Golden Wishes Ch. 02

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Jason learns more about his genie
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 06/08/2014
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I woke up on my couch to the sound of singing. There were no actual words, just la-la-la's. However, the singing was filled with a type of carefree happiness that I just could not explain. I sat up. Recall of everything that had happened before I had fallen asleep instantly hit me like a train. Melody. Melody was a genie. Melody was a genie with powers, both physical and metaphysical. Woah. Starting to rise, my foot got caught on a loose couch cover and I tumbled to the floor. Melody's head poked from around the corner.

"I see you're awake, Master." She spoke, giggling. I untangled myself from my shame and stood up hastily.

"That didn't happen," I said, looking away sheepishly.

She giggled softly, then replied, "My lips are sealed, Master."

I still had so many questions, but I had no idea where to begin. I sat down again. Before I could make a sound though, Melody said something first.

"You know Master, I still don't actually know your name. Or really anything about you to start with."

That took me by surprise. "Wait, what?" I asked, puzzled. "My all-powerful mystical genie doesn't even know a simple piece of information like my name?" She pushed me over.

"It's different with you, Master. It's up to you as to what pieces of information that you, personally, choose to share with me. Actually, it is even your decision as to what information I should know about in general. While I may possess abilities regarding the obtaining of information, it is entirely up to you how I should use, handle, or even remember that information."

"So like, if I asked you to learn something, then wished for you to forget it, that would happen?"

"Correct. You are in control of every aspect of me. You are my Master after all."

I pondered this. Then I spoke. "Jason."

"I'm sorry?" She said.

"My name is Jason Surge." I said again. While I was at it, might as well just introduce myself. "I'm twenty years old, and I'm currently in my third year of college at the University of South Central Florida."

"Nice to meet you umm, Jason. I'm, well, Melody," She said, smiling. However, I could see that she looked slightly uncomfortable. I sighed inwardly. I'm not sure what it was exactly, but I just felt so...inadequate. Her presence just made my capability for thoughts feel like scrabble letters that were in a bag that was being shaken. I felt this way around a lot of girls, but Melody most definitely took it to the max. A slight tingle resonated throughout my head. Confused, I looked up. Melody was frowning at me with sad eyes. "Jason," She said. "Please don't take my lack of comfort with who you are, personally. Ironically, it's because I did not expect such a person as you to exist. To even fathom that the master that I was destined to be with was one that would treat me as an equal... that is an idea that I would have laughed at before meeting you. My discomfort stems from simply calling you by name rather than your proper title." She paused. When I didn't say anything, she continued.

"I know that you believe that you are not good enough to make friends or attract females, but that is not so. In fact, that is almost as far from the truth that it can get. As a genie with powers beyond your comprehension, I can tell you with absolute certainty that many girls find you attractive, both physically and character-wise. Even now." I looked up. That couldn't be right at all. If that was true, then why was it that I had so few friends? Why was I getting picked on constantly by people that I didn't even know?

"Actually, while this might be hard to believe, quite a lot of guys that actively bully you are in fact jealous of the way you look. I can tell you myself that if I was put in another woman's shoes, I would not feel uncomfortable around you at all. In fact, you are rather pleasant to be around. You put yourself down too far. Of course, there is the problem with this Matthew Sullivan guy, but your lack of friends is only partly affected by his campus presence. It seems like there's something else that's getting in the way of you and your self-confidence-"

"You actually haven't completely shared with me what you're capable of as a genie." I said, cutting her off hastily. I was afraid that she would read further down into me. If what she was saying was the truth, it was possible that she might have been leading towardsthat. Thatwas not something that I was ready to dig out and share with her about. There was still too much pain. She knew that I was changing the subject. However, she only gave me a sad look but didn't push it any further.

She waited for about ten seconds. Then she spoke. "Well, first of all, as you experienced already, I am capable of protecting your body from harm. That includes lethal or non-lethal diseases, pathogens, and infections."

"Would it be possible to rid me of all possible harmful germs now then? Excluding those I need to keep functioning normally." Melody's eyes flashed gold. Instantly, I felt... healthier. I really can't explain it the change, but I know that I felt better than I had moments ago. "Is it possible to change my body?" I asked. I wasn't too fat or too skinny, but there was a layer of fat over my abs that had developed since high school and it wasn't something that I was very proud of.

Melody looked at me strangely. There was another tingle in my head.

