Greywolfe Strikes Ch. 03-04


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Lysa had brought two meals during that day, like normal. She never spoke of his lordship leaving, or gave me any indication that I wouldn't see him. She did however have something she needed to say.

"Why, Andrea? Why did you do that to yourself? Why did you not speak of your troubled mind? How could you have left like that, making me a part of it. I was surprised when his lordship had not fired me on the spot when I told him I brought you the parchment."

"He knew it was you, who else could it have been?" I said softly, trying to distract her. "I am sorry I dragged you into this mess, but I couldn't think of any other way. As a Catholic I know suicide is wrong, but as a free born person I could live like that anymore." I sighed and continued. "It doesn't matter now, not only have I promised him that I would never leave him, I also proclaimed myself his slave. There is no escaping now."

She gasped at the last words, "My dear lady, I am so sorry this was done to you." She said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

I knew she would hurt with me if I told her, God forgive me for bringing this poor, sweet, kind girl into my troubles.

"I know, Lysa. I know." And we hugged and cried together.

Shortly afterward, she left taking the remnants of a barely touched dinner with her.

I spent the night waiting for him. Barely sleeping, I kept expecting him to come; demanding of his slave to do as he bid, but he never did. I spent the night alone, for the first time since I was brought here.


The shackle has been a new challenge. It is about 15 links long, so maybe a foot and a half of length. The links were small and dainty like but were as strong as any I had seen. I can stand a few feet from the fire, I can stand in front of the window, I could reach the table and chair. But every single time I moved the links would tinkle.

When Lysa brought breakfast I waited as long as I could to ask her of Greywolfe.

"Oh, he has gone away on a hunting trip. I assumed he had told you."

"No. He had not." I said simply. A tear threatened to escape and I widened my eyes to keep it where it is. I was looking away from Lysa out the window, because I am sure I looked exactly like a person trying very hard not to cry.

I had had my breakfast. Lysa brought me eggs and ham and bread. I was sitting in the chair, in front of the window, trying my best to see and feel the sunlight. Of course this window faced south so it never really got direct sunlight.

I heard the latch and was a bit surprised by it. Lysa didn't come with lunch until around 3 and it couldn't be later than 10 in the morning now. The Brute as I've been calling him never came to me during the day, I assumed he had things to do-running a household, overseeing production of whatever he did to make so much money. So, naturally I was taken aback by the figure in the doorway.

It wasn't Lysa or Greywolfe; it was a man I had never seen before. He was tall, though not as tall as my captor. He had brownish hair pulled back, and a beard, long and scruff-like. I had stood to face the door automatically but when I saw who it was, or rather who it wasn't, I tried to grab the sheet off the bed.

"Don't." I froze.

"Your master sent me here." Master, I hadn't thought of him that way before. "He is away you see, which is why he didn't come to you last night," he smiled, "and why he will not be here tonight. So he sent me to keep you entertained." He said with what can only be called a mischievous grin.

"I-I don't under-understand." I hated the way my fear seeped through my voice; he clearly liked the fact that I was afraid.

"I think you do. I am his Captain of the Guard. So I am in charge of this castle while he is away, and I am here for you."

Oh, God. The punishment continues, the day in the dungeon wasn't enough for him. He had told me I was his whore, but this is beyond me. Does he want me to please his entire garrison for God's sake?

"What does that mean, sir?"

"It means, my dear, that you will not deny me or disobey me, just as you do with Lord Greywolfe. He told me about you, you know. He said it takes a little coaxing but that you open for him as a flower does for the sun." He laughed a little at what I assume he quoted from his master. "You will 'open' for me. Now lay on the bed."

I had stood there in a silent reverie while he continued. All I heard at first was not to deny or disobey. The last time I denied him I was taken to that awful dungeon; unspeakable things happened there. If I disobeyed him again, it will be worse, more, could I survive that?

I will have to obey this man. God how I wished I could break my promise; but still being shackled to the bed, left me no options. There was no way I could fight this man off. I had no weapon to protect myself. I tried to find another option to consider but couldn't.

As his last words registered in my mind, I knew it was the end. I sat on the bed, keeping my right hand near the post-as if I had a choice- I angled myself toward the intruder, whose name I still didn't know.

"Before you start, can I ask your name, sir?"

