Horsing Around Too


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The pressure built and suddenly they were thrust into the fray. Each one swam like hell. The body builder was going faster than all of them, cutting through the crowd, pushing, shoving, and moving everything and everyone out of his way. He swam so fast that soon the others couldn't even see him. He was that far ahead. The rest swam even though they knew that the game was over before it had even begun.

Suddenly they all saw the body builder sperm cell swimming back even at a faster speed than when he swam forward. As he came closer, they heard him yelling, "Go back. Go back. We are in the wrong hole."

My stomach was in knots as I imagined him ripping me apart in the middle. I could feel that the only way for him to get in was for my body to split open, not just stretch open. He pushed; I resisted. There was pain; there was struggle. He whinnied. I screamed. He pushed. He shoved. Just when I thought I was about to crack---in my CRACK---get it; I felt this tremendous relief as the skin of my anus actually started to shrivel. His huge head was in my anus. His cock was finally in my rectum. My anus was coming back to within its limit. I felt a big sigh escape from my lungs as the tragedy of having myself cut in half was avoided.

He also relaxed once the head was in and then he eased the pressure on my sides and shoulders. He actually put his knees on the ground and pushed his penis further in a millimetre at a time. The relief I had felt was short lived as I realized that he was travelling through uncharted territory and I didn't know if my system could take the intrusion. I was finally able to move my body to change the angle of entry, which I did. First I moved my ass sideways and then up and down. Then this mare started to buck.

"What are you doing?" He had the audacity to ask. I realized that my moving and bucking wasn't really doing anything other than to shake his penis up and down or sideways. It was in and I couldn't make it get out without his cooperation.

I replied, "It feels weird."

"Do you want me to take it out?"

"Yes, please, and hurry."

"I will if you first relax. The weirdness will go away."

"No it won't. Take it out, quickly."

"I will, only when you relax." He threatened and I knew full well that I had no choice but to relax.

Once he saw me so relaxed, just holding my pose without moving my ass in any direction, he pulled it backwards a little. Then he stopped just to test me. I was holding my position.

He pulled it out ever so slowly that it was sheer torture. My skin was paining a little but ton of Vaseline covering it was also soothing, so it was sort of sweet and sour pain. He pulled it out as I felt his cock sliding out of my rectum. I could feel the head inside my belly against the lining of my digestive tract as it plunger-ed its way out.

I felt it come to the edge where my anus was. Suddenly the realization that he was about to stretch my skin beyond reason yet once more made me tense up.

He pulled but my hole didn't cooperate. He pulled again before he said, "I think it's stuck."

Now I know I am a bitch at times, but we weren't dogs for God's sake. How the hell could he be stuck inside of me? I said, "Try harder." He did. He put his hands on my butt cheeks and pushed me away as he pulled his cock in the other direction. My hole just wouldn't stretch, too afraid of the pain and the damage it may cause.

"It is not coming out. I am going to have to stay in until I come and I am done."

I saw the wisdom in that. He had worked his way so far, he might as well finish at least his thing. Me, I couldn't get any pleasure in the sexual sense of things from that hole.

So I braced myself for the pushing and pulling as he pushed his penis back in. Then he pulled it as far out as it would go. Then back in. Back. In. Back. In.

At this stage I was just trying to relax while waiting for him to ejaculate so his cock would soften and come out easily without causing any undue pain to me. There was slight pain still; more like an irritation, but it was bearable. I put my head on the carpet, closed my eyes and let him have a go at me.

With my eyes closed, I could concentrate more on what was happening to me. I could feel the sensations, good, bad, weird, all and analyze them while he was gently moving in and back. He was gentle though. Very gentle. Specially when I compared his movements to the force he had used to conquer my backside. My shock had turned into awe. This must have been what Rumsfeld meant by his shock and awe strategy that he used to fuck Iraq in the ass.

I concentrated on his penis moving back and forth in my rectum and on what it felt like. I want to share with you exactly what his penis felt like as it moved in my ass; exactly what was in my mind as he pushed it forward and pulled it back.

