Jen's Trip to the Beach Pt. 01


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Ben swam up to her, grinning. "Hey come on, there's a cave behind the waterfall!" He turned and swam up to and past the waterfall. Jen followed him, and behind the cascades of water there was an indent in the cliff face. It wasn't a cave but it was big enough to stand up in. She climbed out, joining her son in the small space. With two people it was a bit crowded.

Turning back to face the water, the noise of the waterfall echoing against the rock made it impossible to talk, so they just took in the experience. It appeared that the locals had made use of this space for years, as there were drawings and carvings on the back wall of the recess. Jen turned around to look at them, bumping into Ben as she did, causing him to stumble.

Windmilling his arms, Ben fell back into the pool under the waterfall itself.

"Ben!" she shouted, looking for him to emerge. She knelt down on the edge to try and see him, but the water was too frothy. Just as she was about to jump in, he emerged from the water in a surge, clinging onto the rock. She grabbed his arm, yelling, "Are you okay? I'm so sorry!"

He nodded, wiping the water from his face. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just surprised is all." He spat and sputtered a bit more before reaching under the water.

"Um, Mom. I think I lost something."

"Oh no, wait... what? What did you lose? You were only under there a few seconds."

"My suit. The water ripped it away when I went under." He started ducking his head to look under the water.

"So... you're naked?" she asked. He nodded.

"Can you see your suit? Can you get it back?"

"I don't see it. It might be anywhere in the pool by now. I'm not sure if it floats."

Jen started to scan around, looking for the suit. It was a dark blue and so wouldn't be easily seen. After a bit, she slipped back into the water to try and scan below the surface, but to no avail. Ben was searching as well, and she occasionally caught a glimpse of his white skin through the water as he dove repeatedly. She couldn't help it. It was right there. On one of Ben's dive attempts, she caught a clear glimpse of his crotch. The dark pubic hair framed his penis, flopping around limply in the water as he swam.

Once again, the impressions she'd gathered of his penis over the last while came rushing back to her, and now she had more info to add to the collection. She felt a warm flush spread over her body, despite the cool water.

No! She refused to go down that road.

Swimming back to shore, Jen gave up the search for the suit. It was a lost cause, she'd just get Ben a towel to cover up, so he could change. As she got to shore and climbed out, she firmly shoved the mental images away.

Climbing out of the water into the blazing sun directly overhead was a pleasure in itself, and she lost herself in the feel of the warmth spreading on her back and shoulders. She grabbed a towel and dried off quickly before grabbing another for Ben. She lay it on a nearby boulder for him, and then grabbed her clothes to go change in the bushes. The sensible acts diverted her thoughts and reestablished the pure calm she'd attained on the hike up here.

How had she lost her way so quickly? What was it that caused her to sink to such depths that she would spend such mental energy focusing on her son? Was it him specifically, or would any dick waving in the wind draw her eye? Had she just gotten that desperate for cock that she would ignore her marriage, her vows, her own sense of propriety, morality and law?

Changed and back at the blanket, Jen gathered up the food and packed it away. She called for Ben to come back; the suit was a lost cause. He waved his assent and started back her way. She deliberately took a swig of water when he was getting out of the pool to ensure that she wouldn't be tempted to look at him without his suit.

She heard him walking to the blanket and stopping. "Can I have a drink?"

"Sure," she said, handing him the water bottle. "Ben!" she shrieked. He was standing there holding the towel but not covering up.


"Cover up! I gave you the towel so you could be decent." Jen fought to keep her eyes on his face.

"Why? There's no one around, and you've seen it before." He looked down for emphasis.

"I know I've seen it, but that doesn't mean I want to see it more! Go get changed."

"Yeah, I will, I just... I've never been naked outside like this. I like the feel of the sun, and was thinking I'd lie out like this for a bit." He was looking around as he talked, before finding a spot. He spread his towel out and lay down.

He was totally oblivious. Jen gaped at him as he closed his eyes and just lay there, hands by his sides. Lay there, totally nude. It was like he was inviting her to examine him in as much detail as she liked. Honestly, in her state of mind it was too much to resist a small glance.

He looked much as he had in the changing tent. A perfectly formed, model example of a penis. Even soft it was beautiful, to the point where she ached to hold it, cradle it. She glanced at his face but his eyes were still closed as he lay basking in the sun. His lean arms with a hint of muscle lurking beneath the skin. His pecs nicely shaped on his bare chest. His toned belly, with a trail of hair leading down to the tuft drying in the sun, all of that above... the cock laying on his thigh, cradled by his substantial ball sack.

