Inspire the Fire


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"Ah to be honest, I did just call up to chat with you. I'll let you go. Do you guys do breakfast here?"

"We do normally but you won't have a great selection tomorrow since I'm not trained for food serving. There'll be a fine selection of cereals out there though?"

"That'll be fine thanks! I just need to get out of the tub and put some clothes back on I guess."

Well... I didn't want to not be hard anymore I guess.

Waking up the next morning had been something of a tricky one for me. I had woken up at the usual, expected time but I had spent a lot longer staring at the ceiling of my room and doing my best to not think about one of the guests at the top floor of my hotel. Getting up and out of bed, I looked at the hotel uniform that was hanging up on the back of the door to my room and almost sighed to myself. While I had thought on just what I was going to do with the rest of my shifts this three day weekend, I was blinded by the fact that I was in the hotel with one of the most attractive women on the WWE roster and she had spent some of her first night on the phone with me while she was in the tub. Liberally spraying myself with a can of Axe deodorant and some of the good aftershave, not that I was trying to impress Becky or something, but I got dressed and made short work of the tie around my neck. Brushing my teeth and styling my hair, I left my room, slipping the key into my trouser pocket, I left my room and made my way down the main corridor. On the bottom floor, a couple of feet away from where the front desk and main foyer was, sat the main breakfast bar. It was a large room that had a fair assortment of tables and chairs in a decent spread. Walking over to the large door in the corner of the breakfast room, I grabbed the assortment of cereal boxes and filled up the appropriate plastic containers. With them on the small metal trolley, I made my way out to the front room where I was greeted by one of the WWE superstars.

Waking up the next morning had been something of a tricky one for me. I had woken up at the usual, expected time but I had spent a lot longer staring at the ceiling of my room and doing my best to not think about one of the guests at the top floor of my hotel. Getting up and out of bed, I looked at the hotel uniform that was hanging up on the back of the door to my room and let out a soft sigh to myself. While I had thought on just what I was going to do with the rest of my shifts this three day weekend, I was blinded by the fact that I was in the hotel with one of the most attractive women on the WWE roster and she had spent some of her first night on the phone with me while she was in the tub.

So, I started my morning routine.

After a brief stint in the stand up shower, I towelled myself off and got myself ready for work. Liberally spraying myself with a can of Axe deodorant and some of the good aftershave, not that I was trying to impress Becky or something, but I got dressed and made short work of the tie around my neck. Brushing my teeth and styling my hair, I left my room, slipping the key into my trouser pocket, I left my room and made my way down the main corridor. On the bottom floor, a couple of feet away from where the front desk and main foyer was, sat the main breakfast bar. It was a large room that had a fair assortment of tables and chairs in a decent spread. Walking over to the large door in the corner of the breakfast room, I grabbed the assortment of cereal boxes and filled up the appropriate plastic containers. With them on the small metal trolley, I made my way out to the front room where I was greeted by one of the WWE superstars.

The black skin and hair do that was hidden by a Zelda beanie instantly let me know that it was Xavier Woods, the Up Up Down Down tracksuit helped as well. He was on his phone but the sound of the trolley's squeaky wheels did make him look up, he shot me a brilliant smile and clapped his hands together at the sight of the cereal coming up.

"Good morning, would you look at all that!" He said, wetting his lips briefly before walking forward to grab one of the bowls and spoons that I had laid out the night before. As the cereal boxes came up on the table, Xavier walked up to the first one, popped the lid open and filled up the bowl, cracking open the small fridge that was at the end of the bar, grabbing one of the green lidded bottles of milk and filled up the bowl.

"Good morning Mister Woods... I'm sorry, Mister Watson." I added, quickly realising that I had referred to Xavier in his kayfabe term and not by his actual name. Xavier smiled, to his credit, and waved off the minor indiscretion.

"It's cool, I mean, most people know me as Xavier Woods now any way. This breakfast looks great though!"

"I'm sorry it's not much. But, you know it's just me here."

"Oh no no no don't you worry about that. I wasn't expecting anything here tonight to be honest." Xavier took a mouthful of cereal before looking up at me. "Are you really here all by yourself?"

