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"Oh," said Zach softly.

Gloria turned to Zach. "Is he always this oblivious?"

"Fortunately, no. He's just twisted himself into knots over Sylvia and Linda."

"You are a good friend to hold his hand and stand by him."

"To be frank, he was pissing me off with his endless mooning over Sylvia. That door has closed. He needs to move on!"

"On that we agree, Matthew."

There was a long moment of appreciative silence before Gloria spoke. "You gents need more than just bacon. Allow me to cook you up a first-class breakfast then we can sit down and plan our day. I'm serious about not having anyplace to go at present. Neither of you will ever be privy to all the details but suffice to say there is someone out there in those woods whom I am extremely angry at and am in no hurry to see again. An entire day spent with two big-hearted and good-looking younger guys is infinitely more appealing."

"We'd like to spend the day with you as well, Gloria!" said Zach extatically.

"Down, boy!" returned Gloria in a merry tone. "As I said Zachary, your honesty is endearing, it will also be your downfall. Let's not start out on the wrong foot."

"Sorry." Said the dark-featured lad.

"Don't apologize, Mr. Zach. Instead plan your sentences carefully and ruminate on them for a moment or two before you utter them."

Sufficiently cowed, the young man flushed and fell silent.

"Relax, Zach. I still like you."

The lad beamed.

"Now, you two give me a bit of space and I'll make you both a breakfast worthy of a king."

The boys took a few steps and watched Gloria work. Both were extremely grateful that she didn't seem to take their undressing of her personally. They still had a lot of questions to ask her but for now, they were content to listen to her hum as she explored the small pantry.

Both lads were looking forward to an entire day with Gloria, she had a winning personality and an allure about her they found intoxicating. That she was, apparently, not angry with them for the liberties they had taken elated them. With sly glances at Gloria as she worked, Zach and Matt recalled her naked form. They had to adjust their pants to hide their subsequent stiffies. What was it about older women?

"Come and get it, you he-men!"

The boys sat a moment appreciating their plates before tearing into their food. In truth, there was not much the boy could cook on their own, bacon, fish, steak, burgers, and fries were about the limit of their culinary skills and those were not particularly adept. Though they had consumed calories while staying in the cabin, they really hadn't eaten. At least, not well. Gloria's cooking lit up their tastebuds. Both immediately exclaimed their appreciation. She chuckled and said, "You boys were born in the wrong era. You should have come of age in the 1950s when men had their mothers, their sweethearts, or their wives do all the cooking."

"We both know how to cook," protested Matt.

"But you both suck at it, right?" fired back Gloria.

"With Uber eats and all the new companies that deliver meals to your door, what guy needs to cook today?" offered Zach.

"Oh, Zachary," she stated in a concerned tone, "There is nothing more romantic than cooking a meal for your girlfriend. A woman loves a man who can cook. She knows that he can fend for himself and, just as importantly, she knows that he can take some of the burden off her shoulders. That he can cook some nights or even most nights are a big plus. If he knows his way around a kitchen and can help her while they both cook together, he's already certified one corner of her "Is he a keeper?" Bingo card."

"I will certainly keep that in mind, Gloria. Maybe Sylvia would not have tossed me out if I was more well-rounded and did things like cook her meals."

"No, Zach, she still would have dumped you for perving on her mother! While a girl wants to hear from her boyfriend that he thinks her mother is attractive, she does NOT want to know that her beaux has imagined her naked and sucking on his cock."

Gloria faced Zach, reading him perfectly before finishing with, "Like you most assuredly did."

The lad's face went crimson.

Gloria chuckled. "You need a cougar, Zach. An older woman you can have a short, incredibly hot, and amazingly passionate affair with to get this out of your system or you are going to repeat your mistake with another girl."

His eyes widened.

"Goodness!" she exclaimed. "Don't look at me like that! No wonder your girl dumped you! You are as readable as a Dick and Jane reader!"

"I'm sorry, Gloria, you are just so beautiful."

"That is quite flattering, Zach. If it floats your boat, I think both you and Matthew here are quite handsome. Part of me wishes you had taken advantage of me last night."

"Really?" exclaimed both lads at once.

"No, not really. It is just that it is very nice to see desire in your eyes for me after some very harsh comments led to my getting lost in the woods."

"Care to tell us about it, Gloria?" asked Matt.

