I Didn't Even Know His Name Ch. 04


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"Ladies room...now," I said, standing up and walking very quickly towards the restroom. She knew that I meant business and followed close behind me.

When we arrived inside, I turned to face her. "What's up? Is everything ok? Did something else happen with Jim?"

"You're not going to believe this. I can't believe this." I said, feeling myself shake excitedly.

"What? What's wrong?"

"Mr. Richards is making me go to the company dinner with him this weekend."


"In L.A.!"

"No way!"

"I know I'm gonna see him. What the hell am I gonna say?!"

"Ohmygod! We've GOT to go shopping!"

"Oh yeah, what the hell am I gonna wear?!."

"Fuck, girl, we'll find you a DROP dead gorgeous dress and Parisi won't be able to take his eyes off you!"

"What if he still hates me, though?"

"Quit being such a girl! He doesn't hate you!"

"I don't know what I'm gonna say to him."

"You won't have to say much if we find you the right dress," she said with a wink.

"Sara! I'm serious!"

"So am I, darlin', so am I! Wanna shop after work today?"


"Cool, I'll meet ya up front at 5 p.m."

"Thanks, Sara. I appreciate it."

"Don't worry, Lore. It's all going to work out. I have a good feeling about this," she said putting her arm around my shoulder as she gave me a reassuring smile.

"I hope you're right."

"Oh, I saw the way that man used to look at you. I KNOW I'm right!" she said, guiding me back into the office so we could both get to work.

So, after many, many preparations over the next several days, Mr. Richards and I arrived in L.A. late on Saturday afternoon. We had just enough time to get to our hotel rooms, shower and change, then get to The Crystal Ballroom at the Beverly Hills Hotel where the company dinner was slated to be held. Luckily, Mr. Richards was kind enough to realize that it would take me longer to get ready than it would himself and he offered to go get the rental car himself then come back to the hotel to pick me up. I was grateful not to be "errand girl" for a bit...especially since there wasn't much time to get ready. I dumped my bag on the bed, hung my dress up in the closet, and immediately jumped in the shower.

In record time, just under an hour, I had my amazing gown on...a flowing white number that dipped very low in the back and a little low in the front, for that matter. My hair was in a perfect updo with a few curls lingering at my shoulders...my makeup, flawless. A few pieces of my finest diamond jewelry (not that I had much), my white Jimmy Choos, and I was ready to go. Well, at least in appearance. I was more nervous than ever about seeing Tom again. I didn't have time to think about it, though. As I applied my lipstick, there was a knock. I grabbed my clutch purse and opened the door. Mr. Richards was standing there stiffly, looking down at his watch.

"I'm ready!" I proudly stated.

He looked up and his eyes bulged. "LoreLai?!"

"Yes sir?"

"You look...you're...wow," he said, still looking stunned.

I couldn't help but blush. Mr. Richards wasn't the type of man who gave out compliments very often. "Why thank you sir."

He held out his arm to me. I stepped out, shut my hotel room door, and took his arm, allowing him to guide me towards the elevator. Here goes nothing, I thought to myself.

We arrived at The Beverly Hills Hotel and went immediately to The Crystal Ballroom. It was a grand room unlike anything I'd ever seen before. It had an art deco air about it with spectacular chandeliers and french doors that appeared to open up to a beautiful garden area. I didn't have time to take it all in, though. Mr. Richards soon spotted a colleague on the other side of the room. "I'll have a glass of Evan Williams Black, no ice," he requested, dropping my arm and heading over to mingle. I obediently wandered over to the bar. I ordered his drink then turned around to scan the room. At that very moment, I saw a familiar face enter the room...alone. He looked so beautiful...the very definition of tall, dark, and handsome. His bluer than blue eyes sparkled even at a distance.

I heard Mr. Richards' voice from the other side of the room. "Parisi! Get your ass over here!"

Tom smiled and walked towards Mr. Richards. I watched him stride across the room so confidently.

"Here you are, Miss," said the bartender as he slid the drink towards me, snapping me out of my trance.

"Thanks," I answered, picking it up. I held Mr. Richards' drink in my hand and turned around. I had no choice but to deliver it and face Tom.