As she watched, his penis slowly rolled from his thigh, drifting until it sat fully on his scrotum. Why did it move? Did penises move on their own? She'd never examined Allan like this, they'd never gone nude sunbathing, and he was always wearing at least underwear unless they were making love. Jen realized this was the first time she'd ever been able to just stare at a naked man.

She could feel it. Her lips were getting slippery in her panties. Her nipples, having relaxed in the warmth of her bra were now reacting. It was happening all over again, like the night before. Why couldn't she control this? She grabbed her book and opened it to read, trying to distract herself. Anything to not be treating her son's body like a piece of sexual meat. He was a person, not a walking cock.

Firmly pointing her gaze at the pages, she failed to read for a full 10 minutes before she glanced past her book. It had changed position again. Whereas before it was lying prone on his ball sack, there was now an inch of clearance. As she watched, it rose in jumps slowly filling with blood. The soft organ became a hard tool. At this proximity she could see it perfectly. The veins running along the outside. The prominent ridge around his head. The dark tone of the skin getting even darker at the crest of him. The slight curve of his length. It was now a potent pleasure provider, bobbing in time with his heartbeat.

Was he awake? Why was he hard? Jen moved her book slightly to see his face, but he was asleep. What was he dreaming of? She absently brought a hand up to cup her breast, rubbing her thumb over her sensitive nipple. The amount of tension building in her over the last couple days was becoming too much. Each tease, each encounter, only further increased her need for release.

The hand dropped to her lap, where she could feel the heat of her pussy radiating through her pants. She pushed lightly, surreptitiously, on her mons. The pressure sent a wave through her groin, spreading to her pussy. Her vagina clenched in response, a flood of moisture filling her panties.

She dropped her book and snatched a nearby towel to cover her lap and legs. This gave her a bit of privacy. She immediately started massaging her pussy, pushing her hand down and rubbing back and forth over her pants. The pressure was enough, and she was rewarded with an immediate rise in tension. It built over the next 30 seconds until, with mouth open and eyes closed, an orgasm crashed over her. She squeezed one nipple, increasing the pleasure but also the danger she might cry out. She clasped her legs together and bent her knees to try and hide her sinful act.

The horny mom, unable to prevent being overwhelmed by the sight of her son's hard cock, convulsed and twitched only a few feet away from him. As he slept, his hard cock pointing to the sky, he was unaware of the depravity his own mother had sunk to. The rationalization for the oral sex the day before didn't apply here, as she knew it was her son she was staring at. It was her son's penis she was turned on by, that had led to her touching herself. As she gradually came down from her orgasm, her thoughts were consumed by the situation.

This is what it had come to. The shame she felt was only matched by how intense her orgasm had been. What could have caused this? She'd never cum so fast, and only ever as strong when putting a lot of time into it. She'd also never thought of her son that way. Was it the blowjob? The tent? Was she broken now? Could she ever put the genie back in the bottle?

Cheeks burning from the mixture of guilt and pleasure, she pulled the towel from her lap and stood up, mind churning. She needed to clear her head, try and get some perspective. She tossed the towel over Ben's lap to hide his penis, which was now going limp again, and walked into the trees.

The trees blocked the sun, leaving her in shadow. It matched her mind frame, as she was entering a type of gloom resulting from her feelings that blocked her ability to think straight. It hit her that perhaps thinking had nothing to do with it, that her feelings were at the core of what was going on. If what she was going through had no rational explanation, then maybe she had to just trust her feelings? Or were her feelings betraying her, leading her into a situation from which there was no return? It didn't seem like there was any real way to move forward.

Jen walked for about 20 minutes, not really watching where she was, but making sure to keep the clearing in sight. Then a cry came from the clearing, a loud 'halloooo'. Ben must be awake, she thought. Heading to the clearing she entered it just a few meters from their blanket to see Ben, dressed, packing up.

"Oh, there you are. I was a bit worried to see you gone. Did you find anything out there?" he asked.

"No, nothing," she said, thinking of her ruminations. She tried to keep her voice calm, and not betray how unnerved she was. Was he really asleep through her orgasm? She tried to covertly assess his state of mind as they readied to leave, but either he suspected nothing or was a very good actor.

As they set out to return, Jen insisted on going first. This would let her concentrate on navigating and not staring at him for the next two hours. It worked, but the shadow of guilt remained. By the time they got back to their hotel, in time for dinner, she was ready for a break from him. She needed space to clear her head.