"Ah." She said. Her eyes flashed gold again, and my body began to change. The layer of fat over my abs disappeared, revealing a very nicely defined six-pack. My arms and legs grew a little bit bigger and well defined with muscles, and my chest increased in size. I felt great. Stronger. More capable of doing things that I would have been able to before. I checked myself out in the mirror. The change wasincredible. It was how Ishouldhave looked like. Well, at least it was the way that I had always imagined myself to want to look like. That made me a little curious.

"How do you keep doing that? Does it have anything to do with the tingle I keep feeling in my head?" I asked.

"Very good," She replied. "Yes Master, that feeling represents every time I am inside of your head to retrieve information. Speaking of which, it is possible for me to communicate with you through such means. If you think something with the intention of sending it to me, then I will receive it and communicate back to you."

Like this?I thought.

Loud and clear master,I heard Melody's voice ring in my head. It sounded beautiful even in my head.

"Okay," I said. "So healing and telepathy. Got it. What else?"

"Well of course there's the wish-making part, with given restrictions," she said. "You can wish for anything except for anything world changing. You also cannot wish away the existence of a living being. That is not a genie's call to make."

I nodded. She continued. "I mentioned before that I can obtain information from anywhere in the world. That means reading minds," She said. "Umm, I can control minds, defy physical laws of space and time, and allow you to do the same, once again, given it is not world changing. Also, from the information that I've gathered, I believe that I am a very good cook."

My eyes widened.

"Okay fine," She said, noting my expression. "I haven't actually tried cooking yet, but it seems easy enough."

"You can defy physics?" I asked in wonder. "Can you like, turn off gravity for me right now?"

Melody's eyes flashed gold. A strange sensation overtook my body. Nothing seemed to happen at first, but when my right leg twitched involuntarily, my body slowly began to float. I looked down.

"HOLY CRAP!" I exclaimed. I was floating off the ground. It was... strange to say the least. If anything, it was actually really uncomfortable because it felt strange to breathe or move or do anything really. Melody noticed my discomfort. Her eyes flashed again, and all discomfort that I had previously felt was instantly gone. It was awesome. At first, it was a little bit hard to control my body's movements, but after I got the hang of it, I began to steer myself around my room.

"This is so cool Melody!" I called out. She smiled at my delight. I floated around the top of my room, giving myself a view of my room that I had never seen before. After a few minutes of exploring my ceiling, I called out "Okay, you can put me back down." Melody's eyes flashed gold again and my body began to float gently back towards my couch. I landed and my gravity returned. "That's freaking awesome," I said, smiling. "I'm definitely going to start brainstorming other things that I can do relating to the whole defying physics things." She smiled again, this time because of my excitement.

"So do you have any limitations to your powers?" I asked.

"Yes and no," She replied. "While my powers themselves, when used properly, have no limits and require no recharge, therearecertain rules that I must abide to. First of all, it is impossible for me to utilize my powers in a way such that it would intentionally bring harm to you. That applies even if you were to wish it yourself. Like I mentioned before, it is also beyond my capabilities to perform any great world-changing events. Finally, I am not allowed to perform any actions that directly disobey your orders." I nodded. All of these were within reason.

I was about to ask another question but I was interrupted by a knock on my door. I turned towards it.

"Jason?" Came a female voice through the door. "Please tell me you're in there." I turned back around. Melody was gone.

I sighed but rose. I was only wearing a pair of shorts but I shrugged and trudged towards the door. I opened it and found Dawn standing there with her arms crossed over her breasts. She wore a low-cut black shirt and short pink skirt. Around her neck was her matching signature pink scarf.

"Jason?" She asked. "I didn't see you in class yesterday. It's not like you to want to skip. Actually now that I think about it, I've never actually ever seen you miss a day of class. Anyways, I called you a few times but didn't get an answer. Is everything okay?"

I turned around again, scanning the entire room for Melody. She was as visible as air.

"Jason?" Dawn asked again. I turned back around. I remembered why I actually didn't go to class: Matt Sullivan. However, I didn't feel like telling Dawn that Matt beat the living crap out of me to the point that it hurt to walk. Any time that a situation with Matt ever came up, I knew that Dawn would feel terrible. She blamed herself as the cause for my torment. I wasn't necessarily upset at her, but regardless of the amount of times I let her know that, she still often beat herself up over it. Anyways, I doubted that I would be able to lie my way out of this one. My body likely looked damaged beyond belief, and I was standing shirtless in front of her. The amount of bruises- wait. Where were the bruises?

Surprised, I looked down and for the first time realized that my body was perfectly fine. I twisted around experimentally and found no pain anywhere. I even lightly hit myself in the ribs to make sure that I just wasn't going crazy. No nerves firing off painful warnings. Thinking back on it, I didn't even feel any pain this morning when I woke up, so it was likely that Melody had healed my injuries while I was still asleep.

