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"Yes, I know. All I had to do was turn around and walk away, but somehow, although I knew that, it didn't seem to be an alternative at the time. I decided I had to just bluff through it.

"All that had taken only a couple of seconds since he'd told me not to mind him, and I answered that I wouldn't. I forced myself to act natural, but when I looked up at him, he was smiling this cat about to eat the canary smile - nothing I could put my finger on to blame him for, but I knew that he knew, and all that. Then I took a sip of water and saw my hand shaking, so I put it down. That gave me the moment to leave, so I just said, "Sleep well," and turned and walked away. Finally, just as I was turning the corner to go down the hall again, I looked back, and he had his hand around his cock, not really masturbating (as if I knew what that would look like), but more like pulling it out to its length. And when I looked, he let it go, and damn if it wasn't even bigger and about half hard from what I could tell, definitely standing out from his body and pointing almost at me. And he was grinning by that time, and I felt a breeze and realized the nightshirt had gotten wrapped in itself somehow and my ass was bared to him. I just kept walking - what could I do?

"After that, I couldn't get to sleep for some time, but finally did, and slept until 9, then got up and showered and delayed getting dressed, not knowing if David was still there or what. When I ventured out, after 10, only Carol was there - David had left sometime before, I didn't ask when. I didn't know what to say to Carol, not knowing if that episode with naked David had been relayed or kept secret, and if he kept it secret I didn't want to tell on him but if he didn't I didn't want to deny anything, so I was stuck.

"Fortunately, Carol didn't keep me in suspense. She told me David had told her pretty much what had happened - she didn't mention anything about him getting harder in front of me. Then she sort of offered him to me again, as if I'd take her up on it!"

"Are you sure you wouldn't like to at least consider that?" I asked. "After all, it's David who's the source of your getting worked up, and it's David who gets credit for a lot of the great sex I've been getting of late!"

Dianne looked surprised, and a bit hurt. "HE gets the credit? I thought I was the reason!"

Uh-oh. Damage control to the bridge! "Of course you are, babe. I'm just saying, he's got to be a fantasy of sorts for you, and I'm fine with that, and I'm enjoying the fruits of that."

Fortunately, that seemed to mollify her. I shut up - good move, champ - and hoped she'd continue. After all, we'd made it through day one of her two days away, and I was pretty sure there was more to the story, or hoped so. After a minute or so, she continued.

"So anyway, she told me that since I was down there for two days, and since David planned on coming back that evening, that it would be fine with her if I took advantage of the situation. She added that when David told her about our meeting in the kitchen, while they were screwing that morning before he left - I get the idea he never tires out - she'd teased him that he'd probably prefer to be with me, and that while he denied it, she could tell he was intrigued by the idea. She also asked me what I thought of him, since I'd seen him in the altogether. I told her he was certainly a good looking guy, and then she asked, 'But what about that cock of his?' and I said I hadn't really noticed, and she laughed out loud at that. She flat out asked me if I was used to something that big, and I told her that it was none of her business, and she said back that she figured as much, and that my avoiding answering assured her that I wasn't - used to a big thing like that. I said that you were all I needed, and she said that Tom was all she 'needed,' but that he wasn't all she wanted at times, and that David filled all those things for her. And then she asked if I'd ever had a threesome, either with two guys or with a guy and a girl, and I said something like 'of course not,' and she said that if I ever was interested in something like that, to let her know.

"By that time, I was so embarrassed I just wanted out of there, so I told her I needed a bathroom break and went out, and when I came back, I quickly suggested we go out to brunch or something, and so we did, and nothing else was mentioned about it for the rest of the morning and afternoon. We had a great time catching up on everything else in both our lives, and it was just like old times with just two friends being friends!"

"All that sounds amazing," I said. "Of course, I wish I'd been there, but of course if I had, none of that would have happened."

"No, probably not - make that certainly not. I should make sure I drag you along the next time I go down there, and keep you around the next time she's up here - or maybe not. She'd probably go right after you. Much as I love her, sometimes she's such a slut! . . . Oh, I didn't mean that!"

"I know you didn't - but from what you say, sometimes she is!" I laughed, and we both laughed, happy to be of a mind, at least on that point.