"Yeah, it's me by myself but it's just you guys who are the guests here. I can handle all of it by myself."

"I bet you're making good money though right?"

"I can't complain with it." I say, offering him a smile as another guest came in. The fact that the woman was so tall, blonde haired and walking with a style of grace that you would expect from the WWE women's champion. Charlotte Flair offered Xavier a warm smile before looking at me and giving me a curt nod. She moved over to the table before pausing and turning back to look at me. Her finger came up to her bottom lip and she pointed at me with a soft look on her face.

"You're the cute receptionist that Becky was talking about!"

That absolutely floored me. The sound of a pin dropping was one of those things that I had always heard about but never really experienced. Now though, this was one of those moments before Charlotte and Xavier both burst out laughing. She looked over at Xavier and shot him a big grin.

"You owe me twenty bucks Woods!" Charlotte said with a laugh, walking over to one of the less sugary cereals and filling her own bowl up.

Aside from the joke from Xavier and Charlotte, the breakfast had gone fairly smoothly, the superstars had all come down, some had opted for food and others had gotten some cereal. Becky however, was nowhere to be seen. Although, it was entirely possible that she had just slipped right out of the hotel without me noticing. Tidying up the breakfast bar and quickly blasting the bowls of cereal, the spoons and then discarded the unused pieces of cereal with the rest of the garbage, I went about my daily tasks, thought most of my afternoon was spent just thinking on Becky and what she would be getting up to while she was at work in the middle of New York where the Christmas Day specials would be airing from. Occasionally, I would look out towards the beautiful skyline of New York and wonder just what was happening.

Now though, now I was inside and doing my best to not freeze my nuts off as to just how cold it was outside. Rubbing my upper arms and checking over the e-Mails, one that had been sent from my manager who was no doubt at home enjoying the warmth and good food while I was stuck here freezing cold at the front desk. Looking around, I leaned back in my chair and put my feet up on the desk, a sly smile on my face as I just relaxed at how good it actually was to not do anything. Looking back over the guest list, I read over every single one who were due to check out tomorrow. Every single one had been nice enough to me but really I had barely said anything to any of them. Becky was still the only one who had said more than a couple of sentences to me.

The hours had rolled over at the sun had set so there while I was in the office to actually keep myself warm, and drink the coffee I had brewed for myself, there was the sound of the front door opening. Leaning back to see just who was there, wondering if it was some random lost soul who had come in looking for some sort of shelter from the cold. But, I saw the same group of superstars who all looked absolutely tired from the show. Kofi and Big E had made their way straight past the counter, them clearly wanting to just head right to their rooms. Charlotte and Xavier both looked over the counter and shot me a casual wave as Becky followed in behind them all, her gear locked into a small gym bag that she had thrown over her shoulder. She looked over at me and gave me a big wave before she made her way up as well.

Sitting at the front desk for a long, long time I had just about gotten ready for my bed shift when my phone rang again. It was the same sort of time that Becky had called me last night and I couldn't help but wonder if it was her calling me again. Not in bed, I picked up the phone, answering it with a polite tone.

"Hello? Room number seven." I said, looking over at the wall.

"Hi Zach, it's Becky. Listen, me toe's stuck again and I can't get it out. I've tried calling Charlotte and she's fast asleep. The New Day are in their room playing a game for Up Up Down Down, it's really awkward but... Can you come and get me out?"

"You want me to... Come up there?"

"Yeah, I would call absolutely anyone else because I get how awkward it is but... My toe is stuck you know?"

"Are you..."

"Naked? No. I have managed to get myself into a robe so you're not going to see anything really good. Can you come up and help me out?"

Oh boy... This was tricky.

"I know it's tricky but I just need a hand."

Oh shit! I had said that out loud. "Uh... Of course Becky, I'll be right up."

The phone line went dead with a click and I was left wondering about just how wild this was. This was something that definitely wasn't handled in the training I had been through. Riding the elevator up to the floor Becky was on, I made my way down to the orange haired woman's room. Reaching into my jacket pocket, I fished out the master key and unlocked the door. Walking inside, I couldn't hear the water running and funnily enough, I couldn't even hear Becky splashing around too. So, as I popped open the door to the bathroom, I walked inside and saw that the bath had barely been touched at all. There was no water in there and the bath was absolutely empty. It was then that I felt her front press into my back.

