Guarded Hearts Ch. 06


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"It's okay... he's better now." Serenity's voice came to him, as child like as it had been in his mind. The bodies holding him down started to move back. They were cautious as they released him. He pushed his torso up, his eyes searching for Serenity's but he couldn't spot her through the big bodies.

He held up his clenched right fist, turning it he opened his hand, Katie's pendant rested in his hand. His eyes then took in the new marks that ran up his forearms, Celtic knots similar to those on the pendant he held now twined around his forearms.

A woman knelt next to him. "The mind is a powerful thing Ghost." She said gently.

He turned to her, four red welts ran across her face, this was the woman he had decided was the weakest link, more fool him, she was the strongest. She smiled at him, as she understood his appraisal. "I'm Amy." She said.

"How did you get dressed so quickly?" He asked as she helped him to his feet.

"I'm Complicated." She answered, a mist covered his lower half then vanished leaving him in a pair of sweats. As the others shifted back into their human forms similar mists appeared then vanished leaving them clothed. Serenity pushed her way through, as she knew Ghost would be looking for her. He blinked in surprise when he found her.

"You... you are a child." He said bemused.

Serenity nodded, "I turned five a month ago."

He turned around when he finally hears Lionel and Ester weeping over Katie's body. His heart clenched in pain, but funnily, it wasn't as painful as it was before, he could live with it. He walked over and dropped to his knees beside her. Serenity went and joined him her hand resting on his forearm.

Everyone watched but no one interfered. Ester gently pushed her granddaughter's hair aside and saw the bite marks against her skin. She turned to Ghost and hugged him now understanding what had happened earlier. Losing a mate was devastating for a Were.

He opened his hand, "She... she wanted me to have this... if... if it's okay with you." Ester glanced down at his hand to see the pendant and nodded.

"It's all yours, anything you would like to remember her by... is yours." Ester answered.

"Just this... and her cat... that's all I want." He said he didn't need photos or nick knacks to remember her by; her necklace was all he needed. He had however decided to also take Scamper, Ester and Lionel lived in an RV, not a fitting place for a cat to live.

Sage and Alanna approached with undyed linen to wrap her body before taking it to be prepared for the burial mound. Nathanael was already signing a death certificate and writing a coroners report. They knelt and started to prepare her.

"What..." Ester started to say but Lionel shushed her.

"They are preparing her body according to their and her traditions." He told his wife.

Alanna smiled for a moment then focused as she removed Katie's shoes, belt, watch, wallet and phone from her person. Sage was carefully removing Katie's earrings. When that was done, Wolfgang lifted her using his mind and she was wrapped carefully then set down on a stretcher.

Serenity stayed by Ghost, being an anchor for him. He stroked the pendant absently. Amy reached out, a silver rope necklace in her hand. "It's metamorphic, it'll survive the change." Amy told him.

Serenity took the chain, threaded it through the loop, and lifted the two ends, moving around him she brought the two ends together, the chain hugged his neck the pendant resting in the little hollow at the base of his throat. She clipped them together and put her will on the clasp, willing it and the chain to never break.

"Nathanael..." Maria called. "I can't stop Eric's bleeding." She added.

Nathanael raced over to Eric and rested his hands near the blood soaked shirt Maria had been using to help steam the flow of his blood. He focused for a moment and the damaged veins sealed, stopping the bleeding. "The bullet is lodged in the shoulder blade; it's going to have to be surgically removed." He explained to them both.

By this time, an ambulance had arrived. Paramedics rushed forward and glanced around wondering if they were needed. "Over here." Maria called out and waved. They raced over and took control of Eric. In ten short minutes, they had him bundled into the ambulance and were off.

"Electra, you and Mayhem stay here, finish what you have to in the way of paper work then call me and I'll come and get you. I'll take Ghost to Katie's place to gather his things and what he wants from Katie's, as well as Maria's things, then go home." Amy said already starting to delegate.

Rhiannon and Vivian walked forward. "We'll take the others home and Katie's body back. Ester, Lionel... would you like to come to pay your last respects." Vivian asked.

They both nodded and stood. Vivian nodded and they vanished leaving behind Ghost, Maria, Nathanael, Electra, Mayhem Amy and Serenity. Amy glanced around and nodded. "Let's go." She said and she, Serenity, Maria, Nathanael and Ghost vanished and appeared outside of Katie's home.

