How Do We Look, Baby?


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He started to walk away again, then turning back to me, sighed, "Mrs. Wilson, do you know why I came to live with my Aunt and Uncle?"

"I never asked." I hadn't, but Chad's aunt Shirley had told me there was trouble at her sister's house.

"Because my piece of shit father has been treating my mother the way Mr. Wilson just treated you for my entire life."

"Look Chad, Greg's not a bad guy. He's..."

"None of them are." Chad waved his hand at me. "And my mother's defending his sorry ass is why I finally left. Between his shit, and her thinking she has to take it, I couldn't stand it anymore. I left before I beat his ass."

"I...I'm sorry to hear that Chad."

"And I'm sorry to see you're just like my mother. Knowing you deserve better, but making excuses."

Again, hearing this kid talk like this hit me hard. Chad went on, "Hell, my old man has made her feel so bad for so long, she blames herself for it. She must be worthless and she's glad he puts up with her."

He stopped speaking, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He wiped at his face and I saw his hand was trembling.

"I hate men like him. I really do, fucking big shots when its women they're yelling at. I'd love to get a chance to straighten a guy like him out. Better yet I like to see their women smarten up and go find someone to take care of them. Then shove it in their face they finally found a real man, one that don't have to act like that."

He exhaled loudly then said, "Well I guess I need to shut up. You don't need to hear my shit. I'm going to go and don't worry about paying me."

"I'm sorry this upset you Chad." I gave him the best smile I could come up with and reaching out to touch his cheek said, "All the things you said are very sweet, Chad. It's good you see women shouldn't be treated that way."

"Too bad they didn't see it that way." He looked down away and said, "Mrs. Wilson, can I ask..."

"Call me Brenda and yes."

"Uh....okay, Brenda, do you like being humiliated? He just called you a whore in front of me. You're okay with that?"

"I'm a big girl Chad. I'll decide what I will or won't take." I said with a tone, even though I knew I should be asking myself that same question

"Sorry, guess I should mind my business." He nodded, "I just think you're way too nice to be with a loser like that."

"He's not a loser." I said, again defending the indefensible, "He's going through a tough time and he'll change."

"Yup." Chad said, turning away from me. "My mom said that twenty five years ago."

***** The sound of a horn blaring behind me caused me to snap my head up and I saw the light in front of me had turned green. I gave a wave to whoever was behind me and gunned my five year old Camry through the intersection. I rubbed at my tired and eyes and swore I would give in and take a couple of the sleeping pills my doctor had prescribed for me when I saw her Tuesday. I'd just gone for a checkup, but after noticing the bags beneath my red rimmed eyes, Doctor Phillips had begun asking me why I wasn't sleeping.

I'd said stress then when pressed confessed things weren't going well at home and I wasn't sleeping. She'd given me the pills, but I resisted taking them. Seeing however, I had just dozed off at a red light, I figured I didn't have much choice. I'd also nodded off at work twice today. Fact was it seemed I could sleep anywhere but home these days. The fact that after Saturday night I was alone in the bed didn't help.

Greg hadn't come home until after six Saturday and we had immediately gotten into it. I yelled at him for the way he'd spoken to me in front of Chad and he seemed to see no problem with it. Eventually he said I was just embarrassed because he showed Chad I was nothing more than the other pathetic girls he dated. I was just older and with that nasty smirk he'd been displaying more and more added 'used up'. I'd told him if he felt I was that nasty he didn't have to sleep with me and he'd almost gladly begun to sleep in the guest room.

When Monday came, I confronted Greg when he'd finally gotten home from work at seven and he told me he had no desire to talk about 'my problems' with him. We'd fought again and I wanted to kick myself when I burst out in tears and asked him why he didn't want me anymore. In the past my tears had never failed to move Greg even if I was in the wrong. Monday however, all I got was an eye roll and him walking away calling me a drama queen.

The last three days had been like living a bad dream. Greg got up and left before I even got up and was coming home later and later. When he did show up, he barely grunted at me and went into the guest room. At least work had given me something to do but now that it was Friday, I would be stuck home with my thoughts all weekend. I had considered calling Karen and spending the weekend with her, but then there would be questions and I wasn't ready to answer those yet.