As he pulled it back, I felt like there was this huge, hard, round, big piece of turd making its way out of my stomach.

Yes, that is what it felt like. You know the kind where you haven't gone to the bathroom for so long that your lower intestine starts to remove water from the deposits there (yes, I know biology as well.) The deposits then harden and when you finally make it to the toilet and try to get it out, it is this huge, hard, round, big piece of dick that has to come out of your anus.

As it makes its way down, you can feel the relief just around the corner. You push with all your might to excrete it so you could feel that relief. Only in this case, as the turd made it to the edge of my digestive tract and the final expulsion was just about to take place, no matter how hard I pushed, that piece of turd started moving back up to where it had started. So, the way I felt was like I was trying to get rid of this turd and we were going through a sort of tug of war, or arm wrestling, where I would push it so far before it would push itself back up, and then I would push it down and it would go up.

I could feel stuff leaking out, which may or may not have been the excess Vaseline. Good thing I hadn't eaten eggs for a few days or I would have known for sure whether it was or was not Vaseline.

My brother kept moving back and forth at a moderate pace. I knew from my experience with other men that he would come very soon. You know the way most of you do when you are near a woman. I know of one guy who was so quick he came as soon as his penis touched my pussy lips. He didn't even need to enter to ejaculate. You can't even call it premature because premature means before its time. That one wasted no time in coming. He was coming as he was taking his pants off. It was pre-undress ejaculation.

My brother kept moving his cock inside my rectum---okay, I know I have used the word rectum once too often, but what elsecan I call it. The Thesaurus doesn't help much; all I found was intestines, colon, and insides. It is not very exciting to use one of those words, so rectum it is and rectum it shall be!

Any minute now, I kept saying to myself. He kept moving in and back.

I looked at the time on the VCR and could time his orgasm to the minute. One, two, five, minutes passed. I looked back over my shoulder and asked him, "Aren't you coming yet?"

"No, not yet." He was perspiring from the exertion, but he kept going.

Seven, ten, twelve minutes passed. I asked again, "Aren't you coming yet?"

"Not yet."

Fifteen minutes. His answer, "Not yet."

Seventeen minutes. His answer, "Not yet."

"What the hell is wrong Steven? Why aren't you coming yet?"

"I don't know." He was genuinely surprised at his, lack of ejaculation, heh heh.

Eighteen. "Are you there yet?"

Ninteen. "Are you there yet?"

Twenty-two. "Are you there yet?"

I gave up. I was getting tired of looking at the time. I looked around to see what was in the vicinity. I found the TV guide within reach. Well, I had to move forward a little and he rode me as I reached for it.

Wouldn't you know it? My movement made him slip out. I guess my muscles had relaxed enough to let him out. He screamed, "No, no. Not yet," and shoved his cock back in.

As I was flipping through the magazine, I realized after a while that he had slowed down. I didn't think much of it. I figured I'll just wait for his ejaculation. I kept looking through the magazine.

Then he stopped. I looked once over my shoulder and saw him wiping ton of perspiration off his face. He was drenched in sweat. His hair were so wet they had formed a weird style of their own.

I got into this one article and was so lost in reading that I didn't realize what exactly he was doing to me. I felt my body jerk once. I ignored it as I felt his penis go out and then come back in. It jerked again and I felt his hands push me away. I turned to look over my shoulder; he was positioning himself to repeat whatever the heck he was doing. I just watched.

He was back on his feet but didn't lock me in. He placed his hands on my shoulders and pushed himself in my ass as far as he could go, which felt quite far as I almost felt like coughing with pressure on my diaphragm. Then he moved his hands to my sides and grabbed me firmly. I watched in amazement as he pulled his cock out of my ass with lighting speed. Then he went back in again, and tried the lightening speed pulling out again.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"I am trying to see if I can make a popping sound." He said as he inserted it back in.

I rolled the magazine up and turned around to hit him. He pulled himself to the other side. I turned the other way to hit him from that side. He pulled the other way. During this, my trying to hit him and his moving to the other side, my butt pointed in one direction pushing his cock with it that way and then to the other side.

