Happy Trails...now Fuck off!

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A letter to my cheating wife.
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Authors note

I might suggest that those of you who don't enjoy my stories exercise your right to stop at this point. We'll miss you to be sure, but I am certain this way we can avoid all the ugliness in the comments section.

I understand, appreciate and welcome constructive criticism. Good and bad.

It may be that I am a poor writer (perchance that is why the only writing I do is for pleasure and shared freely) and while it is true that I would like to improve I have no plans to give up my day job to pursue this full time. I am not going to spend hours researching family law in the different states to appease someone's sense of authenticity.

I just don't care.

I purposely write my stories full of ambiguity and exclusively from the man's perspective. I don't see that changing anytime soon.

Please comment accordingly...or better yet,

write a better story than I have!



This will be the last time you hear from me and I ask that you never contact me again either unless it's an emergency related to the kids.

An EMERGENCY related to the KIDS. Understand?

I gave you 27 years of my life and you shit all over it so you don't get to be in it anymore.

I know that we'll have to attend some of the same functions; marriages, christenings etc. but I expect that you will keep to yourself. I will not acknowledge you in any way but I won't be the bad guy ruining those days that will be special to our children. I have spoken about this to both Chris and Amy so they are aware of the situation. Keep to yourself and I'll do the same.

You'll never win me back and I have no interest in appeasing your guilt any further. I don't need "closure" as you put it. I got all the closure I needed when I kicked you out and shut the door.

I don't need more details on the why's, how's and who's of your betrayal. I don't care if it was one affair or if you slutted around for the entirety of our marriage. Once was enough and no, I will not forgive you. Let those sorry-assed, hippy therapists forgive you.

I can't and won't and I am just fine with that. It won't cause me any more anxiety to withhold forgiveness for the rest of my life. I didn't do anything wrong. I wasn't the perfect husband but I didn't deserve what you did. So, yeah, you can just live with it.

The one thing I will give you is a response to some of the things you wrote in your letter to me.

I thought about just ignoring it; I didn't even read it for a long. I laughed when I did finally read it and decided I'd address some of your points, just for fun.

First of all, no, it didn't just happen.

That's a lot of horseshit and it's about time you admitted it. It's not like you were just minding your own business one day and suddenly found yourself naked in a hotel room with a strange cock thrusting in and out of your sloppy cunt.

In your letter, you told me you were unhappy, that being empty-nesters scared you and that Greg offered you a sympathetic ear and compassion.

News flash, Trish unhappiness and fear don't cause infidelity. Being unfaithful causes infidelity.

You could have spoken to me about your unhappiness and fears. You should have, but you didn't.

It just happened? I don't think so.

Drunken one-night stands might just happen, they are spontaneous, affairs aren't; they require planning and decision-making. In your case, 14 fucking months of deciding, planning and lying. So yeah, go fuck yourself on that one, Trish!

How did I find out? Not that it's important, really but it is a little of a clichรฉ. I came home earlier than expected.

Yup, I came home early from my trip. You weren't expected back for another 3 days from yours and I was a couple of days early. I managed to catch the flu and decided to leave the conference early. When I got home, I unpacked and thought I'd send you an email before going to bed to let you know I was home sick and sleeping.

You really should have remembered to log out of your facebook account.

Yeah, right there on the screen in front of me I saw the chats with your lover. It didn't take me long to figure out the password to your email account and get a little more detail. If I thought I was sick before I was really ill after reading all of your gooey email and facebook exchanges.

Not to mention the picture exchanges you nasty slut!

At that point I was sure glad you had to be out of town on business. I think I would have killed you if you'd been home. Instead I made reservations to an expensive spa in New Mexico and sent you an email inviting you to meet me there for the weekend.

I called a security company and scheduled a time for them to change the locks, opened new bank accounts, moved some money around and once I knew you were in New Mexico I cancelled all of our joint credit cards.

I made an appointment with a lawyer and was lucky enough to get in that next afternoon.