"Umm... Jason?" Dawn inquired. I looked up suddenly, remembering that she was there watching me act like an idiot (when does this ever not happen?).

"Yeah sorry. Umm," I quickly tried to think of a reason. "I wasn't really feeling that well."

Dawn raised her eyebrows. I regretted the words once they came out of my mouth. Dawn had seen me go to class with an a hundred degree fever. She had also watched me throw up all over the floor in the middle of a lecture after I insisted that I felt fine enough to go to class. It was just the way that my folks had raised me. Telling Dawn that I skipped because I wasn't feeling well wasn't exactly the best excuse that I could have come up with.

"If Matt is bothering you, why can't we just go to the police?" She said, giving me a sad look.

I noted the way that she said 'we' instead of 'you.'

"Dawn I already told you, it wasn't Matt okay? And you of all people should know, his dad is one of the higher ups that works at the police station anyways. Why do you think he gets away with so much crap?" I replied, defending myself and starting to feel a little agitated because I was thinking of all that 'crap' he had gotten away with. More than often, it involved me looking like an idiot or getting hurt.

"The police can't actually be THAT corrupt, Jason. I'm sure if you made an official call-"

"Look Dawn, I really appreciate your concern but I've already tried twice. The first time, my call was picked up by Matt's dad himself. He gave some excuse about an emergency in the building and just hung up the phone. The second time I reached another officer, but when the officer asked if I knew the person that had beaten me up, when I told him that it was Matt Sullivan, the guy just hung up on me."

She started to say more but I gave her a look and she dropped the topic.

"Fine, I'll stop asking about thisfor now,but I promise you that this subjectwillcome up in the near future." She said. I simply shrugged and looked the other way. There was a silence for a few seconds.

"So umm," Dawn said, looking down. "If you're feeling up to it, do you want to grab something to eat? I was going to go pick something up from Menchies anyways, and, well since I'm here and you don't feel too well you might as well come along." I hadn't eaten anything since yesterday, so it was true that I was starving. However, I thought of Melody. I couldn't just leave her alone here. Well, assuming she hadn't grabbed this opportunity of my distraction to high-tail out of the nearest window.

"Thanks for the offer, but I'm still not feeling so well." I said. "I'll call you later though okay?"

She nodded and left. I closed the door and took a deep breath. Turning back around, I started making my way back to my couch but then heard a sound somewhere off to the left of me. There was a loud crash, then a muffled yelp. Furrowing my eyebrows, I walked over to my kitchen and opened the pantry. There was Melody, sprawled on the floor with a pot over her head and a pile of uncooked spaghetti noodles in a heap around her.

"You know," I said. "To cook spaghetti, you need to put the noodlesinthe pot."

"Ha-ha." Said Melody, shaking her head vigorously to clear stray noodles out of her hair.

"What were you doing in my pantry again?"

"Umm, I was unsure whether or not you wished to let my presence be known. It is not my decision to make."

I nodded. That made sense. "Well why didn't you just like, turn invisible or something?" I asked.

"Hiding in your pantry seemed like more fun." She said with a child-like smile. She rose and looked around her at the mess that she created. Her eyes flashed gold and everything returned to their proper places.

"Well officially, I can say that I want to let the world know that you exist," I said. "You're most definitely let-the-world-see-you material." She blushed hard but smiled. I waited for a few moments, just watching her beauty. "Umm, may I ask you something?" I asked, looking down, then back up. She looked up, curiously.

"Of course you may. You are my master, remember?" She said, with a little smirk.

"Umm..." I started. It was hard for me to find the words. I looked back down. It came out a little bit faster than I would have liked it to. "Would it be okay with you if, well, I could maybe umm, well call you my girlfriend?" I stammered. There was an uncomfortable silence. I started to become aware of how red I was. Hey come on, this was a girl that transcended my dreams and I was asking her out. Put yourself inmyposition.

"I don't know..." She started. I looked away, embarrassed. "I would hardly be worthy for such a position." My neck snapped back up. I nearly choked with surprise.

"Umm. What." were the only two words that I could think of. I could not get over the idea that this divine being could still possibly believe that I was better than she was. That I was worth more than her.

"It's one thing to acknowledge me as a person, but publically declaring me as one that is equal to you as the center of your love? It's hardly a position that I should even be considered for."