"Not at present. I'm still in your debt. What can I do around the cabin?" She paused, grinned and followed up with. "Nothing kinky!"

Everyone laughed.

Zach had torn his jeans, Gloria mended them. Matt had to do a bit of painting to the trim of the cabin. Gloria helped him spread the drop cloth and brought his coffee and cool drinks until he finished. With the boys applying themselves, they had all their chores finished by early afternoon.

"What do you boys usually do now?"

"For the last week, this is when we would start fishing."

"On the water?"

"Yes, we have a small boat."

"I could go for some time on the water, enjoying the rock of the boat under the open sky! Let me pack a lunch for all of us."

"You are the best, Gloria!"

"Hardly, at least according to some people."

"I find that hard to believe," returned Matt.

Gloria's countenance donned a wistful expression, "Oh, you boys are so young and sweet. You still see the best in everyone and everything. Hold on to that attitude as long as you can. Please don't become middle-aged, thin-skinned, cantankerous and abusive."

The boys gazed at Gloria, her expression was troubled for a moment before she forced a smile and said, "Just keep being nice young men."

"We can't stop the calendar, Gloria."

"True Zach, but you don't have to age along with it."

"Would you like to talk about something, Gloria?" asked Matt.

"My problems would only bore you guys."

"What if we got you drunk?"

"Zach!" exclaimed Matt in horror.

Gloria, however, laughed. "Not enough booze in the world, gentlemen."

The boys appeared crestfallen.

"That doesn't mean you can't try." She winked at them and said, "Now, let me pack lunch!"

A short time later the three of them were on the small boat that came with the cabin. Zach was in front, Gloria sat in the middle, and Matt operated the finicky small outboard motor in the rear.

"Did either of you he-man pack some sunscreen?"

"Yes, Gloria, in my bag, offered Matt."

"Much obliged, stud!"

The lads enjoyed the sight of Gloria coating her exposed skin with sun block. She studied the label.

"Matt, good purchase, my man! This stuff contains some first-class moisturizers! I was such a sun worshipper when I was your age. You should have seen me in my string bikini, my skin a golden brown! Now I bake and turn into an old prune."

"You could never be an old prune!"

Gloria's eyes took in both lads. "You gentlemen are going to give me a swelled head. I will admit that it is mighty nice to hear. I think you are being truthful. Don't become the kind of men who say things like that just to get inside a lady's knickers. Even if the woman later regrets being with you, she will appreciate that you were always honest with her. The honest men I've been with all reside in a languid place in my heart. The lying scoundrels I've tried to burn out of my psyche with mental acid."

"I'm sorry you've been hurt, Gloria," stated Matt honestly.

"Hey, it comes with the territory of living. I refuse to dwell in shrink wrap all my days."

That far away look that the boys had seen before came over Gloria's features. It seemed to say many things and nothing at the same time. What was clear to the boys was that they both very much liked their unexpected visitor and wanted to learn everything they could about her. Already, she had taught them so much.

"Barkeep! Get me a beer!" she joked. Zach took a cold one from the ice chest and presented it to her. She tipped back the bottle and said, "Hey this is good! I'm not usually a beer drinker but."

"It cost enough," suppled Matt. "Booze is one thing I won't cheap out on."

"Do you have a varied palate?"

"If you mean do I like a lot of varieties of booze? Not really, but I have expensive taste. One of my first big paycheck went to buy a sixteen-year imported old Irish Whiskey. I was very sad when I consumed the last drop."

"You'd give James Bond a run for his money, Matt."

"Hardly! Martini's suck! The first Russian agent he crossed path with a bottle of vodka would drink him under the table, rifle his pockets, and bring down the entire British Empire."

Gloria chuckled. "Women love men with discriminating tastes. So long as they aren't anal about it!"

"You seem pretty discriminating yourself, Gloria. How do you kick back?"

"Oh, That! I usually stroll through the nudist colony distributing random BJs!"

The lads looked at her in stunned silence, their mouth hanging open like stuck fish.

She broke out in merry laughter. "Not really! I'm a scrapbooker and I belong to a yarn spinning club. I'm afraid that I'm conventionally middle-aged, with mostly middle-class tastes."

The boys' expressions relaxed but not before Gloria was able to read that both were quite enthralled with her kinky prospect. Truth was, she felt good being objectified by them. Their youth and guileless nature made them more attractive than similarly handsome men closer to her age. If only she had met them years ago instead of... She forced the frown away. She took another sip of beer.

