In Awe of a Young Man Ch. 01


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"That's ok, I agree lol."

"So bloody daft to not make love to you properly so that I can electronically."

"Can you Jason?"

"Yes if you want me to. Do you?"

"You want me to be honest Jason?"

"Of course I do."

"OK. Right at this moment I want nothing more in the world than to be fucked. Is that honest enough for you?"

"Perfectly, love, what are you wearing?" He asked as his totally naked form came up on my screen.

As usual seeing his gorgeously, youthful tanned and toned body and his delicious, mouthwateringly big, hard cock made me shudder with desire and expectation.

It didn't take long. But then it rarely did on here nowadays. The robe came open but wasn't removed just in case Richard came down. I didn't even take the thong off, there was no need. But my hands were not at all restricted and almost greedily I followed Jason's directives.

"Cup those lovely, big tits for me Cat."

"Squeeze them and roll them together."

"Pinch your nipples, pull them and twist them just as I would with my teeth if I was there."

"Slide one hand over your panties. Are we wet?"

"Yes very."

"Rub yourself there for me. Rub yourself right on that lovely clit that one day I want to chew for you."

"OK Cat, now inside those lovely little black panties. Slip your hand in for me and imagine its my cock in there with you. Now one hand on your tits and the other on your cunt make yourself cum as I am going to do."

"Yes Jason make me cum, please make me cum." I moaned as I watched him pump himself faster and faster.

The feelings welled up more and more and as I watched him throw his head back and with one final thrust spurt his cum all over his flat belly, up his body and onto his chest; there was so much. I came at the same time, heavily and strongly.

As the final waves of the self-induced orgasm washed over me, I clicked the mouse button and the screen went blank.


"Was there a problem last night Cat?" Glenn politely enquired when he got back from college the next day. "I heard some shouting and you going downstairs."

"Oh just Richard and me having our regular row."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Married couples do you know."

"Yeah mum and dad really get going now and then but they make up quickly. We can hear that."


He looked at my smiling as he raised his eyebrows and said. "By the bed creaking."

I laughed. "Well I doubt you'll hear us make up."

Just then there was a ring on the bell and a dozen red roses arrived. "The note said "Check yr e-mails." For one awfully scary moment I thought that somehow Jason or one of my other web admirers had found my address. Realising with relief that was impossible I opened up my business mail and there was one from Richard.

"Darling. Again I am so, so sorry. Keep Friday night free for dinner a deux at the Ivy." I wasn't that impressed but at least he'd tried I thought. And dinner at the Ivy the most prestigious and booked up restaurant in London was some achievement suggesting he, or more likely his stuck up PA had made an effort.

The feeling as Richard's penis sunk into me that night was almost as if I was having sex for the first time. As he'd turned me onto my side and pressed his erection against me, I had quickly thought. "When was the last time?" I realised that it was over six weeks. His hands were squeezing my breasts and he was sucking and chewing my nipples as the delicious feelings of being filled swept over me. His cock was now pounding in and out of me as we both rushed towards our climaxes.

It was the third time he'd made me cum. The first was with his fingers after he'd coaxed me into kissing and cuddling him. The second was with his mouth as I sat open legged on the edge of the bed squeezing my own breasts with Richard knelt between them sucking and licking my pussy. That was so wet and throbbing that it needed only the slightest amount of licking for me to start all over again. That night, unlike the previous one I didn't sleep in the spare room, but in my husband's arms; I was in love again.

"It's just totally unavoidable I'm afraid" Richard said on the phone at around three on the Friday afternoon. "Take Glenn it'll be an insight to a side of London few see" he'd suggested.

I was bloody mad, but could understand it for in the heady world of corporate finance the clients and the deal was everything. The thinking was you get paid so much that you have to accept the inconvenience. And on top of that he had made love to me the other night and I was still in the afterglow of that

"Wow," Glenn said when I called him on his mobile and told him.

Although I felt a little embarrassed at the thought of going to a restaurant like the Ivy with a man that everyone might think was my toyboy, the idea of an evening out at a top place like that chatting to him was appealing, so I spent the rest of the late afternoon and evening getting ready.

"Wow," was the term that Glenn again used when I came downstairs to join him for a drink before the car would pick us up at 7.30 for the hour or so drive to the West End.

"You look fantastic, an absolute knock out" He gushed as his eyes roamed over me making me feel a little uncomfortable, but at the same time pleased that I was still able to impress a young man. I was wearing a simple black, sheath dress. It was tight all over and the thin, silky material moulded itself to my body accentuating my curves. It was high at the neck and the skirt ended a couple of inches above my knees. I was wearing the black hold-ups I had bought specially to excite and thank Richard for the night out and very high heels. My ash or champagne blonde hair tumbled onto my shoulders and having just been blow dried was nicely puffed and full. I felt good and Glenn's remarks confirmed that to me.