I did my best to appear confident and strong as I walked over to where the small group of men were standing. Mr. Richards spotted me first. "Oh thank you dear," he said, taking the drink from me. "Tom, I think you've met this lil' gal here."

Tom, who'd been laughing and joking with another man, turned and looked in my direction. The smile fell from his face. He looked stunned. I'm not sure if he was stunned to see me in general or stunned in the way Mr. Richards had been when I'd opened my hotel room door earlier, but he certainly didn't look excited to see me. My heart sank. "Lore?"

"Hello Mr. Parisi, very nice to see you again," I said in a very calm, business-like manner. I guess my acting abilities had improved since arriving in California.

"You, too. I wasn't expecting to see you here."

Mr. Richards stopped gulping his drink momentarily to step back into the conversation. "Well, she's the best assistant I've ever had, I couldn't very well leave her at home!" he said, beaming. "I'm glad you left her for me, Tom!"

"Thank you, Mr. Richards," I answered with a slight smile.

"Not to mention, she's absolutely radiant tonight," Mr. Richards continued on.

"She certainly is," Tom said, finally smiling and still staring at me. Or was he glaring? I was becoming visibly nervous. I was almost glad when Mr. Richards broke in once again, not sensing the tension between Tom and I.

"Ms. Parker, run along and get Mr. Parisi and Mr. Bernard drinks, would you? What'll you boys have?"

"That's not necessary," Tom chided in.

"I'll have a Glenfiddich and soda, thanks," the man who I presumed to be Mr. Bernard said without missing a beat.

"Order something, Parisi...you need to loosen up a bit!" Mr. Richards said, playfully slapping him on the back as he downed the rest of his own drink.

"What can I get you, Mr. Parisi?" I asked, looking him right in the eye. Wow!, I thought to myself, I'm almost ready to be on "Days of Our Lives"!

"I'm not sure what I'm in the mood for. If you gentlemen will excuse me, I'm going to accompany Ms. Parker to the bar to make my selection," Tom said, stepping towards me. I quickly turned and walked towards the bar with Tom on my heels.

"You kids hurry back! And, LoreLai, bring me another one of these!" Mr. Richards called out after us, holding up his empty glass.

Tom followed me to the bar where I ordered two more drinks as he pretended to look over his choices. I nervously tapped my fingernails on the bar as he scanned the bottles.

"How are you?" he asked, finally looking over at me.

"I'm good thanks, you?"

"I'm ok," he said, sounding sad. I desperately wanted to hug him, to comfort him.

"Enjoying the L.A. sun?" L.A. sun?, I thought, I sound like an idiot!

"I've been working a lot, trying to keep busy."

"Yeah, Mr. Richards has me running errands all day and doing paperwork until late at night."

"Lore, I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye."

"I'm over it," I said, trying to sound nonchalant. Given my new acting abilities, I'm pretty sure nonchalance was achieved.

"I'm not," he stated outright.

"How's Monica?" I asked, changing the subject.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I haven't spoken to her since we arrived in L.A."

"Didn't you two move out here to work on your marriage?"

"No, we moved here to split up. She wanted to be closer to her family and I wanted to...." his voice trailed off.

"You wanted to what?"

"I don't know what I was thinking...I was stupid. I shouldn't have left without saying goodbye. Not to mention, I should've called you weeks ago."

"It doesn't matter, Tom...it's in the past."

"I think about you a lot," he whispered, looking down at the floor.


"I miss you, LoreLai," he blurted, finally looking up at me.

I pursed my lips and stared at him. The bartender interrupted before I could respond. " 'ere ya go, lassy," he said in a thick Irish accent, setting two drinks in front of me. "Wot'll it be for you?" he asked Tom.

"Martini, shaken, two olives."

"Coming roight up!"

"I'm gonna take these drinks over," I said, picking them up off the bar.

"Can we talk later?"

"I'm sure we'll run into each other," I said with a half-hearted smile, then I turned and headed towards Mr. Richards and the small group that had now gathered around him.

We were all seated to dinner a mere 30 minutes later. I sat to Mr. Richards' right while Tom sat to his left. Everyone politely made small talk while I listened and smiled. "So, Parisi, what brought you to L.A.?" I heard Mr. Richards ask Tom during the main course.