"Are you guys going to fish or what?"

"We're just about at the deepest part of the lake," supplied Matt. He reduced the speed of the outboard motor. A few moments later, he turned it off completely and nodded at Zach who proceeded to drop anchor. The boys cast into the water. Gloria leaned back, felt the sun on her face. All was right with the world.

She watched how the boys interacted as they fished. It was clear how deep their friendship was by the way they read each other and communicated nonverbally. Only two men who had been through a lot together could be so harmonious. Gloria saw them as a team, dating at the same age, losing their virginity at the same time or within days of each other. They were obviously smart enough to have never gotten involved with the same woman. Matt was more mature. Zach deferred to him nearly every time. It was clear that Zach could saddle Matt with his problems, but that Matt could not confide in Zach in the same way. This made Matt neither angry nor frustrated, it was just a matter of fact. Gloria intuited that if Matt had a crisis like the one Zach had created, Zach would never know it. Yet for the things he needed Zach to be, Matt was utterly reliant. Few men ever had the friend that Zach and Matt had in each other. It was an open question as to which was more handsome. Matt's maturity was compelling, but so was Zach's guileless, open nature. Either one would make a fine boyfriend, but Zach would have to be kept on track or he'd lose his focus. Matt seemed like the type to become way too serious and would need a girl that could help him cut loose in constructive ways. Gloria sighed heavily. If she had ever had a daughter, she would be giving both boys her phone number. "But," she whispered sadly, "All I have is me."

She took off her blouse. She stood and peeled off her shorts. "What are you doing? The boys asked in unison.

"Taking a dip, obviously." She slid into the water on the port side, opposite the boy's extended rods. She arced into the water, clad in just her bra and panties. The boys stared open mouthed. Suddenly, it didn't matter if Godzilla was on the end of their lines. Fishing had lost all appeal. They watched Gloria swim a lap around the boat, visions of sea nymphs and mermaids filled the lads' brains. To say they were in awe would be a vast understatement.

Gloria surfaced. "Are you just going to stare, or are you going to join me?"

Zach kicked off his shoes, tugged his shirt off and tugged down his jeans. Wearing just his boxer briefs he dove in beside Gloria. Matthew had the foresight to secure the oars and rods and other equipment before he too stripped to his underwear and dove in.

Zach and Matt raced Gloria around the boat. She was a surprisingly fast swimmer, easily out lapping the boys. She liked what she saw. Both boys were nicely, but not overly muscled. She realized just how much in her thrall they were. This realization made her feel very good inside. It had been a long time since she had wielded such power. Her only question was what would she do with it?

She swam back to the boat and clambered in. She helped the boys back aboard. Of course, she noticed how the water caused their undershorts to adhere to their skin. Both Zach and Matt had nice packages, but Matt had the clear advantage over his friend. Gloria wondered just how far she could control these handsome young men. She recalled the argument that had led to her storming off into the woods. "Let me give that asshole something to really be jealous about!" she said silently to herself.

"I think we are done with fishing," announced Matt as he had Zach pull up the anchor before he started the outboard motor. In silence, the trio returned to the cabin dock.

"But you didn't catch anything!" protested Gloria.

"Our freezer is already overflowing -- we didn't need to catch anything," returned Matt.

"Yeah, I think I just want a relaxing day at the cabin," offered Zach.

"Well, OK guys. I'll let you decide what we do? Do you have any board games in that cabin? If not, there is always cards."

They entered the cabin. Gloria darted to the bathroom and emerged clad in just a towel. Her bra and knickers were in her left hand.

"I'd better put these out in the sun to dry."

She stepped outside and laid the undergarments on the picnic table outside the cabin.

Matt and Zach stood there in their sopping underwear their dry clothes in their arms.

Gloria looked at them with deviltry in her eyes.

"Tell you what, gents. I'll drop the towel if you guys lose the shorts. If I'm going to be naked, so should you."

Matt looked at Zach. Zach looked at Matt. Did they just hear correctly? Matt shrugged his shoulders and tugged off his boxer briefs. His larger that average rod rose to full length. Zach followed suit with his gray boxers. His manhood swelled even as his body flushed scarlet. Gloria managed to suppress her laughter at the hungry MILF hunter embarrassed at being naked in front of the real thing! She ogled each boy appreciatively and. With a wink, pulled her towel away. The awed looked on the lads faces made Gloria feel decades younger. She may have entered this cabin weak, powerless, and vulnerable, but now she wielded all the power. Now she knew how to wield it. Her mischievous look intensified.