I needn't have worried about being an older woman with a younger man for there were several couples like that in the Ivy. In fact hardly any of the pairings seemed to of the same age for there were numerous older guys with young women as well.

We had a superb meal and drank two bottles of wine. As surreptitiously as possible we looked around to see if there were any stars in the restaurant, for it is famous for that, but could only see a couple of minor celebrities, and a footballer who I recognised, but couldn't name, a couple of soap characters and one film star. Overall, we had a thoroughly good time. As we left we had to fight our way through the paparazzi, who always guard the restaurant in search of photos of stars. Just in case we were famous they snapped away at us making us giggle. As we posed for the paparazzi Glenn slid his arm round my wais and lightly squeezed my hip. He kept it there as we walked to the waiting car supplied by Richard's firm.

"You silly bugger" I said. "Posing us like that?"

"Just a laugh Aunty," he replied slurring a little.

"It was fun though wasn't it?" I responded looking up at him. He was sitting in the middle of the seat, his leg pressed against mine, thus pushing me into the corner of the Mercedes. His arm was draped along the back of the seat.

"Yes it was and the whole evening's been fabulous." He said looking right into my eyes. "Have you enjoyed it Cat?"

"Yes, yes I have very much" I replied a little hesitantly.

I felt an intimacy and closeness in the atmosphere. I felt an attraction to him of the nature that clearly I shouldn't. It felt as though we were on a date and that we really were partners. 'I can't think like this' I told myself. It's wrong. Not only am I having such thoughts about someone that isn't Richard, but that was nothing new with my web activity, but it's my sister's boy for Christ's sake. In any case he's probably feeling nothing at all."

I hadn't noticed that he'd moved his arm, which was draped along the back of the seat so that his hand was dangling downward, but I did when his fingers touched my shoulder. I hadn't really thought that much about our legs being pressed together or of his body squashing me into the corner of the wide seat. But as we silently looked at each other all of those things suddenly struck me. Their significance registered with me. They didn't now look like unrelated incidents brought out by the make believe famous couple game we'd played outside the restaurant. No, they now looked as if they were all part of a pattern that I somehow must have made happen, for it couldn't be him, could it?

Then I felt Glenn's hand on my shoulder. It was just touching it or brushing against it. My body stiffened. I didn't know whether that was with fear or excitement concern or pleasant anticipation. I turned and looked at him as the pressure on my shoulder pulled me round a little. As I did so his hand immediately slid down my back and rested between my shoulder-blades right on my bra strap. We looked at each other. We stared into each other's eyes as he applied more pressure to my back. It was trying to pull my body forward and with it my face towards his.

I should stop this. Stop it now. I knew I should. The responsible family member told me clearly that I should, but the female part of me fought against that. The aunt said. 'No don't kiss the nephew,' but the woman in me, the recently sexually experimental woman in me said. 'Yes, kiss the attractive young man.'

And then somehow we were kissing. And it wasn't the kiss of a nephew it was a kiss of a virile young man. And my response was not that of an aunt but of a woman. And not just any woman but a frustrated woman whose entire body and being was crying out for love and sex.

Almost as soon as Glenn's hand pulled me forward and his face closed the few inches between us our mouths slightly opened. As soon as our lips touched our tongues were delving and probing. Our rwo mouths were grinding together in a kiss of intense passion. A kiss where so many dormant emotions suddenly exploded. Involuntarily my arms went round his neck pulling his mouth more firmly against mine. He pulled me hard against him so my breasts were squashed against his firm, youthful chest. And the kiss went on and on.

Our joined heads rolled from side to side, I ran my fingers through his hair and I squirmed my upper body against him. His knee was now between my legs opening and pushing upwards as we continued kissing. I felt his hand on my breast and I pushed towards the pleasure giving object as I slid my hands up and down his broad back and ran my fingers through his hair.

But at last my senses returned. At last my mind overruled my body. At last I was driven by common sense and not a bottle of wine. At last the responsibility of the relative took over from the needs of the woman. I pulled away.

"No Glenn, no" I said pushing him from me. "No we mustn't, we shouldn't have done that."

Before he could reply, though, we were pulling into the driveway of the horrendous Victorian pile that Richard so loved and I so hated. We got out and thanked the driver, there being no need to pay for that along with the bill at the Ivy was charged directly to Richard's business. I felt so small and embarrassed when the chauffeur said. "You're welcome ma'am, I hope you had a pleasant journey, good night."

