it was there, which there was no doubt I knew, let me tell you! I'm pretty used to Tom, like I'm sure you are to Jack, and I didn't know a lot, but I knew that there was more there, or at least that it was harder at that stage than Tom gets these days - it was like I was in my twenties again and with this twenty-something guy who still had all this youth and I was just being swept into it!

"And then he picks me up - just like it was easy for him! - and carries me to the bedroom! I swear, it was like one of those bodice buster novels they sell in airport bookshops - there I was, just being ravished and not minding it at all, old married me, with this young stud!

"So, in the bedroom, he lays me down on the bed so gently! And he starts taking off my clothes - I had on a regular dress and nothing particular underneath, just go to class kind of thing, and he's totally into it, like he's trying to remember every button, every new glimpse of skin, and he gets me totally naked - thank goodness the room was warm! - and I'm lying there all turned on because he's been stroking all those new glimpses of skin and my nipples are like rocks and I'm embarrassed that my 40 year old bod isn't what it was in my twenties and am embarrassed about my bush and worried that I wasn't fresh, you know, but he's having none of that, and he kneels over me and starts sucking my breasts and his hands are stroking at my clit, and before I know it, I'm coming! I never come that fast! And now I've really got to get fucked - it's like I'm on fire, and he hasn't even taken off a stich yet!

"So I tell him, strip for me, now! And he gets up off the bed and just stands there and takes off his shoes and socks, and he's got on these jeans and I can see the bulge of his cock in them and I'm thinking yep, that's looks to be more than Tom packs, and then he takes off his shirt, and he's buff as hell, with great pecs and shoulders and no hair at all - he's blonde and blue eyed if I didn't mention that - and he's standing there, looking at me like I'm a Botticelli or something - he's just exuding desire and testosterone in a good way, then he unbuckles and unzips his jeans and starts pulling them down and he pulls his unds down with the jeans, and then I see this fuzz appear below his navel and it spreads as he lowers the jeans, but it's this golden color and looks fine and soft and short - not shaved, but not long and curly or kinky or anything.

"And then, damn, the base of his, ah cock appears - the thing was stuffed sort of sideways in his jeans - looked like it must've hurt, but he wasn't complaining - and it was wonderfully thick - thicker than Tom, maybe not quite the thickest I've ever had - did I ever tell you about that guy in college - anyway, thick in a gonna-make-you-sure-it's-there, not in a gonna-hurt-you kind of way. And he bends over a little and keeps tugging, and then more shaft appears as it's bent down then as he bends down, then more, and finally, wham - the thing springs out and up, and he just strips the jeans all the way off and stands back up, and he's gorgeous and his cock is gorgeous and it's huge - not porn huge, but definitely huge compared to what I'm used to - and I'm lubricating just looking at him!"

- - -

(Jack here again - I was more and more amazed! Dianne had gone off into her own world telling me this. I was watching her, listening to her channeling Carol, and I was getting more and more turned on. I don't know whether it was the story or the image of Carol lying naked or that I knew Dianne had to be imagining being Carol and getting turned on that way. I think it was mostly that I was hearing a side of Dianne that I wanted to hear more from, but who I really, really wanted to fuck right then! Somehow, I managed to stay quiet, but my dick was staying on full hard now as I was trying to figure out how to put her on pause but not on stop, so I could get back to fucking but later hit the play button and pick back up. I was interrupted in my thoughts by Dianne, returning to her own voice.)

"And then, the phone rang, and Carol saw that it was David calling, so she answered it and he'd come over to her place! I guess he knew Tom was gone and either didn't know or had forgotten that I'd be there. You've never been to their place, but you can drive up her driveway and behind her house and out of sight, which he had done. She let him in the back door, and she was right - he's gorgeous in his own way. He had on this black t-shirt with jeans and you could see his muscles and I couldn't resist looking at his jeans and I couldn't tell, of course, but it did seem like there was a good bit of package there! He was fidgeting, not knowing what I knew or how to handle things. Carol, meanwhile, was obviously stuck, not wanting to offend me but wanting to get it on with him. He was being really polite, pretending not to have come over to take her to bed, not knowing what if anything I knew - but I could tell he was disappointed, trying not to show it too much, probably figuring he was out of luck for the evening.

"So, I quickly made my excuses that Carol and I both knew were bogus. She didn't argue as much as she could have, and so she walked me to the door.

