Jenny and Carrie Ch. 03


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"Yes dear. It has been about that long. Where's Rach?" Leslie asked.

"She's in back. Go on back there. I know for a fact she'll love this." Jackie said and pointed to where Rachel was. They both said thanks and hugged her, and went back. In no time everyone in the place heard Rachel's cry of happiness to finally see her cousin and good friend.

"Well no, who do we have here?" She asked once they settled down, pointing to Jenny and Carrie.

"These ladies are my daughters. This is Carrie and this is Jenny."

"It's a pleasure to meet both you ladies, How are you?"

"We're fine Aunt Rachel. It's nice to meet you also."

"Well now how may I help you all today?"

"We need you to die Jenny's hair to the same color as Carrie's and hers." Katherine told Rachel and handed her a picture of Jennifer.

"Now that's no problem. We can take care of that for you Jenny dear." Rachel told Jenny, and handed the picture back to Katherine and led all four into her personal work area. Which was closed off from the rest of the salon, she closed the door and the thick drapes to where no one could see in at all. "Come on over here dear Jen, Sit in that chair hun and we'll start. First I'll die your hair, and then wash it, and I'll try and style it however you want it. Sound good hun?"

"Yes mam! I can't wait!" Jenny practically squealed her happiness. To this they all laughed at her. Then Rachel stated on her hair, the whole process took 2 and ½ hours to finish. And that was due only because of the dark color, thickness, and length of Jenny's hair. After Rachel finished, she let Jenny up to look at her new look. Carrie came over to the mirror with Jenny, as she was admiring her now pale blonde hair. With both together in front of the mirror, they both saw that now they looked identical.

"Good Grief Jen! We look like a set of twins."

"Yes sis we do. It's amazing to say the least. We are a set of identical twins." Jenny told Carrie, They both hugged and were there happily talking.

"Just think of the commotion we will cause at school. No one will believe their eyes." Both laughed at that.

"What do you think Jan. Beth, and Allison will say when they see us?" Carrie

asked and laughed.

"Well sis, they might not be able to speak until the shock wears off. But, I'd guess they all will freak out." The women left the room for a minute so, Katherine could relay to Rachel what next she wanted to do for her ladies. She wanted to have the cosmetologist teach Jenny and Carrie how to use and apply makeup the right way. So, Rachel went and explained this to the woman, then came back.

"She said she'd love to teach them for you." She told Katherine. Then they re-entered the room. Where they saw that both Jenny and Carrie were still in front of the mirror where they left them talking and laughing.

"Hey ladies, we've got another surprise for you both."

"What's that mom?" They asked. She told them that they had a lady here that was going to teach and show them how to apply and wear makeup.

"So you ladies both can start wearing it." Hearing this made the ladies even happier. To which they told Katherine that each was wondering when they could start wearing it, seeing that most of their friends already wear it.

"Thanks." They said as Rachel, Katherine, and Leslie led both over to the woman. Who took another hour with the ladies teaching both and helping when or if the ladies needed it. When she was done, she wrote out a list of products and colors they worked and looked best on Jenny and Carrie. All they women were very surprised as to just how fast the ladies caught on to the technique of applying makeup. So, Jeri, let both practice for a while, watching very closely, ready to help if they needed it. Both neither of the ladies did, because they had learned it. Soon, Katherine, Leslie, Jenny and Carrie were ready to go, they each hugged Rachel and Jackie goodbye each promising to keep in touch. They left and headed for Leslie's cousin's boutique. Where Katherine helped Jenny and Carrie pick their 3 matching dresses. with all the accessories that went with them. Linda let the ladies use her private bathroom to get dressed in, Katherine went in ready to help if they needed it, but Jenny and Carrie had it all under control.

When those 4 ladies got home, Katherine got Jenny and Carrie to wait in the foyer until they called for them. As they entered they found all four guys in the den watching a baseball game.

"We've got a big surprise for all 4 of you." They all looked up. "Ready?"

"Yes" they said.

"Come on in ladies." To which Jenny and Carrie entered the room holding hands and smiling. When the guys saw the ladies, they all really made a fuss over them.

"Good Grief sisters! You both look like twins." Jon and Todd said. "It's hard to tell who's who."

