Hope Among the Deserted


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"I knew it was coming, but knowing it and actually seeing it are two different things. All the way over there I was afraid of what would happen if I looked in the mailbox and ..." he trailed off.

"And you found divorce papers."

Will turned his head suddenly to Lucas.

"No." He paused, a long pause. "I was afraid of what would happen if I didn't."

Lucas's mouth dropped open. "What?"

"You were so amped up this morning about going to my old place and planning and measuring and basically shipping me off, and I knew that if these papers weren't in the mailbox I'd have no reason to be back here. With you."

"But you were so upset by getting the divorce papers--"

"Upset?" Will cried. "Are you kidding me? I was so freaked out that they might not be there that when I found them I could hardly believe how lucky I was. And then it all became real to me--now that Juliet has filed for divorce, I'm a free man. Free to do what I want, free to turn my whole life upside down if I want. I can start over. And I already know who I'm going to start over with."

"Oh my god, Will. Look, you've had a shock, and you should go slow on making huge changes to your life. Give it some time, figure out what you want."

"I have what I want. I don't need to make any huge changes--I'm already here, and you're here, and none of that needs to change. So, I'm good to go. I'm the luckiest bastard in the world."

Lucas couldn't believe what he was hearing. And he wasn't at all sure that Will had really thought it all through.

"Will," Lucas said, "I want you to really think about this. It has been amazing to have you here for these three days, and I've been blissful just to imagine what life could be like if we continued just as we are. But the reality is, Will, that you are a straight man who needed a friend in a dark time, and I was happy to be that friend. But friendship is not really my long-term plan. I would love to make a life here with you, but I can't do it, because you can't do it. At some point you're going to realize that you need to be with a woman in order to be happy, just like I need to be with a man, and that's going to be the end of it. I won't go into a relationship knowing that I would have to share you. I'm not that kind of guy."

Lucas was worried that he was letting Will down too abruptly, but instead of taking it hard Will was grinning.

"Hey, come on. I need to show you something," Will said, as he turned and headed into the house.

Lucas followed--down the hall and to the bedroom. Their bedroom.

"Now, I want you to sit down on the bed."

"Why? Will, what are you doing?"

"You'll see. Just sit."

Lucas sat.

"Okay, now I need you to do just one thing for me. Will you do whatever I ask?"

"Depends on what it is, actually."

"No, it doesn't. You have to agree or we don't do it at all. And believe me, you would regret that."

"Come on, Will, this is silly."

"No, I'm serious. You have to promise to do what I ask."

"You're not going to give up on this, are you?" Lucas sighed as Will slowly shook his head from side to side. "Oh, all right. I promise."

"Excellent. Now ... "

Lucas waited. Will was building suspense, and it was more than he could take.

"Well? What?"

"Take your clothes off." Will smiled broadly.


"You promised," Will said flatly, deadly serious. "Do it. Now."

This was the voice Will used when ordering suspected insurgents to put their weapons down. It was surprisingly effective.

"Okay, okay! Don't shoot!"

"No promises there, I'm afraid." Again the wicked grin. What was he up to, Lucas wondered.

Lucas pulled his shirt off over his head, and then slipped his shorts off. He sat in his underwear, looking at Will. Will raised one eyebrow, and Lucas knew what he wanted.

"You said take my clothes off. I did. You didn't say anything about underwear."

Will glowered at Lucas, and then reached out and grasped the waistband of Lucas's boxers in both hands. He gave a tug, and effortlessly tore them into three large pieces, which he then wrenched from Lucas's now bare body.

"There. That's what I asked for."

Lucas was, for the first time since he met Will, a little scared of him.

* * *

Will rolled his chair right up to the edge of the bed, and then he reached around behind Lucas's buttocks and pulled him to the edge. There was no hesitation as he wrapped his hands around the base of Lucas's cock. He squeezed hard enough to provoke a gasp from Lucas, and then he leaned forward and, very gently, kissed the tip. Opening his mouth wide, he then swooped down on Lucas's growing erection, taking in four thick, solid inches. He pursed his lips around the fat cock in his mouth, and pulled back with a fluttering suction that Lucas had never felt before.

"Whoa there, big fella. Where did you learn to do that?"

Will looked up at him and grinned. "You really want to know? It's kind of a dirty story." He stroked Lucas's cock non-stop while he talked. The man was gifted.

"Yes, I do. Dirtier is better, actually."

