Holiday with Step Sister Pt. 01

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Nudist holiday with my step sister.
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Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/05/2017
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Author's notes: Part 1 of a longish story. All characters are over eighteen and bear no resemblance to living persons. Please vote and leave comments.


Were it not for the start-of-summer BBQ at my place of work, this beautiful ending to an emotional story would never have come to pass. Hell, I had not even planned to go to the start-of-summer party since invariably, most of the employees insisted on an open bar, reducing them to quivering jelly by the end of the night.

I rarely drink enough to get past sobriety, so the single fact that an open bar was in attendance, wrinkled at my good senses. Be that as it may, I was given a complimentary ticket, and there I was, if reluctantly.

So when the manager finally drew the grand prize, two tickets for an all-paid holiday to Spain, I could hardly believe my ears when he shouted 'Chris Earlhardt!' I stood rooted to the spot in surprise, mouth agape as I tried to let it sink in. Around me a chorus of shouts and cheers erupted as a bevy of well-wishers thumped me on the back. I walked up to accept the tickets with a goofy smile on my face. I looked at the envelope. Costa del Sol... no kidding! My girl would love this.

I decided to surprise Sheryl by not telling her about the tickets, and upgrading the basic accommodation to a higher-class. On a whim I decided to go for the clothing-optional hotel and beach facilities, thinking that it would be a new slant on our budding exhibitionist ways. I knew she would love it.

Boy was I wrong. Sheryl flat out declined to come with me.

"Chris, I'm on my final stretch of exams and need to hand in my thesis in six weeks time. I can't come with you to Spain. No way."

"It's only for a week" I pleaded with her, "surely you can afford a week of rest."

"I can't even afford the time to talk to you mister!" came her harried voice down the line. "Take Carol with you. I'm sure she would enjoy it."

Carol was my step-sister, whom I adored as if she were my true blood sister. A magnificent piece of womanhood that was the object of lust of practically all the straight guys in my town. As well as a lot of the women's, I might add.

"Listen Sheryl, I can't take Carol, we've only got one room." I tried to reason it out, accepting fully that she was absolutely right.

"Oh Come on now, she's your sister! Share it. The decision's final. I simply can't. Hell, sure I'm sorry, but it's impossible."

I finally accepted her decision with a heavy heart. It WAS her last exam before graduating as a pediatrician, and the thought of her failing at the final hurdle was unthinkable.

* * *

"Whaaaat? You really want me to come with you? Hell, yeah, of course I will! What's up with Sheryl? When are we going?"

Carol bombarded me with one question after the other, as she jumped up and down, perky breasts jiggling under a bra-less t-shirt. I moaned as I envisaged my lips wrapped around those beauties. My step-sister was not too strict about decency, and it wouldn't be the first time I had walked into our shared bathroom to find her applying lipstick or mascara with just a towel wrapped around her waist. Modesty was not her strongest point. I had never seen her fully naked, but I understood that titties on show were accepted.

At first I used to back-up apologetically, but she soon assured me it was nothing that was bothering her at all. I told her I was more than content to stare at her beautiful body for hours. For she was truly beautiful. A short light-brown hair-do framed a small face, perched elegantly on a longish neck set on a beautiful set of shoulders. Her breasts weren't large at all, either a larger A-cup or a smaller B-cup.

Two firmly pointed beauties tipped with vivid rose nipples. She was a sight to behold. I noticed that despite her being well tanned, she had no strap lines, suggesting she sunbathed topless.

I don't have to add that this view would always send my dick spiraling upwards, and rendering it impossible to pee. I would give up with a laugh and a shrug, while seeing her smile apologetically.

We had a good relationship, being brought together at the age of eighteen by our parents, my dad, and her mum, whom she took after in the looks department. My mother had passed away after a long illness, and her father had been caught banging his silicone-breasted secretary in the office. God what an idiot.

Unlike most 'families with baggage', we had taken to each other immediately, and after the initial shyness and guardedness, became firm friends within a couple of weeks. By the time a year had passed, we were inseparable.

Eight years on, and we were still unmarried. I had been with Sheryl for a couple of years, and while being happy with her, never felt that I could venture to ask her to marry me. Carol, being beautiful, had a multitude of guys swooning at her feet. Relationships were plentiful, but short.