They walked in. Ghost walked up stairs trying not to stare at the house where Katie had lived. He went to the room he had shared with his beloved. He paused at the door and felt a small hand take his. He smiled a little at Serenity and opened the door. The bed was still the mess they had left it in that morning. He went to the chest on which his clothes sat. Scamper, Katie's one-eyed ginger moggy was asleep on her pillow.

He ignored his clothes and went to the cat. He carefully picked up Scamper, who didn't complain. "I'm sorry little man." He said gently as he sat on the bed. "Katie's gone and she's not coming back." He said as he scratched Scamper's chin. He had seen Katie talking to this cat many times over the last two days so it seemed natural for him to do so. "So you're going to come to my new home with me."

Amy made a cat basket appear to put Scamper in. "Sweetie go find Scamper's toys and bed so that he'll feel more at home in the manor," she said. Serenity nodded and left. Another bag appeared in Amy's hands and she started to pack his clothes.

Serenity appeared with a basket that was full of toys. Maria held a box; her bag over her shoulder, in the box was food, a kitty litter tray and kitty litter for Scamper. Ghost carefully put Scamper in the carry basket with Katie's pillow and a jumper drenched in her scent. "That's it." He said to Amy.

"Are you sure that's all you want?" Amy asked; Nathanael had a room full of things that he kept from his previous mates.

Ghost nodded. "I have everything I need," he touched the pendant and then his temple.

Amy nodded and they were gone.


Eric walked into the station; only a day after getting the bullet removed from his shoulder, he had discharged himself against his doctor's wishes. His arm sat in a sling, old dried blood only partially visible on his shirt. Electra was waiting for him having gotten the call from the hospital that he was coming. Mayhem stood a little behind her.

"Eric..." Electra said with a warning in her voice.

"No." He snapped. "I will not stand by and watch you question the men who killed my friend." He said angry, he was actually angry at many things at the moment. He was angry that he had been forced to miss the starting fire of Katie's pyre, anger at her needless death, anger at the doctor who insisted he stay in hospital, and angry that Maria had left him, following the orders of her alpha.

"I need to know..." He said his voice breaking a little. "Please." He added.

Electra nodded. "Okay... ground rule, keep your mouth shut, you open it and I will kick your arse." She warned.

He nodded. She studied him for long moments then jerked her head for him to follow. He followed her to one of the interrogation rooms. They paused at the one-way mirror. Mayhem leant on the wall to watch her mate at work. A grizzly middle-aged man sat cuffed to the table, he was unkempt and all around seemed like an unpleasant sort. His lawyer sat across from him listening.

"We've learned that the two younger men in the group are this man's sons, the other two are his friends." She informed Eric.

"Where are the others?" Eric asked.

"Waiting in the cells, they were brought back this morning when I asked. I promised the police chief that was holding them for us that Ghost was far away from here before he agreed to bring them." Electra explained.

"The boys are underage." She added as an afterthought. A man in a rumpled suit, his lawyer, walked out of the room and nodded, ready for the interview.

She walked in with a file; Eric followed her in then sat. "Interview started at 0930 on September 19th, conducting the interview is Chief Walker and Agent Luis, the accused Mister Harry Jackson and his attorney Tim Vincent." She slapped a file down and sat.

Tim sat forward, "I would like to make it plan that I am here even though Mister Jackson refuses my council," he said for the tape.

Electra nodded to Tim. "Is there anything you want to get off your chest?" Electra asked calmly staring directly at Mr Jackson.

He refused to answer her.

"Okay... I have forensic evidence, which links you to half a dozen attempted murders and one murder. I have evidence, which links you to the unprovoked bashing of Ghost. What do you have to say to this?" She asked.

Again, he said nothing.

"I also have evidence which links your boys to the same crimes." She threw in hoping that something would raise a reaction.

"Why did you attack Ghost? He had done nothing to you..." She said and finally saw a reaction in the way he clenched his fists.

"Filthy bloody animals the lot of you." Harry said. "Bloody daemons the lot of you, should have killed you all." He ranted.

"Why?" Electra asked.