"You go find your Dad, ok? I'm going to the room to have a shower and lie down."

"Sure Mom. Thanks for coming with me, it was a lot of fun." Her son beamed and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She took his pack and headed to their room.

A few minutes later Jen was undressing, shower heating up. She spotted herself in the mirror and stopped to stare. The woman in the mirror didn't look like a son-lusting predator. She looked like a normal woman. If she saw this woman on the street she wouldn't look twice. But under the surface lurked a sexual deviant, a mother who would get turned on by her own progeny. She cupped one of her breasts, lifting and caressing it. A person who would lust after the cock of the person she had raised. Her nipple contracted as she pulled at it with thumb and forefinger. A depraved monster who wanted nothing more than to fuck her son.

Admitting her desires to herself released a load of built-up tension but also created a load of guilt in its place. Fine. She was attracted to her son. That didn't mean anything had to come of it, or ever would. But knowing that impulse was there allowed her to step past the guilt, and see it for what it was. It was ridiculous. It could, and would, never happen. But as a fantasy, she could use it?

Just the thought of fucking her own son wandering across her mind had caused the same rush of desire to spread through her as at the waterfall. She felt the same ramping up of tension in her groin, the type of tension that could result in a similar orgasm to the one she'd felt earlier that day.

Turning from the mirror, she stepped under the flow of the shower. The water blasted away further inhibitions, and she slipped a finger between her nether lips. Feeling how slippery and soaked her pussy was as she stroked just enhanced her pleasure. She could feel her physical reaction to the thought of fucking Ben. Imagining his hand instead of hers fingering her clit sent double the pleasure throughout her body. Imagining his mouth on her nipples sent an echoing pulse back to her pussy. It was a back-and-forth game, as she rubbed and pinched. As at the forest pool, her orgasm was an avalanche. Once started it raced forward without pause... but she managed to stop. She halted the avalanche, a herculean task in itself. Her legs quivered with anticipation.

Was this her life now? Masturbating in the shower, thinking of her son? Quickies stolen in spare moments when she was alone with her thoughts? 'Perhaps', she thought, but right now she just wanted to cum. She resumed her manipulation.

The brief halt did nothing to lower her level of arousal, and she continued to wind up to a magnificent cum. She opened her mouth, wishing there was a mouth she could kiss. She pulled on her nipple, craving stronger hands to pull on it. She dug two fingers into her vagina, wishing there was a longer, thicker, more beautiful organ to do the job. She plunged her hips down, stroking her hand in and out of her opening. As she got closer and closer to her peak, she scrambled for the railing in the shower to keep herself upright. A quiet keening came from her throat as she got closer and closer to... there!

Jen came, with a quiver and a crash. Her pussy clamped down on her fingers, as she tugged on her nipple. She gasped, saving herself from falling to the floor of the tub by finally finding the support handle. Her juices streamed from her pussy, somehow warmer than the shower water, slippery and sloppy, enabling her hand to punch inside of her faster and faster.

Unfortunately, her legs did give out, causing her to fall to her knees in the tub. The thump was quite loud, and she hoped no one had heard her. It was a faint thought, in the back of her head, as the majority of her brain was still focused on the pleasure wracking her midsection. All she could feel was the fingers still buried in her pussy, insistently massaging her inner walls. The shower water pounded her head, the drumming heat calming her. After several more convulsions she slumped down, her fingers falling from her vagina, her nipple pulsing with the pain and pleasure of no longer being pulled.

Jen winced in realization. She was a pervert, and she was sure she would take any opportunity to indulge in her perversion further, given the chance. It just felt too fucking good.

Hours later, tucked into bed in her nightie, sleep only moments away, Jen reflected that it had been a good day. She wondered what the next day would bring.

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AkpervertAkpervert5 months ago

Wonderfully descriptive, revealing and depraved! I know there's GOT to be more. She's gonna fuck him and he's gonna be one happy boy!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Loved this story of mom son lust. The slow buildup has me ready for the next installment. Will mommy begin to tease her son with her mature voluptuous body? will mommy use some alone time with her son while her husband showers to sink to her knees before her son and once again suck her sons cock? Will mommy slip from her husbands bed and into her sons as they sleep at night? I for one can’t wait for the next story in the series to find out.

Charlieboy2004Charlieboy20049 months ago

How beautiful life is. Sometimes you meet your soulmate and it takes a while before you realise that you did. She'll have to act on it and enjoy love and sex with him. Nobody has to get hurt.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Allan or Allen??

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