Grumpy Humphrey's Easy Wife


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Not having to 'work back' on Thursday evening, Lorraine was home before her husband, who had a department meeting lasting an hour after work. Lorraine filled the time not by preparing a loving meal for her husband to be set before him when he walked through the door, but rather entertaining the neighbors' 19-year-old son David Goldstein.

The college student was certainly into some kinky things, and the hot blonde adulteress Lorraine was just the woman to make young David's fantasies a reality. Again on the bed she shared with her husband, Lorraine pulled her lemon-colored panties that matched her dress down to her ankles and allowed David to smell the creamy feminine smells her vagina had made on the double cotton saddle during the day.

Following this, David got on all fours behind Lorraine and ate out first her vagina, then moved up a bit more to do the same to her anus. Feeling the young man's tongue on her rear opening, Lorraine sighed in pleasure. This felt so good and so kinky. If Lorraine had toilet paper that felt this good on her anus when she wiped her bottom when she was in the bathroom, she was sure that she would spend most of the day on the toilet!

Lorraine of course did not let things end there, rather she took off her panties, opened her legs and allowed David to fuck her. Being Jewish, David's penis was circumcised and therefore no foreskin, but his cock was covered by something tonight, a condom that would prevent him impregnating the wife of his least favorite teacher from his former high school when he banged her.

When Humphrey got home he suspected Lorraine had been up to no good, just as he had when she got home from work late on Wednesday and even more so on Tuesday, but he did not have any way of proving it, nor did he have the strength to confront his Jezebel-like wife about her cheating ways.

At school on Friday, Humphrey Grim was pretty grumpy after telling one of the students in his tenth grade history class to hand out some text books about the First World War, only for the boy not to get up to hand them out or pass them around, but sat at his desk tossing them to the other students, Humphrey placing him on detention, with other students male and female booing and jeering at Humphrey as he turned his back, some throwing pieces of paper around the classroom.

It was typical behavior at this school and it made Humphrey really mad, but the teacher had noticed something odd in the past few days. The students who were the worst of the worst - the group of seniors in the Class of 1961 responsible for the Halloween pranks had been surprisingly quiet and much less disruptive in the classes in which he taught them.

True, Tommy, Bobby, Donny, Judy and Sue-Ellen were not exactly going to sit at the squares' table in the high school cafeteria, nor were they model students or teacher's pets in the making, but they were definitely different. They had a smugness about them, like they knew something he didn't, probably still gloating about Monday night's Halloween prank and how they got away with it, but at least smug didn't equal misbehavior in class.

After spending the lunch break in the teachers' lounge, Humphrey Grim smoking three cigarettes during this time, he happened to pass the five students in question on his way to the period after lunch. The leader of the five, Tommy, gave him a friendly wave and greeting, Humphrey seeing these gestures as being as phony as a three dollar bill.

"Hi Mr. Grim, sure is swell weather, how's your classes being going today?"

"Fine." Mr. Grim did not elaborate.

"So, how was your lunch?" Tommy asked, Humphrey preferring to ignore the young man.

Tommy seemed not to take the hint that Mr. Grim did not want to talk. "How's your car?'

Humphrey again ignored the young man, who seemingly gave up on his attempts to engage him in conversation. But with their teacher now out of earshot, Tommy grinned and whispered to his friends, "How's your wife?"

Immediately, Tommy, Bobby, Donny, Sue-Ellen and Judy creased up in fits of laughter, sounding like packs of hyenas, their faces going bright red and the teenagers struggling to breathe. Humphrey turned and glowered at the students. Probably Tommy had made some crass and vulgar joke about the front grille of his automobile again, and his idiot friends were laughing along like the sheep that they were. It was extremely annoying.

And Tommy shouldn't be laughing at other people's automobiles, his own car was a pile of junk on wheels that belonged in a scrap yard. Humphrey Grim could only hope that Tommy paid way too much for his mode of transport.

