In a Tent with my Cute Older Sister

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Nick reunites with his sister Jenny, in all kinds of ways...
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Hi everyone and welcome to a sequel to On the Backseat with Mom & Grandma! Arriving much, much earlier than expected!

I'm not going to spoil much, if you have read the previous installment than you probably have a good idea of what is going to happen.

So without further ado, enjoy!


Nick and his family arrived at the campsite around eleven in the morning, it was a bright, sunny day so excellent for them to construct the tents and to set up everything else.

The ride itself was like its past ordinary self, reminding Nick of the days before his mother and grandmother had committed incest and started a loving relationship with him.

The three of them were tired from their earlier activities in their hotel room, so they just cuddled up together on the backseat, talking softly with each other accompanied with the occasional touches and kisses. In the front were Nick's dad and grandfather, as usual arguing and talking about their fishing trip once they had set up everything at the campsite.

"And here we are peeps!" Said Marc proudly as he brought his Dodge Ram Promaster to a standstill on the spot that was reserved for them.

Aileen opened the sliding door and got out of the van, she stretched her arms and yawned before turning around to help her grandson and daughter-in-law with bringing out their bags and suitcases.

"Oh my! Looks like nothing has changed since the last time we were here, just as beautiful as I can remember." Said Carrie as she overlooked their spot, illuminated by rays of the sun. She always loved being on vacation on camping sites, the nature, the calmness of everything, for her it was a little piece of heaven right on earth.

"Carrie, work first, relax later. That tent is not going to set itself up you know?" Said Marc as he was busy carrying out his fishing rods from the van along with his father.

Carrie gave her husband an angry glare. "Look who's talking..." She said quietly.

She then felt a gentle but strong hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry Mom, you and Gran can take it easy and look around all you want. The tent is easy to set up so let me handle it." Said Nick with a smile on his face.

"Oh honey..." Responded Carrie lovingly, placing her small, soft hand onto her son's hand, she could feel butterflies roaming through her stomach all over again.

"You are such a gentleman sweetie." Said Aileen proudly as she gave Nick a loving hug from the side. "I know some certain individuals that could learn a lesson or two from you..." She added just loud enough so only Nick and Carrie could hear it, referring her words to her husband and son.

And so their camping trip started. Aileen and Carrie took a seat on their chairs next to their camping spot so they could go over everything they brought with them before making something to snack for everyone. Nick started on setting up the tent right away, and to his surprise his father and grandfather came to help him after a while, after they were done with their more important fishing equipment.

The tent itself was pretty big but easy to construct. It had a large main segment in the middle which flowed into two sleeping compartments on either side and both sides had space for at least three people. But because some of the occupants snored more loudly than others there was a particular mix-up.

Marc and Patrick would be sleeping on the right side, them being the culprits of the snoring of course. And Aileen and Carrie, along with Nick's sister Jennifer (Jenny for short), would be sleeping on the left side.

Nick had always slept in his own tent after he went through puberty, thinking that he was to 'cool' to sleep together with the grownups. But now that he, his mother and grandmother had developed an incestuous relationship he wouldn't mind to be sharing a side of the tent with them. But he knew that Jenny would be arriving sooner or later, and he rather had her sleeping along his mother and grandmother than to let her suffer on the other side.

After fifteen minutes or so the tent was standing strong and sturdy on its usual spot, only the inside of it was left to be decorated. Nick brushed his hands off before turning to his father. "And that's that... Say Dad, mind giving me a hand wi-" He tried to ask before he was cut off.

"Not now Nick, the weather is perfect so me and your grandpa have to prepare our rods for fishing immediately." He responded, shutting his son's question down.

"Yeah, I can almost hear them from here already! 'Patrick, Marc, please feed us those delicious worms!" Added Patrick, Nick's grandfather, thinking he was being funny which only resulted in laughs coming from his son.

Nick sighed and shook his head. "well, alright then, guess I'll set up my own tent myself." He responded before taking his tent bag from the van.

