
I have been reading and writing on this site since 2005! Wow!

I have recently found a stash of text files which comprise roughly 300 pages of stories... hopefully I will have time and strength to finish them!

Lately, due to health problems, I had to take a step back from jotting down my thoughts, but with the improvement of life, then I will be revisiting my page from time to time and add, or delete stories, which I feel have not garnered enough attention.

In the near future, I will be revisiting some of my older writing and sprucing them up, also gathering the multi-part stories into a single offering.

For some reason, whenever I post a real story of me and my wife I get derided for people thinking it's not true. Alas, I cannot make everyone believe them. For that reason and some nasty comments, I have been debating whether to remove them or not.

As always, I appreciate comments where I can learn from my mistakes, so please do so and correct me where you think I could have improved. I appreciate.



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18 Years AgoMember Since
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18My Favorites
58My Comments
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