Jean, Rediscovered


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"Unlike you, Dru asked you your name," Linda said. "And you didn't just give your first name."

"Fuck," I said, uncharacteristically.

"And... Dru knew Michael had the same last name, and that some of the guys had previously discussed how much they fantasized about Michael's mom," Linda added. "They all wondered if you fooled around after the divorce, what you looked like naked, and what you were like in bed. You know, guy talk."

"Fuck," I said, again.

"And apparently, that you did!" Linda said. "Dru wasn't the only guy to fuck you that night. I guess there were a few before him. From what he told his friends, you fucked better than women half your age."

"Was he the one that drugged me?" I asked. "I had to have been drugged."

"I don't think so," Linda said. "I mean, yes, you were probably drugged. You don't normally offer up blowjobs in the bar men's room. As far as I know."

"I don't!" I answered, quickly.

"Well, you did!" Linda shot back. "Honestly, I'm sorry. Something bad could have happened. I thought you were just teaching me a lesson by overtly flirting with the entire bar, but I didn't know more was going on. I really had no idea you were that out of control."

"Well, neither did I," I admitted. "Where did that come from? I know a little bit about drugs, but I don't think anything makes someone a nymphomaniac."

"I don't know, but I guess you needed to get laid, and you took care of it," Linda said.

"Do you know if Dru is going to Marjorie's?" I asked.

"Yepper," Linda said.

"Yepper you know, or Yepper, he's going?" I asked, frustrated.

"Both, I believe," Linda said.

"Fuck," I said a third time.

"Yepper," Linda grinned. "If you think that's bad, now that they know you like to give head, I'm pretty sure Michael's friends will be looking forward to more of the same."

Michael didn't come out of his room until after Linda went home. If he had known I had watched the two of them having sex, he didn't act like it.

"I ended up fooling around with Linda," Michael said. He knew when I said 'fooling around' I meant fucking.

"She told me," I said. "She also told me you knew what happened on the Denver conference trip."

"That's your business, mom," he said. "I've been dealing with guys teasing me about how hot they thought you were for years. When one of them had the chance to be with you, it removed some of the mystery for them. Finally."

"So much for 'don't kiss and tell,' huh?" I asked.

"Well, you weren't very discreet," Michael said. "Dru had to bribe the hotel security guy to erase the camera tapes before they ended up on the Internet."

"What? Where?" I asked.

"Look, I'm not judging you, mom. You are a very attractive woman," Michael added. "And, a very sexual woman. You had the opportunity to take care of some built-up sexual frustration, and you took care of it."

"Where, Michael?" I said. "That whole night is a blank. All I remember is waking up with Dru the next morning."

"You fooled around with two guys in the emergency exit stairway, on the way to their rooms," Michael said.

I wondered if I had fooled around with them at the same time.

"By the time you left the first room, you were naked except for your high heels and room key," Michael said, not making eye contact. "When Linda watched the guys kissing your cheek in the bar earlier, they weren't giving you kisses. They were telling you their room numbers. The security cameras tracked you going into a half-dozen rooms for about twenty minutes each, before ending up in your own."

"I honestly don't remember any of that, Michael," I said. "I'm not like that. I wouldn't..."

"It's okay, mom," he said. "Dru took care of things. He found you struggling with your key card, naked, in the hall. You were on the wrong floor, so he got you to your room, then figured out where you had left your clothes from the security footage. He collected your clothes - minus your bra and panties - and brought them to your room. He said you were very appreciative."

"And I wondered if he had given me a date rape drug," I said.

"Not Dru," Michael said. "Women are very willing to sleep with Dru without any help from drugs or alcohol. You told him that you ran out of condoms which was why you decided to go back to your room. When he showed up with your clothes, you gave him a convincing argument to stay."

I was trying to think how many condoms came in a package. I was also trying to think where I would have gotten them. I certainly didn't bring any with me on the trip.

"Did Dru tell you all this?" I asked.

"He told me most of what happened that night, but he only told the other guys about his time with you," Michael said. "That's all they needed to hear. Probably gave them wet dreams."

"So, you've known for weeks but didn't bring it up?" I asked.

"Like I said, mom, it's your business," he said. "I'm actually happy for you. You look happier and seem more confident than ever. Maybe it was just what you needed?"

