Janie and The Construction Foreman

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Janie's fond memories of a past dalliance.
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It didn't bother me at all when the construction crews started clearing the land for the new water treatment facility next to the house that Bobby and I had rented out in the country. It was boring out there with Bobby gone all day with his college classes and his part time job. I would have worked too, but my daddy was helping us out financially, and one of his conditions was that he didn't want me to work. Daddy had good intentions, but he was old fashioned in his thinking. I think he wanted me to concentrate on giving him a grandchild, and Bobby and I were doing the best we could in that area. I would have been willing to do a lot more in that area if Bobby had been home more, but there wasn't anything I could do about that.

There was a big shady porch on that old house, and I would sit there sometimes and watch, as the men cut the trees, and then came in with their bulldozers and started pushing dirt around.

One day, when I was inside washing the breakfast dishes, I heard a knock on the door. I looked out the window and recognized the big red pickup truck that I often saw on the construction site. I figured it was the foreman's truck, because the men would get off the equipment when he came by, and he would point this way and that while he was talking to them showing them what he wanted them to do next.

I had never seen him up close, but when I went and opened the door, I saw that he was a

handsome looking man. He was about over six feet tall with a muscular build, a deep tan and thick black hair. He looked embarrassed standing there at the door with his hard hat in his hands.

He apologized for bothering me, and he said he had forgotten to fill up the big water cooler on his truck before coming out to the job site, and he was wondering if I had an outside faucet he could use to get some water. I walked outside with him, and showed him the water spigot out by the well house. I told him he was welcome to use it anytime.

He told me his name was Walter, and I said my name is Janie. I watched him as he filled up his water coolers, and then he said it was nice to meet me, and drove back over to the construction site.

A couple of days later he came back. I was sitting on the porch this time. I motioned for him to go on back to the water spigot, and he gave me a big grin. After he loaded up his water, he walked up to the porch and asked me if I wanted to see something interesting. I asked him what it was, and he said for me to come with him and I would find out. He had me look over into the back of his pickup. There was a wire cage there with a huge rattlesnake in it. I hate snakes, and when it hissed at me, I screamed and jumped back right into Walter. If he hadn't caught me, I would have fallen on my butt, and he started laughing so hard that tears were running down his eyes. I got mad at him then, and yelled at him to take his damn truck and snake and water and get the hell away from me. Then I ran inside the house.

I could still hear Walter laughing as he got into his truck. By then I wasn't quite so mad anymore. In fact, the main thing I was thinking about was what it felt like when I fell back into him with his big hands holding me around the waist. It was a funny mix of feelings.

He did come back, the very next day, and knocked on the door. I opened the door partially, and asked him what he wanted. He said he was very sorry for his behavior the day before, and he wanted to make it up to me. I asked him how he planned to do that, and he said he didn't know. He asked me what he could do to get me to forgive him.

On the spur of the moment, I thought of something that I had been wanting to do anyway. I told Walter that I would like to ride on one of those big bulldozers. He thought about it for a moment, and said that he could arrange it. He said it would have to be sometime after hours though, because of the safety regulations. Sure enough, that afternoon when the men left, Walter drove up and asked me if I was ready.

That was one of the evenings when Bobby worked late, so I said sure. I couldn't believe how big the machine was when I got up close to it. The tracks were as high as my head. I asked Walter how I was supposed to get up there. Without answering, he put his arms on my waist and picked me up as easy as anything, and put me up on the tracks. Then he walked around and came up the ladder on the back of the bulldozer. I could have got mad about that too, but my heart just wasn't in it, mainly because I enjoyed the way he put me up there.

The seat of the bulldozer wasn't wide enough for both of us, but it was deep enough for Walter to scoot back and let me sit in front of him. The loud noise of the motor, and the vibration of the chair frightened me, and I put a hand on each of his legs to have something to hold on to.

