It's My Party & I'll Cry If I Want To

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Wifey's party fun causes heartache.
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My name is Jean and I have a story to tell to all of you who might be contemplating cheating on your spouse, or significant other. I did it to my husband and paid dearly for it. Let me tell you how it happened...

About a year ago, my husband, Jay, and I hosted a pool party. It was a hot July day and we were looking forward to an afternoon and evening of fun. We invited eight couples, among them were Jim and Lori. Jim and Lori were our best friends and we had enjoyed their company many times over the last two years.

I've always had a strong attraction to Jim, he and Jay are about the same size, but he's a little better looking and a lot more fun to be around. Almost every time we get together, Jim and I wind up talking, and flirting with each other, and Jay and Lori spend a lot of time together. Jay and I had never talked about it, but it was obvious that he and Lori had a strong attraction to one another, also, but in a more subtle, quiet way.

Jay and I had been married three years, and Jim and Lori about four years, and none of us had children. Our marriage was good, but not great. We argued a lot and spent much of our time being angry with one another, therefore, our sex life left something to be desired. Making up hadn't been all that it's been cracked up to be. When we did have sex, it was great, as Jay was a fantastic lover, and he knew just how to please me.

Don't get me wrong, I loved Jay, he was a strong, steady, proud, level-headed type of guy. He was good guy to be married to because I never had to worry about him cheating on me, because his strong sense of loyalty and fair play wouldn't allow him to do that. He had a great job and we lived a good life, but he was no fun. He was sort of quiet and dull, a party pooper, and as I said before, our sex life needed improvement.

Jim, on the other hand, was a brash, outgoing, fun loving guy who usually was the life of the party. I was more like Jim, as I loved to live it up, take some risks and have some fun. Lori, conversely, was more like Jay, quiet and reserved, I guess opposites do attract.

The day of the party, Jim was the last one to arrive, he came without Lori. He told us that she had come down with a bug that morning and really felt miserable, and talked him into coming without her.

I noticed the first time that we were in the pool together, that Jim was unusually aggressive that day, probably because Lori wasn't there. He was continually grabbing my ass or pinching my boobs, when he thought no one else was looking. I, of course, loved the attention, and I pinched his ass and grabbed his crotch several times myself.

When everyone tired of horsing around in the pool, Jay barbecued some hot dogs, hamburgers and sausage, and we all ate. As soon as Jay had finished eating, he got the portable stereo out, and put on some dance music.

Jim got me up and into his arms immediately, he saw a chance further his advances, and he took advantage of it. He continued his aggressive behavior, he held me close and continued to feel me up every chance he got, and I loved every minute of it. He noticed that I was getting aroused and I noticed his erection, how could I miss it when he poked me with it every chance he got. He began to whisper suggestive things into my ear, such as, 'Tonight's the night, baby' and 'I'm ready for you, are you ready for me?'

While I was fooling around with Jim, Jay played the perfect host, making sure everybody had fresh drinks and snacks, and making the rounds of all the guests. He didn't seem to notice the extra attention that Jim was paying me. I glanced over at him occasionally, but never caught him checking us out. Jim didn't seem to care about anybody else except me.

As the evening wore on, I had consumed more than my share of alcohol and Jim continued his teasing. I became extremely aroused, and my pussy was dripping wet. I could hardly wait for the guests to leave so that I could jump my husband's bones, I wanted fucked, and I wanted it bad.

As aroused as Jim had gotten me, I hadn't seriously considered fucking him. I wanted fucked, but I wanted my husband. However, Jim was persistent, he accelerated his advances to the point where it became obvious to me that he was serious about getting into my pants. At that point, I began to think of how enjoyable it would be, a different man, a different cock, but I continued to reject the idea. I didn't want to cheat on Jay, but Jim kept the thought fresh in my mind.

Jim's persistence finally wore down my resistance when he maneuvered me into a dark corner and kissed me passionately. I kissed him back and I knew then that we had gone beyond the point of no return.

"You sneak up to your bedroom, I'll join you in a few minutes," he told me, then kissed me again.

I did as he suggested, sat on the bed and waited. All I could think of was his cock and getting the fucking that I sorely needed. I had no thoughts of the consequences of my actions.

