Goddesses 02 Pt. 03


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The teacher sighed, knowing all too well what was really going on in the minds of him and the other boys. "Very well. Next we have a rather grainy video loop, taken the following winter at an airport. She has grown to five foot-five now, and her breasts have increased by... perhaps another two cup sizes."

As the grainy, ancient ten second clip looped time seemed to stretch into an eternity for Benji. There, dressed in a sundress and dragging her suitcase behind her, was the most heavenly, lust inducing image of a female he had ever seen. Never had he fathomed that a young lady could become so incredibly sexual. The image of her gracefully swaying hips, the contrastingly provocative slosh of her now melon-like chest against her lithe body, and that same angelic face framed in gold-orange hair, was perfection gone perverse.

This time there was an audible groan from the class as some students began to lose their composure. The teacher's eyebrow cocked, but she carried on: "She and the goddess were boarding an airplane flight to a tropical island, a place where for a week the two were able to run free with their indulgences and depravities. By this stage Jessica Hunt was little more than a sex object to the goddess, and to service her was the only service she could provide to anyone at all. She could no longer give any value to society. It's estimated that she was about two thirds through her transformation.

"Now our final image. On the left you see again our first glimpse of Jessica as she was at the beginning of this unit, an eighteen year old student with her whole life ahead of her. To the right is she as a breeder, a year later and now fully transformed. She's three inches taller than her previous self, and all the sexually dimorphic features of her body are grotesquely exaggerated, to the point that it's practically all you can see. Disgusting. She's probably birthed dozens more of their species to this day."

Disgusting was hardly the word for what he beheld. Jessica had become the most incredible, beautiful, sexualized image of a being, to which the previous video loop of her paled in comparison. Her upper body was completely dominated by the enormous and high spheres of her chest, which were crowded into a black halter top in a display of endless cleavage and stubborn taut nipples which begged for a pair of lips. Behind them were her slender arms, and her waspish waist and bare flat stomach led down to widened child bearing hips. Her legs seemed to go on for days inside a light, silky skirt. To his eyes she was lust in its purest, most intoxicating form.

"Oh Alessia. Beautiful Alessia..." He was hard again. He reached out from under the covers for another tissue. His heart ached at the thought of her as he wondered what she would become if she continued with the goddess in the woods. He began to relieve himself of his tension.

That Alessia, that gorgeous and enigmatic young twice. She was always off in her own world of tinkering with things, inaccessible to every man and boy. Through sheer persistence he'd had a chance with her. He'd been close. But now she'd been touched by a goddess. She would only become more beautiful, more vital to his desires, and as well more distanced from his grasp.

As he rubbed out his frustration a decision formed in his mind. He had to stop it. He had to save her from the goddess.

Chapter 13

The girls walked hand in hand down the sunlit residential street. The paler of the two was constantly looking about, fascinated by surroundings that were apparently very new to her. The other, with the long curly brown hair, seemed mostly interested in the first.

"Are we there yet," the first girl said, turning her violet-eyed gaze upon the other.

"Almost. Just a little further down this street," replied Alessia.

"Good. I'm having trouble holding this form for so long."

"Okay. I can't wait to have you over! We always meet out there," Alessia said, waving her other arm towards the fringe where they'd came from, "now you can see my home."

"Of course. And what an interesting place it is," the other girl said, her voice trailing off as she watched a mother and her two sons pass by. "I just hope this is okay. I'm a little nervous, with what you've said about how Mu is towards my kind."

They were arriving at the entrance to Alessia's house. "Well you shouldn't be. My father is working right now, so it's just us." She opened the door. "Come inside."

As the girl stepped through the threshold she gave a slight groan of relief, and after locking the door behind her Alessia looked to her again and saw she was easily over half a foot taller. The top she'd been given to wear was now cinched tight around her very large chest and revealing most of her pale belly, and there was a flagrant bulge at the centre of her skirt, which looked much shorter now on her longer legs.

"Ugh, Gaia it'd have been nice if you'd waited until we took those off of you! You're stretching them out now!"