Friday night meant football night at the school, and Tommy, Bobby and Donny were among the team taking the field. The cheerleaders, majorettes and school band were all there, as were most of the students, including Sue-Ellen and Judy. Some of the teachers who were cool - such as the Frankie Avalon-like English teacher Jimmy Smith and the Sandra Dee-like English teacher Janey Jones were attending, but Humphrey Grim was not cool. He had no time for football, or the awful kids who played it and were treated as heroes, nor did he want to spend more time at the school than he had to.

Humphrey Grim drove home, to where his wife was entertaining a young man, but she had no reason to hide this from her husband, as the young man in question was her youngest brother Matthew, the 16-year-old brother whom she doted on and made her pet.

Lorraine, dressed in a long sleeved blouse and blue jeans was sitting at the kitchen table with Matthew, and looked up at her husband as he entered, looking so square in his suit and tie. "Hello Matthew," Humphrey said.

"Hello Humphrey," said the boy, looking at his sister's husband.

"Hi Humphrey, how was your day?" Lorraine asked.

"Fine thanks Lorraine," Humphrey grunted.

Matthew looked very happy about something, and his older sister was keen to elaborate. "Matthew has some really good news, this morning he passed his driver's test at the first go. I am so proud of him!"

"Well done," said Humphrey, not really wanting to see another irresponsible teenage driver out on the roads.

"Now Humphrey, because it's such a special occasion I'm taking Matthew out to the diner to celebrate. I know you don't like the diner, so there's a TV dinner for you in the oven. I've set the timer and when it rings all you have to do is get it out. There's also some ice-cream for you in the deep freeze for dessert."

Lorraine collected her purse and keys. "Now come on Matthew, this is my special treat and you can have whatever you want, it doesn't matter the cost."

Matthew smiled and blushed. "Lorraine, there's no need to treat me, I just passed my driving test."

"Come on I'm proud of you, what are big sisters for anyway?" Lorraine asked. She gave her younger brother a big hug and they went on their way.

"See you later Humphrey," Lorraine said as she left the house, Humphrey hearing his wife open the garage and reverse the car out of the driveway. Now alone in the house, Humphrey sat waiting for his TV dinner to be ready, smoking cigarettes and watching the news on television with more reports about the upcoming Kennedy vs. Nixon 1960 presidential election on Tuesday.

However, Humphrey's attention was only half on the news, mostly he kept thinking about Lorraine and her younger brother Matthew. He thought about how similar they looked with the same blonde hair, blue eyes, facial features and mannerisms. True, they were brother and sister but the resemblance was so uncanny, more so than any of Lorraine's numerous other siblings.

Lorraine and her sister Shirley to whom she was closest in age looked similar, one could see they were sisters at first glance but nothing compared to the similarity Lorraine had to Matthew. And while Lorraine and Shirley were pretty friendly as sisters given they grew up together, the way Lorraine - who generally didn't like children - doted upon her youngest brother was quite odd.

The timer rang and Humphrey went to get his TV dinner out of the oven, wishing that like his brothers he had wife who was loyal and obedient and loved to do the cooking and cleaning unlike Lorraine, who hated these tasks. He wished Lorraine was here tonight preparing high standard nutritious food for him like she should be, but at least while she was out with her brother she wasn't out committing adultery.


After treating Matthew to dinner at the diner he liked, the brother and much older sister listening to records played on the juke box, Lorraine drove him home to their parents' place. Youngest brother Matthew was the only one to still live at home with their parents and Lorraine called in, talking with her mother and father before driving home.

Lorraine thought as she drove about how proud she was of her younger brother and how he was now driving and growing up. She also thought about her deepest secret, one far more guarded than her past financial indiscretions and her extramarital affairs.

While Lorraine officially was one of 14 children, seven boys and seven girls, she was in fact only one of 13 kids, six boys and seven girls. Lorraine and Matthew were not sister and brother, but rather mother and son. His parents whom Matthew called Mom and Dad were in reality his grandmother and grandfather.

Aged 16 and working as a switchboard operator in the Second World War, Lorraine found herself a girl in trouble with no clear idea of who the father of the baby she was carrying was. The problem of a pregnant teenage daughter was solved by a process of clever illusions to masquerade a shameful reality.

