Journal of an Agent Ch. 23


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"And Sarah, you had nothing to do with this?" I asked, turning my attention to her. She was dressed in a loose sweater and jeans but was biting her nails nervously, her blond hair hanging in her face haphazardly. She was lost in her own thoughts until I called her name.

"No, I didn't know what they were doing down here. I was just upstairs flipping channels and I heard the guy, whose name is Randy by the way, come screaming up the stairs. When I saw the blood on his mouth, I just freaked out and hit him in the head. I didn't mean for him to fall down, but once he did Freddie came up and I helped him carry Randy downstairs and handcuff him. Jesus Dean, am I going to go to jail?" Sarah said, her voice on the verge of anguished tears.

"Not if I can help it Sarah. You two fucked up pretty bad but I think we can fix the situation. Is he unconscious?" I asked the two of them.

"He woke up about 10 minutes ago, right before you got here. But he hasn't said a word since we moved him down here," Freddie said. "What do you want us to do? We can't just leave him down here, unconscious or not,"

I thought for a moment, my mind racing trying to find the best way to resolve this dilemma. "First off, Sarah I want you to go get some washcloths and some clothes to clean him up with. And Freddie, while I take a look at him I want you to find the key to the handcuffs," I said, taking charge.

Sarah bounded upstairs while Freddie scoured the room for the key. I approached "Randy" (I didn't think that was his real name) and stooped down to take a look at him.

His lip was split open pretty good and the left side of his face was starting to swell with a blackish tint just above his high cheek bones. A trickle of blood had dried and cracked out of the corner of his mouth but it didn't look like he lost any teeth or anything more severe than just a sharp blow to the face. I stooped down onto my haunches to take a better look and try to rouse him.

"Randy? Randy can you hear me?" I said, putting my arm on his own and shaking him gently. He lifted his head slowly and looked at me. I'll never forget that look - it was one of fear and confusion and most of all hurt. The poor guy just wanted to go home and if what I had in mind worked, he would soon be on his way.

"Yeah, I can hear you. What do you want?" he whispered.

"I'm a friend of Freddie's and Sarah's. I'm here to help, to make things better so that we all can forget this night and move along with our lives," I said. I didn't want to tell him I was their agent or use my real name just in case he ever wanted to press charges. I may be there for my clients through thick and thin, but I'm not stupid. "Sarah went to go get some washcloths, she will be back in a second. Freddie, did you find that key?"

"Yeah, here it is," Freddie said, bringing it to me.

"Ok Randy, I'm going to unlock these cuffs and pull them off. Just sit still and don't try to run and I'll have you home before the sun goes down, alright?" I said, trying to sound reassuring. He nodded slowly.

With a metallic click, I unlocked the cuffs and pulled them from his sweaty wrists, where they had left a little bit of a reddish rub from being too tight on his hands. Taking him by the hand, I helped Randy stand up slowly. He was a little shaky on his feet but after a moment or two he seemed to have his balance.

He was nearly as tall as I and just about as built physically as any man I had seen. I was surprised that they had managed to drag him all the way downstairs but I guess when the adrenaline had been pumping something like that was minor.

Sarah returned downstairs, an arm load full of clothes and a bucket with about four damp clothes. I took them from her and set them on the ground between Randy and I. Reaching down, I pulled out a wash cloth.

"Here, wipe the blood off your face and get yourself cleaned up a little," I said to him. He took the cloth from me but hesitated for a moment.

"Wait...this blood is evidence. I don't want to get rid of it if I press charges," Randy said, holding the cloth in his hand as it dripped water droplets slowly to the floor.

I smiled a tight lipped "I mean business" smile at him. "Randy, clean yourself off and trust me, there will be no need to press charges. I'm going to make everything alright for all of us without getting the police involved," He seemed to hesitate for another moment but then obliged my request, running the wash cloth over his mouth and cheek gently, clearing away the blood and sweat from his upper body.

When he was finished I said "There. Doesn't that feel better? Now, here is some of Freddie's clothes. Go ahead and put them on if they fit they are yours to keep. We will turn our heads while you change,"

Surprisingly though, Randy just yanked off his loin cloth and stood there naked before us, modesty not one of his big fears as he took the clothes from the pile one by one and got dressed. Cleaned up, he looked like any regular guy, minus of course the bruise on his cheek.