Aileen and Carrie had overheard their conversation and were shooting daggers towards their husbands from their eyes just like they did the day before. "Marc, can't you just give your son a hand? We will be here for at least two weeks, those fishes won't magically disappear, you know?" Said Carrie with an agitated voice, surprising both Aileen and Nick. She was speaking against her husband, something she had never done before.

Marc snickered and turned towards his wife. "Woman! What do you know about fishing? Besides, he's nineteen for Christ's sake! He doesn't need his daddy to set up his tent anymore!" He said as Patrick laughed in the background.

"You... You know what?! Enjoy your stupid fishing then!" Responded Carrie before she stood up from her chair and walked over to her son. "I will help you Nick since it's probably too complicated for your father!" She said loud enough so that everyone could hear it.

"You go girl!" Thought Aileen to herself as she giggled, proud to see her daughter-in-law standing up for herself and Nick.

Carrie placed her hand on Nick's back and gave him a gentle motherly rub. "I will help you sweetheart." She said before giving him a kiss on his cheek. "Thanks for setting up the tent for us baby, I love you."

Nick smiled at her, feeling her love making everything right again. "Thanks Mom... I love you too."

And so both Carrie and Nick worked together to set up his tent. Marc and Patrick were cut off from the world as they were focused on their fishing rods and fishing equipment. Aileen was now busy with making some of her famous fruit snacks, an appetizer that everyone always loved as it was tasty and healthy at the same time.

Another fifteen minutes later his tent was done as well, when Nick turned around he noticed that there was no sign of his father and grandfather, his mother palmed her head and sighed.

Aileen came up to them with a plate full of her delicious fruity snacks. "Don't mind them darlings, they grabbed some of my fruity creations, picked up their fishing rods and left for the lake." She explained as Carrie and Nick served themselves to some of her snacks.

"Ugh! I can't believe it! I swear if he doesn't change his behavior sooner or later then I'm going to give him a smack right across his face!" Said Carrie angrily before taking a firm bite from her food.

Aileen giggled again. "You show him sweetie! God Carrie... It's such a relief to see you firing back some ammo at him. It seems that my dear grandson opened up a whole new world for you!" She said as she gave a wink in Nick's direction.

Carrie started to blush as she heard her mother-in-law's words. "I... I guess so Mom... Nick showed me how a true gentleman, a husband and a lover should treat his lady." She said softly. "I think it ignited a fire in me or something..."

Nick felt a certain proudness as his mother explained herself. He wrapped his arms around both their waists and brought them closer to him. He gave his mother a deep loving kiss on her lips and did the same to his grandmother, who had to stop herself from dropping the plate.

"I'm proud of both of you, they honestly don't deserve such loving wives. If I was married to either one of you, heck, even to both of you, I would show you two all the love in the world because you two deserve it!" Said Nick as his hands rubbed both their behinds.

Both Carrie and Aileen started to blush even more intense as they cuddled up further to Nick, pressing their impressive busts into his sides.

"We know baby... That's why we love you very, very much... And believe me, we both are going to show you exactly how much in these two weeks..." Whispered Carrie seductive in his right ear.

"Yeah sweetie... Leave everything to Grandma and Mommy... We will show you just how much we truly love you... In each and every way possible..." Whispered Aileen just as seductive in his left ear.

Both women then leaned forward and gave Nick a lustful, loving kiss on his lips, sliding their tongues against them. Nick opened his mouth a bit so he could dart out his own tongue. Before they knew it they were French kissing each other passionately, sharing their incestuous love together. They knew that they shouldn't act like this in public but the camping spots around them were still empty and there was no one in their near vicinity. They kept the kisses going for a while before separating themselves, feeling all their problems washed away yet again.


Carrie and Aileen were busy inside of the large tent, decorating and installing all the things that needed to be inside of it, sleeping bags, pillows, clothes, etcetera.

Suddenly a very familiar female voice came from outside of the tent.

"Hey y'all! Anyone at home?!" Shouted Jenny as she made her way to the all too familiar tent of her parents.

Carrie and Aileen immediately made their way outside of the tent, knowing who the sweet and chirpy voice belonged to. It had almost been a year since Carrie had seen her daughter and Aileen her granddaughter.