Jim joined me in a few minutes, as he entered, he closed and locked the bedroom door. He came over to me and we groped and fumbled with each other's clothes until we were both naked.

He laid me back on the bed, straddled my chest and rubbed his hard cock over my tits and my face, ending up on my lips. I took it in my mouth hungrily. It was at this point where I had my first rational thought in a long while, I observed that Jim's cock was a little smaller than Jays, but it didn't slow me down. He fucked my face as I sucked on him until he came into my mouth, full force. It was such a big load that I almost gagged on it, but somehow managed to swallow it all.

He moved down between my legs and proceeded to orally assault my pussy. I was so turned on that I came almost immediately, but he continued. I soon had another orgasm, this time it was a major one as I convulsed and screamed in ecstasy.

By the time I had settled down from my orgasm, Jim was hard again. He moved up over my spread-eagled body and began to rub the head of his cock up and down my overly moist slit. Each time he touched my clit, I moaned with pleasure. He teased me like that for a few minutes, then positioned himself at the entrance to my love canal and plunged his cock in, as I gasped.

He started thrusting in and out, slowly at first, then increasing the tempo to a feverish, animalistic pace. I must have cum three more times before he shot another load, this time deep into my pussy.

We rested only a few minutes before he was ready to go again. He turned me over and had me get on my knees and stick my ass up into the air. He entered my pussy from behind and gave me another major fucking. I had two more serious orgasms before he came for the third time.

It was at that point that we both realized that we had lost track of time, we had been fucking for much longer than we had intended. "We'd better get back down to the party. I'll go first and you follow in about five minutes," Jim stated.

As soon as Jim had dressed and left the bedroom, I noticed several major wet spots on the bed spread. I quickly removed it, threw it into the hamper and put another one on. I got dressed, fixed myself up a bit, and started down the stairs.

As I began my descent, I heard Jay talking, or yelling at someone in a loud, angry tone. I couldn't make out what he was saying, but he was obviously upset. I didn't think much about it until I reached the bottom of the steps and noticed that everyone had gone. 'Oh my god! Everyone's gone! Jay's sure to suspect what Jim and I had been up to! What'll I do? Oh my God! I hate myself, why was I so stupid?' I began to tremble with the realization that Jay was probably aware of my indiscretion.

My worst fears were confirmed when I entered the family room and saw Jay, and no one else, not even Jim. He just stood with his hands on his hips and glared at me. I tried, but because of my guilt feelings, couldn't maintain eye contact with him, he was obviously pissed.

My face felt flushed and tears were beginning to swell in my eyes as I looked up at Jay. He continued to glare and said nothing. I dropped my head in shame once again. I can't describe how awful and how guilty I felt at that moment. I had betrayed him, my husband, the man I loved. I wanted to crawl into a hole and hide, anything but face him.

The silence was deafening, as we stood there, not 10 feet apart, saying nothing to one another. I was at a loss for words for one of the few times in my life and he just glared at me in silence. We stood like that for what seemed to me to be hours, but in reality was only a few minutes. It was then that I felt a wetness creeping from my crotch down my left thigh, it was Jim's cum oozing out of my pussy. It was a horrible reminder of my slutty behavior, I burst out in tears, turned and ran up the stairs and into the bathroom.

I stayed in the bathroom until I was able to compose myself. I knew that I had to face the music sometime, so I cleaned my pussy up as best I could, wiped the tears and stepped out of the bathroom. I was prepared to confess, throw myself at his mercy and beg his forgiveness. I needed him to talk to me, I couldn't stand the silence, the aloofness that he had shown earlier. I wanted him to yell at me, scream obscenities, whatever, but I desperately needed him to talk to me.

I walked into the master bedroom, expecting to find him, but he wasn't there. I noticed that the spare bedroom door was closed, I went over to it and tried to turn the knob, but it was locked. 'He's shutting me out! I need him to talk to me now. Why is he torturing me so?'

"Jay, are you in there?" I shouted, and received no response. I shouted a few more times, with the same result. Of course he was in there, the door only locks from the inside.

I went into our bedroom, thew myself on the bed face down and began to sob again. 'My marriage is over, I just know it is. Why, oh why was I so stupid! I wish I could relive last evening, I'd never do what I did.'