"Freaks..." he said tugging on his cuffs. "Daemons cast from the pits of hell." He spouted.

"Shut up." Electra said firmly, feeling anger rise.

He glared at Electra but held his tongue.

Electra stood, resting her hands on the table. "I don't want to hear your religious views I want to know why. Why did you attack Ghost? Why did you open fire on humans not once but twice? Why?" She demanded wanting... no, needing, a real reason to give Ghost as to why he was once again alone.

"I did what did." He said smugly. "And I'll do it again."

"You killed a woman." She said trying a different approach.

"Filthy whore of a daemon. She deserved to die." He said.

"You didn't know that when you killed her. What have Were done to you? What have we done to make you hate us so much?" She asked.

"You live." He said contemptuously.

Electra sighed, "Interview suspended at 0945," she said. "Just so you know... I will outlive your entire bloodline." She said then left the room, saddened by his view, but saddened more by the fact that she wouldn't be able to give Ghost a reason for all this.


Eric glanced out at the forest, through the car window, a week after Maria had returned to her old life. His right arm still sat in a sling, he was thankful for the driver driving him to the manor, given he couldn't drive with his arm in a sling. It had only taken a week to drop his old life, to quit his job, sell his home and make his way to Maria. Electra had helped him out on her end. Some had called him mad; leaving his life for someone he barely knew, all he knew was that he needed her.

They pulled to a stop out front of a grand mansion where Electra was waiting with a big smile. "She's out getting more food for Scamper." A little boy stood next to her holding on to her leg as he studied the stranger before him.

"Okay." Eric said as he approached.

"She's been missing you... she won't admit it but its true." Electra said as she ushered him inside. She turned to Thais, "This is Thais, he's going to obliterate your scent, we want you to be a surprise." She said clapping her hands and bouncing a little.

"Nathanael was right... you are evil. You said you told her I was coming." Eric argued.

"I lied." She answered unabashed.

He sighed, "Fine we'll do it your way," he said, resigned to the plan of action. Thais glanced at Eric's bags, which suddenly vanished.

Scamper ran across the entrance hall, Temperance chasing after him, the little cat however was smart and dodged to sit between Bastion's legs. Bastion saw Temperance approaching and rescued the cat, holding him out of the little girl's reach as Temperance slid to a halt, waving dolls clothes intended for the cat, which she quickly tried to hide behind her.

"Temperance, you know you are to leave Ghost's cat alone," he scolded her before walking off, taking the cat with him. Temperance turned to her brother with a little disappointment on her face. Thais rolled his eyes. Boadicea appeared and grabbed Temperance before vanishing.

"Come on, I'll take you to Maria's room, that's where Thais willed your things," Electra said, taking his hand. Thais waited several moments before following; he was enjoying his part in this, mainly because he knew it would work. When Eric was safely in Maria's rooms, they left him alone.

He glanced around her sitting room; it was spotless, just as he expected it to be. There were pictures of people he hadn't seen before on her mantle but that didn't bother him, they obviously meant something to her. He left her sitting room behind and went to her bedroom. The bed was massive and inviting and after his long trip, he sat and lay back with a sigh. In moments, he was asleep.


Maria walked into her room with a sigh. She took a deep breath, only slightly curious as to why Bastion had told her she had the night off. She frowned for a moment and then shook her head; yep she was going crazy. She swore she could smell Eric's scent. She shook her head again, she needed a long soak in a hot tub of water, then she was going to seek out Amy, to find out if she could help her get in contact with Eric, or go to him.

Her wolf was all for that idea, to go to him, she had been anxious and angry with her human for leaving her wounded mate to fare for himself. She walked into her bedroom and stilled. She blinked for a moment as she stared at Eric who was asleep, sprawled across her bed.

She approached silently, wondering if her eyes were playing tricks on her. When she was close enough she took a deep breath, no way were both her eyes and her nose playing tricks on her Eric was here, he was here for her.

She moved as if drawn by an invisible thread to the man draped across her bed. Her wolf was bouncing in her mind, chanting the same thing over and over again... take him... take him... take him...

His lightly tanned skin was the most alluring thing she had ever seen. She leant over him, her eyes drinking in everything that was him, from his long silky black hair to the fullness of his lips.

