Haven's Wood Ch. 07


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The comment spurred James to push his way through the crowd with a little more urgency. When he got to the front he saw, his mother and his mate, in the middle of the training mats. They appeared to be wearing training clothes, so must have gotten changed. He had no idea why though.

His mother was circling around Natasha, who was stood in the middle of the mats, Natasha stood lightly on her feet keeping her eyes on her opponent. When Emily lunged towards Natasha, James could instantly tell that she was holding back. His instincts though drove him to intervene, and he began to step towards the pair.

He felt a hand on his chest and heard his sister whisper.

"Just watch, she's fine"

James spared his sister a glance and seeing that she wasn't worried by the situation at all, he relaxed a little. He turned back to the fight in time to see his mother throw a punch at Natasha face. Natasha however deftly dodged inside Emily's guard and sent her flying over her hip to the floor.

The crowd around him let out a little cheer. All James could do was stare open mouthed at his mate, as she helped his mother to her feet before bowing to her.

James quickly pulled himself together and hurried over to the pair. Emily met him halfway across the mat and spoke so only he could hear.

"She's stronger than expected her to be, but I still fear that she will not survive. I won't stand in the way though, as much as it wounds me to watch this folly."

Emily then turned back to Natasha.

"Thank you for the exercise my dear." Having said this Emily strode out of the gym.

James looked over at his mate and raised a questioning eyebrow at her.

"It came up that I had studied Jiu Jitsu at university, so your mother invited me to spar with her a little." Natasha explained.

"I'm impressed." James said. "Mother is a skilled fighter; you must be good to be able to throw her."

Natasha shook her head dismissively.

"She wasn't using her full strength or speed, and even then that was the first point I was able to win."

"What rules were you playing?" James asked, beginning to stretch his muscles out.

"You win for a clean hit, throw or submission. James this is not going to be a fair fight. Even if you weren't a werewolf you'd be stronger than me."

Natasha could see that his mind was set on this.

"I'll be careful." He said. "I'll only use human strength and speed, I promise."

Natasha sighed before shrugging her shoulders.

"I don't stand a chance, but go on then."

James grinned at her as he began to circle her looking for an opening. He threw a few fakes, to try and get her to react. Natasha however didn't take the bait. Her eyes were focussed on the exposed muscles of his chest, by watching the way his muscles rippled she could tell that he wasn't serious in his attacks.

James stepped into his next punch forcing, Natasha to move. Having seen her fight his mother he thought she would step inside and was ready to shift his weight to counter the throw he expected. To his surprise she stepped wide to the side and snapped a powerful kick to where he was stood.

James moved out of the way of the kick, but only because he moved with the speed he'd said he wouldn't use. Natasha however didn't comment she stayed focussed on the fight. James moved straight into a kick of his own, being careful to hold back this time. He may have over compensated because Natasha easily dodged the kick and had him falling towards the mat.

James was not so easily beaten though. He managed to capture Natasha's arm and bring her down with him, turning so that he landed on his side.

The two grappled on the floor for a few moments, before James managed to pin Natasha beneath him on the mat. After a few moments of struggling to no avail Natasha knew that he had her.

"Do you submit?" James asked.

Natasha pouted at him. She really didn't want to admit that he had bested her. She struggled again for a moment and then stilled. She looked up into his face.

"You know, you have me trapped like this. Wouldn't you like to do something more fun?"

As Natasha said this she pressed her body up against his and ran her free hand down his side and slipped her finger under the waist band of his trousers. James's wolf had been near the surface since his mad dash through the woods, and rose quickly to her temptation.

Natasha felt him draw in a deep breath, and in that moment his grip on her relaxed just enough. She was able to roll out from under him, taking his arm with her. Before James realised what she had done he felt her weight press down on his back and pain shoot up his arm. Natasha had his arm in lock, and was holding it just tight enough to give him a little pain

"I think maybe you're the one who should submit." Natasha crowed, delighted that her tactic had worked.