"It's a long story," he answered quickly.

"Is your wife adjusting well?"

"I'm sure she is since she's originally from this area, but she and I aren't together anymore."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Did she catch you?"

"Catch me?"

"Ya know, with another woman. That's how my first and third marriages ended."

My face grew hot. I was pretty sure I was turning red. Where did my acting abilities go when I really needed them?

"Well, no, not exactly," Tom answered as he fidgeted with his napkin.

"But there IS another woman, eh?"

"There was," he paused, "but she wants nothing to do with me at this point."

"Oh, I'm sure you'll bring her 'round."

"I'm not so sure."

"Well, you're a very persuasive man, Parisi."

"I hope so because, honestly, I'm head over heels in love with her."

I was sipping on my water when Tom said it and I nearly choked to death.

"Good lord, LoreLai, are you ok?!" asked Mr. Richards as he turned towards me.

"Ex...cuse...me," I said between coughs.

I practically ran to the bathroom. I couldn't believe what I'd just heard. Tom was IN LOVE with me! Once I got to the restroom, though, I burst into tears. I was happy, don't get me wrong...ecstatic actually. I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders as I leaned against the wall of the restroom and sobbed tears of joy. I didn't even hear the restroom door open, but I felt a warm hand on my shoulder.


I turned around to see Tom standing in the Ladies' Room. "Hey," I said with a sniffle.

"I'm sorry...please don't cry," Tom pleaded.

"Did you mean it?"

"Mean what?"

"What you told Mr. Richards."

"LoreLai, you know I did. I've been in love with you from the moment I laid eyes on you on that subway platform."





"I love you, too, ya know."

Tom pulled me into his arms and kissed me like never before. The warmth of his fingers, his lips, his arms, his hardening cock seemed to course through my entire body. He took me by the hand and led me into one of the stalls. I watched as he unbuckled his tux pants and let them fall to his ankles along with his boxers, staring at me the entire time. Without a word, I hiked my skirt up as he encircled me in his arms...my legs immediately wrapped around his waist, his cock sliding effortlessly into my soaking wet pussy. I buried my face in his neck, taking a deep breath in, smelling his skin, his hair and feeling his warmth engulf me. He held me firmly against his chest as he pulled his cock ever so slowly from within me then just as slowly let it sink back inside. For the first time in weeks, I felt whole again.



He pressed the button on the intercom system, already smiling. "LoreLai, could you come in here and take some DICKtation for me? Hmmm?" he asked, trying not to laugh.

"Yes sir, Mr. Parisi, right away," I answered. I didn't bother picking up a pen and a pad as I walked towards his office, though...I knew he had no letter to compose. I also knew that once I stepped inside his office, I'd need to lock the door behind me, which is exactly what I did.

"Ahhh, LoreLai, aren't we looking lovely today?" he said, sitting behind his desk, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Why thank you sir," I played along.

"No pen? No paper? How do you expect to take DICKtation?"

"Oh, you're right, sir. I guess I should be punished, huh?"

"Nice transition, love," Tom grinned.

Without another word, I walked over to Tom's desk, hiked my skirt up to reveal that I wasn't wearing any panties, and bent over it so that my cunt was practically in his face as he sat in his chair. Tom stood up behind me and placed his hands on my hips. "Ya know, I'm feeling generous today."


"I think I know a way that you can make it up to me without having to be punished."

"I'll do anything, Mr. Parisi, just name it."

"Well, first, that blouse and bra need to come off. I always think better when I can see your tits."

Tom walked around to the front of the desk and sat down in one of the guest chairs, watching my every move. I, meanwhile, removed my blouse and bra, then bent over his desk once more, allowing my tits to sway beneath me and my taut nipples to become harder in the cool air of his office.

"Beautiful," he whispered in sheer amazement.

"Thank you, sir," I whispered in return.

"You are by far the best secretary I've ever had, LoreLai. I really don't want to have to punish you," he said getting up from the chair and walking back around the desk. As he did, one of his fingers travelled very lightly up the length of my arm, sending shivers down my spine. His soft touch alone always drove me insane. "I will hafta teach you a lesson, though. You do understand, don't you?"