Our parents often taunted us jokingly about becoming an old man and an old maid, but we were happy in our little world of work and chilling out with friends and with each other.

Sometimes we would spend hours in the attic balcony, just gazing at the skies and talking. We always found something to discuss. I had majored in Physics, while she had gotten her degree in arts. The disparity made for very interesting conversations, and made time go by so quickly.

At this point in time, I must hasten to add that I think we both liked each other very much. Well beyond the brother-sister boundary. We were not really blood-related, but liked to pretend that we were. Our nightly sessions usually ended with a hug, when we would shuffle down the ladder to our rooms.

I smiled at her excitement. Sometimes she was just like a little kid.

"Calm down before you burst a coronary. I won a pair of tickets to a Costa del Sol resort in Spain. A whole week. Flights, room, food, everything paid for by the company. Sheryl simply cannot afford a week off. I would love it if you accepted my invitation to come with me."

And that is when it hit me that I had made reservation upgrades to a clothing optional beach. At that point I just let Carol hug me and bury her head in my shoulders, soft breasts squishing against me, deciding to wing it.

The first of July saw us being shepherded to the airport by Carol's mother. I really liked Janice. I never took her as the woman who would replace my mother, but rather, the woman who would help me and my father pick up the wreckage of our lives, and set things straight.

She was only forty when she came into my life, but seemed so much more mature than her age. Of course, being beautiful herself helped a lot. Many a time she was just like an angel to me. A guiding light in a tunnel of darkness we had entered with my mother's demise.

At the airport gate, I gave her a hug, a peck on her cheek, and whispered an 'I Love You', before picking up our two valises and heading towards the gate.

Janice hugged her only daughter, eyes sparkling as she caressed her cheek.

"Tell him. He'll understand. I've seen you two. It's the only natural choice " She told her. Of course, looking back, I did not know what she meant at that time and had let it pass as insignificant.

A quick check-in, and we were on the flight. We passed our time playing cards, watching a movie, and in the end, just talking. Carol wasn't a great aircraft person, and after five hours, was gripping my hand tightly.

And at that time, I decided to come clean about what I had done.

"Listen Carol," I turned to face her, "there's something you should know. Before asking Sheryl to come with me, I had already upgraded the accommodation to another one."

"So...if it's an upgrade it's better, right?" she asked with a smile.

"Well. Yeah. A hell of a lot better. But... How am I going to say this? It's uh, a clothing option resort."

Her face remained stock still, her mouth forming an O that I was frightened of.

"You mean, there'll be nude guys and girls?" she whispered.

"Um. Yeah" I replied glumly. I thought I had blown it.

"That is waaaay beyond cool!" Carol replied.

I let out my breath in a controlled sigh. "I imagined you would be mad."

"Why the hell did you think so? I'm your sister, well, step-sister, not an old maid. Golly, we can go nude too?"

"That's up to you Carol. You know how much I respect you. If you want to, sure, why the heck not?" I answered.

"I have no problem with that. Do you have a problem? Is everything alright in that department?"

"Do you have any doubts?" I smiled shyly at her.

"Not really, but one can never be too sure..." was her reply.

"The only doubt I have is this step-brother and sister thing. We are related, but not really related. That's difficult to keep pretending about."

"I know it all too well. I like you too much. Maybe like is too soft a word. I'm supposed to love you in a sisterly sort of way, but somehow, it is more than that. I have to admit to you that when I see you kissing and sleeping with Sheryl, it gets me so mad. I guess it's jealousy, but I shouldn't feel jealousy. You're my brother, in all but blood." She tried to explain.

"Well, except for the fact that my father and your mother are married, we aren't related at all. You know, if there was a choice I would do in life again, that would be to never ask my dad to take me to that sports shop, where he met your mom. Knowing I can never have the person I have come to love hurts so much." I finished lamely.

At those words, Carol leaned forward in her seat and kissed me, a soft, tender touching of lips that brought me out in shivers.

The rest of the flight continued uneventfully. Eight hours was a long haul, but Carol had the shadow of a smile on her face throughout the rest of the voyage.

Finally the captain announced that we were within half an hour of our destination, and could everybody be a sport and put away his folding table and fasten their seatbelt.