"My beautiful baby girl!" Said Carrie emotionally as mother and daughter were reunited.

"Mom, Gran! I missed you both so much!" Said Jenny teary eyed as she gave her mother a hug of a lifetime, she opened her right arm and pulled her grandmother into their hug, resulting into a loving embrace between the three of them.

"We missed you so much sweetie! We're so glad that you will spending this vacation with us!" Added Aileen as she too returned the intense hug with plenty of love.

Jenny didn't want to let go of her mother and grandmother, as the loving hug continued she started to sob quietly. She had missed her family so much that she became a little homesick at her university far away, she already had made plans to move back again so she could be with her family once more. She would keep it a secret for now but at the end of the vacation she would discuss it with her parents.

"Aw baby... It's alright hon, Mommy is here for you..." Said Carrie in her most motherly way as she smothered her daughter's head with gentle kisses. She already had suspicions that Jenny had a lot of trouble adjusting to her new place far away, she always had been a clingy child towards her and Nick when she was younger and was very fond of having them around her.

After a bit longer she was her chirpy self again, the hug ended and the women separated. Jenny rubbed her eyes before she took a good look around their camping spot. "Mom... Where are Dad and Grandpa?" She asked.

"Um... Well, they went fishing as soon the tent was up... You know how they both are honey..." Answered Carrie quite sad, hoping that Marc would have been around to greet his only daughter.

Jenny rolled her eyes while pouting her face. "Ugh... So typical of the both of them, I see that nothing has changed with them..." She said.

"Oh sweetie! You missed your mother standing up to your father, you should have seen his face! He didn't expect your mother to turn into such a fierce creature!" Said Aileen proud.

"Oh Mom... It was nothing special really... Just looking out for my baby boy." Said Carrie as a blush started to appear on her face.

Jenny adverted her shocked eyes upon her mother. "What? You really grilled Dad?" She then took a step forward and held her mother's face in her hands. "Who are you and what have you done to my Mom?!" She said jokingly.

Her actions only made Carrie blush even more which resulted in Aileen giggling again.

"Say you mentioned Nick... Where is he anyway?" Asked Jenny after she had let go of her mother's face.

"Oh, he went to the toilets, he had to go really bad afte-" Tried Carrie to say before her daughter darted off towards the toilet and shower facilities.

"Thanks Mom! See you and Grandma in a bit again!" Shouted Jenny over her shoulder.

Aileen took Carrie by her waist as they both stared after the quirky girl running off to meet her little brother. "I bet she missed Nick the most sweetie, which is not a coincidence at all." She said.

Carrie wrapped her own arm around Aileen's waist as well. "No it's not Mom, after all, he has been her best friend since they were little..." Responded Carrie.

Both women turned around and went back to finishing the inside of the big tent.

Jenny had always been fond of her little brother, she always wanted to be the best big sister in the world for him ever since she met him after he was born. They grew up incredibly close, even with the four-year age gap between them. They were best friends, helping each other in each and every way, whether it was about personal struggles or work and school related things, they always sought one another for advice.

One particular event was when Nick was bullied at school, his bullies threatened him and took his lunch money. So instead of going to teachers or his parents he went to Jenny, Jenny being his senior sister at the same school, took care of the problem in no-time after hearing about it.

Her solution costed her a week suspension but her little brother's bullies never were bothering Nick again as she had given them a week suspension straight into the hospital.

Her love for Nick was so great that she sometimes felt incredibly love-stuck when she was around him. Of course she had never mentioned it to Nick as she knew that society looked down upon something like that, it was her own little secret.


Nick slowly strolled from the toilets as he looked on his phone, hoping to see a message from his sister who should be arriving sometime on this day.

"Scruffy!!" He suddenly heard an all too familiar voice screaming his nickname into his direction, and there was only one person who called him like that.

His nickname came from when he had fallen into a puddle of mud after playing outside when he was a young boy.

He looked up from his phone and a smile creeped onto his face as he saw his older sister running towards him with open arms.

He watched as the blonde haired beauty came closer and closer. He gulped when he noticed her big breasts bouncing up and down as she ran, followed by her wide, curvy hips and ass that swung side to side.