"Oh yes sir, I understand completely."

I could hear him fidgeting with his belt. "Good, because I want to keep you around, I really do. I just need you to understand that there are certain rules you must follow," he said, as he rubbed his rigid cock up and down my wet, swollen pussy lips. "When I ask you to do something," he paused just long enough to thrust his entire cock up my slick hole, "I need you to do it."

"Yessssss," I hissed.

"So," he continued as he started thrusting in and out of me, making me wetter and wetter as his cock became painfully hard, "just to make sure you get the message, I should probably give you something to think about...so we're on the same page."

"Whatever you think is best, Mr. Parisi," I panted as I was getting fucked from behind and my tits were swinging out beneath me.

"What I think is best, dear," he said as he removed himself from my pussy leaving me feeling empty and terribly needy, "is to FILL YOU UP with 'knowledge' and 'power' and TWO PINCHES of 'drive'." I heard him reach down and remove something from his desk drawer, but I didn't look...I just stayed bent over his desk, waiting for him to continue. And continue he did. "Meet 'knowledge'," he said, shoving something hard and cold inside my needy twat. In the next instance, I felt strong vibrations coming from the device as he turned it on high speed. "Now that I've filled you up with 'knowledge', I should FILL you up with 'power', don't you agree, LoreLai?"

"Oh yes sir," I moaned.

I felt something cold and greasy being rubbed on my asshole and couldn't help but let a moan escape my lips. Tom let the head of his cock circle the rim of my asshole and whispered, "Here, baby, meet 'power'...." Then he pushed the head of his cock past the tight rim of my ass, inching his way into my tightest hole until he was balls deep inside. He held his cock there letting me adjust to the sense of fullness that having his cock in my ass brought as the vibrator vibrated away in my cunt.

"And as for the TWO PINCHES of 'drive'," he continued as he rolled my nipples between his fingers, pinching and squeezing them.

"Oh fuck," I panted.

"You're into 'knowledge', 'power', and 'drive', aren't you, darling?" he whispered beginning to pick up speed fucking my ass. As he did, the end of the vibrator inside me began hitting the top of the desk...on his down thrust, it would push up even further inside of me. I felt like I was being fucked from all angles...and, in essence, I was.

Tom really began to lay into my ass good now. His fingers sank boorishly into my tits as though he were claiming them. The vibrator slipped from my cunt ever so slightly and as I tilted my hips up a bit, it gave Tom better access to my ass while giving the vibrator full access to vibrate against my clit. I was in sexual heaven.

One more pinch of my nipples and two more thrusts into my ass and Tom brought my orgasm to the forefront. Before I even realized it was about to happen, I was suddenly cumming. I came harder than I've ever cum in my entire life. My pussy creamed and creamed all over "knowledge" as "power" kept drilling me from behind. I could even feel my ass contracting around Tom's dick as waves of pleasure coursed through my body from head to toe. I felt as though I was going to cum forever as the aftershocks of my orgasm continued to ripple through me.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Tom screamed as he unloaded his cum in my ass. He continued pinching my nipples until they hurt and pumped away at my tight hole until there was nothing left in his balls. We were still for a few moments, still locked as one.

Tom suddenly started to fall backwards into his chair, pulling me along with him, his cock still embedded in my ass. I landed on his lap, but twirled, so that my legs hung over the side of the chair. I could feel his cock still twitching inside me and it made my empty pussy throb...the vibrator had fallen out and was now laying on Tom's desk, still buzzing away. I saw Tom's eyes soften as he put one arm around my waist and the other beneath my knees. I locked my arms around his neck and kissed him softly on the lips as he pulled me close.

"That was even hotter than yesterday," he whispered.

"I know," I purred.

"Did you ever think things could be like this?"

"Not in a million years."

"You really are the best SEXretary I've ever had, Mrs. Parisi."

I laughed. "Why thank you Mr. Parisi!"

Who would've thought that a chance meeting on a subway platform could turn into this! We'd only been married a month (following two quickie divorces), but I was the happiest I'd ever been in my whole life. Not only did I know Tom's name, but now I shared it! LoreLai Parisi does have a nice ring to it, donchya think?

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