Unfortunately for Natasha, her tactic had worked a little too well. James's wolf was in control now, and he had one thing on his mind. The lock Natasha had him in would have worked well on a man but James simply used his strength to pull his arm free from her grip. In a moment he had her on the floor, arms held above her head, his body pressed firmly between her legs.

Natasha tried to struggle but couldn't move him and inch.

"That's cheating!" She exclaimed. "You said you wouldn't do that!"

As she said this she looked up into his eyes and saw that they had turned completely amber, and were filled with lust.

"You cheated first." James said huskily. "Now I believe you promised me some 'fun'. I intend to collect."

James pressed his lips to Natasha's fiercely and kissed her with such passion that it took her breath away. As he did so he ground his hardness against her core, creating a delicious friction between them. He held both her hands in one of his. Then ran his free hand down her arm, over her heaving chest until it reached the hem of her top. He quickly slid his hand under the fabric and slid it against her heated skin, heading back up towards her breasts.

When Natasha felt his hand under her clothes, she let out a squeak and pulled her head away from his kiss. She realised that he meant to take her here and now, in front of all the watching wolves.

"James!" She panted. "Please stop!"

James paused for a moment.

"Not here, please." Natasha continued. "There are so many people!"

James chuckled at this. His hand continued his journey, sliding under her bra and began to play with her nipple.

"I don't mind." He said. "You won't even remember that they're there in a moment."

Natasha couldn't stifle the moan that escaped her when his fingers began to circle around her nipple. She was rapidly losing her will to fight.

"James, please. I'm not ready for this!" She begged softly. "Take me somewhere else, I'll make it up to you I promise."

James stopped. He studied her face, and as he did so Natasha was relieved to see some hints of blue return to his eyes. However her relief was a little shaken when she saw a lascivious smile appear on his face.

He slipped his hand out from her top and ran his thumb over her lips. This action sent a shiver down her spine, and made her unconsciously arch her hips towards him.

"So if I stop and take you somewhere private you'll make it worth my while?" James asked.

Natasha nodded emphatically.

"How?" James asked.

Natasha's mouth went dry. She didn't really know, this was all still very new to her.

"What do you want?" Natasha asked, in little more than a whisper.

James chuckled at her again.

"I want whatever you're willing to offer me." He teased.

James had already decided that he'd take her somewhere so they could be alone. He just wanted to play with her a little first, since she'd started this game.

Natasha flushed bright red as she tried to think what she could offer him. She remembered last night and how he'd reacted when she'd licked him.

"I .. I could, use my mouth." She whispered shyly.

"Where?" James asked a twinkle in his eye.

Natasha looked up into his eyes, and saw that he was daring her to say it. She couldn't let him win. So despite turning an even brighter red, she quietly said

"I could lick, and suck you cock."

James groaned softy at hearing her words.

"Deal." He said.

In a moment he had pulled her to her feet. He wrapped one arm around her back then swept the other under her legs lifting her into his arms. Faster than her eyes could followed he'd taken her out of the back exit of the gym which backed onto the woods. Once they were out of sight of the buildings James put her down and took a step back.

Natasha was a little disoriented from the speed at which James had moved and a little surprised to find herself in the woods. She stood open mouthed for a moment as she tried to piece together what had just happened. Her eyes fixed on James.

He stood before her, in trousers and nothing else. His bare chest was like sin itself and his eyes were filled with fire and barely contained lust. Looking at him took her breath away. Natasha felt suddenly more exposed than she had in front of all those people, because now James's eyes were devouring her whole.

She took a hesitant step towards him, know that he was waiting for her to deliver on her promise. James smiled encouragingly at her but made no other move. She took a breath and gently dropped to her knees in front of him, feeling the damp grass on her knees.

She reached out and grasped the waistband of his trousers and slowly pulled down. She concentrated on pulling them down and tried not to focus on what she was uncovering. Once they were on the floor, James stepped out and stood before her, naked and confident about it.