"Why can't I remember any of it, though?" I asked.

"Something in your drink?" Michael said. "Nothing you would have taken intentionally, of course. Or, maybe you just decided to block it out of your mind for now. I wouldn't struggle with it, though. You're still in one piece, so it must not have been too bad. It'll probably come back to you, eventually."

Our conversations were shorter than usual after that. I wasn't sure if it was because of what I did with a half-dozen men I didn't know, or because of what Michael did with Linda.

I visited my gynecologist, and was relieved to receive a clean bill of health a day later. She was actually supportive, and didn't give me the derogatory speech I was anticipating.

My friendship with Linda seemed to have turned a corner, though. Not surprising, after watching her have sex with my son. She felt the need to give me advice on diet and enemas, and how anal sex is almost expected, these days. Not our typical workplace water-cooler conversation.

"Linda, I get it," I said, not really wanting a lecture. "You have an amazing ass. It's only natural that guys would want to do you in the butt. I don't have your butt, though. I don't think I'll have to worry about that."

"I wouldn't be so sure," Linda said. "Your butt is looking better than it has in years. That time at the gym is paying off."

"Well, it's been years since anyone did that to me," I said.

"Did you like it?" Linda asked.

"I didn't like it or dislike it," I admitted. "It hurt the first time, and it hurt the second time."

"And the third time?" Linda asked with a grin.

"It didn't hurt," I said. "In fact, right when I was starting to get into it, he came. It became a regular thing for awhile, but only if I came first, which was rare."

"Why didn't you try again?" Linda asked.

"We got divorced," I said flatly. I didn't tell her that there was more to the story, as that was a life I left long ago.

"Jean!" Linda said a little too loudly. "You mean to tell me you haven't been fucked up the butt in over ten years?!?"

"As far as I know," I said. "Blow jobs are more my thing, remember?"

"As far as you know," Linda said. "You know you're getting laid at Marjorie's this weekend, don't you?"

I sighed.

"You're still going, aren't you?" Linda asked with a trace of panic in her voice.

"I guess so," I said. Her face immediately lit up. "You don't need my permission to fool around with Michael, okay? He's old enough to make his own decisions. I just wish he found someone..."

"Younger?" Linda asked, holding in either tears, rage, or both.

"Single," I said flatly. "You're playing with fire, Linda. It's one thing to fantasize, but it's another to act on it. What if you get caught?"

"I won't," Linda said. "I never do."

"What if your husband finds out?" I asked. "I don't want him coming after Michael in some jealous rage."

"He won't," Linda said. "And even if he found out, I think he already suspects I fool around on business trips. It might even turn him on. Besides, I don't think Michael wants to marry me. He just wants to fuck me. And, I just want to fuck him... and maybe some of his friends."

I had wondered if Linda had slept with our coworkers on several trips, but never had any proof. When it came to infidelity, I believed Linda knew how to be discreet.

"We both know that's a lie, Linda," I said, getting her full attention. "You want to fuck all of them."

"And what's wrong with that?" Linda asked. "It's just sex, and we're in the prime of our lives. We need to enjoy the cock while we can, right?"

I was about to protest, but I knew she was right. I was starting to think I was past my prime, being a few years older than my peers. But, the last business trip to Denver proved I still had a strong libido. I had just been suppressing it.

"Right," I answered with less than full-confidence.

Before Michael was born, my husband and I were what some might call 'sexually adventurous.' We tried swinging, swapping, and I was even a sex slave for a day at a posh sex party, complete with leather leash and collar. I did everything he asked of me, which is how I learned to give great head. We might not have made love every day, or even every week, but not a day went by without his dick in my mouth at least once.

I didn't mind. He had a very nice example of manhood. Not too big, and not too small. It fit inside me perfectly.

I learned to swallow his come without making a face, and eventually acquired a taste for it.

Our adventurous side reached its peak shortly after I became pregnant with Michael. My husband knew I couldn't become any more pregnant, so he arranged for me to be the center of attention at a few of his coworker card games. He'd pretend that the reason I was there was to make sure everyone had drinks, empty ash trays, or to serve snacks if anyone was hungry during the poker game. None of the other wives were ever invited to these card games, as far as I knew, even when the games took place at their house.