The goddess chuckled. "Sorry." She began to wander around the little home, curious to see what the living environment of her human looked like.

Alessia just watched, still standing by the doorway. She could feel her cheeks beginning to heat as she watched Gaia slink about in her borrowed summer clothes, so scant as they struggled to contain the blessings upon her lithe figure. She was thirsting for her.

Every object seemed new to the goddess, and she was constantly picking up and examining things, or trailing her fingertips along surfaces to feel their texture. "Is this area where you prepare your food?"

"Yes. This is our kitchen."

Gaia then glanced at her father's well-worn arm chair. She nodded her head, understanding that she was standing within his domain. "This is a very nice place to live, Alessia. Now can you show me where you rest?"

Alessia's eyes lowered, and she smiled coyly. "Of course. This way..."

They climbed the stairs and took a right turn, to her bedroom, which was alight with the afternoon sun as it poured in through her wide windows.

As Alessia began pulling the curtains shut she felt the touch of hands at her sides, followed by the soft bump of breasts at her shoulder blades. She shivered with excitement when next she felt the warm tingle of Gaia's breath at the side of her neck. She titled her head back, nuzzling the goddess' cheek.

For a moment they held each other like that, with Gaia's hands sliding over Alessia's skin, under and up her top, while the girl in turn hungrily pressed her bottom backwards into her in lust for what was pressed within her skirt. Once the heat between them became more than she could bear Alessia finally spun to face her, and they kissed.

When their lips parted Alessia stared up to her, dreamy eyed as she bit down on her bottom lip, entranced by Gaia's own violet pair. Her fingertips were playing with the bottom edge of her skirt, wanting to pull it up and have at what it tried to hide. The goddess chuckled softly, then took the first move by lifting her human's top up and off.

As her long curls tumbled back down around herself Alessia began to shimmy out of her shorts. The sight of her generous breasts jiggling with her movements pleased Gaia, and once those shorts fell to her feet she cupped them and lovingly lifted them while setting more kisses against her lips.

"Mm..." Unable to resist the temptation any longer, Alessia's hands went up Gaia's skirt, seeking the enormous beast within it. It was pressed tight against and then around one of her thighs, and it took a moment to fish it out, but soon she was able to begin stroking life into Gaia's flesh. Her slight squeal of excitement hit Gaia's lips as she felt the blood begin to rush into it, and soon her handhold no longer had to sit within her skirt as that cock straightened and descended well below its limit.

Gasping for air, Alessia broke her lips free to look down at her beautiful monster, her hand no longer able to encircle it while so much of its weighty length swayed semi-hardened beneath her grasp. She dropped to her knees and set her mouth against its sides while reaching up into the darkened confines of the skirt to stroke closer to its base.

Gaia carefully pulled off her top and tossed the stretched garment onto a nearby desk. That skirt was becoming more of a discomfort than she could bear as it stubbornly seeked to bend her stiffness against her leg, and from the frenzy of lust that had overcome her human it was plain to see that it would have to go. She pulled it up to sit around her waist, and Alessia almost cried with joy as her divine length was fully revealed to her.

Alessia had been right -- she should have waited until her undersized clothes were off of her before she'd reverted to her normal form. She was shimmying the thing over the broad burdens of her chest to lift up and off of herself, occasionally staggering from the sensation of Alessia's double handed strokes and overactive lips and tongue. She finally had it off of herself and tossed it onto the desk as well, then set her hands on her hips to watch her human work.

With one hand at the base and the other just below the head Alessia kneeled to the side so she could drag her lips along Gaia's length, from the tip to her crotch and back again. To Gaia her curly haired head could be seen repeatedly making the trip, which with the extensive dimensions involved required a full pivot of her waist. After a few passes Alessia shuffled further to her side, where she could focus on the tip and await the first blessed drops of precum.

With a couple more double handed strokes she'd been able to pump out just the slightest taste. As Alessia shuddered her blissful reaction Gaia chose to make her next move, walking over to the bed, where she gently set herself down on her side, propping herself up on her elbow.