"Neither of you are kidding here, it is hard to tell. Dears you ladies look very beautiful." Ross complemented Jenny and Carrie.

"Thanks dad, Jon and Todd. We're glad you all approve of the new us." They said and hugged everyone.

For the month of August, right up until their birthdays, both Jenny and Carrie practiced diligently with Ann on their diving. They worked very hard learning everything, and then doing everyone perfectly. On September 7th, Jenny and Carries' birthday, which was one of the few days they took off to celebrate with their family. Today both Jenny and Carrie were finally teenagers, they turned 13. Last week they both had asked their parents to include their Aunt's name on their cake, because it was her birthday too. At 8, the rest of the family showed up to help the ladies celebrate turning 13.

To unveil his present to his daughters, Ross took both down to the basement where he turned on the lights, so they could see their present. Ross had had the entire basement turned into a golf practice facility for Jenny and Carrie. On one side there was a driving area, with two teeing areas, facing a wall 25 feet away. This was covered by a golf ball net. So they could drive and not worry about and damage. The net was made to catch the balls, once a ball hit the net if fell straight to the floor. On the other side there was a putting green with 6 different holes, there was even enough for them to practice their chipping. The whole floor had been covered in astro turf. Everyone could tell Jenny and Carrie loved this gift.

"Also dears, the driving area has a golf ball flight tracker. It measures flight, distance, club head speed, and the computer helps you correct and problems with your swings." Soon they all went back up to the den where the ladies finished opening everyone else's presents. This was where Katherine and Leslie handed both one of theirs. Both ladies opened the box and separated the tissue paper in the box, then cried when each saw what was under all that. They both looked up at their mother with tears of happiness rolling down their cheeks.

"Dear ladies that is the best picture of your Aunt Jennifer. Your grandparents sent me some negatives, and I got that made for you. Now that envelope there contains a few wallet pictures for us too." Katherine told her ladies. They both got up and hugged Katherine and thanked her. Once they sat back down, Leslie and Claude gave them theirs to which they had given the ladies gold jewelry boxes, and told both that she and their mother had another present after everyone else had their turns. Both their brothers gave them coat racks both had made in shop class. Victoria and Tobias gave both Rolex watches set with diamonds and sapphires. The sapphires were set in the 12, 3, 6 and 9 spots and the rest of the ring was made up of the diamonds. Then both Katherine and Leslie gave them the last part of their presents. Which the women gave the ladies each a thick 24 carat gold herringbone necklace with matching bracelets and anklelets. And two big dinner rings.

"Thank you all for a very special birthday. We really appreciate everything you all gave us tonight." They said and went around the room and hugged and kissed everyone. Then both sat back down staring at the picture of their Aunt.

"Boy Aunt Jennifer was gorgeous. I wish she was here, because I'd love to have met her." Jenny said.

"So do I sis. She looks like she was a great woman, and could still be the great woman." Carrie added.

"I wish you both could have met her too. You both are right, she was a great woman. And I do know this for a fact; she would have really loved you ladies." Ross told them.

"Thanks to you all for great birthday again. But now it's time to go visit Aunt Jennifer's grave. It's her birthday too." So, after they took all their presents up to their room, Katherine and Leslie took them to the site. Where they let Jenny and Carrie go alone up to visit it alone. Both ladies bent down and put roses in the vase, then kneeled down and pulled weeds away for the cross. Then they stood up holding hands and sang' Happy Birthday' to Jennifer.

"I can see that they both act as if they can see and talk to Jennifer." Leslie said to Katherine as they sat on the car watching.

"I know. And it does worry me a little. I don't really know if that is mentally healthy for the ladies."

"Well I'll tell you sis, if that was me there I'd want the same." Leslie said as Jenny and Carrie came back.

"Ready to go home ladies?

"Yes mam. We both have to practice in our golf area. Then we have to rest up for tomorrow, school, homework, and a strenuous diving practice."

"True and the fact that our championship is next weekend also. So, we need to hold as many practices as we can." Jenny added.

When they arrived back home, the ladies went up and got their golf clubs and a radio, then went down to their practice facility with Ross. So he could teach them how to use all the equipment and the computer. Once they had it, Ross hugged them, and went back up to the den. The ladies practiced heavily for 3 hours on all of their shot types. Then turned off everything and went up to their room, for showers and bed.