I saw that the lights were on in the hallway and in Richard's study indicating that he was home so that night Glenn and I didn't have the opportunity to talk about what had happened. It was equally frustrating over the weekend for, unusually, Richard did little work and the three of us were together most of the time. I got a little worried when Richard invited Glen for a round of golf at his club on the Sunday morning, but clearly nothing was said for they were both fine when I met them for to lunch at the club.

It wasn't until Glenn got back from college on the Monday afternoon that we were alone together and had the chance to talk.

All weekend I'd been running over in my mind what had happened and still couldn't really work out whether I'd encouraged him, overtly or covertly even, or whether he was the instigator. Maybe he's just a little forward for his age I wondered, thinking, not that convincingly that it may have been the drink that caused us to behave in such an untypical way for an aunt and nephew.

"Was it him or me?" I asked myself so many times as I also hoped against hope that he would never mention it to anyone.

I had another worry, however, for whoever had started it, there was no excuse for my reaction. I couldn't get it out of my mind how I had responded so eagerly, avidly even. I could see no excuse for a nearly forty year old woman reacting the way I had to the advance of an eighteen year old boy. And even less of an excuse for an aunt charged with looking after her nephew I had thought many times that weekend filling myself full of guilt and remorse.

"Glenn," I began nervously standing leaning against the large freezer in the kitchen as he sat at the table sipping a cup of tea I had made him when he got back from college at just after three.

"Yes Cat," he replied looking up at me. I had been food shopping in Waitrose and was wearing tight blue jeans tucked into black leather, mid-height heeled boots, a white shirt and a black leather blouson.

"We need to talk."

"Do we? Why?"

"About Friday." I went on trying to remember the script I'd prepared in my head and had practised several times. With him there, though I was forgetting almost every word.

He looked into my eyes and, smiling, slowly drawled, "It was great wasn't it?"

His deep green eyes boring into made me made me feel confused and I, almost, visibly shuddered with the desire I suddenly felt for him.

"No, no Glenn it wasn't." I blurted out.

"You mean you didn't enjoy it?"

"No, no, well yes, yes I did but, er, um, oh shit" I groaned running my hand through my hair in frustration

"But what?"

"We mustn't ever do it again and you musn't mention to a soul. It's so wrong."

"Why is it wrong?"

"Because, well because it is. We're related, you're my nephew for Christ's sake, my sister's kid."


"Glenn for fucks sake its incest" I blurted out.

As calm as anything and actually sounding a little like Richard he retorted. "Actually Cat a kiss in the back of a car can hardly be incest."

"You know what I mean."


"What do you mean maybe?" I asked becoming more and more confused and probably rather incoherent.

"I mean Cat that I reckon that you possibly feel that if we kiss like that again then we will go further and that might be incest. Yes?"

"Er no, well yes I suppose so, but that doesn't mean I don't want to go further."

"Even if we did Cat, I don't expect that we were going to have children" he murmured as he stood up, walked across the room and stood stood before me.

"No Glenn" I said very sharply as I saw his hand moving towards my shoulder. "No don't, don't touch me."

He stopped his hand half way between us and with a slight smile on his face he placed it on the fridge supporting him as he leaned closer. He smiled. He looked into my eyes, I looked away and he whispered. "Cat look me in the eye and tell me you don't like me touching you and kissing you."

I couldn't stop myself from doing as he asked and I looked into his eyes. My heart was pounding. I was finding it difficult to breathe properly and worrying how on how poorly I'd done with my pre-arranged speech. I knew that I wouldn't be able to frame my words properly, 'God this is madness' I thought as his aftershave wafted into my nostrils and his eyes bored into mine.

"Glenn, oh Glenn," I whimpishly whimpered.

"I know Cat, I know," he whispered his arms going round me and pulling me to him so my head rested on his chest. He ran his hands through my hair whispering. "Shush Cat, don't say a word, just be quiet."

It was a lovely feeling simply being held. It was wonderful a man being tender towards me, it had been so long. I felt so secure and warm in his arms. So comforted and so wanted. His hands stroking my hair and pressing into my back suggestively right on my bra strap were such intimate gestures. I knew, though, that I still had to fight, to try to resist and overcome the forces that were pushing us towards such a taboo.

Somehow I managed to once more find the resolve to wriggle myself away from him.

"No we can't, we mustn't."

His hand, though, remained on my shoulder the slight pressure feeling lovely. My resolve didn't extend to turning and walking away as I knew I should.

"Cat," he murmured, "I know that some may say it's wrong. But it's not. We're not that close, we're not looking at marriage and we're not thinking of having children. What harm is there if we make love? What harm can there be in two people who want each other having each other?"

"Glenn you're my nephew and I'm married."