"I got out." Was all Becky said as her hands ran along my upper arms. She took a couple of steps back as I was able to turn around and see that Becky was in her hotel room, absolutely naked and looking at me with a sly smile on her face.

As I stared at her body, I couldn't help but wonder just what she was doing there in her room, buck naked and still not putting any sort of clothing on. She placed her hands on my shoulders and slowly, she pulled me around and then offered my shoulders a firm shove so that my ass hit against the bottom of the bed and I was now sitting down in front of her. Becky got down on her hands and knees and with a careful, firm shove of her hands, my legs widened and she was left kneeling between my legs. Her hands ran along the insides of my legs, her nails threatening to dig into my slacks as she looked up into my eyes as she leaned back on her heels and started to slowly run her fingers up and down, making sure to fully explore the insides of my pants while she worked out just how she was going to direct this sort of traffic. She wetted her lips and leant back, placing her hands on her chest, offering her ample cleavage a generous squeeze while she looked up at me.

"You know, Woods is filming Up Up Down Down across the hall? I'm pretty interested in some in and out, in and out if you know what I mean?"

And with that simple silly comment, Becky had her hands right back on my groin, her fingers slipping under the fabric that covered my zipper and she was making short work of undressing me and getting my pants off. Lifting my hips up off of the bed, Becky slipped my pants down my legs and with relative ease, i was able to kick them off, I had opted to not actually wear shoes but had gone for a pair of comfy, casual sandals that kept my feet off of the floor and also gave me a casual look too.

Stroking my hands through Becky's long bright orange hair, I look down at her as her perfectly painted lips were wrapped tight around my cock and she slipped her mouth up and down on me, applying just the right amount of suction to me to make me moan. Her eyes flicked up and met mine as she bobbed her head up and down. Not taking all of me at once, she still had her left hand wrapped firmly around the base of my cock as she sucked on me. Becky brought her mouth up to the top of my cock and her little pink tongue escaped her mouth and it rapidly flicked over my head, teasing me as she stroked the base of my cock.

Using her hand, Becky pushed my cock upwards, the dick was pressed up towards the ceiling so that the WWE wrestling mega star could lean in and run her tongue along the bottom of my shaft. Her pink tongue teasing along my vein that ran along the entire underside of my cock. Moaning as she did so, Becky ran her tongue along the bottom of my cock before bringing it up and licking around the head of my dick in a circular, constricting pattern, finishing it off with a kiss at the tip.

"You have a really nice dick." Becky complimented with a genuine smile. Her mouth was against the side of my cock as she closed her lips around the side and gently sucking on it. Her teeth gently scraped against the top and bottom of my pole as she looked up at me. Sucking along the side, Becky ran her tongue all the way along to the bottom and using her hands again, she pressed my length upwards so that she could reach my balls. Pressing her lips against them, she offered each of them a kiss before wrapping her lips around them and suckling on them softly in a soothing motion. Taking her lips off of my sack, she placed a soft, wet kiss on the both of them while her hands stroked my dick up and down in alternating pumps.

"Your balls are nice too. Rare to get the whole package." She said again, almost impressed with the state of my below the belt area. Holding my dick still with her right hand, Becky kept my cock steady before opening her mouth and pushing her lips right back down onto my cock, keeping half of my dick untouched by her pretty lips while she sucked on me. Humming around my cock and she slipped her lips up and down on me, she used her tongue inside of her mouth to flick and lick against my pole as she sucked me.

"Fuck... That feels so nice." I managed to breathe out, looking down at her as she bobbed her head up and down on me. Combing some of her hair out of her face, I was nearly powerless and could only watch as Becky Lynch, famous pro wrestler sucked on my cock. Bobbing her head up and down, Becky happily hummed to herself as she remained on her knees, blowing me in a place where stuff like this had definitely happened before, just never to me though! This was like something out of my wildest fantasies. The hand around my base loosened and it slipped down to almost just two of her slim fingers that stopped her from deepthroating me all the way down. Looking down at her, I let out a groan of delight that caused her to look up at me. Flashing me a wink, she then placed both of her hands on the inside of my thighs, kept them spread and pushed my cock all the way down her throat with ease.