I pulled onto our street with the sad thought of how much longer would it be our street. I parked in the driveway and had gotten out of the car when I heard my name called. I turned around to see Chad sitting on the steps in front of the back door. He stood when he saw me look at him, but didn't come towards me. I walked over to where he was standing and wondered what he was doing here. When I got up close I could see he looked upset.

"Hey, Brenda," he said softly. "Can I talk to you?"

"What's wrong, Chad?"

"Listen I....I have to show you something."

"What is it?" I asked, feeling my stomach tighten, I didn't like the look on his face at all.

"Well uh, I know it's none of my business," he grunted, "We kind of established that last time we talked, but anyway I was on the corner doing Mrs. Higgins lawn and well..."

He paused and my nerves getting the better of me I snapped, "Spit it out, Chad. You shouldn't even be here. I've got enough problems."

"Yeah well, you got one more." He said softly. "I saw your husband come home and...he wasn't alone."

I stared at him and heard Holly's voice in my mind. "No, it couldn't be," As that thought went through my head I began shaking it back and forth.

"I'm not making it up, Brenda."

"No." I told him pointing at him. "You're just saying that because you think he's an asshole."

"He is." Chad shrugged, "But seriously I...."

"Or maybe you do want to fuck me and want me mad at him!" I snapped, "I...I know things are bad, but Greg would never...."

I trailed off as Chad sat down on the top step and reaching into a gym bag removed a laptop and patted the step next to him.

"I knew you'd say that." He said as he opened the computer in his lap. "So as soon as I saw him and his little friend go inside, I... ran into your yard and looked into your bedroom window" he grunted, "Asshole is so stupid he didn't even pull the blinds down."

"You..." I swallowed hard as I slowly lowered myself and sat next to him. "Taped something?"

"I recorded it with my phone. Just kind of held it up to the window and e-mailed it to myself."

He had opened a browser and I saw he was on a Yahoo e-mail page.

"Brenda, I like you and don't want to see you hurt, but it wouldn't be fair for you not to see this."

He opened up an attachment and as the window media player screen came up, I told myself. This was a sick prank, there wouldn't be anything there, or it was just a friend from work Greg had brought home and....

The screen came to life and here before my eyes was Greg lying naked on his back with a brunette wearing red lingerie between his legs. Her head was bobbing rapidly up and down and Greg was playing with her hair moaning, "Goddamn you can suck cock, Jenny."

"Oh my God!" I cried out my hands going to my face.

"Jenny" sat up between his legs and tossing her long black hair over her shoulder laughed, "Damn straight I can, bet I'm a lot better than your boring old wife!"

To her I was old. Even with the picture a little fuzzy I could see this girl couldn't have been more than twenty five if that.

"Yeah, she'd need a map to find it these days." Greg replied as he sat up and grabbed her grabbed her tits. "She hasn't put out in forever."

"Liar!" I snapped irrationally at the computer.

"I think it's more like he needs a mirror to find it under that gut." Chad added next to me.

"That's okay!" Jenny laughed on the screen, as she reached around and removed her bra, "That's what I'm here for!"

She whipped her bra off exposing a pair of very large and depressingly firm looking breasts. "And you like me better anyway, don't you baby?"

"Hell yeah!" Greg laughed once again fondling her now bare tits, "Shit, she's got tits like a little girl!"

"No, no, no." I moaned, shaking my head.

My stomach felt as if someone had kicked me and the tears came flowing down my cheeks.

"Not like this little girl!" Jenny laughed from the screen. "This little girl's young and smooth and tight aren't I baby?"

"Let's see how tight!"

Grabbing her shoulders Greg pushed her face down on the bed. Laughing, Jenny drew her knees up beneath her and pointed her ass in the air. Greg, with the first hard on, I'd seen him with in weeks, knelt down behind her, grabbed her hips and started fucking her. I wanted to look away, but couldn't. I felt like a person gawking at a horrific accident. Sickened, yet at the same time unable to tear my gaze from the sight of my husband of fifteen years fucking this woman in...

"Oh you bad boy!" Jenny cried out, "Fucking me in your wife's bed!"

"Someone has to fuck me in my bed." He grunted as he continued to slam into her round little ass.

My already sore eyes were burning and even with Chad next to me the tears were flowing freely down my cheeks.

"Better wash these sheets, because I'm going to cum all over her pillow," Jenny giggled, "Like I did last time!"