After a few minutes, I got used to it, and Walter showed me how to turn the thing by pulling on the levers. It was really something to feel in control of something that powerful. It was also exciting to be pressed back tightly against Walter whose legs were squeezing me to hold me in place.

When Walter dropped me off, I told him that he was forgiven now, and as long as he didn't bring any more snakes, he could come by whenever he wanted. I asked him to wait a minute before he left, and I ran inside and poured him a big glass of lemonade from the fridge and took it back out to him.

I told Bobby about Walter coming over and getting water, and that I thought he was a really nice man. Bobby asked me if any of the construction workers had bothered me, and I said that Walter told them to stay away from here. He said that was a good thing, and it made him feel better knowing that the foreman was watching out for me.

A few days later we had a bad storm front come in. It rained hard all night, and it was still pouring down when Walter drove up around 10 in the morning. I saw him running up toward the house, and I stepped out on the porch to meet him. There was some excitement in his voice as he told me that the creek was rising, and it looked like the road going up to the bridge was going to wash out. The only thing on this side of the bridge was our house and the construction site.

He said he would take me into town if I wanted to go. I told him I didn't care whether the road washed out or not, except for the fact that Bobby might be stuck in town, but I didn't know anybody there, and I felt safer staying here. I told Walter than he better hurry though so he wouldn't get stuck. He said he couldn't go off and leave all the construction equipment. He said he might have to move some of the equipment to higher ground.

I invited Walter in, but he said he would just stay on the porch if I didn't mind, so I went in and made some coffee. While I was making the coffee, he went to check on the road again. When he came back, he said it was out. He said it would be tomorrow sometime at the earliest before it could be fixed. He said he sure wished the construction trailer was already on site, because he would have to ride out the storm in his truck.

I told him that he was going to have to stay at the house with me, because I didn't want to be here by myself in this storm anyway. I called and left a message for Bobby at his work and told him about the road being out, and that I was okay. I didn't tell him that Walter was here with me. I tried again later to reach him in person, but the line was dead. After a short time, the electricity went out too.

Walter said he hoped Bobby wouldn't get upset about this situation, and I told him that if Bobby got upset, he would just have to deal with it. I said it's not my fault that the road washed out. I asked Walter if he had any dry clothes, and he said he didn't, but he would be okay. I told him if to go out to the shed and bring in some firewood and start a fire in the fireplace so we could dry his clothes. He started to protest, but I told him to shut up, and do what I told him, and hurry up about it too. He did, and before long he had a good fire going. I let him borrow Bobby's robe, and we hung his clothes up in front of the fire to dry.

Walter seemed uncomfortable at first, but eventually got used to the fact that there was nothing he could do but wait out the storm, and we sat around the fire and talked.

He told me he had been divorced two years, and he didn't know where his ex-wife was. She had run off with a man she met at the bar where she worked. He said he didn't miss her, because she had was mean as hell. He said he figured the man she ran off with got what he deserved.

I asked him if he had a girlfriend, and he smiled and said he had there were a couple he went to see every once in a while, but no serious girlfriends. He said he wasn't ready for that yet.

I told him I wished I could offer him a beer, but we were all out. He said he had a bottle of liquor in his glove compartment. He started to go get it, but laughed and said he better not get the robe wet too, or he would be in trouble. It looked like the rain had let up a little, so I ran out to get it, but as soon as I started back to the house, the bottom fell out and I got soaked to the skin. I handed him the bottle, and asked him to get some glasses for us. I went to the bedroom, took off my wet clothes, and put on my robe too.

We continued our conversation, our chairs up next to the fire, and our drinks in hand. He was drinking his liquor straight, and mine was mixed with Coke. Before long, I was feeling pretty good.