"Now that you are dressed, let's sit down and talk a deal," I said, motioning towards the bed. I sat down on the edge of it and he did the same, facing me as I spoke. Sarah and Freddie lingered away from us, trying to stay as neutral as they could. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my wallet, removing a gold credit card from it's sleeve.

"Do you know what this is? It's a credit card. More importantly, it's a credit card with a $2 million limit on it. I've never used it as it is a company card but take it, it's yours. Feel free to max it out if you want, buy whatever you want with it," I said, handing it to him. It occurred to me that he would now know the name of my company but I couldn't really think of a way to avoid showing it.

Randy sat silent as I continued. "Freddie, what kind of car do you drive?" I asked.

"Dodge Viper, 2001 model," he said.

"Give me your keys," I replied. Freddie reached into his pocket and pulled out his keys, tossing them to me from across the room.

"This car is yours now too. In exchange for all this, last night never happened. You never came here and never saw anything. If anyone asks, you got in a fight with someone at a bar. If you keep up your end of the bargain, that credit card will stay active for as long as it takes for you to max it out and the car will be transferred to your name. If you don't however, I will call the cops on you and have you arrested for solicitation, not to mention have the car and it's plates reported stolen," I said.

"So you're paying me off in exchange for keeping quiet?" Randy said finally. I couldn't tell if he was having a moral dilemma or just getting his facts straight. Judging by the way he gripped the card and keys, it had to have been the latter.

"Pay off is such a harsh phrase," I said. "Let's just call it a gift from two of your Hollywood friends. So, do we have a deal?"

Randy seemed to consider this for a second, staring down at his lap while he thought. "Yeah, I suppose so. I know that Freddie didn't mean for this to happen, nor did Sarah, so if it's just an accident than no harm no foul I suppose," he said.

"That's the kind of talk I like to hear," I said, extending my hand for a handshake. He returned it, his shake surprisingly firm for someone who had been through such a rough time. "Good. Great. Everyone is happy. Now, I know that traffic is going to be getting tough out there real soon. Freddie, why don't you walk our friend Randy out won't you?"

Freddie nodded and headed for the stairs, Randy following right behind. Sarah seemed to linger in the door way for a moment and then followed behind them. Not wanting to be left in the room alone, I came with them as well.

We all watched as Freddie climbed into the car, a jet black beautiful machine that seemed to purr like a kitten when he started the engine. Watching him go until he was just a speck on the Pacific Coast Highway, the three of us stood awkwardly on the front step.

"I guess I'll go clean up my mess," Freddie said, his voice showing exhaustion but also signs of relief that the problem was solved.

That left Sarah and I on the doorstep alone. We stood in silence for a few moments, watching the waves crash onto the rocks a hundred feet below us.

"You know, you really didn't have to do that for us Dean," Sarah said finally. The ocean breeze whipped around the two of us, the salty air making you squint and your hair flying in undetermined directions.

"Actually Sarah, I did. It's my job. Remind me to tell Freddie that I will buy him a new car when I get back to the city," I said. We stood side by side, staring off into the distance.

"What about the money? $2 million is a hell of a lot for something like this," Sarah said.

"Well, if it costs me two million to get you and Freddie $15 million per picture later down the road, then so be it. Besides, I can write it off as a tax deduction. Business expense, you know," I replied. The money really wasn't a concern. In an average year we made roughly $70 million from new contracts and agreements with studios for talent, so if I had to take a little slap on the wrist to keep everyone happy in Hollywood land, so be it.

"That's true, I hadn't thought about that. You know, not many agents would have done that. Not many PEOPLE would have helped us out like you did. That was a pretty stand up thing to do but you didn't think twice about it," Sarah said. I noticed she had moved closer to me now, the warmth of her petite body pressing against my hip. Her head only came up the middle of my chest, despite the fact that she appeared much taller on film.

"Come on, let me get you a drink. It's the least I can do," Sarah said, leading me inside. I followed her and soon we were standing at the wet bar they had built into their "entertaining room". Sarah played bartender behind the counter for us both while I sat on a very expensive looking gold barstool, thinking about the stuff that Allison had said.