One of his hands came from nowhere and caught her behind the head. His eyes opened and he pulled her close, kissing her deeply. She didn't fight him, in fact, she did just the opposite, draping her body on top of his being careful of his injured shoulder.

They kissed for long minutes before he had to come up for air. He stroked her cheek and smiled, "I've missed you."

She rested her cheek on his chest and smiled as she listened to his heartbeat. "I've missed you too." She confessed. "I'm sorry I left you, everything happened so fast that I didn't have time to protest Amy's orders," she confessed, hoping he would forgive her.

"It doesn't matter, we're together now." He told her as he stroked her check and jaw.

They stayed like that for long minutes, "how long are you here?" She asked.

"Well, since I am jobless and homeless, I was hoping forever," he said with a cheeky smile.

She pushed herself up to look at him with surprise and shock.

He cupped her cheek. "I would give up more than my job or home for you Maria. You are mine... and I don't care how long it takes before you finally agree with me." He leant in and gently brushed his lips against hers.

"And your things?" She asked almost breathless as he feathered kisses down her throat.

"Thais put them there..." he said, waving an arm vaguely at his things in the corner, "I am more than willing to have a different room," he murmured against her skin before starting an upward journey.

She moaned, unable to help herself, as his lips were driving her insane with need. He wished he wasn't burdened with a wounded shoulder; he would roll her over and ravish her. Their lips met again, their kiss was a battle of caressing tongues, he moaned when he felt her grind herself against his body.

He broke the kiss and panted, "I wish I could take you the way I would like to right now." His eyes closed as she feathered kisses against his throat. Her hands gently slid his arm out of the sling before carefully opening his shirt. "What..." he started to say, his eyes snapping open.

"You may not be able to take me... but I'll be damned if I don't claim you now." She told him.

He felt a little light headed as all the blood in his body raced to his loins, this was not how he expected their first time to be... but he was NOT complaining. Together they moved him into the centre of her large king sized bed. He sat up in order to help her get him out of his shirt. Her lips traced over his body, kissing and nipping at him. He laid back and panted, wondering where his timid Maria went before realising he didn't care, he liked this Maria as well, this sensual, aggressive side that knew what it wanted and was out to get it.

She tugged his belt free and undid his jeans with sure hands, tugging them, along with his briefs, down his legs and off, his socks quickly following. He lay before her naked except for the strapping of gauze on his shoulder. She sat back and appraised him in his naked glory, he was strong, well defined and all hers. She stood up and started to strip, his eyes feasting on the skin she exposed, the scars of her previous life were noted then ignored. When she tossed away the last of her clothing, she undid the plait holding the lush locks of black hair back, letting them slide provocatively against her upraised breasts, her hardened nipples poking through to tease him.

"Come here," he ordered his voice husky with desire. "I want to taste you," he added as she slowly moved to obey, a little unsure of what he wanted. "Straddle my face," he added when she got close enough, he had noticed her hesitation, she had done nothing like this before so he knew he had to guide her. She came to rest both of her knees either side of his head.

He hooked his good arm around her hips and brought her warm moist heat to his lips. He moaned, as he tasted her desire for the first time. She gripped the bed head for support as his tongue delved and dipped into her feminine core, his tongue on a seek and inflame mission finding every part of her that had need, sending ecstasy coursing through her. She began to grind herself against him, needing his possession, needing the gorgeous sensations to continue.

He continued to eat her out with gusto as he sensed her impending climax approach. As she suddenly stilled above him, he focused all his attention on that one place which would drive her insane. He lashed at it unmercifully, she cried out as she came hard, but still he lashed driving her to an even stronger climax.

She jerked herself off him and leant on her hands, still holding the bed head, her body quivering in the wake of her bliss.

"Get back here I wasn't finished," he complained.

She chuckled in amusement then glanced down at him; she could see him licking her juices from his face. It suddenly made her hot again, needing more. She crawled off his face and down his body; she came to the symbol of his manhood. It stood firm and erect, waiting for her. She leant in and licked him from root to tip, marvelling at the fact that not only was this the first time she actually wanted to perform this act; she was enjoying it, the taste leaving her quivering. She couldn't stand it any longer; she licked him one last time and moved to mount him.