I n the den all 4 of the adults were sitting and talking.

"Dears Claude and I have something to explain to both of you." Ross told Katherine and Leslie.

"What's up honey?' Katherine asked as she kicked off her shoes and brought her legs up under herself.

"You remember Jacques don't you?' He asked Katherine, to which she nodded.

"Yes dear the guy in Paris. Where Victoria and I just happened to accidentally on purpose bumped into you. Why?"

"Well he called me the other day. He needs us there, because something bad had happened with the building we met at. The second floor collapsed, he needs me there to help in the planning on how to keep the rest from following suit. He needs Claude there for any legal trouble that will come out of this. See there are 6 of his crew that are still missing; all 6 were either on the first floor or in the basement when it happened. I could tell from listening to him that all of this has started to wear very heavily on him." Ross explained.

"Oh my god! That is terrible. I do hope it comes out alright for him and the guys. So when do you both have to leave?" Both asked.

"Dears we will have to leave in the morning. I'd guess we will be in Paris for at least 2 weeks. We do hate to leave you both in your conditions, but we have to go and help him." Claude told the women.

"Don't worry about us, we'll be fine hun." Leslie told him. To this both men thought it would be a good idea if they stayed with Victoria, just in case something were to happen, those two would be there to help Katherine and Leslie. But, both Katherine and Leslie told their husbands that they would be fine here, and they would have the ladies' help. And that Linda was just a call away if they needed her. Finally the men agreed, but told both that it would be lots easier for both if at least the boys stayed with Victoria and Tobias.

"Now that sounds like a plan, I know they would love that." Katherine and Leslie laughed. Then the women got up and hugged and Kissed Ross and Claude and went and did their routine and then went to bed. Ross reached over and called Victoria and told her their plan, and then the reason he and Claude were leaving. Where she told him they would love to keep Jon and Todd. Then she asked about Jenny and Carrie. To which he told her that both ladies were staying here with Katherine and Leslie to help care for them. Then he told Victoria that they would arrive around 7:30 to drop the boys off in the morning on their way to the airport. Then both said their goodbyes and hung up. Then he told Claude what Victoria said, and then they sat talking about the problem in Paris. 30 or so minutes later they both turned in for the night.

Ross entered his room to find Katherine soundly asleep, so he quietly undressed and slid into bed. He leaned over and carefully kissed her on the forehead, then laid back and fell asleep.

In Claude's and Leslie's room, as he entered, Leslie was getting back into bed. He came over and hugged and kissed her.

"How come are you still awake dear Leslie?"

"I don't know hun. Maybe I'm turning into an insomniac." She laughed. "No hun I just had to use the bathroom."

"I kind of figured that was the reason. Because I do know for a fact that the way you sleep dear, you could never fall victim of insomnia." He kidded Leslie.

"Now I see what my sisters were telling me about now. I'm going for 2 instead of one.

"Well hun go on back to sleep, because you will need all of it, seeing it won't be long now." Claude told Leslie. But, when he looked down, she had already fallen back asleep this made him laugh. The he laid back and sleep took him over.

At 5 in the morning, the 4 adults were back awake, and while the women were in the kitchen making breakfast, Ross woke the boys up and told them to pack for 2 weeks, because they were going to stay with Victoria and Tobias while he and Claude were gone.

When Ross entered the kitchen he found Katherine and Leslie busy. He came up and put his arms around her from behind and kissed the back of her neck. She instantly turned around and they got involved in a deep kiss and hug. "Well good morning to you too.' She laughed. Then she started thinking if she ever could remember a time when she felt this loved before. Quickly she concluded that there was no way she ever been in love or loved to this extent. Ross calling her name broke her out of that thought. She looked up smiling.

"Yes dear?"

"Are you ok hun?' Ross asked with a worried look on his face.

"Yes hun, I'm perfect." She told him the reason she didn't hear him the first time. "Are you all ready?"

"Yes. Claude and I are we are just waiting for the boys to finish and eat. Then we have to leave and drop them off on our way. Now are you both sure you'll be fine here by yourselves?"

"Yes hun we will, we have the ladies here to help us, so we'll make it." 5 minutes later the boys entered and sat down to eat.