Alessia rose to her feet and for a moment just stared at what she was presented with: a goddess pale, tall and beautiful lying on her bed, aroused and waiting. An absolute stunner, a stud, even by immortal standards. She was so presented on the bed Alessia had slept in since her earliest memories. It was her inner sanctum, the last place where Gaia's kind were ever meant to be. She'd gotten used to seeing her in the woods, but to have her there like that made their relationship feel so much more real.

She crawled over Gaia, and with the burning heat of her arousal pressing up along her stomach and chest came in for a kiss. Her goddess held her close, her fingers gently playing with the curls that hung around her back. Gaia's hips were spurred into motion, and the underside of her cock, which had become wet with her running pre, was slipping up and down between Alessia's breasts.

"Mm," the girl purred. She inched slightly lower, and with the pink and drooling tip moving to and away from her chin pressed her breasts around that sliding hardness. She didn't have enough to wrap around her heated pole, but was able to grasp at its sides as it went. Maybe, if what she'd learned at school would come true, they would eventually be big enough for that? She giggled at the thought -- they would have to get very big indeed!

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing. I just... love what we do so much."

Gaia chuckled, her teeth hotly clamping down on her bottom lip as with a playful little smile she slowed her movements and put more upward scoop into each pass. The tip was almost tapping at Alessia's nose now, and the scent of divine arousal was overwhelming.

"Mmh..." Alessia let her breasts tumble out of her grasp, then filled her hands instead with her massive goddess cock. Her mouth caught the end of it on an upwards movement, and Gaia became still, letting her have at it. The taste of her early seed washed across her tongue.

Alessia purred again in delight. How she loved to lavish worship upon that incredible cock! It was so beautiful to her, so huge and hardened, and it and all of the incredible substance she could coax from it was hers. Her heart was racing, and her hands were pumping.

Gaia was beginning to writhe, and her back was arching off of the bed. With a tremor of her body and a beat of her shaft a bolt of transparent pre rushed up to meet Alessia's mouth, and Gaia gasped her delight at the miniature orgasm that accompanied it.

Alessia pulled her lips away and gulped it down. Her hands were still pumping.


Alessia nodded. "So good, mmnh!" She kissed the hardened tip, and her voice dropped to a near whisper: "I want you inside me now."

"Alright." Gaia's gaze turned down to her cock, and it began to scale down to a more suitable size.

"You aren't shrinking it as much lately, are you?"

"Correct," she said, smiling faintly. "You could say I'm training you... for bigger and better things." There was about nine inches now, beating hard before her in anticipation.

Alessia rose slightly, and with a hand wrapped around her base aimed the large cock at her eager little slit. With a groan of pained pleasure she sank down upon it, taking in about half. "I can definitely feel the extra."

"Is it hurting you?"

"I... I like it."

"Good, baby. Good." Gaia rested her hands on her hips, and was about to take motion, but Alessia was actually the first to move. She rose and then slowly fell, letting Gaia's hardness spread her wide and spear her deep. Soon she was able to pick up a steady pace, and as she did so the sight of her long curls tumbling about, her breasts reacting to each dive, was beauty to Gaia's eyes.

For the moment she was content with that, simply taking in the lovely sight. She so loved to see her human taking pleasure upon her.


"Shh," Gaia said, her hands cupping Alessia's slender sides as they moved to grasp at her swaying beauties, "what if your father hears?"

"He won't be home, mm...! For hours..."

"If you say so," Gaia whispered. She began to drive upward slightly into each pass, to the moaning approval of Alessia.

"Harder," she breathed.

Gaia's hands fell back down from their lovely position to hold her hips once more, and harder she did indeed push. It was only moments until Alessia doubled over onto her, whimpering and quivering with her first release. When she regained control of herself she hotly kissed Gaia, her hands grasping at and sliding over chest, then crushing it up against her own.