I became aware of a high pitched whining sound and realized it was coming from me. I could feel a sob rising in my throat and tried to fight it. I lost the battle and as I watched, Greg reach out and begin pulling in her hair, I releases a loud pathetic whimper followed by a gut wrenching sob.

"Jesus, I'm sorry, Brenda." Chad said.

As he spoke, he slipped an arm around my shoulders and with his other hand started to close the laptop.

"Hey!" Jenny called out, "Look at that picture of you and her!"

"Stop." I said softly, reaching out and catching his wrist.

"Brenda, you get the point." Chad said, "I'll e-mail this to you for court and...."

"It's like she's looking at us!" Jenny continued, "Like she's watching you fuck me!" she laughed, and then continued "How do I look fucking your husband?"

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, when I opened them I felt another feeling beginning to build within me - rage.

"Yeah Brenda!" Greg exclaimed, "How do we look baby?"

"You...son of a bitch." I whispered as my entire body began to tremble.

"How do I look fucking a real woman?"

I tried to say something, but I was so angry the muscles of my throat were constricted. Instead I sat there shaking violently, still holding Chad's hand away from the screen. In front of me Greg let out an idiotic moan and whipping his dick out came all over his little whore's back.

"What was that, two minutes?" Chad muttered.

Jenny squealed delightedly then laughed when picking up my pillow Greg used it to wipe the cum from her back. He sat back and snuggling up close to him Jenny asked, "Greg, when are you going to get rid of her so we can be together all the time?"

"I'm trying, Jenny," he told her, his hand idly caressing her tit. "I've been treating her like shit, but she sticks around." He laughed, "Probably figures no on else would want her."

"You piece of fucking shit!" Reaching out, and slamming the lap top screen down so hard Chad exclaimed, "Hey! That cost me..."

"I'll buy you a new one if it's broken!" I snapped, "I...I can't believe that mother fucker and in our fucking bed!"

I had never been so angry in my life and had to admit the burning rage welling up inside me felt better than the sadness that had been holding me hostage the last couple of weeks.

"Well, I said I'm sorry and..."

"Are you Chad?" I asked, turning to look at him. "I don't think you are."

"I...I'm not sorry you know the truth, but sorry it hurt." He said quietly. "It was none of my business, but you would have never believed anyone." He shrugged, "But to be honest, after the shit he was slinging the other day and the way he reminds me of my old man I didn't mind getting even with him by telling you."

"Getting even." I repeated softly.

I closed my eyes and envisioned Greg fucking Jenny, not just fucking her, but in my bed, wiping his cum on my pillow like a sick fucking teenager. Mocking me in every way. 'How do we look, baby?' his voice echoed in my head.


Ignoring Chad, I let my mind keep spinning, feeding the fire within me. How dare he treat me that way? Fucking some slut while being deliberately mean to me, trying to get me to leave. All the while lying to his whore that I didn't want to bother with him, acting like I was some old hag! That prick was turning into a fat slob who didn't care what he looked like and he was acting like I was so terrible to be with? My hands were clenched into fists and I could feel my long nails digging into my palms.

Another image that entered my mind was the last time I'd tried to sleep with him. I'd ended up feeling like a whore with his cum dripping down my face while he put his back to me. A final scene came into my mind, last week Greg accusing me of fooling around with Chad. That asshole was cheating on me and trying to make like I was doing something wrong. Speaking of Chad, I had the sudden vision of standing up, taking his hand and leading him into my bed. Taking him and fucking the living shit out of him. Hell maybe I would tape it! Send it to Greg with a note, "How do we look, baby?"

No, that wasn't enough, I wanted more than that! I...I cocked my head as I was struck with the vivid image of...A smile began to spread across my face. After all hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and I was feeling pretty fucking scorned. Opening my eyes I saw Chad looking at me nervously.

"You okay, Brenda?"

"Not yet, but I will be." I reached out and put my hand on his muscular arm. "So Chad, you want to get even with Greg?

"I think I just did."

"You did, but I haven't."

"I think you will though." He grinned, "You show that tape to a lawyer and..."

"Chad, do you want to fuck me?"

"I...what?" he asked, his brown eyes wide.

"You heard me, do you want to fuck me?"

"Brenda, look I...uh...."

"What is it Chad, you all talk?" I slid my hand from his shoulder and ran my fingers along his cheek. "You get a shot at me and you're going to turn tail?"

"Well," he paused, "It's just that I didn't do this because of that, I..."