Natasha slowly let her eyes trail up his legs, taking in the toned muscles and smooth skin, until her eyes came to rest on the large throbbing member before her face. The reached out to grasp hold of it, as she had done before, but was stopped, when James pushed her hand away. She looked up at his face confused by his action.

"You promised me your mouth." James said simply, the huskiness of his voice betraying how turned on he was at seeing her looking up at him through her lashes.

Natasha moved her hands to rest on his thighs instead and then tentatively leant forward. She ran her tongue from the base of his cock right to the head in one go, feeling the hardness of him, and tasting his skin.

Emboldened by the sounds James made, she ran her tongue around the head of his cock, flicking her tongue over the end, tasting his precum. Not being able to use her hands made it difficult to apply pressure with her tongue. Natasha pulled away for a moment, licked her lips, and then wrapped them around the head of his cock.

When James felt the warmth of her mouth engulf his cock, it was all he could do, not to take control.

"That feels so good Natasha, don't stop."

Spurred on by his words Natasha began to move her tongue around the head of his cock as she continued to suck. When her tongue danced over the very tip, James's hips jerked forward pushing his cock a little further into her mouth.

Natasha realised that she could take more of his cock than she had, so she leant forward using her hands on his thighs to balance herself. She slowly moved forward until she felt his cock hit the back of her throat, then sucking as hard as she could she slid back down until only the very tip was in her mouth.

Natasha continued to play with his cock, trying moving at different speeds running her tongue over his cock in as many ways as she could think, and trying to draw as many sounds from him as she could.

Natasha's innocent exploration was driving James wild. He finally reached breaking point and brought his hand down to her head, tangling his fingers in her hair. He gently used his hand to guide her motion, encouraging her to make long fast strokes, and resisting the urge to push into her hot tight throat.

When James put his hand in her hair, Natasha panicked for a moment not sure what he was going to do, but she soon realised what he wanted. Relieved that he hadn't taken away her control, Natasha tried to take as much of his length into her as she could, he seemed to like it when his cock hit the back of her mouth, so she took a deep breath and push a little further on the next stroke, she felt the head of his cock just slip into the back of her throat and she swallowed on reflex.

James nearly lost control when he felt Natasha deep throat him, feeling her swallowing his cock was one of the best things he'd ever felt. He let her do it few more time until it became too much and he pulled her mouth from his cock.

"That was perfect." James told her when she looked up at him. "I think you need a little attention as well though."

He pulled her too her feet and kissed her. His tongue exploring and claimed her mouth. While he claimed her mouth his hands roamed her body. One sought out her nipple to continue from where he'd left off, while the other cupped her ass and pulled her heat against him.

As his fingers flicked over her nipples he could feel her whole body thrumming in time. He knew she was already more than ready for him. The scent of her arousal had been filling the air since she had dropped to her knees in front of him.

James's kissing left her breathless, and his fingers were like magic on her heated skin. Natasha wanted more though; she wanted to feel him thrusting inside of her again. As if he read her thoughts James turned her around, so her back was against him. He took her hands with his and placed them on a tree in front of her so she was bent over at the waist.

His hands ran down her arms along her sides until they reached her waistband. He pulled her trouser and pants down in one swift motion. He then lifted her left leg out before pushing it to the side.

Natasha felt so exposed, with her trousers around one ankle, her legs spread wide and her bare ass exposed to him.

James stepped back for a moment to admire the sight in front of him. When he did Natasha turned to look over her shoulder at him. She looked perfect. Her ass and pussy were exposed, her hair a wild tangle, and her eyes were fogged with lust while still full of innocence.

James stepped forward, grabbing her hips. He let his cock slide through the folds of her dripping pussy. He slowly, teasingly thrust his hips back and forth, not penetrating her, simply drenching his cock in her heat.

Natasha whimpered in her frustration and tried to push back, so that his cock would finally impale her. She earned a smack on the ass for her troubles. She turned her head again to look at James, and saw mischief dancing in his amber glazed eyes again.

"You'll have to ask nicely if you want something." James told her.

"Please." Natasha instantly begged.

James chuckled.

"Please what?"