Gasping as she did so, I almost lifted myself up out of the edge of the bed but the hair dyed superstar was quick to keep me grounded and sitting on the bed. Remaining seated as best as I could do, I moaned as I watched her suck me up and down, swallowing my cock into her throat with each steady push of her lips downwards. Deepthroating me with a remarkable ease, I couldn't believe this was happening to me and when I felt Becky's hands slide along the inside of my thighs, her nails scratching along the side of my thighs and one of them slipping up under my shirt. Her hands continued to explore me as she pressed her lips up and down, sucking me with more of a purpose now. Holding my cock down into the back of her throat, I heard her choke and gasp before pulling my length out of my cock. Wiping at her mouth with the back of her right hand, Becky looked up at me and spoke in a slightly more husky tone.

"You think you can handle fucking me as well?"

And with that simple question, Becky had climbed on top of me and was almost instantly pushing my cock inside of her. Holding my cock steady, Becky let her head fall back and her eyes closed tightly as she pushed her hips down onto my lap, my cock slid inside of her and almost ran all the way inside of her right away. My balls were soon pressing against her ass cheeks and with my cock all the way inside of her, both Becky and me were silent for a moment as she adjusted to having my cock inside of her. Becky slowly pulled her hips up and then pushed them right back down again, this time she rolled her hips around in a circle and I could almost visibly see Becky's breath catch in her throat. Slowly, she opened her eyes again and looked down at me, a sly smirk on her face as she struggled to find the words.

"Oh fuck me this is going to be good dick!"

She said, her voice catching in her throat as she dropped her hips down again. Becky bit down on her bottom lip and placed her hands on my chest, her hands slipping under my shirt and touching my bare chest as she started to ride me. Her strong, muscled body was very different to mine, her body while having incredibly soft skin, was very strong and firm in all the places where my own body was soft and slightly pudgy. In my defense, I was packing winter weight and I was going to stick to that story. No matter the shape of my body though, Becky was very interested in what I was packing underneath my pants and with her spit slick cock inside of her pussy now as she lifted herself up and down on me.

"Oh fuck... This is good dick!" She cried out as she found a good spot inside of her. Making sure to keep hitting herself against the same spot which had made her react so strongly. Becky started to lift herself up and drop down, my dick was sliding all the way in and all the way out of her as lewd sounds started to fill the room. Not only was there the sounds of the both of us moaning so strongly but there was also the sounds of her slickness melding with the both of our sounds of our pleasure. Rising up and down, Becky's ass started to slap against my thighs as she bounced on me. While she was riding me, I slipped my hands up her sides before coming up to cup her chest. Squeezing both of her breasts as she bounced on me, I could see that Becky enjoyed it. My thumbs came up and brushed against her hard nipples as she bounced on my lap, teasing each of the hard nubs while she bounced up and down on me. Looking up at her, I positioned myself so that I was now sitting on the edge of the bed, keeping her close to me while she wrapped her arms and legs around me. Her legs had crossed at the ankles and weren't as tight as they could have been, but her arms were locked solidly around my neck.

With my hands now on the underside of Becky's strong thighs, I kept a hold of her and started to help lifting her up and down on me. Bouncing her on my length, I bent my head down and took her hard nipples into my mouth, sucking on the left one before moving over to the right. My teeth trapped the hard nipple between them and slowly, I rolled my teeth from the side, gently nibbling on the hard nub in my mouth. Becky's nails pressed against my back, slipping under my shirt only to strip it up off of my chest and toss it across the room so that her nails could instantly sink themselves into my bare back as she bounced up and down on my cock. Still biting and sucking on her hard nipples, I listened to Becky as she moaned and groaned while my cock slid inside of her, stabbing inside of her delicious folds while she was bounced on my cock and her hard nipples were taken care of by my teeth.