I was asked to wear revealing clothes - to distract the other card players. So, I did.

I was asked to brush up against the other men whenever possible - to take their mind off the game. So, I did.

When I was asked to rub someone's groin, I did.

And, when I was asked to give a blow job to the pot winner after my husband intentionally lost, I did.

After a few weeks, the men skipped the card game and went straight to fucking me. Sometimes they took turns, and sometimes they couldn't wait their turn. My husband would watch while two of his coworkers fucked my pussy at the same time, or while one was in my pussy, one was in my ass, and another fed me his cock. I was his young wife, in incredible shape, and pregnant, but barely showing. I think they all knew I was pregnant because they didn't think twice about coming inside me. He would just add to the come already inside me when they were finished with me.

The pseudo-card game gangbangs continued for several months into my pregnancy. Eventually, things tapered to just blow jobs, but once I had Michael, everything stopped. Not even the coworker's wives would answer my calls to go shopping or dinner. It was like a part of my life suddenly ended while a new part was beginning.

I was a good mother, and my husband was a good father, but we were not the wife and husband we used to be. I guess I forgot what a normal marriage looked like, and once-a-week sex and daily blow jobs were fast becoming a fond memory. Ten years later, he filed for divorce. He still supported us, but just barely. I went to work, learned how to do things on my own, dated a little, but learned that nobody stayed around a single mom very long. The first two years of marriage must have given me enough sex to last me twenty years, and that time must have just run out.

Or, so I told myself.

Linda had a very flat tummy, which she attributed to yoga, diet, exercise, and enemas. Apparently, she was into butt sex more than anyone I had ever known, including some of my ex-husband's coworkers. She went over several scenarios of how the day at Marjorie's would go, and even suggested it could end up lasting longer than just a day. I didn't share with her that the discussion made my pussy wet. Not just moist, but literally wet.

I thought about trying her regimen of diet, exercise, and enemas to prepare for the weekend, just in case. I talked to my gynecologist and she prescribed everything I'd need to prepare for a colonoscopy, taking things to the next level. I would spend a lot more time in the bathroom over the few days before the weekend, but at least I'd be as cleaned out as I could be.

Thursday night, two of Michael's college friends arrived with plans to go hiking or kayaking over the weekend. Before they pulled their gear off their old pickup truck, Michael pulled them aside and must have said there were other plans for the weekend. Their eyes immediately fell on me, and I knew what they must have been thinking: they were finally going to see me naked.

Danny was the youngest looking of the two, and a freshman. Eric was a sophomore, like Michael, and looked a few years older, even though he and Michael were the same age. They had both spent the weekend at the house, before, were moderately attractive, and were usually very polite. But, I couldn't help but feel that this time they were constantly undressing me with their eyes. It felt strange, but I welcomed it. Linda's previous conversation came to mind, and I found myself in my bedroom, masturbating shortly after the boys were settled in.

Friday night, three more of Michael's college friends arrived in town, but were going to stay at a nearby hotel. I had room for two more, but three would have meant someone would have to share a bed, so they opted for a nearby budget hotel. In hindsight, it would have worked if I had been the one sharing a bed... with Dru. I knew I'd be chastised by Linda for not thinking of it sooner.

I wasn't sure if Dru would remember me, or even if I'd still remember him. That night at the hotel and the following morning were still a blur in my memory.

Marjorie wanted us to arrive by 6pm on Saturday.

"Look at the bright side," Linda said Saturday morning. "You don't have to worry about what to wear!"

I still worried.

I still wore make-up.

I still polished my nails.

Linda went to the tanning booth during the week, and admittedly looked hot for a thirty-seven year-old woman. Her face was still very plain without makeup, so she asked me to help her with that. I did.

She returned the favor with a new tube of KY.

"Really?" I asked.

"You're gonna need it," Linda persisted.

"So... what?" I asked. "You think this is going to be an orgy or something?"

"Don't you?" Linda said. "Do you really think six college guys are going to just sit around three naked women and nothing's going to happen?"

"I wasn't sure what to think, but now that you mention it," I started. "I thought you and Michael would probably sneak away somewhere. Dru might..."