Nick had an attraction towards his older sister, she was literally a copy of his mother but only a younger version. Just like Carrie she was an unmatched beauty, although she was even a bit shorter than her.

Nick always called her his big little sister as he towered over her in length, and the big part would be applied to not only her age. Her non saggy, perky breasts were massive, even larger than those of his mom and grandmother. Her ass was incredibly juicy, jiggly and curvy, fitting perfectly on her short, sporty fit frame. Thanks to her clothes, a short tank top which showed her tummy and cute pierced belly button, and a pair of short Daisy Dukes that hugged her ass perfectly, they were on full display. Her beautiful blue, sparkling eyes that were teared up a bit and her long, blond ponytail with dark streaks in it made her even more gorgeous.

As he braced himself for impact he wondered how she managed to run that fast with her cute little feet encased in her wooden platform heels.

"Scruffy!!" Yelled Jenny again before jumping straight into her little brother's arms. She immediately started to kiss him all over his face before burying her own face into his neck, new tears started to stream down her cheeks after finally being reunited again.

Nick hugged her hard as he too had missed her incredibly much. He could feel her massive breasts being mashed against his chest, he could smell her incredible sweet body odor coming from her. His cock started to twitch and slightly harden from just being close to his big sister.

But he knew that this wasn't time for him to get aroused by her. He gently kissed the top of his sister's head as one arm held her close around her waist while the other comfortably ran through her long, blonde hair.

"I missed you Nick! I missed you so fucking much!" Sobbed Jenny loudly into his neck.

Nick felt a lump in his throat as he comforted her, he had never heard her swear much and if she did then something really serious had to be going on. "I missed you too Sis... I couldn't wait to see you again after all this time." He said with a calm, soothing voice.

Jenny brought her face up so she could look her little brother deep into his eyes. Both siblings stood still for a while, just watching each other, seeing the love for each other glister in both of their eyes.

Jenny then suddenly leaped forward and mashed her lips onto those of her brother, kissing him deeply but not too long, it was an extremely affectionate non-sisterly kiss. She then calmly brought her face to his chest again and cuddled up to him. "I love you Nick." She whispered to him.

Nick smiled again and hugged her even more firmly. "I love you too Jen..." He responded.

"Shall we go back to Mom and Gran?" Asked Jenny after a while followed by a cute little giggle.

"Good idea, they might be wondering what's taking us so long." Answered Nick as they released their hug.

"Yeah, they might be thinking that we were having some 'FUN' together." Responded Jenny, being his all too familiar flirty older sister.

Nick gulped when he heard her say those words, thinking back to what his mother and grandmother were up to the day before. "Y-yeah, that might be a good idea." Said Nick nervously.

His response resulted in another giggle from Jenny who took his right hand with her own. Their fingers intertwined and they walked back to the tent hand in hand. Both siblings felt each other holding hard, as if they didn't want to let each other go.


Aileen and Carrie were taking a break in their chairs outside of the tent after being finished with everything that had to be done.

"Oh look Carrie, if that isn't the most adorable thing in the world!" Said Aileen as she pointed her finger behind Carrie.

Carrie turned around to see her son and daughter holding hands, chatting with each other as they slowly walked back to their camping spot. She could feel her body warm up from seeing the two of them so close again, it was as if they were little all over again.

"Oh gosh Mom... They look so cute together! Almost... Almost if they were a couple of lovers!" Said Carrie excited.

Aileen giggled again after hearing her daughter-in-law's response. "You know... Maybe they did something more than just simply reuniting with each other, they were away for quite a while..." Said Aileen teasingly.

Carrie quickly turned again, her face flushed red. "Mom!" She said a bit embarrassed.

"I mean, it's not as if we had any complaints or trouble getting it on with him, didn't we?" Said Aileen teasingly again, somehow seeing her granddaughter and grandson having the same relation with each other as she and Carrie had with Nick.

"Shhhh Mom! We can't let Jenny know about... About that!" Responded Carrie red-headed, shushing her mother-in-law down. She then quickly turned around again as Nick and Jenny came closer. "At least... Not yet..." She mumbled to herself.