"Well, you can probably imagine that it gets pretty monotonous on deployment--long hours of boredom broken only by moments of sheer panic. To pass the time, we'd have movie screenings--porn movies, that is. We'd watch them together at night in the barracks. We weren't supposed to have porn in places that have strict religious rules, but if you've gone several months without sex, you're ready to break whatever rules you need to in order to get a little jerk-off material. So a couple of the guys would fix their computers so that they could download porn without getting caught, and we would watch it on their laptops.

"Since access to porn sites was pretty sketchy, we didn't have a lot of choice about what we watched--it was basically whatever the guy who downloaded it was into. Now, one of the best tech guys in the unit was Donnelly. He sometimes downloaded porn for us to watch, and I always made sure I was there if he was showing something."

"Donnelly was the gay one, right?"


"So everyone would sit around his laptop and watch gay porn?"

"Right. Because that happens a lot in the army." Will rolled his eyes. "No, he chose something that had women in it, but his always had the best looking men in them. Now, you might not think that would make a difference--"

"It would to me, but then again--"

"Yeah, but then again, it made a difference to me, for some reason. I got to really like the stuff he chose because the guys were as hot as the women. Looking back on it, I should probably have realized that was a sign, but there's not a lot of opportunity for self-reflection when you're on deployment. Donnelly's stuff sometimes had two guys and a girl, and that was really hot. Especially when the guys would, like, bump into each other, or there would be a double-penetration scene. You just know that they can feel the other guy's cock rubbing against their own. I mean, how hot is that?"

Lucas nodded, indicating that he believed it to be hot indeed.

"So anyway, the Army finds out that people are downloading porn, and they clamp the firewall down. No more sexy. But then Donnelly finds a way around it--his partner sends him an iPod, and loaded onto the iPod is hours and hours of porn. Now, his partner wasn't sending this stuff to please us--a lot of the stuff didn't involve women at all, if you know what I mean."

"I do know what you mean."

"But we're totally desperate by this point, so we watch it anyway. Turns out that the stuff that has chicks in it also has guys who not only do her, but each other as well. Even that wasn't too much for us to handle--we'd just fast-forward through the parts where the guys got busy, and find the next time the chick got in there. There were a couple of guys who stopped showing up for movie night, but the rest of us were okay with it.

"One night when it was just me and Donnelly in the barracks--it was Mother's Day, and my mom's dead, and Donnelly's was a fundamentalist wacko who wouldn't take his calls--so we were the only ones who weren't in line to use the phone. Donnelly fires up the laptop, and he says to me, 'No fast-forwarding. I want to to see the whole thing.' I agree, of course, anything to get some jack off material. So the video starts up and bam! it's two guys making out. Now, I had never even seen two guys kiss, and these dudes were going at it hard. It was amazing. Then they start sucking on each other's dick, and all I could think was that they did it so differently from the way that chicks in porn do it--you could just tell from watching that they wanted it more than women do. In straight porn, a blowjob is all about making the woman look like she's going to explode if she doesn't get fucked by it, and soon; for guys, you can just tell that sucking is what he loves to do.

"So I watched Donnelly's video, and I learned a few tricks. And I also learned that I like looking at a hot guy just as much as at a hot woman. Of course, before this weekend that didn't really matter--I was married, so straight I had to be. But now that the divorce ball is rolling, watch out."

Will had been stroking Lucas's cock as he told this story, and by now there was a glistening drop of precum at its tip. Will smiled and leaned forward again, stuck out his tongue, and lapped it up. He kissed the tip, eager to get every drop.

"Oh, god," managed Lucas, between ragged breaths, "So, this is the first time you've done this, but you've watched some instructional videos on the topic of cocksucking?"

"Yeah. How'm I doing?" Will asked with a grin.

"Fucking brilliant from my perspective. But how's it feel to you?"

"Look," Will said simply, with a nod down to his lap. Lucas craned his neck forward and saw Will's beautiful cock, upright and hard. There was a tiny crystalline drop at the tip.

"Ohhhh, fuck," groaned Lucas, and he flopped back on the bed, completely abandoning himself to Will.

Will, for his part, was not nearly as confident as he let on. This was a huge departure from anything he had ever done, from everything that he had ever thought himself to be. And yet, as he looked at Lucas, stretched backward across the bed, saw the rapture into which his simple ministrations had cast him, he knew in his heart--in a newly reopened part of his heart--that this was right. He knew, in that moment, that he loved Lucas more than he had ever loved anyone.