Sarah poured me a drink, bringing me back to reality. "I want to apologize for all those messages I left on your machine yesterday. I was just freaking out and when you weren't calling me back my mind got more and more frantic," she said. Taking a sip from her wine glass, I slowly drank my drink - scotch over ice - and listened to Sarah talk.

"You know, at first I thought that this whole fake engagement thing would be easy. Freddie and I were such good friends, I didn't think of how anything could possibly go wrong. I mean, last night was rough for sure but in the grand scheme of things it probably won't matter if we can keep this marriage thing going for a while. But now that we have officially been together for so long, I'm realizing that I got the short end of the stick here. Freddie can have all the boyfriends he wants to because no one knows about it. But if I try to get a man, or even try to go out on a date, the press will be all over me. You know how long it's been since I've been with a man Dean?" Sarah said, holding the almost empty wine glass nonchalantly in her hand.

I shook my head no, chewing on a piece of ice.

"Two years. Two long years. I mean, masturbation is great and all but sometimes I need the real thing. And I just don't know what to do, who to talk to who knows about our little arrangement and wouldn't tell a soul, but who would be interested in scratching my itch for me," Sarah said. Her face was close to mine now, her blond hair and delicate features looking sexy and mysterious in the dull light of the room. Sarah had a natural beauty, a natural smile, that make up only brought out further. Thinking of this made me think suddenly of Natalie Portman, my current girlfriend, who also shared this quality with Sarah. I realized that I shouldn't let this go the direction Sarah was taking it.

"Sarah, I know what you are thinking but I can't. I've been so unfaithful to Natalie since we started dating that it's not even funny. I don't think I need to add you to that list," I said, finishing my drink but trying to sound as uninterested as possible.

Sarah was a little taken aback by my inadvertent male bragging, but it didn't seem to stop her in her quest. "That's the beauty of it though Dean. That's why affairs can carry on for so long - two people who are in supposedly monogamous relationships sleep with each other because their significant others know that they wouldn't cheat, or think they know. With you, Natalie would never suspect anything because even she doesn't know about Freddie and I. And no one in the outside world is going to know because they ALSO don't know about our little setup. So don't you see, this would be the perfect tryst," Sarah said. She had leaned onto the bar across from me now, her voice coming only in a whisper as she spoke. I could see the outline of her firm breasts pressing against the cool wood surface of the bar, the absolute size of them in her sweater now incredibly obvious.

I realized that Sarah had a point. I didn't want to cheat (again) on Natalie if I could help it, but I could think of no way something like this could go wrong. And I sure as hell knew that Freddie wouldn't care - he would be too occupied cleaning up the mess in the lower floor to even think of coming upstairs and catching us.

"Alright Sarah, but if we do this thing, it has to stay between you and I. No one else should know, or else this whole sham marriage will go up in smoke," I said resignedly. I could feel my cock start to grow in my pants as the most primordial part of my mind realized that I would soon be fucking the gorgeous woman not two feet away from me.

I took her by the hand and led her back upstairs. We made our way down the hall to Sarah's bedroom and happened to bump into Freddie on the way in, his hands full of soiled clothes.

"Dean and I are going to fuck now Freddie so leave us alone for a while ok?" Sarah said casually as we passed. It occurred to me then how bizarre this encounter truly seemed.

"Ok, you two have fun. Go get her Dean, I hear she's pretty wild," Freddie called to us with a grin as he walked by. I shook my head at the absurdity of the situation and continued on into Sarah's room.

Very neatly decorated, the room was massive. It was almost as big as an entire studio apartment out in New York City and had almost all the things that an apartment would have - a large space for furniture and a very large walk in closet, not to mention the sparkling white floor of the bathroom, complete with a jacuzzi tub.

Sarah obviously had good taste when it came to decorating her room, because even the couch on the far wall that faced her big screen television seemed to match the whole decorum of the room. Oddly though, in the middle of a wall Sarah had put a jumbo-sized "Buffy: The Vampire Slayer" poster featuring an almost life size version of herself holding a stake and staring menacingly into the camera.

I walked over to the poster. "Doesn't having something like this up creep you out a little?" I asked, running my hand lazily over the smooth paper of the poster.