I cried myself to sleep and didn't wake up until early afternoon the next day, which was a Sunday. I went looking for Jay, but he was nowhere to be found. I checked that garage, and his car was gone. I started crying again, I couldn't help myself, I felt so miserable.

I finally made my way into the kitchen and fixed myself a pot of coffee. As I was sipping on the first cup, the phone rang.


"Hi Jean, this is Jim."

I reacted angrily to hearing his voice, after all it was he that was responsible for my misery, "Jim, you bastard, what the fuck do you want now? Haven't you fucked my life up enough already?"

"Look baby, I didn't rape you, it takes two to tango. You can blame me if you want, but the truth is that we're equal partners in the crime, if it was a crime."

"What do you want, anyway?"

"I'm looking for Lori, I think she might have talked to Jay this morning while I was still in bed, the son-of-a-bitch. If he told her about us, I'll kick the shit out of him."

"You're unbelievable, you betray him by fucking his wife behind his back, then threaten to beat him up if he tells your wife?"

"Well, friends ain't supposed to rat on each other, it's just not done."

"Friends aren't supposed to fuck their wives behind their back, either."

"Oh, what do you know, you're a woman. Women just don't understand these things. Anyway, I assume he isn't there."

"No, he isn't, he was gone when I got up. I have no idea where he might be."

"I was afraid of that, if he so much as touches Lori, I'll..."

"You're something else, I hope he fucks her brains out. We both deserve that and more."

"Yeah, well if he does, he'll be sorry." He paused, then added, "Hey, since they're out, probably together, what about you and I getting together again?"

"You're a sick mother-fucker! I never want to look at you again, let alone fuck you."

Click, I hung up on him.

I moped around the house most of the day feeling sorry for myself and wondering what Jay was up to. In a way, I had hoped that he was fucking Lori, that way maybe he could get my indiscretion out of his system and we could get over this hump. Then again, what if he liked her better than me? Oh hell, I was suffering so much.

Jay didn't come home until late that evening. I met him at the door, not knowing what to expect, but I was so happy to see him. He first glared at me again, but when I maintained eye contact, his glare softened somewhat.

I moved to him and threw my arms around him, he didn't respond. "Jay, I'm so glad that you're home. I'm so sorry for last night, I have no excuses, but it was a horrible mistake, just horrible. Please forgive me, please."

His arms still at his side, he replied in a calm and calculating tone, "It's too late, what you did to me last night is not forgivable. Divorce is the only course of action you've given me, I have not choice."

I was stunned, as much as I had grieved over the last 15 or 20 hours, I had been able to convince myself that we would eventually be able to work things out. Even though I thought about it a lot, I hadn't expected him to want a divorce. I was too stunned to even cry, I just backed away from him and looked into his eyes, questioning his statement.

"I didn't sleep at all last night, thinking about the situation. After much consternation, I finally reached a decision. I called Lori, she and I have spent the entire day talking about the predicament that you and Jim have put us in, and before you ask, we didn't fuck, we only talked. We finally agreed that we would both seek a divorce, and will be married when they're final. You've placed me in a position where divorce is the only option I have."

I began to tremble uncontrollably, as Jay helped me over to the couch and sat me down. I broke out in tears again, I didn't think I had any left, but out they poured. My life, as I knew it, was over. It was very scary and I wasn't able to cope very well.

Jay sat next to me and tried to calm me down. He was concerned, but not overly so. After a while I did calm down a little.

"Why, Jay, why?"

"You'll probably never be able to understand how I felt last night because you don't seem to live by the same set of rules that I do, but I'll try to explain, anyway. It's not in my nature to forgive what you did because I can't comprehend me doing anything like that to you. I could never deceive you because I knew that if I did it would hurt you, and I just couldn't do that. When you did it to me, you killed any feelings that I had for you just as surely as if you had run a sword through me. The hurt that I felt when I realized what you had done was only exceeded by my humiliation. The humiliation that comes from the fact that you let another man, a so-called friend, cuckold me, essentially right in front of our other friends."