He looked back down at the task at hand, and in a gleeful swoop he stuffed as much of Lucas into his mouth as he could. He loved hearing the gasps and groans that he made, the twitching of his legs, the tensing and relaxing of his stomach muscles. With one hand firmly encircling the base of Lucas's cock, he brought the other hand up to his balls and softly, slowly, stroked his fingers along that wrinkled, furry flesh. This brought more urgent moans from Lucas, and Will massaged more boldly. All the while he kept up the bobbing rhythm on the hardness in his mouth, pausing only occasionally to pull back and kiss the tip, or lick around the flared head, or to try to stick his tongue in the slit. This last maneuver rewarded him every time with a drop or two of salty slickness, which he quite enjoyed. He could do this, he was convinced, for hours. For years. For the rest of his life.

Lucas, however, was not going to last hours. He felt the familiar throb in his groin that signaled the approach of orgasm, and he tensed his abs to bring it closer. He raised up, propped up on his elbows, and looked down at Will. That this lovely man, this lovely straight man, would do this to him, with such generosity and vigor, simply amazed him. And it brought him to the brink.

"Oh god, Will, I'm going to come," he growled, eager for the release but wanting to warn Will that it was on the way. Will only sped up his motions, using his hand to stroke up and down the base of Lucas's member, sucking even more devastatingly at the tip.

"Will, I'm serious. You are going to make me fucking explode!" Lucas wanted to be sure that Will would pull off before his mouth was filled with what promised to be the load of the century. But he needed release, and now.

"Oh god! Oh fuck!" he shouted, and every muscle tensed. Lucas was frozen, pitched over the cliff of a shattering orgasm, beyond caring what happened after. He was floating, he was steel, he was on fire.

Will knew what was coming, and he wanted it. He didn't want the mouthful of semen, particularly, because like most straight men he considered the smelly, sticky, gooey stuff to be an unfortunate by-product; the best feeling in the world leaves the worst evidence. But he wanted Lucas to come in his mouth--he wanted to prove to him how much he loved him. It wasn't the spunk he wanted; it was for Lucas to possess him fully, to mark him as his own.

When the first shot blasted hot into his mouth, Will knew he had made a mistake. It was too strange, too overwhelming, too much. The second shot was worse, because it was even bigger. Will was in serious trouble. He looked up at Lucas, who was frozen in place and time, his face both blissful and contorted. He suddenly gasped, and his eyes opened, and he looked down at his surging cock connected to Will's suckling mouth, and he said it.

"I love you ... I have always loved you .. I can't live without you!" Each sentence was punctuated by a blast of semen.

Suddenly, Will felt his mouth filled not with smelly, sticky, gooey stuff, but with proof. Proof of Lucas's love. Proof of his love for Lucas. Proof that they could be, together, what he had never imagined two men could be. Will was profoundly happy.

Finally the fusillade relented, and Lucas sighed, raggedly but will deep contentment. Will pulled his mouth off of Lucas's still-hard cock, and looked up at him, at the man whose essence had filled him. He reached down to his own, achingly hard cock, and wrapped his hand around it. Lucas leaned forward to watch, and the idea came to Will in an instant. He smiled up at Lucas, his mouth still loaded with his cum, and then he looked back down. He opened his mouth, and great pearly strings of Lucas's semen stretched down to Will's cock, covering it, running down its length, pooling at its base. Will began to stroke, his prick slick with Lucas's seed, and still more flowed out of his mouth.

"Oh my fucking god," Lucas breathed. "That is ... oh fuck."

The last of his semen slid out of Will's mouth, and Will looked up at him, his lips coated with the remains. Lucas leaned forward and kissed him, kissed all around his lips, lapping up every stray drop. Their mouths were joined for only a moment, and yet that was all Will needed.

"Fuuuuck," he murmured, and then it hit--his cock, so recently returned to service, shot a spray of spunk straight up into the air. The vigor of the spurt surprised them both, and they looked down in amazement. Which is why the second shot, scattered wildly by Will's frenetic wanking, hit them both in the face. The remaining shots went wide, as Will tried desperately to keep control of himself against the onslaught of his first homemade orgasm in months.

Lucas giggled delightedly, and Will caught on too. The laughed, they kissed, and they both knew, without a doubt, that they had come home.

* * *

From the park benches the parents watched the action in the sandbox. Their progeny played, and tumbled, and laughed gleefully in the sunshine of this first warm day of spring.

"Will? Is that you?"

The voice that Will had not heard for more than four years fit his ear as if it had never left.

"Wow, Juliet. Hey."

"How are you, Will?" She hadn't seen him since she left him in the bathroom, naked and crying. The attorneys had handled their divorce.

"I'm doing well."

"Well, you look good. Very good, in fact." Juliet's eyes wandered over Will's strong chest; the cuffs of his t-shirt sleeves stretched tightly over his biceps.