"Na. I put it up one day as a joke after I got the part, but it's just sort of stayed there and with me. Whenever I feel low or upset about something going on in my career, I look at the poster and remember where I started and I suddenly don't feel so bad. It's narcissistic I know but it's like a good luck charm," Sarah said. She had walked up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist, the hot breath of her mouth near my ear as she spoke. "Besides, why would you want a paper Buffy when you've got the three-dimensional one right here?" she said seductively.

I turned around to face her. She had slipped off her jeans already and stood in only her oversized sweatshirt and a very tiny pair of pink panties that barely covered her pussy that showed the faint outline of her sex.

I leaned down and kissed her, resigning myself to my infidelity for the time being and letting my body take over. It didn't take long. Sarah returned the kiss eagerly and I saw that she really was as sex starved as she had said, her tongue and lips pressed against my own tightly as she explored the depths of my mouth. I could only respond back by doing the same and we held the embrace for a while. The scent of her freshly washed hair and the musk from the growing wetness between her legs filled my nostrils as I became intoxicated simply by holding her near to me.

When we finally broke the kiss, Sarah was panting a little and her face was flushed, the excitement taking control over her. I wanted to make sure she was good and ready, but also to tease her a little longer and make this last longer, so I led her over to the bed and laid her down. Sarah was almost shaking in excitement as I spread her legs open gently and reached up, pulling down her panties very slowly. Sarah lifted her ass for me to let them slide down her legs, where I let them fall at the foot of the bed.

I pushed her sweater up a little and began to plant tiny little kisses on her tummy from her navel on down, making sure to leave just a soft enough kiss to make her want more. As I moved to her thighs, I began kissing her quicker, moving from thigh to thigh in a rapid pace, the hair on the top of my head brushing against her moist cunt, causing her to gasp sharply when I happened to come close to her love tunnel. Finally, after making my way up the inside of her thighs, my mouth hovered over the top of her pussy. Sarah had lifted her head now and was watching my every move, her chest heaving up and down as she waited for that one excruciatingly incredible moment when I would lay touch to her tender love spot.

Without further hesitation, I placed my entire mouth over the top of her pussy and unleashed my tongue deep into her, probing her inner sweet depths as much as far as I could get my tongue up into. Sarah went absolutely wild, her hips bucking up so sharply so as to almost fling me from the bed. I grasped tightly onto her thighs and held her down like she was a wild mare, struggling to get free. My tongue meanwhile continued it's relentless quest to please and satisfy her, lapping at and around her tiny little clit. Sarah's pussy was very small, much like the rest of her body and it was difficult for me to get my tongue inside of her too far without opening her up any further.

To solve that problem, I wetted one of my fingers and slowly worked it into her cunt as my tongue continued to lick. I pushed deep within her, the tip of my finger pushing aside pussy flesh as I worked in and out of Sarah's sweet as honey pussy. Sarah gasped loudly as my finger invaded her, clenching her inner muscles tight against it in an effort to keep it inside of her. I wouldn't let this happen though, and teased her as I moved in and out, tickling her clit lightly as I kept up a steady pace within her pussy.

Sarah's writhing was almost uncontrollable now, as she rolled from side to side on her hips. I knew that she was close - very close - to an orgasm and decided to bring it on home for her. Pushing two fingers slowly into her now (I didn't even need to wet them, Sarah's over excited juices had gushed out so much that the bed had a growing wet spot beneath her legs. Inserting the second finger into her, I began to time my hand thrusts with what my tongue was doing in terms of pace. While my tongue was busy lapping at her clit like a dehydrated dog, my fingers were buried deep inside of her snatch. In and out, in and out, I made sure that my fingers were only thrust into her deeply on the very moment that my tongue made contact with Sarah's clit. For her this must have felt incredible, having her clit teased almost to a maddening point while two fingers thrust in and out - it was the best of both worlds. Naturally, after only about a minute of this, Sarah cried out loudly and came. Her orgasm was incredibly intense, her eyes shut tightly as her entire body seemed to shake like she had been shocked, then go limp almost completely, the only movement coming from her being her heaving chest, with her aroused nipples pressing tightly against the sweater she wore.