"So, that takes me up through the afternoon. Did David come back that evening?"

"Yes, but I wished he hadn't. I was enjoying just being Carol and Dianne again, without the complications. But sure enough, he showed up at about 7, and had an armful of groceries, and he cooked us a really fabulous meal - really gourmet stuff, from hors d'oeuvres through dessert, with lots of wine. Amazingly, it wasn't really heavy - sort of tapas style - four or five small plates that we shared, lots of wine, and nice conversation, mostly about books we'd read. Very civilized, no hint of sexual stuff going on at all.

"After that, I insisted on doing the clean-up, and they went off into the living room while I took care of the dishes and pots and pans and put everything left over away and all. When I finally got through with all that, it was about 9 pm. I went into the living room, but they weren't there. I wondered if they'd taken a stroll or gone to sleep, or what. There was a TV in my bedroom, so I headed off to watch some, maybe read a book, and that took me down the hall, past the master bedroom."

"Uh-oh, I can see it coming . . . so to speak," I said, enjoying my own joke - she seemed not to.

"Yeah, and so, I didn't mean to, and I knew I shouldn't, but the door was wide open, and I couldn't help at least looking in as I walked by. And there they were. Carol was on the bed on her knees, her ass way up high and her head on the bed next to her forearms. She was facing the far side of the bed, and he was watching her rear end as he was kneeling behind her, fucking her, and she was moaning, but really softly. He was holding her hips, pulling her back as he went forward, you know, just like you do, and looking at her ass, like I think you do, too.

"And she's got that great, zaftig kind of ass going, as I'm sure you've noticed, you dog."

I couldn't deny, but half-nodded, not to interrupt.

"And then he looked over and saw me, and he said out loud to Carol, 'do you really think that Dianne would ever let me do this with her?' and I heard Carol say, between breaths, 'if . . . I . . . keep at her, . . . I think she . . . just might - . . . and would you . . . do her . . . if you . . . got the chance?' and he said, 'in a minute!'

"And turned his head and he looked right at me when he was saying that!

"I don't know why I didn't run, but I stayed there - seeing two people fuck in front of me, not on a screen, was amazing. The lights weren't bright, but they weren't dim either, and I could see clearly, and I could hear their breathing, and I was just rooted to the spot.

"And then, he leaned over and pulled her up, and those big breasts of hers were freed, so he grabbed them and I could see him massaging them, and that made her moan some more. He was looking straight at me and smiling - not a mean smile, just a glad I was there kind of smile, or so it seemed - and between the smile and his hands and her breasts, it seemed he was saying he wanted to do that to me, to grab my breasts and feel the while he fucked me!

"Anyway, that's what was going through my head, and I realized my own body was responding, that my nipples were hard and I suspected I was getting wet as well. I wanted to rub myself, but I couldn't quite bring myself to do that. Then he pulled back and pulled all the way out of her, and she moaned, louder, and told him not to stop, and he just knelt there behind her, his torso straight up, clear of her, and his dick was pointing, all on its own, at about a 45 degree angle up, and it was shining wet, and it looked huge! The head was all dark compared to the shaft, and it was a lot bigger around than the shaft part. He just stayed still except for his cock, which was bobbing up and down, sort of showing off for me, I thought.

"And then Carol told him to put it back in, in no uncertain terms, and when he didn't, just showing off some more, she realized something was going on, and she turned her head and saw me standing there, and I guess figured everything out. And she laughed and called out to me to either come on into the bedroom, meaning join them, I knew, or keep going so he could get back to doing her, except she used a lot more explicit language.

"I turned to go, but not before I saw him feed that thing back into her - slowly at first, until I could tell he was in her but I could still see some of it sticking out, and then he really rammed it home, and he growled out loud, and I think he was - no, I'm sure he was - coming inside her, and it seemed to get her over the top, and she cried out, and reached back with a hand to grab at his butt and pull him forward as much as she could while they came together.

"... and then I fled, and heard them wheezing and laughing behind me as I got to the spare bedroom."

