Homeward Bound Ch. 02


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Just as I was nearing an intense orgasm, David grunted and violently slammed into me, his cock shoved deep before he came. I cried, "No...not yet," as I felt his hot cum burst into my womb and after several eruptions he moaned and fell away. Frustrated, I lay there with my legs spread wide, feeling his seed slowly seep from my abused pussy. Then reality slapped across the face. The realization of what I had done was deafening, I had become a cheating wife, an adulterer...nothing more than a common slut.

I ran into the bathroom, locked the door and threw up into the toilet. Only when I had nothing left to heave, did I finally collapse and begin to cry. I lay there on the tile floor, my head in my arms resting on the toilet seat sobbing, my thoughts filled with my betrayal of John. Outside, I heard the gentle knock on the bathroom door.

"Jo? JoAnne...are you alright?"

I heard what sounded like concern from David but, somehow, I knew he was concerned not about me but more about what I would do.

"I...I'll be okay, just give me some time," I replied wiping the tears from my face.

"Maybe I better go, you sure you will be okay?"

"Yes David, I'll be fine," I replied rather sharply, "Just leave me alone, please."

"Sure...call me later, okay?"

"Yeah...I'll call you later."

I heard sounds emanate from the bedroom as David dressed and left, leaving me devastated from my own actions, or inaction.

I never called David. I steeled myself for John's return the next day. I remembered how he smiled as he came through the front door, laden with his bags and equipment. I had stood at the end of the entranceway when he entered. He looked at me, smiled and dropped everything he was carrying and rushed toward me, sweeping me into his arms and kissing me hard on the lips. "God, have I missed you Joey," he breathed into my ear as he hugged me.

I was so afraid he would see the guilt written across my face and in my eyes but he never did. John was so happy to be home he wouldn't have seen a snake if it had bit him on his ass. That night, I nearly raped him when we went to bed. I didn't care if he was tired from his trip. Rarely, am I the aggressive one when it comes to sex, but, that night...well, I was determined to make up for my tryst with his brother. Johnny loved every minute of my dominance but, afterwards, he asked, "What was that about?"

I meekly said, "Oh...I just missed you so much, I needed to show you." I now recall now how he stared at me for a time before embracing me, holding me until we both fell asleep. I was still awake when I heard his breathing settle into a soft rhythm. He never knew the tears that fell as I lay there while John spooned against my back.

The following morning, I heard the phone ring and panicked when John answered.

"Hey, Dave...what's up? Where have you been? You haven't come by for awhile."

I only heard John's side of the conversation and worried if David would somehow slip what happened between me and him during John's absence. Ten minutes later, John hung up the phone and walked into the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee. When I entered the kitchen, my husband was seated at the dinette table, sipping his coffee and reading the paper. He looked up and said, "Morning babe, sleep okay?" He displayed no sign that anything was wrong and I breathed a little easier.

Later in the day, after John had left for work, David called and asked me how I was. I told him I was fine but didn't say anything about what happened. But he did.

"Jo, I just want to say how much I enjoyed being with you, you were absolutely wonderful..."

"David! Please, don't say anymore about that! I made a terrible mistake. I was weak and never should have done what we did. I love John and don't want to lose him. Please, please forget what happened."

There was a long pause until David finally spoke, "JoAnne, I can never forget what we had together. I need you, I need to be with you again. Darling..."

"Stop it! Don't ever say that again! David, I admit I...I enjoyed it but I won't jeopardize my marriage any further. Please, oh please understand that." After a long silence, I returned the phone to its cradle and prayed that David would honor my wishes.

Days and then weeks passed. David never called back nor did he come by the house. John and I made love several more times, each time my passion beyond control. It was as if each time we made love, my guilt would compound and I would compensate in my need to satisfy my husband, the love of my life.

However, there were periods now, when alone I would think of David, of him on top of me, fucking me, having his way with me. As my mind drifted along those thoughts, I would instinctively run my hands over my breasts or slide my fingers deep within my folds. When I realized what I was doing, I would violently wrench my fingers away from my pussy and cry. I really believed I was going insane.

By now, John knew something was wrong. Several times, he would ask me if anything was bothering me. I could only tell him no, nothing was wrong; however, secretly in my heart it was all wrong, that I was continually betraying my love with thoughts of his brother. Soon, John was again caught up in his work and our recent intimacy once more fell away.

It was two months later when John discovered my liaison with his brother. John had supposedly left on a business trip for the weekend when David called me sobbing over the phone.

"JoAnne, I...I can't do it anymore! I..." The line disconnected. Oh my God, I thought, David sounded so distraught I was afraid he was going to do something drastic. He was going to hurt himself. I was so fucking naïve.