"Who cares why you did it? Look Chad, I'm giving you a chance to be a man not a boy. I'm a good looking woman in her prime who hasn't had good sex in months and you're a hot kid who would be lying through his teeth if he said he didn't want me."

"So you want to...?" he started to smile.

"Damn straight I do," I nodded "And trust me Chad you're not going to make love to me or be sweet to me. You're going to fuck my brains out. I'm going to suck your cock like you've never dreamed about and let you have me anyway you want me!"

"Damn." He whistled. "I...whoa!"

He gasped as I dropped my hand onto his cock and squeezed it through his jeans.

"Damn is right," I said softly. Oh goddamn! That wasn't a sock down there. That was nice big young cock that was already growing as I squeezed. "That's right, Chad, I'm going to be your dirty fucking slut! You're going to fuck me until you can't get it up anymore and then I'll just suck you hard again! You're going to lick my pussy until I cum in your face. How does that sound?"

"I...hell yeah!" he laughed, and then pointing at the house asked, "Now?"

"No." I shook my head. "Not tonight. Tomorrow morning."

"Um...okay when he goes to work?"

"Nope." I smiled wickedly at him.

"Then when?"

"We'll talk about that." I told him. "See I'm going to do everything I just said to you and as a bonus you get even more revenge, but we have to do it my way."

"Your way?"

I nodded, "Yes, my way. You want my pretty pussy, you're going to do exactly what I say. Tell you what, you do a good job and it won't be a one time thing. After all, I have a lot of making up to do!"

I paused and began stroking his now erect cock. Even through the jeans I could feel how hard and thick he was. Damn, I wanted nothing more than to whip it out and suck on it, but not yet.

"So, you going to play along?" I asked then made a show of slowly licking my lips.

"I...anything you want." Chad exclaimed.

"Good, now let's go. I'll tell you about it on the way."

I stood up and began walking towards my car.

"Where are we going?" Chad asked, catching up with me.

"Down to that fetish store that just opened downtown. We need to pick up some things. Show Greg his hag of a wife isn't as boring as he likes to say she is."

I got into the car and as Chad got into the passenger seat I looked at my now cold blue eyes in the rear view mirror and whispered, "How do we look baby?"


I stood in the shower, slowly lathering myself in raspberry body wash and thinking I hadn't felt this good in weeks. In spite of finding out Greg was cheating on me and the thought of what I was going to do today running through my mind, I'd slept like the dead last night. The minute my head hit the pillow I was out and my eyes didn't open until the alarm went off at eight. Unlike the last couple of weeks, when I'd woken up more tired than when I went to bed, today I felt refreshed, relaxed and ready to be reborn. Today was the end of my life as I knew it and although I knew there may be some tears over that when I got to my sister's tonight, but right now all I felt was excitement.

No that wasn't all I felt. I thought as my hand slid between my legs and washed my smooth pussy. I was horny as fucking hell, had been since I woke up. In less than a half hour, I was going to get fucked the way I'd always wanted too. Even when we were happy, Greg was not one to really cut loose, but I loved him and it was okay. Today was about lust, not love and I was fully prepared to take everything Chad could dish out and beg for more.

I smiled as I thought of Chad and not just because I was going to be watching him between my legs shortly, but at the look on his face when I told him what we were going to do. That look had grown more surprised with every item I picked up at The Velvet Rope and my final purchase made him ask me if I'd lost my mind. The entire ride back to my house Chad had asked if I were really going to go through with this. I told him I was and if he didn't have the balls, I'd go find someone who did.

As I knew he would, Chad said he would do anything I wanted. The fact that he would because he wanted me so badly had me so wet I was squirming in my seat and the toughest part of my plan was waiting until this morning. I suppose I could have taken Chad for a fast hard ride to take the edge off and have him more relaxed when the time came, but I wanted my reaction this morning to be as strong as possible. I wanted to be able to emit a true squeal of delight the first time Chad shoved that big dick into my neglected pussy.

I finished lathering up and putting my arms over my head let the hot water hit my body. I turned slowly, allowing the water to rinse me and enjoying the sensation of the heat as well as the steam around me. It had been a long time since I had enjoyed the simple things in life, but that was going to change. From now on I was going to enjoy myself in every way, starting in the bedroom. Once I'd rinsed, I reluctantly shut the water off. I had to get moving and go wake Greg up.