Linda interrupted, "You think Dru is going to be the only one that fucks you? Do you think Michael is the only one that's going to fuck me? And what about Marjorie? Do you think she really wants to get fucked by the other four boys all by herself?"

"Actually, that was exactly what I was thinking," I said.

"Well, you might be right, there," Linda giggled. "But these are college kids. They just want to get laid, and they want to get blown. They're probably into anal, too. It's more prevalent than regular sex these days."

"Really?" I asked, genuinely surprised.

"You'll see," Linda answered as she reached for my nail polish.

I rode with Linda in her little Miata. Danny and Eric rode with Michael. Greg, who had stayed at my house a few times the previous year and Terry, whom I had never met, rode with Dru.

Linda opted for sweatpants, a sweatshirt, and flip-flops.

I wore sweatpants, a hoodie, and matching flip-flops.

Despite not thinking I'd need one, we both brought overnight bags with toiletry items.

Michael's Jeep and Dru's pickup were already in Marjorie's driveway when we pulled up twenty minutes later.

"Didn't we leave before Michael?" I asked.

"Uh-huh," Linda said. "Guess he knew a shortcut."

I walked up the steps to Marjorie's huge house and was greeted with a note on the door:


The pool heater is working. Come on in, get comfortable, and meet us out back.


By 'get comfortable,' I knew Marjorie meant 'lose the clothes.' So did Linda, who was naked before I had a chance to close the massive front door behind us.

"Come on, Jean!" Linda said impatiently. My clothes were easy enough to take off, but I was struggling nonetheless.

"Sorry," I said. "I don't know about this. I mean, Michael..."

"And Dru!" Linda said. "Don't worry about Michael. I'll keep him preoccupied."

I knew she would.

We walked to the back of the house, to an expansive Florida room that opened to the huge in-ground pool and Jacuzzi outside. Marjorie let them choose the music, and she handed out beverages. If she was concerned about them being under twenty-one, she didn't show it. From a distance, Marjorie looked ten or even fifteen years younger. She was more toned than the last time I saw her. She must have been hitting the home gym hard. If everyone had been wearing bathing suits, it would have looked like a completely normal pool party in October aside from there being six guys and only one girl. Woman. Marjorie was thirty-seven.

But, they were naked. Very naked.

Four of the guys were in the pool, hitting a volleyball back and forth across a net that wasn't there. When Marjorie approached with the drinks, one by one, they stepped out of the pool. The two that had been standing at the bar walked over to greet us.

"Oh my gosh, Linda," I said under my breath. "Michael is already hard."

His erection was angled up and bouncing in front of him, easily seven or eight inches long and three inches wide. I envied Linda.

The friend next to him must have been Terry, because I hadn't met him before. He was tall, dark brown, and completely shaved around his long dick and large balls.

"Mom, this is Terry," Michael said. Terry put out his large hand, but I almost grabbed his cock in the process taking it. "Terry, this is my mom, Jean."

"Pleased to meet you Ms. Jean," Terry said with a deep voice. "You're every bit as beautiful as the other guys said." As I let go of his hand, mine once again brushed closely to his impressively long manhood. He reached out and put his hand on mine, and then put my hand on his shaft. "You can hold it if you'd like."

I held it for a few seconds.

It was heavy. I instinctively stroked it, but stopped when I noticed everyone looking at me.

"That's very nice, Terry," I said. "But, I think I should have a drink, first."

Marjorie put a glass in my hand, and then handed one to Linda.

"A little late in the season for a Mojito, isn't it?" I asked Marjorie. She gave me a look that insisted I try it before criticizing her choice of beverage for me. It wasn't exactly a Mojito, but it was good. And apparently strong. The first sip didn't taste like anything, but then I felt the burn of alcohol on the second. I decided to sip slowly.

Michael introduced everyone else to Linda, mingled a bit, and then pulled me aside.

"Looks like everyone is happy," Michael said. I looked down at his erection. I wondered why I wasn't more embarrassed. For some reason, though, I was getting more comfortable not only being naked, but being naked around so many aroused young men. Men half my age, and one of them just happening to be my son.

"Including you, I see," I said.

"I think Terry likes you," Michael said. "What do you think of him?"

"He's a handsome black man," I said.