Lorraine's mother began donning maternity clothes with pillows of increasing sizes strapped to her stomach to emulate pregnancy. It was said to the other siblings that Lorraine had gone to stay with their grandparents as she was sick with glandular fever that required bed rest and peace and quiet. Lorraine therefore spent most of 1944 out of sight at the house of her maternal grandparents as her tummy expanded due to her pregnancy. If anyone visited the house, Lorraine would retreat to bed so her baby bump was not visible.

After Lorraine gave birth to Matthew, her parents raised the baby as their own son then two weeks later and having quickly shed most of her baby weight Lorraine returned home having recovered from her bout of 'glandular fever' to be introduced to her new 'baby brother'.

Only eight people knew the truth - Lorraine herself, Lorraine's mother and father, Lorraine's maternal grandparents, Lorraine's sister Shirley, a maternal aunt who worked as a midwife and who delivered her niece's baby and the family doctor.

Matthew did not know the truth and Lorraine would never tell him, nor would she ever tell Humphrey especially after their own marriage failed to produce children that in fact she had been a teenage mother with her baby raised by her parents as her brother. Her sterile husband would never know the truth about herself and Matthew.


Saturday, which brought a beautiful sunny and reasonably warm day to California, of course meant no teaching school for Humphrey and no work at the office for Lorraine. However, it didn't stop Humphrey getting grumpy and the source of his ill temper this morning was not his floozy wife nor the kids at school, but rather his automobile.

He had only filled up his automobile on Monday morning, but despite not having driven far it was now getting low on gas again. This was nothing new, the car guzzled so much petrol that Humphrey thought it must be evaporating. If people weren't laughing at the car's vagina-like grill then he was forking out extra money for gas, and when he wasn't spending excess funds buying gas then Humphrey Grim was taking the car back to the dealership for repairs on defects. Humphry cursed the day that the young car salesman on the lot - and of course with whom Lorraine had flirted - had convinced him that a Ford Edsel was a perfect vehicle for him.

"What's wrong now Humphrey?" Lorraine asked. She appeared at the garage door carrying her purse, smartly dressed in a blouse and knee-length skirt, her legs clad in black stockings and black shoes on her feet. With her long blonde hair loose over her shoulders she looked like any other all-American housewife, but Humphrey of course knew his wife was not like other wives.

"Damn car uses so much gas if you're so interested Lorraine," Humphrey snapped.

"Don't bite my head off Humphrey, I just asked," said Lorraine. "I need to go to the store and run some errands, I'll take the car and fill it up, okay? And I'll ask the guys to check to see if there might be a problem with the fuel line or something."

Humphrey watched Lorraine back the car out of the driveway and drive down the street and Humphrey, dressed in his gardening clothes got stuck into doing just this - the gardening. As he toiled away in the sun, Humphrey grumbled and mumbled to himself, catching the attention of young Ruth Goldstein next door who was raking leaves in her parents' yard. Ruth wondered if this time her teacher/neighbor had finally lost his mind, and if today was the day that a white van would arrive at the Grim house, men with white coats and butterfly nets would jump out, capture Grumpy Humphrey after a short chase and then take him away to a mental asylum in a straight-jacket. She could only hope so.

As he continued to work on his garden, Humphrey thought about Tommy, Bobby, Donny, Judy and Sue-Ellen. What were they doing today? Planning more pranks for him at school next week? Possibly, but more likely at work, he knew all of them had part time jobs, but jobs these days for teenagers seemed to being paid too much money for too little work. Humphrey thought back to when he was a teenager in the 1920s, where he had a part time job that paid a pittance and required him to work like a slave. Modern day children and teenagers didn't know the value of a dime that was for sure.

Unable to go too long without a smoke, Humphrey lit up a cigarette and indulged in a short break, thinking about his wife, and how Lorraine was no doubt flirting with the young Latino and Negro guys who worked at the gas station, and they were checking out his wife's tits.