I noticed that Walter was giving me a good look. I asked him what he was looking at, and he said I am looking at you. I said he could look all he wanted to, since he wasn't seeing anything but a woman in a bath robe. He said he was looking at a very pretty woman in a bath robe. He gave me that grin again, and asked me if I would like to be his girl friend too. I said it sounded like he already had enough girl friends, so what did he need another one for. I said besides, I am married, and married women aren't supposed to be someone else's girlfriend.

He said he thought that I should come over and give him a kiss anyway. I told him that I would give him one kiss if he would quit coming on to me, and he agreed.

I walked over to him, and gave him a little kiss on the lips. When I tried to pull back, his hand was on the back of my head, pulling me into him. He kissed me hard for a long time, and I kissed him back. I ended up in his lap, and I felt his hands inside my robe. One of his hands was on my bottom, and the other was cupping my breasts. I could feel his hard dick pressing against my legs.

He kept kissing me as his fingers started exploring my pussy lips which were very moist by this time. He found my clitoris, and started caressing it gently and expertly. Then one of his fingers slipped up inside my pussy, making me gasp.

His robe fell open, and I saw his hard dick which was considerably bigger than Bobby's. Walter took my robe off then, and pulled me around so I was straddling him. He started kissing my breasts, and licking on my nipples and then I felt the head of his dick probing at my pussy. Then he pushed it in to me, a little bit at a time until he was completely inside me. He took his sweet time. Before long I was cumming. I couldn't believe how good it was. Finally, he came inside me. I could feel his hot load shooting off inside me,. It made me cum again.

When we were done, I pulled back and looked at him. I said I believed I wouldn't mind being one of his girlfriends after all. He gave me that big grin again, and said he would put me on the list.

Walter spent the night in my bed. That night he taught me what oral sex was all about. I had never imagined what it would feel like to have a man continually take you to the brink, then ease off a little, then back again, prolonging the pleasure and taking it higher and higher until you came so hard you were screaming out loud. He seemed to like giving me pleasure more than getting it himself, but I made sure he got his share too. I wanted to give him a really good blowjob, and he showed me how to do it just the way he liked it.

When I woke up in the morning with a slight hangover and a sore pussy, Walter was gone along with his dry clothes and all evidence of him having been there at all. That evening the bridge was fixed. The bridge itself was okay, just the road up to it was washed out, and Walter's crew patched it up themselves.

When Bobby came home, he told me it was a good thing I was out here because of the flooding they had in town. He had been up all night, he said, moving equipment in the college up to a higher floor to keep it from getting ruined. He was exhausted and hit the bed right away. He only asked me later if I was okay during the storm, and I said it wasn't too bad.

I might have told Bobby about everything if he had asked, but he didn't. I am happy about that, looking back. I had sex with Walter eleven times after that. His construction project finished about the time that Bobby finished school and we moved away.

I got pregnant later that year and again two years later. My kids are in elementary school now. I love Bobby more than ever now. He is a great husband and Dad. Although he doesn't know it, he has benefited many times from my memories of Walter.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

They were putting in new power lines at the back of our property. They started with surveying, then tree removal and the tower erection. The foreman came and introduced himself at the beginning. It was a hot summer day and my wife had on a small pair of shorts and a thin tank top and no bra. Her nipples were hard as stone the whole time. I teased her that she was hot for him. Then I told her to have fun and tease all she wanted. Over the next two months it went from teasing to sex almost every day with him. We all enjoyed our time.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

Nasty cheating whore made her clueless husband a.cuck. What a loving wife.

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 11 years ago

another piece of garbage whore who wants a man to take care of her and the kids, buy her things, work his ass off so she can have vacations and nice clothes, send the kids to the right schools, drive nice cars and then give her stinking rotting whore cunt to another man. just pour acid in that hole and sew it up with fish line and let her die in pain. maybe you can keep the rotting hole closed with the cock that used to be attached to her fuck buddies body. i hope i am not sugar coating it again.

tiger46tiger46about 11 years ago
well told tale

What a piece of work the foreman was. I understand why his wife cheated. Bobby the cuckold with a small penis would not be able to satisfy the skank for long once she had "the taste" of a real man's cock.

