Her Victorian Bottom Plundered


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Prudence felt a stirring behind her. Henry was unbuttoning his breeches no doubt and releasing his manhood from its confines. A sudden flush coloured her cheeks for the thought of his organ was one which sometimes caught her unawares during idle day dreaming. Brief glimpses caught in the low light of a candle as he slipped beneath the blankets and settled between her firm white thighs. The prodding of its swollen head seeking her wet Venus before the first deep thrust which made the world turn on its axis and the breath catch in her throat. Such a thrust seemed always never ending until the base of his member slapped against the stretched clasp of her womanly lips. It would forever be a guilty pleasure that she would never admit to. Even now, with Henry saddled upon his high horse, she felt the earth move and the forbidden thrill playing with her soul. What had made him so steadfast was not a concern to her anymore for her reasoning had slipped away for she was of high heat and need. Let her husband slake his own lust and she grasp the delirious pang of delight which made the dark glow and her heart sing..

Henry, though, had his lust set on more devilish schemes. His cock was now free and he grasped it firmly in his right hand. A gas lamp cast shafts of light through their bedroom window which fell across the raise bottom of his dear wife, the deep dark cleft between both cheeks keeping that which he sought hidden and secret. There was no time for second thoughts or doubt for he was determined on is course. That course was to take the virginity of his wife's anus come what may.


Prudence lifted her head at the first touch of her husband penis to her puss. She was wet now and she could feel the ache of her sex grumbling away as it waited to be sated. Her breathing quickened and her senses began to command her thoughts as she felt his weight settling over her as she lay over the edge of their bed. She gasped as the head of his "engorged penis" -- the very word a disgusting delight to her - rubbed up and down her dripping slot.

"Henry, I, please do it.." she sighed.

But the expected thrust never came.

Henry raised the head of his erect prick to push open her bottom cheeks so he could gain free access to the dark rosebud of her bottom hole. The pounding of his heart sounded like waves crashing upon the shore as he pushed down firmly with his left hand to keep his wife in position, for he knew the outrage that would cry forth when he began to force his erection into her virgin anus. Come what may, she would suffer such an invasion despite her protestations. A slight thrust and his cock head eased into the dark cleft and settled against her forbidden fruit. He was breathing hard. His excitement nigh overwhelming him and he fought to keep his spend within. It was time. The moment he had promised would happen was at hand. The one his scullery maid had said he must overcome to satisfy his manhood. The butt of his thumb pressed down on his purple bloated bulb and began to force himself into his wife's arse.

In her whispy daze, Prudence sensed something was amiss. What was he doing? His insistence was too high and if he was not careful he would find himself in a most objectionable position that was as disgusting as it was unfortunate! Was his mind addled by drink? She gasped loudly as she felt his member pressing on more urgently.

"Henry," she muttered, twisting her head to look at her dear husband who was a mask of concentration as he stared down at their joining. "Dearest, what are you doing? Thy aim is poor for the hole you seek is the one below."

Henry shook his head. "There is naught wrong with my aim this night, Prudence. This night I wish to seek delight from your body in other ways. I have suffered the torture of its forbidden temptation for too long in our marriage my love, so on this night I intend to redress the issue and have my wicked way with you no matter what."

Prudence stared at her husband wide eyed. "Henry?" she said, shocked. "Whatever are you on about dearest? Have you gone mad? Do not be so disgusting husband. I shall never submit to such a degrading spectacle. The very thought is abhorrent. Let me up this minute!!"

Henry held firm as she tried to twist free from his grip. "Enough. I order you to lay still wife for this is a reckoning between us. For too long I had submitted to your whims both in public and private and borne them with sufferance and duty. No more. This night shall be a new beginning for our relationship Prudence for I am determined to put my prick in your arse."

His wife felt her mouth drop open in shock at his coarse language. The sheer vulgarity of such a thing rendered her motionless with surprise under him. His prick?! In her arse?! Despite herself, she felt a shiver when there should be a river of outrage and disgust. Her husband was going to force his rather large member into the tight well of her bottom hole?! The disgusting man. It was if he was no more than the lowest type of vagabond who was ruled by the drink and his lust! That she knew such practices were indulged was of no matter. She was a lady and should be treated as befitting her station as mother and head of the household. She had her respectability to think about. More than anything, she suspected such an act would be very uncomfortable indeed!!