He paused for a short while, then continued, "I saw how you two were teasing each other all afternoon and evening while you left me to tend to our other guests. I caught several glimpses of Jim grabbing your ass and pinching your boobs, and you giggled, did nothing to stop him. I was well aware that things could get out of hand, and they did because you let them. Don't you think that if I saw what was going on, our other guests didn't see it too? Don't you think that they didn't know what was going on when you weren't there to bid them good night? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what they were thinking. You weren't there to see the looks in their eyes as they bade me good night. They looked at me with a combination of pity and disrespect, pity for what you were doing to me, and disrespect for me allowing it to happen right in my own house, while I was there. No, you leave me no choice; divorce is the only answer. Otherwise, I could never face my friends, again. It's the only way that I can get back my self respect and the respect of my friends."

I cried as I listened to everything that he had to say, then I cried some more. 'How could I have done this to him, to me? I just didn't think, I was too engrossed in my own pleasure, I just didn't think. Now it's too late, I deserve what I get. I have no one to blame but myself.'

Jay went on, "I think you need to know something else, just in case you decide to take up with Jim. I confronted him as he came down the stairs, and instead of being embarrassed or apologetic, he looked me right in the eye with a smirk on his face. He was silently gloating over having just fucked my wife, challenging me to do something about it. I suppose that he wanted me to take a swing at him, but you know I'm not that kind of person. I didn't think that even he would do something like that, but he did. Of course it pissed me off and I shouted several obscenities at him as he walked out the door. I think that you can do a lot better than him. You're still a beautiful woman, you'll find somebody, and hopefully you've learned something from this sordid affair."

I felt so bad for Jay, for what I had put him through, that I granted him the divorce. He's a fair man and gave me half of everything, but I don't have him. He belongs to Lori now, they married three months after the divorces were final. The old saying about not appreciating what you have until you've lost it certainly applies in my case. I missed him so much, so very much, that my life had become empty, a void existed that I didn't know how to fill.

Jim gave Lori a bad time when she asked for the divorce, and had every intention to fight her to the bitter end. When I found out about it, I threatened to testify against him, to confess to our fucking behind our spouse's backs. He reluctantly relented and granted her the divorce.

I was in a constant state of depression for months. I finally sought professional help and eventually recovered, but I did learn my lesson, the hard way.

If I ever get a second chance at love, I'll be sure and not fuck it up the way I did the first one.

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AnonymousAnonymous21 days ago

For those saying that the husband should have stopped it, you are very delusional. I have lived through it...the first time I knew about it I did stop it. A few weeks later I came home and they were sitting around my dining room table talking. That was on a Thursday night after my second job, I worked the next day and got my final check and went home and told her I was moving to Florida. I stated that I was taking $2000 my truck and clothes the rest was hers. If she wanted a divorce she could file it and pay for it. I was gone on Saturday morning.

Now those of you that think stopping the flirting/affair would have worked. Let me point out that not only did she not stop...her respect for me lessened to the point that she would actually do it in my household.

That was over 35 years ago...17 years ago I moved back home to take care of my mother that was in the hospital. By chance I ran into the X's mother while waiting for the elevator. Three days later the X called me at Mom's house wanting to know if we could get together. I just said your Mom told me that you are married. I am not going to step in the same pile of shit twice knowing that it is there.

For all of those that think they have solved the world's problems and how people should act and/or react...I have news for you. You have no idea what people will do to someone they claim to love.

stillaonewomanmstillaonewomanm27 days ago

The problem with stopping it right then is that you never know what is going to happen later on. This way he knows. And Divorce is the only answer

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

"Husband should have stopped it!"

WHY? He was in proximity to stop it this time because he was aware of it. Likely the next time her thighs flew apart she would make sure it would be when husband was not around to find out or stop it. Mate guarding is a waste of time, more suitable for bonobos than humans.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I think he could have intrupted their flirting and and tols Jim he'd gone too far. If she had realized that was true and felt the pain, apoligized, stopped the booze, maybe with true confession and guilt they could have had counseling and live together happily ever after. Maybe not, but he was a stone cold no forgiveness kind of guy.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I hope his now divorced wife loses her sorrow and loss, finds a goodman, remarriess and has a good life and hubby with former friends wife gets divorced.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Husband could have stopped it insyead of getting on his high horse and running away.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I only rated this 3 stars. The wife wasn’t all that happy with her husband but did she talk to him about it? Husband’s made a spineless wimp. He sees what the guy’s doing & does nothing? Even after a while, get to the bdrm & at least swat something to his head. Even seeing the guy the next day hubby did nothing. To me, he deserves the disrespect he received. Bob