Unlike major American airports, landing was swift and immediate. A quarter of an hour later we were checking out at the desks, (nothing to declare), and soon saw a lovely representative with the placard indicating our hotel, 'La Puerta del Mar'... faithfully translated as 'The door to the sea'.

We shook hands and introduced ourselves (her name was Diandra), and she explained in beautifully lilted English that there were five couples in total. The other eight soon showed up, and I looked them over with a keen eye.

Two couples were obviously retirees, who it seemed, had made this trip a good number of times before, since Diandra greeted them warmly with a hug. Another couple consisted of an attractive blonde with definitely fake tits, her wide-eyed husband, a strapping six-footer, in tow. But it was the last two that definitely caught my eye.

A tall beautifully curvy woman with short hair and a body to die for took my breath away. Her husband was no less pleasing to the eye as I saw Carol scope him over. Well built but not excessively, he had the grace of an antelope ready to burst into flight. The fact that they were the only two coloured people in the group did not distract us one iota.

In fact Andrew and Karla seemed the best bet to strike a friendship with, and as we gathered our bags, introduced ourselves. They were so open and friendly. Like us, they were headed for an adventure. When they told us that they were kissing cousins...well, that really rocked our boat. If only they knew about us!

The representative gathered us around her and told us that we would be immediately boarding a coach to the trip to Nerja.

"I know you have had a long trip, and that some of you might want some rest, but the bus is a converted Greyhound. We have beds, showers, and also a little kitchenette on board. Those of you who might want to freshen up in the airport public bathrooms are free to do so. We leave in an hour. That will give all of you plenty of time to fill up your tummies or have a shower. The trip will take around four hours, but it is all in air-conditioned comfort." She beamed at us.

Andrew told us they were heading to the Burger King stand for a Double XXL, and we joined them at the fast food joint, creating the first bonds of friendship. Over burgers and cokes, we talked a little about ourselves.

Somehow, we never got round to introducing ourselves as brother and sister, and for the moment, were happy to just string along.

Karla was the owner of a second-hand car dealership, and Andrew was the boss there. Despite being cousins, they only had eyes for each other. Their union was not perceived too well by the community where they lived, and had decided to head to Europe for a while, to get some breathing space.

Pretty soon we were laughing and joking as if we had known each other for years. They were both easy going, and with us being quite laid-back as well, we got on well.

How could you not get on well with a woman as beautiful as Karla. Make no bones about it, I thought Carol was amazing, but Karla was incredible. Her skin shone like gold, and she threw out a healthy look of vitality.

Too bad she was with Andrew. I could have gladly made a pass for her. Still, going to a nude beach resort made me sure I would see her naked now and again.

Eventually we trundled our luggage behind us to the waiting greyhound bus. Our cases went with us on board, and after stowing them in the overheads, settled around a largish table. A pack of cards was produced and various games of gin rummy and poker ensued.

An hour into the bus ride, and I begged off another round, citing tiredness. In fact I badly needed to stretch out a bit. I rang out the service bell and Diandra came over to see what she could help us with.

"You said you have beds on the bus? I'd like to crash out for an hour or two. The plane really tired me out." I asked her.

"Yeah sure, follow me. She smiled.

I noticed that Carol had gotten up behind me and was following us down the narrow corridor on one side of the bus.

"Here's room number one," she beckoned with a flourish "TV and AC remotes are near the bed. Shower cubicle on the right. If you're not up half an hour before we arrive, I'll page you on the phone. Have fun." She finished, winking at us.

It was hard to tell that it was a room on a bus. It was pretty large and had practically all the amenities one would find in an apartment. A large bed under the window, a small closet for clothes, and a shower beside it made up the furniture.

"So are you taking a nap? Or just wanted to get away from the crowd?" Carol asked, with a smile.

"What crowd?" I replied. "I just want a couple of hours of peace and quiet. I'll just take a shower and chill."

"What about clothes?" Carol asked. "You didn't bring your travel bag."

"Well, I'll just shower and plop on the bed. There are towels in the closet."

"And what about me?" asked Carol again.

"You can shower after I'm done. You know I don't take too long there."

She rolled her eyes, partly in fun. "Yes, but, what are you going to wear? I assume you're not sleeping in your clothes."

"You assume right. I am going to hang my clothes in the closet, and just wear my boxers. Hope that doesn't offend your morals."