"That's it. Do that again."

I tried to do it again, only this time it was just the moves.

"Yes, that's it. Keep doing it."

I placed my hands on the ground, lifted my ankles a little up in the air and started to rotate on my knees, pushing my ass 45 degrees to the right then to the left.

"Yes, yes. That's it Xyster."

I kept moving.

"Yes, oh yes, yes." Then, "Oh God, yes. You are doing it. It is happening."

After a few more movements, he went berserk, and I mean berserk. He was holding my hips and practically shoving his whole self in. I could see the energy building up and the force in his thrusts increased, as did the speed, almost to a violent point. His thighs were banging into the back of my thighs so hard, I could just feel them getting red.

"Yes, yes." He was screaming, as I held myself from falling forward.

"Yes, yes, Ohhh Yesssss." I was having trouble keeping my position against that onslaught.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes." Thrust, thrust, thrust, thrust, thrust. I made a humming sound which was periodically broken by his thrusts and sounded more like the throttling of a car having engine problems.

Soon he was back on his feet and I felt like he was trying to push himself inside of me. His whole body was rippling with all the energy the ATP in his system could produce. He was moving in and out so fast that I could feel my asshole getting hot. I understood, then what they mean by burning smell of Vaseline, because his shaft was producing so much friction heat, we could start a forest fire with it. I expected flames to start coming out of my anus any second. Imagine, Xyster flambé.

Eventually, he thrust and then held himself hard against me. He thrust again and held himself again. After a few thrusts and holding like that, he started convulsing. He was moving but in short strokes and his sounds were just, "ye, ye, ye, y, y, y,y,yyyyyy." Whatever the hell that sounds like to you when you read it.

Then he started erupting. His sperm started to hit the walls of my---rectum---I promise that will be the last time I use that word. He shook violently as his shaking transferred to my body and I could feel the tremors. That was the hardest I have ever seen a man come. After thirty-seven minutes of pounding me to dust, he finally liquefied inside of me.

He collapsed on top of me as I fell forward under his weight, thankful that it was over. My buttocks pushed his thighs back far enough that his penis came all the way out. He rolled off of me trying to catch his breath as I lay there, squeezing my butt muscles to reduce the throbbing my asshole was feeling after being treated like a rubber band for so long. I think he had opened my asshole so wide that it had lost all flexibility and could no longer get back to its original size. I actually felt a draft coming into my rectum---okay, so I lied. I had to use that fucking word again. What can I do?

I was afraid to get up as I thought myinsides---happy now---would just fall out through the giant hole he had drilled in my butt. He got up and went to the kitchen to get himself something to drink. He had to replenish all those electrolytes and all the water he had lost.

He then went to the bathroom and came back after washing himself thoroughly in the shower. He came back with some wet wipes. As he started to wipe my ass clean, the cocky bastard said, "It looks like I fucked the shit out of you sis." (Note: those of you who complained that I left them hanging at the end of my storyHonest Mistake, well, I just made up for that. :-) )

I couldn't even turn over to kick him. That's how spent I felt even though he was the one who had spent himself into me. I mumbled, "You owe me big, Steven."

"Yes, and I don't know if you can take my payback."

Well, at least this was the beginning of one hell of a union. Imagine what a normal fuck with my brother turned out like. Just imagine.

I'll talk more in the future, or maybe I won't. You'll just have to wait. If you can't wait, well, to hell with you, I don't need you.

Before you go, I have one more joke for you.

Mother Superior is asking the Sunday school students to tell her which body part goes to heaven first and explain why.

Mary raised her hand and said, "It has to be our heads."

Mother Superior asked, "Good answer, but why do you say so?"

Mary said, "Our heads are closest to heavens as we walk or stand or sit, so they must be the first to go to heaven."

Mother Superior applauded her and said, "Good answer. Very good explanation. Anyone else."

Little Mikey raised his hand and said, "It is our hands."

"Why do you say so, Little Mikey?" Asked Mother Superior.