"She told David she'd be right back, then she walked me out to my car. After all that, and seeing him and all, I couldn't help it - I told her I wanted to hear more. Before I drove away, she told me that he is a great lover, that he eats her 'til she's jelly, then fucks her silly, and lasts a long time. She says she's always a little sore the next day, in a good way, because - she says - he's probably something like seven but feels like eight inches plus (whatever that feels like). Anyway, that's what she said. Then she added that Tom's barely five - I didn't ask, but now we know, I guess. Then she said she still wanted to catch up on how I was doing and was sorry we hadn't gotten to that. She added that David was great for her libido and her marriage, and that I should try David out - as if he were a toy or something - that she'd be willing to share and that she'd seen him checking me out in the few minutes back inside! I certainly missed that part - why would he even look at me when she's available? -and I told her thanks but I was fine, and I basically fled at that point. No way I'm interested in doing something like that! It's hard to believe that Tom is ok with it, and that their love life really is doing fine, but I don't think she's lying - it's all too amazing!

So, we arranged so that I'm going back down there next week to finish our get together, even though, or probably especially since Tom will be home.

"And that's why I came home early, and that's what happened that turned me on, and for the whole drive home, I kept thinking about David and what Carol had said, and it got me re-imagining that scene where she's naked in bed and watching him and his big dick get stripped down, and then . . . Well, by the time I got home, you know what a state I was in. I'm embarrassed, to tell you the truth, but there it is. Have I just totally grossed you out?"

I took a moment to let her catch her breath, then told her, "Well, that was great of you to share that with me, and obviously it's got me turned on, too!" I said, and she could see that I was as hard as I ever get, and I rolled back over and she lifted her hips up and I slid back in. She was wetter than she was before the story telling, and I realized that telling it tripped those same circuits as the night before, and we had a great fuck as a result.

A great fuck in my book, for what it's worth, means the female comes at least several times, and the male at least once. That morning, I think Dianne probably hit about a half dozen, and my culmination felt like I was blasting out some internal organs - deep, wrenching, almost - but certainly not - painful in its intensity. Afterwards, we cuddled as was our habit, and I thanked her again for her forthrightness in telling me, in talking at all for that matter. She stayed silent. I hoped she was realizing that I really did like hearing the story from her and that there was really no down side to her being more open with me.

And so, the next week flew by busily and suddenly we were quick kissing goodbye as she headed back to Carol's on Friday, and we hadn't "messed around," as we sometimes called, it, since that day after her return the week before.

I spent a nervous weekend, manufacturing scenarios of Carol and her boy toy, then of Dianne and Carol's boy toy, then of Carol and Dianne with Carol's boy toy. By Sunday afternoon, I was a mess of anxiety and testosterone overload, pretending to watch a football game in the den. I couldn't tell you who was playing.

Finally, I heard Dianne's car pull up, then the garage door open, a moment, then close, then the back door open. I called out, trying for cheerful and unaffected, "Hey, how was it?"

Looking up, I saw Dianne coming into the den through the kitchen.

She had that same look - the feral one, and I immediately knew I was in for a good time, or in over my head, or both. She shed her clothes as she approached me, grabbed my head to pull it down (not much resistance there, I promise), and we kissed, hard and deep, as we broke only to pretty much tear off each other's remaining clothes. I laid her down on the big leather couch, her hips on the arm, raised above the elevation of her head and leaving herself splayed open to me as I held her legs wide apart. I knelt next to the arm, between her thighs, her pussy at just the right level for me, and pushed my only mostly hard cock into her way lubricated pussy. It slipped in pretty easily, and after a few strokes had hardened fully, its own mind overcoming my rational one that was wondering just what the fuck was going on now.

It took her only a couple of minutes of my ramming into her, hard and fast like she says she sometimes likes it, and I could tell from her breathing, then crying out in a whimper, that she was coming.

I let her ride it out, then slowed to barely moving in and out, still fucking, but barely.

Finally, pulling out, I offered her my hand, helped her up, and led her off to the bedroom, wordlessly. Once there, I swept the covers off the bed and laid her down, gently, climbing back on and taking my tool in hand to find her opening again. Once back in, after a few slow thrusts to adjust for full insertion, I asked, "So, welcome home. It sure seems like you've got another story to tell, so do."