Humphrey would have been even grumpier had he known his wife was at the gas station and doing much more than flirting with Miguel and Leroy this morning. They were not checking out Humphrey Grim's automobile in great detail for fuel problems, but rather Humphrey Grim's wife in great detail.

While some high school students who worked as attendants on Saturday mornings served customers, Miguel and Leroy were in a closed and locked office. Lorraine had her skirt hitched up, Miguel and Leroy checking out her white full brief cotton panties and the soft skin of her upper thighs between her underwear and her stocking tops.

And Lorraine did not employ a 'look but don't touch' policy with her womanhood. She allowed the two young men to stroke her skin between her stockings and her panties, to put their heads between her legs and sniff her vagina through her cotton panty saddle and to look and put their hands down the front and the back of her panties, the young Latino and black man both having a good rummage around in Lorraine's underwear, both of them getting sticky fingers.

Finally Lorraine got down on her knees as she often did, pulled down Miguel's pants and underpants and gave the young man the blow job of his life, Leroy standing and watching, the hot white blonde wife enjoying having a spicy Latino cock in her mouth while a black guy watched her giving fellatio to his friend.

When Miguel came in Lorraine's mouth, the pretty blonde drinking every drop of his white semen, Miguel moved back to watch as Lorraine did the same with Leroy, the young blonde Caucasian wife gagging for some Negro cock and opening her mouth wide to go down on the aforementioned young black man.

Like she had done with Miguel, Lorraine remained on her knees and gave Leroy head with great enthusiasm, turned on that Miguel was watching her suck off another man. So good at fellatio was Lorraine that she had Leroy at orgasm in less than five minutes. The young Negro ejaculated sticky white cum into the mouth of the pretty blonde Caucasian wife of the grumpy man much older than her, and Lorraine drank the young black man's cum with the same enthusiasm as she had swallowed Miguel's cum.


Humphrey's mood had improved somewhat when Lorraine got home mid-morning, and of course he had no idea what his wife had been up to with the guys at the gas station. Gardening was something he did enjoy and it did relax him as he tended to his roses. While he would never admit it aloud, Humphrey did have to agree with Sue-Ellen and Lorraine, the horse shit dumped in the driveway as a Halloween prank was good for his garden.

He also thought more about Sue-Ellen and the other kids responsible for the prank. They had been better behaved, perhaps they would keep it up this week at school? It was a positive sign, and this along with the beautiful weather was a major factor in Humphrey feeling more positive.

Lorraine came out, now dressed in an old shirt and a pair of pedal pusher pants, which gave her a tomboy like appearance, to help him in the yard and to wash the windows. She looked pretty hot, and Humphrey as he looked at Lorraine bent over pulling out some stubborn weeds, her bottom thrust high in the air, her panty lines visible through the fabric of her pedal pushers, felt something in his groin that hadn't happened in a while, the stirrings of an erection.

Humphrey got hotter and hotter for his wife all afternoon, and that evening at dinner he knew he wanted only one thing, to get into bed with Lorraine, for her to take off her panties and open her legs to make herself available to him and for them to enjoy themselves as man and wife.

Sporting a full blown erection in his pants, Humphrey Grim approached his beautiful young blonde wife and said, "I've been thinking Lorraine, how about we go upstairs and have an early night tonight?"

Lorraine looked at her husband, at her husband's erection through his pants and then her pretty blue eyes fixed back to his face and she shook her head.

"Sorry Humphrey, not tonight, maybe some other night, I've got a bit of a headache."


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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I agree with one of the commentators. The horseshit thrown on the driveway also permeated this turd of a story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

A horse shit of a story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Can't wait for Humphrey to get truly Grumpy and go postal on his wife and all 5 of the students. Meantime this gets a two because the writing is technically ok.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This cuckold history teacher should be teaching about the oldest profession known to man while he pimps his whore out and keeps 3/4 of her earnings ! He could use her in class as a live historic re-enactment portrayer and an early version of an interactive hands-on living lesson , expanding into social studies , math and sex Ed , maybe even home ec and gym classes too !

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

it would be better if she threw off a turd during an orgasm with teens. And farted in David’s mouth.

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