He was already removing his shirt, "Michael. Hmm, you are delectable aren't you? So innocent of all things, it's almost sad."

What did that mean? I didn't have a second more to contemplate as suddenly he forced two fingers up in my entrance.

"Aaahh!" I cried out. Without warning or coaxing, it hurt too much to put into words.

"Silence. I don't want to hear another sound out of you." A tear came out of my eye and I turned my head so it would fall into my hair, I didn't want him to see how much it hurt me. "You are so tight. It's no wonder he's keeping you around. It's like fucking a virgin every night." He laughed dryly.

"We have to do something about getting you wet, making you ready for me. Hmm, what shall we do?"

When he took my breast, tears came of their own accord, he tugged and pulled at them; like he didn't know what else to do. He took a nipple into his mouth and nibbled on it. God forgive me, I actually thought of Jonathan, I thought he knew what he was doing, at least. When he took me it may have been forcefully but it wasn't like this. And I couldn't even try to pretend this man was him. His beard made that impossible.

Giving up on my breast for the moment, he flicked his tongue around my breast, and moved upward, when he found my earlobe, I moaned and gasped at the same time.

Then we heard the door creak open. I wasn't the only one to freeze.

"Sir." He stood to attention. "I thought you'd be away another day." With that single statement, I realized what a fool I had been. He wasn't sent here, Greywolfe's expression told me as such.

"I gave orders that this room and this girl were off limits." I knew it; then realization hit me.

Chagrin and shame were the only thoughts in my mind. I had lifted to see him and I pushed with my feet to lean against the headboard; didn't think once of covering myself. Only thought of how he would punish me for my stupidity.

"Yes, sir, uh, about this..."

"Get out. NOW." His voice reverberated through the walls, the floor, me.

The captain picked up his shirt and fled or more scurried for the door. I only looked at the lord. Anger and fury and rage were all I saw in his face; if I had been scarred of him before, I was terrified of him in this moment.

He took two steps toward me and grabbed my ankle to open my legs.

"You ARE wet." He said accusingly.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please, let me explain."

"You liked it, didn't you?" He slapped me across the face, like he did that first night. He grabbed me and said. "Didn't you, you like having another man touch you?"

"No, no, please. Ahh! Please, don't do this in anger, take a minute to think, to let me explain, please."

He pushed me to my knees before him; he untied the breeches and pulled himself out of the confines.


He pushed himself into my mouth and with it all air. He pushed straight back to my throat. I tried to scream but all it did was reverberate the tight walls around him, he seemed to like it. He pulled back some and I took the opportunity to breathe; I didn't get a whole breath in before he shoved back in. I was gagging on him and I tried to fight the impulse but it was hard when he kept pushing to the back of my throat.

Then he picked up his speed a little and I lost all control. I heaved up into my mouth and he stepped back and it spilled between his legs on the floor. My body was warring with trying to breath and trying to expel the contents of my stomach.

"Goddamn it!"

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I can't do it."

"That's obvious." He picked me up by the waist and pushed me toward the bed. My toes barely touch the floor and he pushed my face into the pillow. This position was difficult as my right hand was still tethered to the bed, but he didn't care, all he wanted was his release, all he wanted was to work out his anger on me. He used his fingers to find my entrance and put his head into it. Then he thrust forward with all his might.

All I could do was scream. And gasp. And scream and gasp. As he plunged himself into me. I had lost whatever wetness I might have acquired, so his attack on me was sheer brutality. I felt him fill me, to the hilt, I could hear the slap of his balls against my backside. It nearly made me sick all over again. If he only knew the truth.

I felt him freeze and take a sudden breath, then with one more full thrust I felt his warmth spurt inside me. I slumped against the bed and he just tossed me aside, to the floor, where I stayed sobbing while he composed himself and went out the door, without a backward glance at me.


I felt the steps, and I heard the latch, but I still hadn't composed myself. I was still shackled to the bed, but I was on the far side, between the wall and the bed. He stepped through the door, his eyes scanning the room, when I stood is when he saw me.

"What were you just doing?"

"I--it's not important, sir." I said rather nervously. Climbing back over the bed to stand before him.

"I'll decide what is important, now what were you doing down there?"

"I..I was crying, sir." I understand now that he probably thought I was trying to remove or break the shackle.

"Crying. Why?"

"Because of what happened yesterday, my lord."