"Oh, Jack," she started, now unsure or embarrassed or something- what, I didn't yet know. "I won't be able to tell it if you're doing that."

"OK, we'll get back to this later," I said, regretfully pulling out. She laid on her back, and I laid on my side next to her, my head propped up.

She continued, "Well, yes, I guess it's a story, but it's one I'm not really sure who's writing. I got down there, and as planned, I moved my stuff into her guest room. Tom wasn't there after all - seems like Carol managed to forget that little detail - and we ran out and got Chinese and took it back and ate it in her living room from the coffee table, with wine, and then some more wine. We had a great time, laughing over silly stuff, and no mention of the time before, no mention of her David at all.

"And then, again, David called, as before, and I tried to bail, as before. But she was having none of that, so I stayed, and he came over, and I feigned exhaustion and put on that old thin button-up nightshirt and went to bed, and pretty soon then, I could hear them, going at it, with her sighing and practically screaming through orgasm after orgasm, and they were both getting really verbal, describing, as if they were doing some audio porn thing for me, exactly what was going on.

"It was, 'oh, you're so wet,' and 'fuck me, hard!' and 'I love it when you do me from behind like this,' and 'your cock is so big and so hard,' and 'I'm coming again!' and 'oh, your tongue is so good' - from both voices - and finally - I didn't really time it, but it was well over a half hour of nonstop sex - I heard him groan and gasp and I knew he was coming, which of course she confirmed out loud.

"It had been like my personal porn tape, and I had laid there and pretty much without thinking, had pulled my nightshirt up, then off. I knew it was dirty and wrong, but I'd stroked myself, and I came, trying not to whimper out loud, and I so wished you were there to fuck me silly.

"But then everything was quiet and I figured I'd fall asleep. But I was so buzzed, I just couldn't sleep, and I laid there some more, replaying the whole thing, from my earlier trip down there through that evening's sex scenes."

I figured that would be about it, but she paused for a while, then continued, "So after a while, I decided to get up and get a drink of water, and everything was silent in the house. I put the nightshirt back on, but I didn't really button more than one or two buttons since I was alone, and because after all, I'm no nudist, as you know.

"And then I snuck out of the guest bedroom and made my way back to the kitchen. I could see some glow there, but like I said, it was quiet so I figured it was just a light left on. I peeked around the corner and didn't see anything, so I went into the kitchen and found a glass and poured myself some water out of the refrigerator door spigot, and then about dropped it when I heard something behind me! I turned around, and there was David, who had apparently been sitting just out of my sight, on a barstool over along the wall. He had cleared his throat, I think. Anyway, there he was, just sitting there, looking at me in the glow, smiling. And he was totally naked! His legs were sort of manspreading with his heels on the barstool brace, and his dick was just lying there, curved down and all soft, over his balls.

"I was mortified, surprised, and didn't know just what to do for a moment. I realized I'd come in on him, not him lurking or sneaking up on me or anything - he was just there having some water like I was, innocently, if you can call rehydrating after screwing someone else's wife 'innocent'.

"He drained his glass and said, 'Don't mind me,' or something like that, as if it were the most natural thing in the world for a guy to be naked in front of his mistress's friend. And that made me realize I was naked except for the nightshirt, and that made me realize it was unbuttoned almost to my navel, and that made me realize my nipples were tingling, and I looked down and saw that they were pretty much defined like bullets against the thin cotton.

"Then I looked back up and he was standing, walking toward me. He stopped about two feet away - inside my comfort zone for sure, but nothing that could be defined as intrusive. He seemed to be just playing the edge, pushing the envelope just a tad. And when I saw him stop that close, I looked down, and sure enough, that dick of his seemed to have grown some, longer at least, or so it looked. I remembered Carol saying it was a lot bigger than Tom's five inches, like I told you before?, and it sure looked at least that long, even soft.

"Then, I guess I must have been staring, because I saw it surge a little, and it definitely got even a little longer, and it started to lean out toward me. The damn thing reminded me of a snake, raising its head, and all this Garden of Eden stuff flew through my mind, then I snapped out of that, and I realized it was thicker too, and that he was getting an erection from just standing there, looking at me looking at him. I didn't know if he was an exhibitionist and that was getting him going, or if he was turned on by my nipples being so obvious - at least I think the rest of me was covered. But I had no idea how to get out of the situation.