Natasha turned away from him, knowing what he wanted, but being too shy to say it. James responded to her silence by bringing one hand to her clit. He began to run his finger in soft circles around her clit. He only pressed hard enough to tease her not, enough to bring her any satisfaction.

"James, please." Natasha moaned, in response to his new onslaught.

"You just tell me what you want, and I'll give it to." James told her.

"I ... I want you." Natasha whimpered, still struggling to overcome her nerves.

"Not good enough. Tell me exactly what you want me to do." James replied, and slipped his free hand under her shirt to continue tormenting her nipples.

It was all getting to be too much Natasha was overwhelmed with the sensations he was giving her, but none of it was what she wanted. Finally her frustration overwhelmed her upbringing.

"I need your cock James. I need your cock inside me. Please, fuck me!"

James was more than happy to oblige. He lined up his cock and in one smooth thrust drove it deep inside her hot tight depths. Natasha moan in pleasure as his cock filled her aching insides. James pumped his cock into Natasha's welcoming pussy in long rhythmic thrusts. Natasha pushed back to meet him.

As James began to increase his pace Natasha could feel her pleasure building, with every thrust she felt a wave of heat wash over her, the pressure growing inside her until she thought she might burst. Just as she thought she might plunge over the edge, James pulled out.

Natasha spun round in frustration, only to find James pulling her to the ground. They landed with James on his back and Natasha straddling his legs.

"Why did you stop?" She demanded.

"To show you what you did to me in that gym." James told her.

James pulled Natasha's face down to his so he could kiss her. In doing so she slid up his body a little so that her sensitive core dragged across his straining manhood.

James put his hands on her hips and helped position her over his cock. After a moment of hesitation Natasha let herself sink down onto his cock. In this position he was reaching new places inside her and the peak that had begun to ebb away was soon back.

Natasha rocked herself on his cock trying to find the best motion. With some guidance from James's hands on her hips she soon found her rhythm and had them both moaning.

When the base of James's cock began to swell, Natasha wasn't sure what to do, and paused her movements. In her moment of hesitation James thrust his hips up, plunging his knot deep inside her.

The new pressure sent Natasha into overload, and she began to cum, waves of pleasure washing over her. She could feel her pussy milking the hard cock inside her and as James continued to push his hips up into her she could feel him growing bigger. Natasha's orgasm pushed James into his own, and he groaned his completion as his cum pumped deep inside her.

Natasha fell against his chest exhausted and James held her tight.

Natasha mused to herself as she lay in his arms catching her breath. 'They might have a lot to work out still, but at least the sex was good.'

James caught the stray thought and chuckled in agreement.

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IamweetoddedIamweetodded5 months ago

Love this series. Would love to be a fly on the wall in Dean & Katie’s bedroom.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

At least the sex is good :)

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

OP knows the pain of unfinished stories but still left it unfinished 😒

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Loved this story from beginning please continue...

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Please finish this story!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

literally finish it😭😭

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I need more 😩

Ginger630Ginger630almost 4 years ago

I would love to know what happens next! Please finish this wonderful story!!!!

elMagnifico98elMagnifico98almost 4 years ago

Amazing story, please, please finish the story! I really love James and Natasha. Hope you continue this!!

BlowPopJBlowPopJover 4 years ago

I agree with the other comment

JJMemaw0623JJMemaw0623over 4 years ago

You HAVE to finish the story! I have to know more about these two and their incredible sexy lives. It was so hot I thought my panties would melt! Please keep writing, I loved it!!

desjdesjabout 6 years ago

So sad another story not done you even commented that it was sad when you read stories as well

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Story wonderful story

Please please please don't stop here! I want more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Omfg keep writing!

I'm in love with these characters, don't let them die

poreyb1999poreyb1999about 7 years ago
Please continue

You story is very good and I'm looking forward to reading more (a lot more :) ). I have one word of advice though. I you decide to have Natasha turned DON'T STOP RIGHT AFTER. In a lot of the stories in this genre the author will stop right after. its horrible.

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