"Good morning guys. Are you both all packed and ready?" Katherine asked them after she hugged and kissed them.

"Yes mam. We're ready for this, especially with Uncle Tobias."

'Well let's eat and hit the road." Claude said as he entered the room. He and Leslie hugged and kissed good morning. Dear Leslie, if you continue to get bigger. I'll have to figure out how to grow longer arms to hug you with." He laughed. Leslie took a playful swipe at him for that, and laughed with him. The she handed him his plate, and Claude sat down at the table with Ross, Jon and Todd and ate.

At 7, the car was packed, Ross and Claude hugged and kissed Katherine and Leslie goodbye, and then the women hugged and kissed the boys. They both stood out in the drive and watched them drive away. Then they walked back inside to the den, where they sat watching TV.

"You know. I've gotten spoiled having Claude to snuggle up to when I sleep. I don't think I'll sleep that well now." Leslie said with a yawn.

'Yes sis, I feel the same way you do. Because I have gotten in to the same predicament also, look hun I have an idea. Why don't we sleep together until they get back? At least we both will stay warm." Katherine said.

"That's sounds great to me." Leslie agreed with another big yawn.

"Well sister dear. Let's head back to bed for some rest. This is good because you'll need it when the moment happens." Katherine told Leslie.

"I would sis. If I could just get up! I will swear that I didn't believe it would be so hard to move." Leslie said as both cracked up. Katherine got to her feet slowly, and then helped Leslie up, and they went to Katherine's room and got into the bed.

'You remember we have our monthly appointments with Linda tomorrow morning."

"Yes and I for one can't wait. Because she told us she was going to use the Ultra Sound machine on us. Maybe we both will be able to figure out just what we're having. Claude and I have already had this conversation about what we would like to have, he wants a son, and I want a daughter."

"Well both of Ross and I think another daughter would be great. But saying this, I have a feeling that if I did have another daughter. The ladies would probably take her from me and raise her themselves." Katherine said happily. And in no time both women were back asleep.

Jenny and Carrie woke up at 9:30, then hugged and got into their robes, and went down to the kitchen to eat.

After they had eaten, they decided to check in on the women.

"I guess we can check on Leslie first, then in on mom." Carrie suggested. So, both went to Leslie's room and opened the door quietly. To which both were shocked to find her not in the room. Jenny went and looked in the bathroom, and again not finding Leslie.

"She's not in here!" Jenny said nervously. They both ran to their mother's room, and quietly opened the door, and both were relieved to find both women in there both asleep. The ladies were about to close the door when Katherine slowly rose up and looked around.

"Sorry to have woken you up mom, we both were just checking in on you both, Mainly Les. We went to check on her first, but finding her gone. We were just scared." Leslie sat up as they told this to Katherine. It made both women smile at

each other and at Jenny and Carrie.

"We're sorry for the scare ladies. We just decided to sleep together while your dad and Claude are gone." Leslie told Jenny and Carrie. The ladies came over and hugged and kissed them both, and then sat on the end of the bed.

"Well tomorrow will start both of your 8th months of pregnancy. We both are so proud of the both of you, we can hardly stand it." They stated happily.

"Yes. Dears believe us; we both feel the same way you both do."

"Well we both will go and watch TV and let you both get back to sleep. We'll see you both later." Carrie told Katherine and Leslie, and then she and Jenny got up and headed for the den.

An hour later Katherine and Leslie joined Jenny and Carrie in the den in front of the TV. Where each of the ladies decided to watch one of the biggest game shows:' The Price Is Right'. At that point Bob Barker was playing a card game with a young blonde woman for a chance to win a Pontiac Sunbird.

"What time are your practice ladies?"

"We have golf from 4 till 6:30, and diving from 7 till 10:30. We both want to practice all we can, in diving mainly because the championship is Saturday. Where sis and I are determined to be the best ones in it." Carrie started.

"And to get first at all fair costs." Jenny finished.

"That's great ladies. It's now only 4 days away. How are your flips progressing Carrie?'

"Ann tells me they are getting better all the time. But, I know I still have the tendency to still over rotate. Ann told me that tonight she was going to try something with me." Carrie explained, just as the blonde woman won the car on TV and was hugging Bob. To which all 4 died laughing at that scene.