"Wow!" I said, "Now I really wish I'd been there!" Then I realized I might have turned her off with that, but she didn't seem anything but winded from having told it all. I'd been surreptitiously pulling at my dick during this, just keeping it at attention, or just because it felt good. So, I was full up hard, and since she seemed done with the story telling, I rolled over on top and fed my shaft back into her. She didn't resist and was welcomingly wet.

"Was that it?" I asked.

"Sort of. Well, anyway, that was it for that day. This is really weird for me, you know," she said. "I'm getting so much from all sides on this. Carol wants to set me up to screw her boyfriend that her husband knows about. David is hard to figure. While he doesn't seem averse to that, he also seems just happy with doing Carol and probably open to other things, and he probably likes showing off that big thing of his. And you, for some strange reason, aren't mad or jealous, and look at you - you're all excited and I'm not at all sure this is going to be ok for us."

"Well, we'll stick together, and nobody needs to do anything anybody doesn't want - anybody being the two of us," I reassured her. And she was right. We'd been lying side-by-side during her rendition, and I was erect from her tale, wanting to roll over and start screwing right away, but wanting not to break the spell.

"OK, just remember that. Well, anyway, for some reason, I slept really well, and I had some sort of dream I can't quite remember, but I know you were there and we were looking for something together.

"But so I woke up and got up and cleaned up and dressed and went out, very cautiously, because I really didn't know how I was going to face either one of them, but I couldn't just stay in the spare room all day. Again, there was no sign of David, but Carol was in the kitchen, sitting there in just a big t-shirt as far as I could tell, and she had made coffee. She poured me a cup, and I took it and sat down at their counter.

"''Mornin', sweetie - sleep well?' she asked, as if nothing at all were out of the ordinary.

"And I said, 'Yeah, fine, and you?'

"And she laughed and said, 'really freaked you out there, didn't we? Listen, I'm sorry - I get carried away when I'm with him, and I sort of let my manners go by the boards. I hope we didn't gross you out.'

"So I said, 'no,' although I wasn't sure if it was true or not.

"And then she came over to me and said, 'Gimme a hug - still girlfriends?' and I said, 'of course,' and we hugged, and I felt those big breasts of hers up against me and wondered if there was something other than friendship going on, but I didn't want to think about that, so we just hugged a minute. And when we parted, I couldn't resist - I looked down and sure enough, her nipples were poking out big time through that t-shirt, so I don't really know what, if anything is going on with her.

"And then, as we sat back down with our coffees, she said, 'so, what do you think of my young stud, now that you've seen him in action?' I swear, she can be so direct, as if it's the most natural thing in the world to ask me what I thought of the guy I saw fucking her!

"I told her he was nice looking, and she seemed to be enjoying him, and I hoped it would all work out and not hurt her marriage.

"She told me I was avoiding the question, and wanted to know if I'd ever seen a better looking cock on anyone, and then she added 'other than Jack, of course!' which really surprised me. Has she ever seen your cock, that she'd know?"

"No, never, unless she was spying on us or something sometime that I don't know about - it sounds like she was just trying to spare you having to admit his is better looking," I countered, truthfully.

"Well, it isn't, you know. At least, not to me," she said.

"Uh-huh, but it might be to someone else - say, someone who wasn't worried about offending me by admitting it?" I teased, and she saw me grinning as I said it, so it was ok.

"I guess it might," she said in a low voice, as if she didn't want that to be overheard.

I should have let it go at that, but, hey. So, I pushed on, "and do you think, if I weren't in the picture, that you'd maybe like to go a round or two with that something that might be that good looking?"

"No, no. No way," she answered. "First of all, I'm not sure it would fit, and second, I like the way I am, thank you. That thing would be bound to stretch you out, wouldn't it? And besides, I like having you in the picture, thank you very much, and I'd hate to mess that up in any way at all, thank you even more."

"OK, but it's ok if we enjoy it for what it is? I like that it's gotten you hot, hearing about their affair, then seeing him, then seeing them together. I'm intrigued by just why Carol seems to want to set you up, but that's between you and her, I guess. Do you think she's getting off by thinking about you with David, sort of a lesbian-tinged voyeur fetish of some sort?"

"No way - she's as hetero as they come - hey, I made a joke, too!" and we both laughed, breaking the building tension.