I copied the emails and facebook messages between you and Greg and decided I was going to forward them to Greg's wife and everyone in your email contact list and both of your facebook friends lists.

Oh and yes, I sent some of them to the kids (none of the pictures though, I spared them that); I just didn't think you would be truthful with them so yeah I felt compelled to do that. After all it turns out you are a first class liar with no conscience whatsoever and I wasn't about to let you whitewash the truth or worse, make me the bad guy.

My lawyer advised me to put half of the money back in our joint accounts, so I did and then used your half to pay off our bills - oh and to hire a couple of escorts - what's good for the goose, right Trish. Best present you ever gave me by the way!

Sue me if you want, bitch but I won't just give it back to you. I'll gladly pay the legal fees to drag it out in court. JUST.TO.PISS.YOU.OFF!

I'm surprised that you didn't figure things out when I didn't join you in New Mexico and that you were unable to get a hold of me? I know it must have cost you a small fortune to reroute your flights and pay for the spa but well, you see, you cheated on me you worthless slag and it gave me a couple of extra days to get shit taken care of.

By the time you flew home, I was ready.

No, I will not apologize for having you served at the airport. I wanted you to know the gig was up before you decided to come to the house and yes, I did take a two week cruise at that time...I needed to heal after all. You have no idea what goes on on these cruises! Seriously great places to get laid!

You are right I probably should have made arrangements for you to get some of your stuff out of the house before I left but I wasn't thinking clearly at the time. I had just found out my wife was a lying, cheating slut and it really was a shock to me. Sorry you had to buy a lot of clothes and get a hotel room but I really don't see why you think I should pay for that. Shall I try to recoup the money you spent on hotel rooms etc. fucking your asshole lover? We can do that dance if you like.

Yes, I insist that the reason for the divorce be filed under adultery because that is exactly why I am divorcing you. I know our state is no-fault and that irreconcilable differences is less costly and quicker but I'm in no hurry, cost is of no importance and you know how I feel about honesty.

And while it is true that we do have differences that are irreconcilable, you want to fuck around and I can't reconcile that, I think Adultery is just MORE honest. Ha, I made a joke, did you catch it? Besides, I want it in the public record. You're a lying whore and I want that to be official. Put on your big girl panties and live with it.

And, yes, all of your friends, family and coworkers now have written and pictorial evidence of your infidelity. Was it absolutely necessary? No, but it sure felt good. More of the medicine I need to heal.

I really laughed hard when you asked me why I decided to destroy Greg's marriage by telling his wife about your affair and letting her have copies of your email and facebook exchanges.

You're delusional.

I didn't destroy her marriage; you and Greg did that by rutting like pigs in cheap hotels. I simply let her know what was going on so she could make an informed decision as to how to deal with her marriage. Personally, I hope she destroys him.

No, I will not see you or speak with you.

No, I will not forgive you and no I definitely will not try to work on our marriage.

I was working on it all by myself the whole time you were fucking around and now I'm done.

No to counselling -- that will only prolong my pain and appease your guilt so I won't ever agree to that. Just another example of you only thinking of yourself. And really beyond easing your guilt what do you see us having after that? A loving, friendly relationship pillared by respect, honesty and trust? Please! I will never trust you, you didn't respect me, we'll never be friends, I don't love you and you are incapable of being honest even with yourself. There is no scenario I can think of that will see us back together. Ever.

Go by yourself. Go with Greg. Just go.

Maybe you're telling me the truth that Greg was the only one. I'll never know for certain and I certainly won't believe anything you ever tell me. And quite honestly, it makes no difference to my future. You fucked one guy once - you're done.

Just so you know, I did have had DNA tests done to ensure that I am indeed the father of our children.

I am.

I hate to think what I would be capable of doing to you if it turned out otherwise.

Yes, I loved the wife I thought I had but no, I don't love you. I still love the woman I thought I married but that isn't you. I'm not sure if she left, died or never was but I do know that YOU ARE NOT HER.

And for the record, I don't believe it when you say you love me and never stopped loving me. That just can't be true given what you did to me. How is it possible to love someone and then betray them so completely? You clearly have no idea what love is, which is another good reason for me to move on.