Within their liplock Gaia rose and turned Alessia onto her back, and for a moment she was surprised by the way her bed bounced. With a little giggle she waited for the movement to subside. Alessia had no time left for laughter and closed her legs around Gaia to pull her in deep.

That was indication enough that she was ready for more. Now it was Gaia's time to shine -- she immediately set into a steady, rapid pace of deep thrusts.

The bounce of the mattress, which had so amused Gaia a moment before, she managed to strike a rhythm with. Aided by its rebound she was soon dribbling Alessia up and down against it. With considerable stamina she remained like that, ever driving into her wailing human, machine-like.

The sound of their colliding flesh would occasionally stop as Alessia recoiled away, her cries of pained bliss being their replacement. She was repeatedly reaching her place of release beneath the goddess. After only moments of recuperation they would resume their motions. Gaia was going for longer than Alessia had even known possible.

Suddenly she stepped back. Her stamina had finally run out. Dazed, Alessia sat up, and she moaned in wonder when she saw her back at full size and reeling on the verge of explosion. She crept forward towards her.

"Alessia, y-you said..."

She blinked, her mouth moving as she slowly regained her speech. "The... the bathroom!"

"The what?"

Alessia jumped to her feet and grabbed Gaia's hand, and they ran across the room to Alessia's ensuite. She pulled open the door to her tiny shower stall, and Gaia hopped inside. Alessia followed her in, shutting the door behind herself, then getting to her knees in front of her.

What better place could they go, for the oncoming shower? They had to contain the mess.

Wild with excitement Alessia hugged Gaia's thighs and placed kisses all over her sac, which was taut from her balls swollen on the verge of release. Gaia wrapped her hands around her shaft and began to pump. 3, 2, 1...

The first bolt of burning white shot straight up, then pattered back down on them as it hit the tiles overhead. The one that followed was larger and more intense, and with it came her delayed wave of ecstasy. "Ahhhh!"

Alessia stared up at her, completely awed at the way she was exploding out. Heavy globules were pounding down upon their naked skin. She rose off her knees, trailing her tongue along Gaia's heated length as she went, with burning seed dripping down it onto her tastebuds and into her waiting mouth. She set her lips around the tip, and the subsequent expulsions of goddess nectar were hers to drink down. She sputtered, nearly choking on the volume, and had to lighten the seal of her mouth. The excess beated out, further wetting her chest and Gaia's lower body.

"Haa, oh yes. Yes, that was... oh my," Gaia breathed. Alessa blinked up at her through sticky eyelids, still savouring the final remnants as under the insistence of her cum-slicked strokes they lazy rolled into her mouth.

Finally Alessia dropped back down onto her haunches. The shower stall, as well as their bodies, were basically glazed. They locked eyes, and after a reverent moment burst into laughter.


"So I have to agree," Gaia said, "it's nice to get away from the wilds."

"Of course." They were lying on Alessia's bed, still naked but cleansed of the mess they'd coaxed out of Gaia's loins. They'd been lying there for hours, just talking as they dried off. The afternoon would soon become the evening, and Alessia's father was surely on his way home. "Your little spot with the mushrooms is nice, really nice, but we can't do the same thing all the time."

Gaia smiled. "Yes. I'm not as comfortable here but it seems change is good." She traced her fingertip down the inner curve of one of Alessia's breasts. "I'm so much older than you... yet you teach me so much."

Softly, Alessia returned that smile. Her words had effected her. After a moment to digest them she asked, "how old are you, anyway?"

"Hmm. I can't really say. Older than you would understand. But at the same time... I'm like an infant."

Alessia's brow furrowed. "I guess so. Gaia, I had an idea just now. Since you're liking being here with me, in human territory."

"Okay. Tell me."



"Yes Alessia," Don Greco replied. After shutting the door behind himself he tossed his bag of work things by the foot of the kitchen door. He'd just gotten home.

"I'd like you to meet a friend of mine."

"Mm?" He turned to look at them, at his daughter and the immortal she'd brought into his home.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
dream fantasy

would i love to live in this world with the goddesses , oh yes .can't wait for more.

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