"Look," I replied. "Never in a million years would I even imagine that I would even be able totalkto somebody ascloseto as beautiful as you. I already told you, you are not some strange being that I imagine I ever want to be distant from. I'm not asking you to be my girlfriend so that you can be a genie that's just there to follow me around and grant my wishes. I'm asking this because you're the first person in averylong time that has reached out to me and looked past my flaws... It's not really something that I enjoy talking about but... I just don't really know how to explain it. I just feel socomfortablearound you, in a way that I can't say that I've felt for a very long time."

Tears began to form in Melody's eyes.Whelp, I thought.I screwed this one up pretty badly.

Through her tears, a shaky smile appeared. "I accept." She said, two tears falling perfectly down her cheeks. I wiped her tears off her face. "I'm sorry Master, I'm just... overwhelmed right now. You are a unique person, Jason Surge."

"Nah," I replied, smiling. "I just do what I can."PLAY IT COOL,I desperately repeated in my head. Melody wiped the remaining tears out of her eyes and smiled again. She probably could read what I was thinking. But I didn't care. I could now call her mine. Well, you know, ignoring the fact that I could have done so from the start given she was my genie and all. We walked back to my living room.

"You know," She said. "You haven't actually even made a wish yet." I realized that it was true. I had merely asked her to demonstrate her powers, but I hadn't actually wished for anything yet.

I thought hard. I wanted this first wish to be special. After all, itwasmy first formal wish I was asking of my beautiful genie. It should be something that I would be able to remember and say "That, was my very first wish."

"Melody," I said, making my decision. "I wish for something to eat."

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ClearmuseClearmuseabout 1 month ago

Silly but fun. Alas it only started, didn't even reach a middle.

GreywolfrisingGreywolfrising12 months ago

So tell me why i should read this, its not finished not goning to take the time too many lately have No ending

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It’s been 7 years now. I’m pretty sure no more is coming. Too bad, it was a pretty good start.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
I am still waiting for you to continue

Still waiting...

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Love the punchline

Just wanted to say that the joke at the very end of this vignette is freaking hysterical. Of course, I wish there were more, but that punchline alone was worth the trip.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Don't know what Thelvyner's problem is. Please continue, story is fantastic and I'm dying to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Amazing, please more

There are some stories that just leave you empty when they end and I had just finished one of them when I found this. I really got into the story and then poof, no more was there to read. This was absolutely amazing and a lot of people should be more appreciative, but, please continue as this story could go many different dorections

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Please continue

Please continue writing. I really liked the story. Would love to read more.

DataGrowthDataGrowthabout 7 years agoAuthor

As it turns out, one of my best friends was murdered around the time that I stopped working on this piece. I'm so fucking sorry that while coping with the major depression that it threw me into, I'd completely forgotten that I had an obligation to revolve my entire life around pleasing people like you, Thelvyner, who hold no consideration of the lives of the authors who go to such lengths to entertain you.

Yes, I finally started to feel better enough to the point that I thought that I would pop back on here to start working on this again, but after realizing how little my efforts even mean to you guys, I don't even know if it want to even try anymore.

ThelvynerThelvynerabout 7 years ago
Yet another asshole who can't finish what he starts.

Sick and tired of all these abandoned stories. Lit needs to include a check box for readers to flag this shit so we can get it kicked off if an author leaves a series Unworked on for over a year.

This face smackers from the hitchhikers guideto the galaxy movie, authors who abandon their published stories should get a smack in the face every day until they finish. Otherwise don't bother. Finish what you start

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

as some one said before me MORE!!!!!!! PLEASE I BEG OF YOU

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Super, but too bad...

Having scads of chapters to my credit i k ow how hard it is to finish a story, but three and done?

Oh well. Maybe he got hit by a bus, or his mother found his notebook.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Good staet but ....

A year and a half since this was posted, is this going to be ANOTHER genie story that remains unfinished?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
not bad

Keep up the good work can't wait for another chapter

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsabout 9 years ago
genie curse strikes again

Is there even one series about genies on here that is finished?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Great work

I love this story, please make another chapter

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Get free gold!

i really want 2 read ur next chapter plz i wanna know what happened after melody became his girl friend

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Good job on making the end more of a cliff hanger. keep up the good work please make the chapters a little longer and cant wait to see what happens in the next chapter

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Please continue

Please Please Please continue your story,

Jason has`nt even bonded with melody yet,

and I want to see Matt get his come up ants.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Another dead story!

And another one bites the dust. The "Genie Curse" strikes again. Another "author" looses interest in what he/she is writing and they leave the story hanging. Too bad they can't be fined for doing this crap!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Just a bit of advice.

Try to make the chapters longer than one page it gets annoying for them to be single pages.

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