"Because we pray using our hands; we hold the Bible in our hands; and so on."

"Very good," Said Mother Superior.

A voice from the back of the class came, "Those are all stupid answers. I know for a fact that it is our feet that go to heaven first."

Mother Superior was dumbfounded. She said, "Good heavens child, our feet?! What on earth makes you so sure?"

"Well," Said Little John. "Last night I was passing by my parent's room. My mother's feet were in the air pointing to the heavens and she was screaming, 'Oh God! I am coming!!!'"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

if Syd Ceaser wrote porn…

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Dear, Dear Xyster!! You are definitely one-of-a-kind, writing like this, and telling your readers to "keep-the-faith", keep reading, or GET LOST!!

You have become one of my favorite orites, because of your attitude; you do not just write, for yourself, and us, your readers, but you actually have the gumption to call out those who would be critical of you (even before the story gets going!!l

Please, MORE, MORE, MORE!!


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
It was ok..with several caveats.

Let me start by saying you are a talented writer. There were a few grammatical errors but nothing crazy. My problem is that not only is the one sex scene in this erotic story short, it involved a form of sex the female didn't seem to enjoy. I know women that have major anal orgasms when the proper prep is done, also others that do not enjoy it at all other than the emotional aspects. You are talented, and I love a well written story but the sex scene was pretty much non-con followed by acceptance. Honestly it almost feels like something you copy pasted from another, far worse story just to make some impatient people happy. You don't have to write erotica if you don't enjoy it, write on short story sites. I honestly feel like you used your talent to get me invested in the story then spit in my face. Finally, one joke, sure that's fine. Two? Yeah ok it's a decent length. The jokes just pissed me off honestly and interrupted the barely worth reading sex scene over and over. If you are uncomfortable writing sex, write an epic saga, you have talent, just don't use it to waste people's time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

You crack me up! 5 stars for both stories.

clark3001clark3001almost 7 years ago
A wHOLE new category

Sex interspersed with idiotic jokes and crazy characters and even crazier conversation is a delight to read. Copying the horses having having sex was funny. Let's have a third part where the sister gets sone pleasure in the other holes.

HairyaHairyaabout 9 years ago

You are one warped individual. I love it!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I absolutely love your writing style. Don't ever stop.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
I laughed

Definitely worth reading till the end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Great stories for both parts

Loved reading both parts of Horsing Around, really was great. Hope you do some more stories like these two. Thank you for writing them.

madpoetmastwenmadpoetmastwenover 13 years ago

A very witty second chapter, and I look forward to seeing more.

Xyster, I applaud your bravery and undaunted gall in the face of the naysayers. Those of us who have read these "Tails" (ha ha) know just how rewarding they are, for you are a unique storyteller. I hope you continue this series, but moreover, I hope you just continue to write, for yours is a rare voice, so sorely lacking on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Howsit Xyster. Good finish to the story. Very nice use of the correct wording for the various parts.

You really should take a certain understanding from " Aussie Frank " as to the liberal use of the words rectum and ass, you really should, after all he does come from down under.



KwgenevaKwgenevaalmost 14 years ago
You Redeemed Youself!


When I read "Horsing Around" it turned out better than I thought it would. But, admittedly I had to force myself to read it to the end.

In "Horsing Around Too" you redeemed youself. At times I laughed out loud. It almost felt like you and I were sitting in a pub drinking beers, and there you were telling me this fascinating story. It was just so....down to earth...the way it was written.

Love your sense of humor!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Like your humour. Forget the knockers(not female) and carry on carrying on.

Anyone can churn out straight porn, few can make a story work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
The Comments are more fun than the story

Xyster. you are BOSTONFICTIONWRITER in disguise! Egotistical,pseudo-intellectual drivel, delivered with your tongue not in your cheek,but up your arse................Aussie Frank

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
The Comments are more fun than the story

Xyster. you are BOSTONFICTIONWRITER in disguise! Egotistical,pseudo-intellectual drivel, delivered with your tongue not in your cheek,but up your arse................Aussie Frank

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