AbctoyAbctoyalmost 2 years ago

Husband should have stepped in. No guatantee agaisnt divorce but a good step it would have been on his part.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

At least she learned her lesson.

kirei8kirei8about 2 years ago

Wimp coward of a hubby, total slut for a wife, alpha male friend, and , of course, she will cheat on her next hubby. Sounds like a Literotica Loving Wives story.

enderlocke77enderlocke77about 2 years ago

so many questions. "I could never deceive you" how did she deceive him? cheated on him sure but how did she deceive him? was it maybe he was referring to the vows

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

whore happy now.

BSreaderBSreaderover 2 years ago

Wimp husband a waste of a man.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago


I hope jay's new with fucks half the town. Would serve the self righteous asshat right.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Could have been a longer story with more detail about their respective marriages. The way Jean talked about Jim she emotionally believed that she had settled for second best as far as Jay was concerned so not surprising she cheated.

Ok story with only a few typo's

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

Jay yelled very harshly at Jay for screwing his cheating wife. That'll show him by golly. At least he dumped the cheating wife. That will show her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
This Was Strike 3

June... Chapter 1 was Strike 1, June... Chapter 2 was Strike 2 and this was... Signed: BTW

danoctoberdanoctoberalmost 4 years ago
And that's how you fuck up your marriage.

She took her lucky break and broke it in two.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Thank You For This Story

I was once an audio witness of one friend fucking the wife of another friend. I didn't know what to do. My better friend didn't know about the actions of his wife and his friend. The answer came to me when my good friend went fishing with a couple of fishing buddies. I caught the bastard getting into his car at a bar. I beat the crap out of him and told him over and over, "Friends DON'T FUCK FRIENDS' WIVES. What you'll do to one friend, you'll try to do to me. This shit stops now. And if you try this shit with my girlfriend, I WILL BE BACK!" He wanted to press charges, but he knew if the truth got out, he would face several more ass-whippings. Most of my friends eventually found out I had given him a severe beating. And they assumed he had tried something with my girlfriend. Even my girlfriend thought I had overheard him trying to hit on her. She assured me that Asshole never had a chance with her. Asshole soon left our circle of friends. I was something of a hero for a week or so. I think the only people who knew the truth were me, Asshole and my friend's wife. She is skiddish to be around me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I don't get it

Seriously, is there a tutorial "how to Write a LW story"? First make The wife The biggest slut litererotica reader have Ever seen, it doesn't if her behavior is totally fiction And over drawn, you have to outmatch The other authors, 90% work also with such unbelievable stupid characters But Most of The People like it And you just have to describe your characters Even worse! So First Step is done The wife's charecter is like an brainless Alien from planet slut, you have the feeling it doesn't make sense to make the husband Look like an intellectual Saint, what it doesn't make Sense!? Don't worry! Here are enough people who love This Way over the top characters Even if is no logical (Yeah The intelligent alpha Softie husband marries The Brain dead slut) just burn The bitch. So in short, wife evil stupid slut who Cries After hubby when he is gone, husband is The saint WHO gets all The hot intelligent women. If You Tell your brain dead Bullshit from wife view You have make at least as clever to Argue like hubby Would do if You Tell This shit in his Point of view. Confusing, just don't care, someone will like your garbage ;)

DWornockDWornockalmost 5 years ago
4 Stars.

You have to wonder about him marrying the other exwife, but otherwise a good story. Jean is penalized for her actions and a divorcee is not as desirable as a single gal. However, she is attractive so she can easily get remarried so her loss is not near as much as the story implies.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 5 years ago

I don't know why she was so stupid, but I'm guessing she's just immature? There's no coming back from that kind of humiliation.

Now, I mean no offense when I say this, but as meaningful as your story was, the comments calling the author a cuck are just downright HYSTERICAL! Some readers seem to fantasize about their manhood and how they would bust anyone who transgresses against them. Silly little boys. Now that's funny!

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