"No wait, Henry. Please. Be still. Tis not a thing to make a wife endure," she pleaded. "I am afraid of the pain it will bring."

"Nonsense." replied her husband. "As with your pussy, the pain of your first arse fucking will fade with use. As I have made plain Prudence, from this night forth I shall ensure that we partake of all pleasures of the flesh available to us as man and wife. The first time is one to endure, but from henceforth the delights of such an adventure shall become apparent. It is of some import to me that such as thing is so for my love of thee is not in doubt. Now, let us enjoy the fruits of our loins. Prepare yourself for I am about to take the virginity of your anus."

Beneath him, he felt his wife submit to his words.

Prudence was drowning in a sea of emotion. That he loved her was in no doubt and that she loved him still was not in question. He was right in some way. With her whiles and charms, she had held sway over him for all their years together. Her manner had never been one to let her be ordered around and told what to say, do and think. She was so surprised it had taken so long for him to assert himself. Things, apparently, were about to change.

"Oh, Henry. If you must, but please take care." she whimpered as she felt him beginning to invade her bottom.


Prudence groaned loudly with a mixture of pain and sufferance as she felt her husband's penis force its way through her resistance and up deep into the canal of her anus. The white flash of pain made her scrabble and bite the blanket as it washed over her in an agonising burst of deep dominance and her utter subservience.

"Ahhhhhh, oh Henry," she winced. "I cannot bear it. Your manhood is tearing me asunder inside. I can feel its heat in my very belly."

Henry groaned for he was a tingle all over. He had done it. His cock was sheathed to the hilt in the warm tight grip of his beloved's arse. The sensations were overwhelming and he prayed he would not expel his seed in such spasms of ecstasy. Their first arse fuck had to be one they would remember. He thrust his hips gently enjoying the soft slap of his heavy scrotum against her wet cunt. He was ecstatic. He flexed his massive prick inside her bowels and smiled as she gave a surprised exclamation at the sensation.

For the game to be of more worth she would need to learn the language of the gutter.

"Do you like my immense cock in your arse, Prudence?" he asked with a smile. He well imagined her blush at his choice of words. "That I love putting my iron rod in your bottom is without question. My cock loves being in thy tight arse dearest."

Prudence quivered as she listened to her husband. His words like fireworks in the dark as her soul wept around his buried organ. His organ. His penis. What had he called it? That naughty word that made her toes curl. His cock. His immense cock. She groaned again for a guilty moment of bliss suffused her whole body in white joy. To think that such a disgusting act could bring forth such abundant sweetness was a thing to amaze her. The heat in her loins was of a kind she nigh thought possible. Such heat was kindled by his words. Those filthy, vulgar, base but oh so appropriate words.

She licked her lips. What resistance was gone and mere folly to chase by now. He husband's desires had lain waste to whatever bedroom morals she had hid behind for all these years. She felt -- excited. A strange sort of liberation. The dawning that any act was worthy in pursuit of such pleasure. One more virginity had gone. Her mouth was dry for the last was a thing he would make her do as well. She would feign outrage but, in her heart, she knew look forward to such a thing. But that was for later.

"Say it." said Henry.

"Noooo, please love. I cannot." she whispered. "Such words are too dirty to speak aloud." Inwardly, she smiled for she knew she would. She yelped suddenly for he eased his hips back and she felt the slow slither of his member as it exited her anus. It's loss indescribable. She wriggled her bottom at him in frustration. Her husband, the bounder, was going to make her beg for his meat.


She bit her lip and felt her face aflame with shame. "D..Dearest Henry," she whimpered. Oh, this horrid beastly man. How could he torture her so after awakening her sexuality? "I, I.. I need your thing. Y..your c..cock. Your big cock. Please Henry." Her bottom hole was gaping and twitching as if calling for it.

"And, just where do you want me to put my big fat cock, Prudence?" Henry held his organ at the entrance to her anus. Teasing her, by letting its weeping head touch the crown of her dark hole.

The insufferable cur!!

"In, in my bottom, Sir," she wheedled. "Tis with pleading that I ask you to take thy impressive prick, your magnificent cock, and spear it deep into my poor sore bottom hole. Make haste for I shall lose my mind."

"Once my cock is in your bottom Prudence," he said, with a broad grin on his face. "What shall I do with it?" It was not his wife who would lose his mind but him. His staff ached with the waiting and his balls felt swollen in their sac. He pushed forward and grunted as her arse swallowed him whole again.