"Thanks. I'm in training right now. Going out for the US Paralympic team in biathlon. You know, cross-country skiing and shooting? It's hard work, but it's fun. And in case Finland is ever invaded, I'm your guy." They laughed. "How are you doing?"

"I'm good. Here visiting my sister. That's her daughter over there." Juliet pointed to a girl of three, who was busily pouring sand over the head of another child.

"She's cute. I'm sure Dylan doesn't even mind having sand poured on him by such a sweetie."

Juliet's head swiveled back to Will.

"His name is Dylan? So ... "

"Yeah," Will grinned. "He's mine."

Juliet opened her mouth, and then closed it again when no words would come.

"Dylan! Come on big guy. Time for lunch!"

Dylan ran, with more energy than balance, over to his dad. He joyfully wrapped his arms around Will's legs, knowing he could squeeze as hard as he liked.

Juliet finally found words.

"Will, how did you? I mean, what happened to--"

He had never imagined seeing Juliet again, so the idea of explaining this to her was not something he had prepared for.

"Turns out the plumbing is all still connected. Just took a little patience. And the right touch," he added, knowing he was twisting the knife a bit.

"Wow. Well, good for you. He's beautiful." She turned back to him. "So, you found someone?"

"I did. Remember Lucas, my physical therapist?"

"Yes, I do. He was a good guy."

Will just looked at her and nodded.

"So, he introduced you to someone?" she prompted.

Will shook his head, still smiling.

"I don't get it," Juliet said at last.

"It's just Lucas. He and I have been together nearly four years now."

Juliet was stunned.

"So, you and Lucas?" she asked, too loudly for polite company. She looked from him to Dylan, and back again.

"Yep. We found a surrogate, the sister of an army buddy of mine, Donnelly. And we decided to take turns. Dylan's from me, and we have a second on the way using Lucas's." He beamed, every bit the proud father.

Juliet could only gape.

"So, do you have any kids?" he asked, genuinely interested.

She shook herself back into the present.

"No, no, not yet," she finally managed to say. "Still haven't found the right guy, I guess."

Will reached out and put his hand on hers.

"I hope you do, Juliet. I really do. I know what the right guy can do." He looked down at Dylan. "Come on, buddy, let's go grab some lunch." He turned back to Juliet. "Good to see you, Juliet. Really. Keep in touch, okay?"

"Yeah, you too," she mumbled.

Dylan hopped onto the platform Lucas had built onto the back of Will's chair, and they rolled off into the distance.

She watched them go.



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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Omg, that was an amazing story 😍 So glad karma caught up with Juliet 🤭

Willman33Willman3310 months ago

This is already a perfect story and then the ending takes it to an even higher level!

Calico75Calico7511 months ago

So well done! It is one of my favorites. I have read it several times and loved it each time. The scene with Julliett at the end really finishes it effectively.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Well done. Charming. And a lovely little zinger for the baddie at the end.

Sunnydaze361Sunnydaze361about 1 year ago

This is one my favourite stories on Lit! I have read and re-read it many times and it is an amazing story of perseverance and commitment!

Sassybutterfly99Sassybutterfly99over 1 year ago

Absolutely one of my favorites!!! Loved the ending. That’s what she gets for being a twat!!

SgtRicoSgtRicoover 1 year ago

Awesome. Love is love.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Totally loved it!!

Karma1978Karma1978almost 2 years ago

This story was awesome! Loved every bit.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

It was the sweetest, most romantic, erotic story I’ve read. Awesome writing. That’s coming from a 64 yr old women who then sent it to her daughters. They loved it also.

PrinceraPrinceraalmost 2 years ago

This is the 2nd time I read this the end always gets me

EdeyEdeyalmost 2 years ago

Great, wonderful story.

Kmax1958Kmax1958about 2 years ago

Love this story. Have read it several times. Love is love!

clueless_cutieclueless_cutieabout 2 years ago

So many things I can complement, but I want to say I love your dialogue. You do such a great job making both characters feel like different people. You even managed to create multiple scenes of them talking at each other while the other was genuinely confused, and it felt believable. That happens. People talk but get lost articulating themselves. And this story rightfully so would have that.

Also making a guy in a wheelchair the sexy star was not only heart warming, but very rewarding. I know people with disabilities, especially anything that affects their sex life, can be poisonous to their self esteem. I'm so glad you shared this story. I'm sure anyone struggling with their own limitations will be hopeful (and satisfied) after giving this a read!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great, great story! I’ve read parts of this story before, but I’ve obviously never finished it becauseI had no idea the ex reappeared at the end.

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