A well written tale nonetheless. Keep writing. But improve your plot so that they are more logical. According to the plot, she discovered that the foreman was much better at all aspects of sex due largely to his cock size. Yet the plot goes on to say she taught Bobby how to be a better lover. How?

How do you teach his cock to increase? Maybe she taught him how to est pussy better - that doesn't seem to be sufficient. Cunnilingus is part of foreplay. So, he was able to excite her better but not seal the deal.

Don't be lazy! Be more realistic in plot development. Don't just remove the problem by having her "move away". Because unless they move to an island, there will alway be lotharios with big cocks hitting on married women. Nothing in the plot indicated she was a changed woman. Nothing.

moving away doesn't change character or point of view regarding love, sex, and life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Wonder if she would feel the same way if Bobby had an affair

With a hotter, younger, better woman?

x_witless_xx_witless_xover 12 years ago
Don't listen Duna you're a star

are you from Kazakhstan by any chance?

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
OK,DWduna, we know that you just been released from your asylum cell.

But do you have to show your stupidity to all??

Anyhow, the story is not so good. "1" !

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
not the topic

it was the writing that sucked. the cheating was almost an academic matter. this was a regular erotic couplings quickie.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Oh yea, just another crappy effort.


DunaDunaover 12 years ago

@ Dear Anon

How this story is crap or not crap it may be crap. Everybody should learn the absolute fidelity is the aim in a marriage but only the 1/3 of the husbands and 40% of the wives can achive this thing. However there are a less percentage husbands and wives who are not absolute faithful but they live with 1 maximum 2 affairs in their all life. I call them relative faithful spouses. I apreciate them 10-15% of the spouse. I hope they are more. This story speaks about a wife who may belong to this group.

For the all explanation. The other 2 groups there are

those who in the second, third marriage will pacify and 4th group who will change before 1 hour their dead.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
duna and lickideesplit

Two idiots speak, it was better then the piece of crap story.

deadonedeadoneover 12 years ago
This great news

Later in life when her ass is big enough to land an aircraft on and she no longer even knows what her "pussy" looks like (let alone smells like) she will be happy and understand. Yea hubby can get all the young pussy he can and she will be happy for herself. He maybe suffering through the sex with 20-30 year babes but she is benefiting. When he has to touch you he can be thinking of them.

DunaDunaover 12 years ago
I am sorry

@ Dear Lickideesplit I am sorry I understand the sentence that the first pregnancy origined from Walter. I reread and I corrected my opinion. It was a short affair only and the wife will remain faithful it is forgivable thing from my opinion because it was without STD, without not DNA test proof children and humiliation.

BTW a Hungarian joke: The hedgehog yels- To make mistake is human thing!- and the hedgehog get of the brush.

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 12 years ago
WTF Duna?

She got pregnant later in the year after she and her husband moved away. Why are you going on about DNA testing? Story is not too bad on establishing a plausible relationship before the seduction. It is stretchy about 'the perfect storm' at the perfect time, but without SOME luck none of us would be here, so I'm OK with that!

DunaDunaover 12 years ago

Science development reachs the DNA test and almost 100% true. In my country is expensive, but in the USA cheaper to the average salaries only evry husband should have the newborn tested. Yes the divorce rate may be higher for some years, but the lower IQ wives also could learn not to cheat during children pruduction time.

I understand the wives sexual dream a child from a capable handsome man and the child to be grown up by the original husband. Yes some husbands sexual dream the sex cannibalism. Do you want these husbands achive their sexual dreams?

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Just a wide open hole whore

Fidelity 101 the woman's side

DunaDunaover 12 years ago

What would be like a mandatory DNA test for the husbands after every childbirth. After this the exhusbands do not pay any child support, if the children below 4 years old in the USA. So the exhusbands could start a newer life without child support burden.

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