"Hmmmm yes so I've heard and seen."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh come on I can tell the two of you have hardly any relationship. For God's sake you don't even sleep with him some nights, do you?"

"No," I whimpered quietly feeling very surprised at both his perception and his maturity. I was also very surprised, pleasantly yet worryingly at the way he communicated his thoughts.

"And Cat you do want me don't you?" He asked, letting his hand slide onto my neck. "Don't you Cat?" He went on persuasively his knee now touching my leg. "Don't you?" He repeated pulling me against him. I felt my earlier resolve simply melting away. All my good intentions just vanished. I had lost complete control of both the situation and myself. I could feel myself slipping more and more under his influence as more and more my body took over from my mind. As more and more the woman, the frustrated woman, took over from the family relationship. It more and more began to seem such an attractive proposition, such an exciting opportunity, it no longer felt wrong, it was simply a fuck wasn't it and during my life I'd thousands of those I said to myself.

"Yes," I heard myself saying with some horror.

"You do want me don't you?" he whispered in my ear as his arms circled me and crushed me against him.

"Yes Glenn," I sighed just before our mouths merged and we kissed deeply.


Part 2 is almost complete and should be on Lit within a few days. Write and tell me what you thought of this part so I can amend Part 2 if necessary.



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AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Simply put....great!!!!

Hi Cat !!!!! I am in awe of your talent. " In Awe of a Young Man" is a fine work of stylish writing. I have noted the other authors that have praised this piece. You are standing on a platform, being cheered on by some great writers. I am but a reader, who appreciates a finely crafted story.

One it boytoy, or toyboy??? Inquiring minds want to know.

I await Chapter 2....the wait will be worth it. XXX Don

StuckInAlbuquerqueStuckInAlbuquerquealmost 13 years ago
in awe of a young man

great story, is her nephew Jason on the internet?

RockaliciousRockaliciousalmost 13 years ago
Horny Wife

This is developing into an exciting experience for Cat and her nephew. I know they will have hot sex- can't wait!

grimm_reaper_1968grimm_reaper_1968almost 13 years ago
You write with grace

I cant wait for the next chapter

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Your story is so erotic and elegant. You are an excellent writer and should really consider doing it professionally. I can tell you are very smart, bright and most of all sexual. Keep up the good work.

Many FeathersMany Feathersover 13 years ago
As always my dear Cat

I enjoy the intimate insight of your thoughts and emotions bringing these stories to life. Not only your visual descriptions so I can "see" things as though there, but feel the raw powerful surge of emotion, want..even guilt and anxiety too. And yet...that just below the surface passion that finally emerges, consumes, demands and takes over.

You do arouse me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
family domme

why not have richard as a male sub? let him find out about his wife's affair and then have him beg his wife to have the boy dominate him as well.

LittleprickLittleprickover 13 years ago
Good beginning

The story is well written. I look forward for the chapter 2

Firmhands5Firmhands5over 13 years ago

Hopefully you will have the next installment - great writing!

Scotsman69Scotsman69over 13 years ago
Delicious story

Please, more.

imharmless69imharmless69over 13 years ago
You've done it again

I adore your writing and look so forward to each new offering from you.

charlebignutscharlebignutsover 13 years ago
A most enjoyable story

I do believe this to be true. I look forward to part 2, to see where it leads.

Thank You.


txcoatl1970txcoatl1970over 13 years ago
Hot Story

I'm a sucker for incestuous relationships between moms and sons and aunts and nephews. Your characters are well-drawn, and I appreciate the efforts Cat has made in-story to sublimate her randiness.

I liked how you fleshed out her character to be self-aware and responsible.

Glenn seems a Golden Boy coming into his manhood and one could consider him presumptuous or confident that Cat's going to crumple under his blandishments. YMMV on that one. Fleshing him out as a a character might be in order. I could see Cat having a fling with Glenn

but not a significant romance.

Richard's not a cardboard villain, as most of the husbands of frustrated mature wives tend to be. Somehow, I could see Cat having a heart-to-heart with Richard about the proper use of his time, what she really needs and wants from him. Men tend to get spooked by a phantom of what they they think women want vs what they really want. You hinted at the conspiracy of silence between bourgeois British spouses.

Of course, he could just be banging the young associate or secretary at work for his jollies and sees marital sex as a duty than a joy.

Your story, your characters, you might already have these in motion in your next chapter, so I'll eagerly await your next post!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
This is excellent!

Fantastic start to this story. I just know it's going to develop into a super sizzling hot story, can't wait for the next installment. Extremely well written too.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Great Start

This is building up to be a great story, very exciting actually. I can't wait for them to make love the first time. Hopefully this will become a wild affair that will carry on for sometime. Good job.

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