"Let's play poker. Win a hand you get to kiss me. I win a hand and I get to kiss you!"

Matt and Zach gazed at each other. Their luck could not have been better! Zach picked up the deck of cards as the three gathered around the table. Matt pulled out the poker chips and distributed a dozen chips to each. Zach shuffled the cards and Gloria cut the deck. The first hand transpired nervously. Zach and Matt folded. Gloria sighed softly.

"Gonna make me do all the work, huh, guys?"

There was a pause.

"Zachary, do you know how to kiss an older woman?"

He swallowed hard, leaned across the table and received Gloria's delightful kiss. It was brief but he realized he would remember it all his life.

"Not bad, kid! Can you do better Matthew?"

Matt bent across the table. His kiss with Gloria was longer and a bit more passionate. Not that either boy noticed.

"Enchanting, young man!" enthused Gloria. "But you guys are way to tense. I'm a sloppy drunk, do you guys have any pot?"

As it happened, Matt had brought a stash along as a last resort to get Zach back on track. He figured that if his shoulder to cry on, the porn, fresh air, and fishing didn't get his mind off the Sylvia incident, getting him stoned might do the trick. So far, the stash had been untouched. He darted to his suitcase and emerged with the baggie, rolling papers, and a lighter.

"I see we of the older generation taught yours how to be prepared."

Gloria rolled and distributed the spliffs, lighting up last.

"Hey, this isn't bad, my man, Matt!" she stated.

They smoked for a few moments then resumed play. Matt won the round. Gloria kissed him deeply and passionately. Zach looked on enviously.

Three more hands. Zach won one, Gloria two. His kiss with Gloria was fantastic. She chose to Kiss Matt deeply once and gave Zack a quick brief one. They all paused for a bathroom break and drinks. Zach had a beer, Matt, whiskey, and Gloria, a seltzer that somehow hitched a ride in the boy's booze haul.

"Shall we raise the stakes gentlemen?"

"How so?"

"If you or Matt win, you get a BJ. If I win, I get to find out if your young tongues have what it takes to please an experienced lady."

It was as if all the oxygen in the room had dissipated. Matt and Zach took a moment to respond, which they did by nodding and smiling. Just out of view their erections were so intense they were almost painful.

While the previous hands had been half-assed at best, this one was an intense contest of wills.

The pile of chips in the center of the table grew tall until it came time to reveal their cards. Zach's full house beat Matt's tree of a kind and Gloria's busted flush. She set her cards down, gazed up at Zach and said, "Come here, young man."

Gloria slid off her chair. Matt tossed her a pillow from the couch. Zach was keyed up in the extreme as Gloria surveyed his manhood. She stroked his balls with one hand while her lips explored the underside of his shaft.

"Oh, sweet Jesus!" gasped Zach. Matt reached for his erect member and began to beat himself off. Gloria took in all of Zach, deep throating him. The older-woman obsessed lad was on sensory and exotic overload. Having had all his fantasies fulfilled so quickly, caused him to have a hair trigger. He exploded all over the inside of Gloria's mouth and went soft immediately. Gloria smiled and said, "Young man, a lady expects some endurance. That performance was most unworthy."

Zach flushed crimson and hung his head.

She turned to face Matt, who was still jerking off.

"Let me finish that for you, love."

Matt had much more staying power although he was in just as much thrall to Gloria as Zach was. He came with a grunt and a gasp.

Gloria swallowed Matt's load as well and came up smiling.

"Now, that is more like it. Just long enough that ny jaw didn't get sore."

Zach wished he was invisible.

Gloria stood up.

'I deserve a reward for that!" She strode over to the couch.

"Young Mr. Zachary. Let's see if your tongue has more umph than your cock." She spread her legs while she sat on the couch.

Zach was drawn to her pussy like a magnet. He was good at cunnilingus; Sylvia wasn't the only girl that told him sell. He fell to his knees before Gloria's parted legs like a congregant before a crucifix. He started slowly and built to a rousing finish.

While he worked, Matt and Gloria exchanged deep, long, adoring kisses. Gloria though Matt one of the best kissers she had ever come across. Her head pulled away from Matt's a tremor tore through Gloria's body and she squealed,