I saw recognition in his eyes and something else that I couldn't name, then he composed himself.

"Did I hurt you?"

The breath caught in my throat. I didn't know how to answer him. I didn't know what he wanted to hear.

"Did I hurt you?" He repeated with a softer tone.

"Not so much hurt anymore, my lord."


I sighed. "I haven't eaten since breakfast yesterday, so it feels worse than it really is. Miss Lysa hasn't returned since then, I assume that was my punishment, for my stupidity." sigh "I have a bruise on my ankle from where you grabbed me and another where you hit me." Breath. "My throat is sore and for a while this morning I couldn't speak, though that could have been from all the crying I did." Ahem, then I winced, my throat still sore. "And when I woke this morning there was blood, you know, down there. But it, uh, I haven't bled since so it should be alright."

I stared at the floor this whole time, not daring to look at him. All I could make out was his breathing.

Tears started forming in my eyes. "I am sorry, sir. I am so sorry." I fell to my knees and stared intently at the floor, never gazing higher than his knees. "God, I am so sorry."

"He told me that you were gone from the castle, and that he was in charge when you were gone. He said that to deny him was the same as denying you and that I would be punished. Then I thought of the dungeon, my lord, and remembered what happened last time I tried to deny you, I knew that if I disobeyed again the punishment would be greater, and I knew..I knew I couldn't survive that. I am sorry."

I was crying in earnest at his point, I had to put my hands on the floor in front of me to keep myself from falling over. "He forced me to lie on the bed, and without warning he put two fingers up in me; it hurt and I cried out, he told me not to make noise and he said how tight I was. He said 'we' had to do something to get me wet for him to take me. Tears rolled down my cheeks as he started pulling on my breasts then he started kissing them and nibbling on them. I tried to think of you, honestly I did, but he was so different. Never before had I thought of you as tender, especially not afterward, but right then compared to him you were downright playful, he was nothing but a brute."

I had gotten enough control of my face and tears to sit back on my haunches now and I looked at him for a second, and again I caught a flash of something unreadable sweep across his face before he went all stone face again.

I continued, "When he moved up to my earlobe, just like you do is when I moaned and must have been when I got wet, my lord. I am so sorry, my lord. Please, please forgive me. He said that you had sent him to me, and I remembered that you had said I was your whore so ... I thought it was what you wanted." I half whispered. "God, I am so sorry."

He took two steps and crouched before me, took me into his arms and said, "Andrea, no, it was never my intention to share you." Something in his voice made me believe that. "You are not the one who should be sorry, nor who needs forgiveness, I should not have been angry at you, you are the innocent, how could you have known, let alone fought anyone off. I should have known that you were too much for anyone to resist. I am sorry for what you went through with my captain, and I truly beg your forgiveness for what I did afterwards. You did not deserve that."

I started crying again, I cuddled into his chest, and hugged him. He wasn't angry, he wasn't going to punish me, he was sorry! I raised myself on my knees as much as I could while I was still tethered to the bed, and whispered, "I forgive you." Then I nuzzled his neck. He hugged me back.

"I don't deserve it, but I am grateful for it."

I hadn't realized how on edge I was, terrified really, at how he would be when or if he would come back. At knowing this new information, I relaxed so much I nearly fell over; he caught me and helped me up to the bed.

"I'm sorry; I don't know what's come over me."

"You're exhausted, my little morsel, that is all; because you haven't eaten."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I know you came for another reason."

"It is alright. Go to sleep."

"You're not angry, are you? I was so afraid that.."

"No. I'm not angry with you."

"Alright then, that is good."

He kissed my forehead, and I was gone.


Later that night, I woke with a start; immediately I scanned the bedroom but no one was there. Odd. Then what woke me? What is that smell? Smoke. Fire! Oh, God, help me.

I started pulling on the shackle in a desperate attempt to free myself, I pulled and pulled but to no avail, it wouldn't give. They were such small, dainty looking chain links that connected the two shackles, one would think they would give easily; I reached for the spoon that was on the small table I ate my meals at. I started to try to wedge the spoon into the link nearest my wrist, in hopes of prying the damned things apart.

The smoke has been steadily wafting through the crack under the door, and it wasn't just my imagination that it was getting warmer in my bedroom. Success! I wedged the handle of the spoon into the link. Now I just need a little pressure.