"Oh. MY morals. That's a good one. I'll just wear my panties. You've seen my tits before, I'm sure, so you won't be seeing anything new." She smiled.

"That's one pair I never tire of admiring. They are simply the most beautiful pair I have ever seen anywhere. And that includes pornstars."

I took off and hung my shirt, before removing my shoes, socks and trousers. These also went into the closet. I grabbed a towel, and wearing just my boxers, entered the tiny cubicle. It only took me a couple of minutes to wash and rinse, wrap my towel around my waist, and go out into the main cabin to dry myself properly.

And that is where I nearly had a heart attack. Carol had already taken off her top and shorts, waiting to go into the shower cubicle, and wearing just a tiny pair of panties, a sheer white cotton thingy that left little to the imagination.

My voice got caught up in my throat, and all I could do was croak, before turning my eyes away. Unfortunately they only went as far as the mirror, where the thong disappeared into her ass.

I could feel my dick rising instantly, threatening to burst through my boxer opening. Without a word she slipped into the shower, and I sighed in relief. I looked down at my fat sausage, willing it to go down, without much hope of success.

Finally I threw myself face-down on the bed, and before long, jet-lag had overtaken me and I slipped away into a haunted fitful sleep. I imagine Carol must have laid down on the bed too, because when I woke up an hour later, she was asleep on her back, leg thrown over my body, and arms behind her head.

I perved her as she lay asleep, marvelling at the beauty of this woman. Her breasts had hardly changed shape as they rose and fell with every breath she took. Her tummy was nice and flat, honed by many years of swimming, and beneath that, her panties were a nearly transparent white, through which one could clearly see the delights that she offered.

I turned my head guiltily away, but I could not resist taking more than another peek at her. At one point, she mumbled something incoherent and turned onto me, cuddling on to my back, small pointy breasts digging into me. Her arm snaked around me, pulling me tighter. I don't know who she was thinking about, but I offered him a silent thanks.

At this point there was no way my dick would be deflating, and sleep would hardly be any easier to come. So I just decided to enjoy her body rubbing against mine, knowing full well what a treat this trip would become.

Presently the phone on the table next to the bed rang softly. It was Diandra advising us that we only had forty five minutes before we arrived.

I touched Carol softly on her shoulders, trying to wake her gently. She groaned and turned on her back again, stretching like a cat, purring contentedly. My dick rose to full mast again as she stretched right under my gaze. Her panties crept up until they were right in her crack, one of her labia peeking out in the open.

The erotic movement of her hand moving down to spread the front fabric nearly made me lose it.

"You are so beautiful. If only..." I stopped.

"Yes, if only...but things can happen, or change, you never know," she smiled shyly as she stretched...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

They flew to Spain and then a coach journey "The trip will take around four hours"?

Where the h*ll did they land? France?

There are many airports in Spain that are far less driving time from the Costa del Sol than that!

And, fellow 'Anonymous', why is "having sex with a step sibling is definitely taboo"?

Rancher46Rancher46over 2 years ago

Great start to a hot storyline. Well done. 5-stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

To those who say step siblings are not related thus no incest. First did you forget the couple that admitted to being kissing cousins. Second the category is incest/taboo. And having sex with a step sibling is definitely taboo. My only complaint would be it's too short lol

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Sick and tired of step stories in this category

Not incest!

ansdguyansdguyover 6 years ago
Descent enough start...

There was some odd and not well throughout dialogue, though. One example would be that the step mum "was 40 years old but very mature" I should hope so! It sounds like you're describing a 20 year old person.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Step siblings

They are not related except through their parents marriage, so any sort of relationship wouldn't actually be incestuous.

LewBrishessLewBrishessover 6 years ago
To Anonymous "Regarding Kissin' Cousins"

You shouldn't presume to know what that term implies in the US, either, unless you check first. It's in Merriam-Webster's online dictionary, and it doesn't mean what you think it does.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Regarding kissin’ cousins

I can’t presume to know what that term implies in the U.K. but the U.S., it implies cousins are far enough removed (for most states, that would be 3rd or 4th cousin) to legally be considered safe, genetically.

verbatimacrobatverbatimacrobatover 6 years ago
Very hot!

I’ve sometimes had similar fantasties about my stepbrother too. Great build up!

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