I rushed to his apartment and found the front door open. Once inside, I found him in the bedroom sitting at the foot of the bed sobbing uncontrollably. Like a lamb to the slaughter, I went to him and wrapped my arms around his heaving shoulders.

"David...please look at me. What is it, what's wrong?" I pleaded. I was so stupid.

Between sobs, he cried, "I can't deal with it anymore. All the stress from the responsibility of command. The long periods at sea. My life is empty, I have nothing to live for. And, now I've hurt you and John. Jo, I love you both so much and I fear I have destroyed your love for me."

I held him in my arms until I stood, took his hands and pulled him up. "Come with me," I said and, holding his hand, dragged him into the living room and sat him on the sofa. "Wait here while I fix us some coffee."

As I made to move away, he stood and held me saying, "JoAnne, please don't leave!" I stood there, his arms around me, his head buried in my hair against my neck. I could feel his strength, I could smell his essence. I stroked his neck as I closed my eyes and allowed him to hold me tight not recognizing he was no longer bereft. I felt his lips move across my neck, leaving subtle pecks as they traveled upward. Holding me with his left arm, his right hand slid down my back trailing to my buttocks.

I moaned as his soft lips covered mine and pressed down, his left hand now behind my neck pulling me to him. His tongue, once again, was demanding entrance into my mouth. Without thinking, my lips parted and my mouth opened allowing him access. His tongue sought mine and began its seduction.

Suddenly, I focused on what was happening and cried out, "No, David! We can't let this happen again...please stop."

"No JoAnne, I need you...I want you so much and I know you want this too," he whispered as he slid both hands upward into my blouse sliding the delicate material up and over my breasts, drawing it from my arms and over my head. As his hands came back down, they deftly unhooked my bra and drew the straps over my shoulders allowing the garment to fall away. I tried to pull away but he was much too strong.

Holding me tight against him, he kneeled and his fingers hooked into the elastic of my slacks pulling them down with him. As he peeled away my pants, he removed my panties until I was naked before him, my clothing now bunched around my ankles. He stood and, staring into my eyes, released me to remove his own clothes. I don't know why I didn't leave then. I lost to my own lust. I watched as David stripped and took me into his arms, his cock hard against my lower belly. Holding me, he place one hand behind my head as he leaned down and pressed his lips against mine. This time, my tongue beckoned entry and David groaned as I slid my tongue against his.

When the phone rang my lust and desire vanished so abruptly, I cried from its loss. David looked at the phone and said, "John." I gasped and looked down. The caller ID displayed John LaRouche; it was his cell phone.

"Oh my God," I muttered and, as David moved to answer the phone, grabbed my clothes and ran from the room.

When I returned, dressed, David, still standing there naked, had set the phone down and told me John was on his way over. He said John had returned early and couldn't find me. Figuring I was with my best friend, Moira, he decided to visit David and go out for a few beers and pool. David tried to touch me but I moved away and headed for the door. As I stood just outside the door, David asked when I would see him again.

I just looked at him and told him, "I...I don't know David. I love John and don't want to lose him. Please, don't do this. If he found out...he would be crushed." Little did I realize John was hidden behind the shrubbery listening to my words. Finally I left. I decided I needed to call Moira and somehow create an alibi, creating more lies and deceit.

An hour later, my world came crashing down around me. David called my cell and relayed what happened between John and him. "John knows about us, he saw us naked through David's kitchen window."

Gasping, "Please dear God...no," I disconnected and drove straight home, to somehow try to save my marriage when my husband returned.

I waited for what seemed an eternity for John's arrival. I heard a car pull up in the drive but heard two doors open and close. After a minute, there was a knock at the front door and, afraid, opened the door. There stood David, his nose bloodied and broken, his face badly bruised. In his arms was John, passed out.

David dragged his brother in and laid him on the couch. John's right cheek was discolored and turning dark.

"I had to hit him," David said. "He was trying to drive off from the bar and, in the condition he was in; he would have never made it home. When I tried taking the keys away from him, he swung at me and I had to hit him. It was the only way. I'm so sorry, Jo."

I remember glaring at David. "So am I. You seduced me but I went along with it. You should have never done so and I shouldn't have allowed you but it happened and I have to live with the consequences. Now, I have to try and save my marriage, salvage my relationship with my husband. The only man I have ever and will only love!"


"Go David, just go!"

I sat there across from my husband, readying myself to tell him everything when he awoke. But, I never had the chance. John woke up and when I tried to say how sorry I was, he told me, "JoAnne, please...I don't want to hear it. Don't say a word, don't talk to me, don't even look at me."

When I again tried to talk to him, he shouted, "Shut the fuck up! I said don't fucking say a word to me. Don't even think to say you love me. I no longer have a loving wife and I fucking don't have a brother!" After that, I broke down and ran sobbing to the bedroom.