Prudence reared up as she felt him slither into her again. Such sweet agony!! All those years wasted when such surprise and delights were near. Silly little girl. Her first taste had her desperately wanting more and more and more. She had pushed up on her hands and glanced at her man over her right shoulder with her hair cascading around her.

"My arse, Sir," she ordered. "I want you to take that splendid cock of thine and bugger me till thy feel the compulsion to spend. Dare not remove it for my anus awaits the soothe balm of it to attest my devotion and love. A fucking I seek Sir. Fuck my virgin arse dearest for tis now I understand thy reasons in claiming it."

Into the night and early dawn did Henry and Prudence rediscover the simple pleasures of life and sex.


The soft pale light of the next day's dawn found Prudence on her knees at her husband's feet. She looked up with devotion as Henry took his stiff cock in hand.

"Open your mouth dearest," he told her. "Tell me what you want to do."

His wife grimaced at the dull ache nagging deep in her bowels for thrice during the night he had plundered her bottom passage. True to his word, each vigorous fucking had brought forth less pain and sprang for untold wonders that had her crying, begging and whispering endearments as he thrust mightily away. His, what had he called it again? -- his spunk has been copious in its frothing amount, most of which was still seeping from her red sore hole.

Another delight of discovery was at hand, literally. Such a deed a mere day ago would have her aghast and calling for the Peel. But not now. Not after last night. She wanted more of what he could give. Her imagination had been set free and dirty dreams danced before her. Her bottom twitched as she glanced at the length of his leather belt as it lay across the bedside chair. Beware what you wish for she chided herself. She smiled to herself. She suspected she could match her husband for outrageous fortune somehow. But now she needed to learn this. This oral adventure.

"Dearest Henry," she smiled sweetly. "Indulge me please. Tis a thing I've oft mused when no one is around and tis something that thrills me to the bone. Such a naughty thing it is for I feel such a wanton whore for even contemplating it. But Sir, if I may be so bold. I wish the privilege of sucking your impressive cock and the honour to taste the rush of thy spunk until I drink thy balls dry."

Henry bent down and kissed his wife on the lips. "I feel the honour is all mine." he said with love. Such an act from his beloved thrilled him to the marrow. Finally, after all this time, he felt she was his. The love he felt was without fault or measure. As her sweet soft lips licked and kissed the bloated head of his cock, he made a mental note to slip a little reward into his scullery maids wage packet for giving him the courage of his convictions.

There would also be the small matter to find her another employer. Just to be on the safe side and to avoid any possible awkward situations in the future. He had no doubt she would find gainful employ soon enough as she was a diligent and careful worker and his reference would count in her favour.

He felt a twinge of guilt. But it was a momentary passing for his groin was awash with the delight of having his wife sucking enthusiastically on his well used member.

The past was the past. The only thing that mattered was the future. A future bright with the deep love and wanton desires of his sexually blossoming spouse.


The End.

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pjhale121pjhale121over 7 years ago
Good read

Such a fun story. Sure the language was a bit awkward at times but that was part of what made it fun. Thanks for having the courage to try something a little different.

Ian56Ian56over 8 years agoAuthor
Writing style.

Yeah, I know. Some of it was positively anglo saxon at times. On the other point, personally, I thought disinterested sounded more interesting than uninterested. Come to think of it I probably invented a couple of words in the whole series because they sounded "right" in my head - is bloomered a word?!. I just had a little fun playing around with stuff which was the main reason for doing it in the first place.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Fun Story

Many thanks.

To nitpick: Some of the style of speech was victorian but a lot was from earlier eras.

You used 'disinterested' to mean 'uninterested'. They don't mean the same thing. A wife cannot be disinterested in sex with her husband although she may be uninterested.

arrowglassarrowglassover 8 years ago
A truly splendid endeavor!

An excellent effort in Victorian erotica...I commend you!

ReefBeachReefBeachover 8 years ago
A most excellent tale!

Sir! I commend your skill at capturing the Victorian vernacular. Truly a delight to savour such a winsome story so well-related. I was reminded of 'Fanny Hill' of which no doubt you are aware.

Again my congratulations to you!

Ian56Ian56over 8 years agoAuthor
A Little Sexual Imagination -

Why? Victorians were well known for their love of roleplay in matters of sex. Anyway, Pirates are cool..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

is our 19th century businessman talking like a 17th century pirate? Avast?

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