Right at that moment the door slammed open, the figure seemed to fill the entire door way, but it could just look like that from my position in the floor. Jonathan was draped with a wet robe and was coughing. He made the two necessary steps to stand in front of me, then I saw the key in his hand. He unlocked my shackle and picked me up. I told him to wait, he looked stunned. I picked up the basin, that I use to clean myself with every day that Lysa refills, I dumped some of it over my head and the rest over his. I clung to him and dared not look up at him or out at the flames. Two minutes later we were in the square, surrounded by the people of the household.

He set me down, and Lysa came out of nowhere to cover me with what looked like a riding cloak. Jonathan started barking orders, and I hugged Lysa, "You're safe now, my lady. You're safe."

I reached out to Jonathan and took his hand with my right, I put it to my face (not the side that he had hit) and he looked at me strangely; I took one step towards him and Lysa moved with me to help keep me covered.

"Thank you." I said as tears prickled my eyes. "Thank you." As I snuggled his hand which was so big his palm alone covered my face while his fingers were in my hair. "Thank you." In those moments I didn't care who saw my thinly covered nakedness, it didn't matter what he had done to me, or how he had hurt me, in those moments he was just the man who had just saved my life. "Thank you." I kissed his palm.

"Lysa, take her to my quarters, I won't be using them tonight." He smiled at me briefly, then turned to assess the work for tonight. When he stepped away is when I saw the already purple area on my wrist, from pulling on the shackle, which was going to hurt tomorrow.

I clung to Lysa as she guided me to a room, helped me wash, then helped me to lay down. I was asleep before she left the room.

End of Chapter 4

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I disagree with the previous comment and whoever wrote it needs to find more constructive ways of expressing unnecessary anger. I hope the story continues, I want to know what happens next!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

A horrible story! You are ruthless and the story is horrible- there is no hope for heroine! I feel sorry for you as a writer 0*/5. Not worthy of reader's time and emotions!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
This is one of the most vile stories I have ever read

This story is disgusting. Imprisoning a woman and forcing her to do thinks against her will and then having her apologize for not wanting it is rape and this story is vile.

obabyobabyalmost 10 years ago
Unfinished business

It amazes me how many stories are started and just left. I know that we have busy periods occur in people's live, but there are a number of writers, like yourself, who start and then just disappear for months and years. There is more to this story, obviously. You should come back to this.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
WTF?! alejhruohgaojvn9irowjiaknvakrjfaldh98492qjkanvakjn!!!!

I dislike this man. I want him to suffer just as bad as what he's been doing to his slave. Sadly, I may never know i my wish will come true. Great story, though!

jW0WjW0Wover 12 years ago

Much better than i thought it would be

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I check every day for new chapters. Hurry please.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Keep it coming!

Love it! The right mix of savagery, passion and emotions. I love how conflicted Greywolfe is about his feelings toward Andrea. I can not wait to read more!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Copy cat

It's just like innocent pawn except Greywolfe is wayyy meaner and just plain abusive but I love Innocent pawn and will keep reading in hopes you shake it up.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Hm. Seems inspired by Twilight

Some awkward grammar is present (dangling participles and ending sentences with propositions), and the character development isn't believable. As another poster said; she was determined to escape, lots of bit words about being her own person--and then a flip 180-degrees after one beating where he even *told* her it would only bruise, not cut or leave welts. Too much fantasy in this fantasy.

The co-dependent attitude isn't to my taste for a fantasy of sexual release, but that's just me. However, you're describing Battered Woman Syndrome, but far too soon--she hasn't been through nearly enough to make it believable.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
i like a dominating man as much as the next girl

But this is just plain abuse and rape. Its completely unbelievable how someone so determined to escape they try committing suicide, the next minute is "forgiving" and thinking her abuser needs "compassion" after another brutal beating and rape. Thought the whole thing was distasteful and that's saying something cause it takes a lot to turn me off. Not that other stories haven't as well but never before have I been compelled to comment. Anyway this is just my opinion and I realize to each his own but I'm just sayin...didn't like it at all!

DoctorWolfDoctorWolfalmost 13 years ago

The characters are so raw and brutal. It's really a savage world you built and I'm loving every word of it. Hope much more is in the making. Thank you! DW

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
keep them coming

keep it coming i cant want to read more

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