For weeks, he wouldn't speak to me. I waited for some sign of what was going to happen. Was he going to divorce me? Would he demand I leave or would he leave me and the girls? After a month, he finally spoke, telling me he was leaving for a few days. He was flying out to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho to meet with some investors. Looking into his eyes, I asked if he had to go...to stay home so we can work things out. He glared at me, his tone cold as he asked me how I like living in the house; do I enjoy driving my Lexus and having the girls attend that private school. Then he turned and left. I stood there, watching him throw his bags into the bed of his truck. I stared as he got in and backed out of the driveway and sped off, not once looking in my direction. Tears formed as I closed the door.

Now, he was gone, his plane crashed somewhere in that godforsaken wilderness. I had lost him and would never have the chance to make up for what I did. I would never be able to show him how much I love him.

Screaming, I hurled my glass against the wall. The empty wine glass shattering into hundreds of tiny slivers, a few shards of glass imbedded into the wall. I wailed and buried my head within my arms and sobbed, drowning in my own self pity.

(To be continued...)

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patilliepatillieover 1 year ago

You rehashed half of what we already knew, from the wife's viewpoint, but no new info was learned. That makes this a little slow developing and wordy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

David is a horrid human being but JoAnne isn't much better. She is "desperately" fighting her attraction to him even when her husband is missing and may be hurt or dead.

amygdalaamygdalaabout 3 years ago

Wow....that sibling is worse than a snake in the grass. I know this is a RAAC based on all the additional chapters. If it wasnt he would straightforward leave as that betrayal by a wife and brother goes beyond the pale.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 3 years ago

Nothing to save here. She is more attracted to shithead and apparently likes sex with him better than her husband unless this author made the mistake so many do and overemphasized the sex with the lothario while not really illustrating how sex is with her husband.

She is just a piece of shit that apparently can betray the love of her life as long as a good looking lothario just reached out and takes her.

She is too weak, stupid and vile to be married to anyone except maybe a shithead like David.

TornadoTysTornadoTysalmost 8 years ago
Good Read

A pretty good read and full of emotion.

I do agree if you love someone you would never cheat.

This theory is tested when there are long periods of no intimacy.

A husband can feel un wanted, no purpose, invisible, the wife neglected, abandoned, old, pass her sell by date.

A weasel like David stands half a chance of fucking a wife. He plays to their lack of insecurity. He does not have to be a good lover or even that handsome. Just someone who has a interest, an understanding of a womans emotional needs.

Lofe is tuff now and there are do many external pressures on a marriage. The financial concerns is one big one that no can ignore, let alone any other ptrssures in life.

What happened to Davids ex fiancee, John needs to track her and fuck her, show video to his wife and his brother David !

Extreme I know.... !

chytownchytownabout 8 years ago
Good Story***

Thank for the read.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 8 years ago
Second time through...

Still five stars.

SplitAcesSplitAcesalmost 9 years ago
Not buying it

In my experience, if you truly love your partner; someone else trying to break into your relationship is repulsive, not alluring.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
Loving it

So much pain in this story. Very engaging. I can't stop reading it! Incredible writing. Be forewarned that the author never finished the story. This is still worth the effort, and perhaps the best thing I have ever read on this site.

Seeker1107Seeker1107about 11 years ago
should have done more.

hid brother is an officer. seems to me I remember something about conduct unbecoming an officer should have come into this. especially with a security clearance that goes with being on a nuclear sub? still missing here.

monkcalmmonkcalmabout 11 years ago
chick flick

it a card board cut out an assembly line story as original as a rock, wasn't around was lonely all his fault what two weeks maybe a month of no hard fucking and wham fucks the brother, really crappy plot and soap opera drivel, so the crashed husbands the bad guy(chick flick)

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 11 years ago
Building very well

Good tension -

Lot's of questions and needs - Nice work here

zed0zed0over 14 years ago
Thank Goodness. . .

. . . he only fucked her once, she's only a partial whore. Of course John won't dump her, he is too big of a wimp and would miss the cream pie.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
She only regrets getting caught.

"I pray God will bring him back to us so I can show him what he means to me and the girls!"

Is the reader expected to believe the wife or have any sympathy for the wife who was caught fucking her husbands brother. Die skanky slut. anon jerry

norcal62norcal62almost 15 years ago
Like too many other LW stories bad writing

Another thing. For all Literotica writers: where did you get the idea that you had to hold down the keys to show the characters' emotions. We don't need to see "yesssssssss" or "Aaaarrrrggghhhhhh" during sex play. It's juvenile and disruptive to the story. Keep it out.

Don't need "Grrrr...chuff...gachunk," either for plane noises.

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