I'm sorry to hear that your relationship with the kids is strained but I won't do anything to help you there. You made your bed...

Maybe they'll come around one day. Maybe they won't. That's up to them. I haven't told them one untrue thing about you and I promise that will never change. If you want them to think better of you, I suggest you BE better. Try that on for a change.

Just sign the papers, Trish.

If you insist on counselling, I will simply drop the petition and we still won't get back together.

If you then file and insist of remuneration I will counter sue again on the grounds of infidelity.

We can go around and around and around and we still will not be together.

I don't love you.

I don't like you.

I don't want you.

Fuck off!

Happy Trails!


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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

If only it can work out like that in real life!

A wonderful fantasy!!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This is the clearest, most rational and intelligent analysis of what an appropriate response should be. It puts paid to all the self-serving, responsibility neglecting and pseudo rationale for the absence of a moral compass. He is spot on in pointing out that the "I still love her"...is actually confusion of what was and what the reality is now. No one can still love a man/woman that engages in betrayal.

Absolutely finishes ANY LW-CW "explaination or justification".


AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I like it! Short and to the point!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

5* for the concise writing. Brevity has a merit all of its own. An implacable emphatic termination of relations. As a previous commenter alluded, that has got to be cathartic for some whoโ€™ve been in such a situation.

Viz your remarks at the head of the story directed to prospective commenters/readers (โ€œweโ€™ll miss you to be sureโ€ made me laugh), and your desire to improve, NoTalentHack has an essay on the merits of LW, including describing it as a crucible for writing, together with some suggestions as to how to utilise other sections of Lit in conjunction with LW (which though I am not a budding author, I found interesting) for the purposes of refining oneโ€™s craft.

In any event, I for one, enjoy your direct style.


AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Cathartic. I hope you feel better. 5 stars

mariverzmariverz7 months ago

imagino a un par de usuarios de aca, dando este mismo discurso... 3am, sotano, whisky, alucinacion


nawtdognawtdog7 months ago

I really like the fact of the MC NOT being this overly benevolent person who tells his children to have a relationship with the cheater. Especially one that we all know has gone on for a while. I'm so sick of those stories that have the MC being "Christ-like" towards their soon to be ex; let her keep the house, make sure she has enough to live on, etc....

If my cheating spouse falls down in the street, I'm walking past and saying in my head "the motherfucker she was cheating with can help her up".

nixroxnixroxabout 1 year ago

3 stars - no comment

dgfergiedgfergieover 1 year ago

Now this story I understand. Everything that needed saying was said.

inka2222inka2222almost 2 years ago

Concise, and to the point. "Take a piece of marble, and cut off everything extra". Just perfect.

amygdalaamygdalaalmost 2 years ago

โญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธ Damm like a fucking boss. Really though there is something to be said when you have principles, mixed with convictions and you donโ€™t sway from your path in the face of gross and immoral actions of others.

TrambakTrambakalmost 2 years ago

This could be the SOP for letters.

kirei8kirei8about 2 years ago

Hope every guy that has been cheated on gets a copy of your letter!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

5 stars nor the commitment necessary๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜Š

nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

3 stars - no comment

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


KRD19254KRD19254over 2 years ago

Only one improvement to this slam-dunk story would be to have him INSERT his (Italicized) response/answers between her paragraphs of her letter. Let us see the full context of her letter and his replies. And he cc:'ed this response letter to the kids so they/she knows the full truth - sabotaging any desire she might have to paint him badly to the family.


+5* Hooyah, salutes...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I like how the husband here stuck to his points...I did like the story...just not enough of one...her cheating is the story here...so where is her part of this story...from her point of view..........

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Its a good start for the story, but wheres the ending? What happened the rest of them? How did they all react? Too much left open to deserve more than a 3.

InfosaugerInfosaugerabout 3 years ago

In this letter he mentioned a letter the ex wrote to him. Would be interesting, what stupid things she wrote in it beyond mentioned here.

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