I tried to reassure her, "Well, you know I'd never press, but I will freely admit that the whole thing does turn me on. Mostly because I envision you involved, and whatever turns you on, turns you on, and your being turned on turns me on - does that make sense?"

"A little," she admitted.

"So, you won't get mad if, from time to time, I tease you a little, maybe get you to try to fantasize about things you wouldn't do, but that might be titillating anyway?"

"No, I won't mind that. It's actually been kind of fun, and yes, kind of titillating," she smiled, and I finally did roll back on top, and we went back to slow missionary fucking.

Then, unable to resist, I said, "I'm dying to hear what happened after that - but for now, how about you just close your eyes."

She closed them without trying to resist either. It seemed we were of a mind at last on this.

"So, imagine that you're at Carol's, and I am nowhere around, out of the picture." Then I pulled out and sat back on my heels, between her calves, while speaking quietly, hoping hypnotically.

"And there you are, at Carol's, and Carol has gone somewhere as well, as has Ted. It's just you, all alone, resting, getting ready to fall into a midday nap, comfortably, lying there in bed." My words didn't have to make sense in any disciplined way, just be plausible.

"With your eyes closed, you are thinking about seeing David's hard cock with Carol that day, and it's led you to touch yourself while you recall it. Go ahead now," I said, and gently took her hand and placed it on her vulva, just letting it lie there. I let it go, and it stayed there, her fingers where they could, if she wanted, start to pleasure her.

"You gently touch yourself, and discover you're a bit wet, and it feels good, just to touch, without pressure to come, but just to touch, and you raise your knees and part them to gain better access." And with that, she lifted her knees, spreading them wide, and I saw her middle finger start to stroke, dipping slightly along her slit, down and back, then the tip disappearing between her folds, clearly visible through the well trimmed light colored hair alongside. She was beautiful, her eyes closed, her breasts gently moving with the rise and fall of her breathing.

"There's nothing but you and your memories, thinking about that cock of his, thinking about how he looked at you and smiled." Since I'd never seen David, I wasn't about to get specific about anything beyond what she'd told me, letting her mind fill in the details.

"It was hard, and shining wet from fucking Carol, and his smile made you know he wanted it to be for you as well, and so you keep on touching yourself as you focus on how you felt then, and how he looked then. And then you hear a small sound, maybe a door hinge squeak, maybe not. Thinking you should open your eyes and look, you decide not to for reasons you can't really explain.

"Still touching yourself, you feel the bed shift, and you know someone has just joined you on the mattress. It wouldn't be an intruder, but it might be Carol, come back early, or even Ted. You hope it's David, watching you pleasure yourself. You want him to desire you, and you want him to watch you, so you keep touching, keep rising in pleasure, still eyes closed, trusting, now desiring.

"Then a hand touches your hand," as I did with mine, "And moves it," as I did with mine, taking on David's persona in my telling.

"You don't resist, but miss the touch, not for long. Whoever it is strokes your thighs, and you feel fingers discover you, parting your lips. You can sense being watching you, seeing your most private parts as the fingers open you gently, then maybe a thumb finds your clitoris and it feels wondrous. You raise your hips to welcome it. All along, you're realizing you don't know if it's male or female doing this - if female, obviously Carol. If male, then possibly Ted, but much more probably David, ok, certainly David. And each is just possible, and you try to gauge the size of the fingers to tell, but you can't, your body is just flooding with sensation, too hard to pinpoint that well.

"And then you feel something else."

I shifted to bracing myself on one arm, my body balanced over her, my hard dick in my hand, using it as a dildo to run up and down her pussy lips, as I continued.

"You feel something stroking you and know it's his cock. It feels large like you'd seen, and you want it to fuck into you. You reach for it and take it and realize it is indeed larger than you're used to, but you're determined, and you pull it into you, as it sinks deeply into your cunt. Barely noticing that you received it with less difficulty than you had expected, you feel him start to fuck you, hard, and you know you're going to come,"

And she did, bless her! She reared up those hips of hers and I plowed for all I was worth, and she cried out softly as she came, which brought me over the top as well, and I blasted into her, groaning out loud.