Karma Served Cold


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I walked further down the hallway searching for signs of life, just to be thorough. I looked in the "baby's room" and it was empty. Dave and Nancy had been "trying" to have children for years with no luck, just like me and Diane. Recently Dave pulled me aside in confidence, (he made me promise not to say anything), and told me that he had a vasectomy in college and Nancy still didn't know. What an asshole! I have been wanting to tell Nancy ever since but I couldn't without breaking my promise, and I tried to always keep my word. Besides, if the PI caught him cheating, it would all be mute anyway. So, in a way it was kind of a relief to hear that the asshole was cheating, because I decided earlier that week to tell Nancy what Dave was doing to her anyway, but now maybe I wouldn't need to break my promise.

Other than a big open "game room" area (which was also clear) there were no other rooms on that side of the house, so I doubled back. When I got back to Dave's study, I searched for the key to his gun safe that he hid taped under his desk drawer. He was pretty trusting and did a poor job of hiding his key from me when he showed off his newest guns. His gun safe required a key and a numeric code to get into it. I watched him punch in his code and I remember it because I thought it was pretty stupid "1-2-3-4-4" (at least he did the double four at the end). I pulled out his Smith and Wesson M&P and checked the chamber, grabbed and loaded a clip and holstered his gun behind me in my waistband. I locked his gun safe with his other guns after me and continued my sweep of the house.

I was never really into guns, and didn't own any guns myself. But both Dave and my Father-In-Law were big gun enthusiasts for differing reasons. Dad was a hunter and Dave, well, Dave needed his ego to be stroked a lot. They both dragged me down to a few gun ranges. Although, Dad, taught me to shoot long range rifles for hunting and Dave taught me to shoot various 22 and 45 caliber handguns he had in his collection.

I crept past the stairway to the hallway that led to the master bedroom and two other guest bedrooms. The doors to the guest bedrooms were to the left and right, right next to the stairway. I took a quick peek in both rooms, gun leading the sweep and they too were empty. I think I was subconsciously saving the master bedroom for last, but as I made a left and proceeded down the hallway to the master bedroom door, I could hear moaning and what sounded like the squeaking of a bed.

"Fuck! Dave is fucking someone, probably one of the neighbors," I thought. "Poor Nancy!"

I took out my phone and switched over to Messenger and I invited Nancy to live stream with me. The selfie camera was pointed at me when she picked up and I could see Gloria in the background.

"Sorry, Nan, you were right, I can hear him screwing someone in your bedroom. You might want to record this for your divorce," I said, sadly. "Put yourself on mute, so I can catch him. If you don't want to watch it I can just give you the video later."

I switched the phone to the high res camera and snuck over to the master bedroom door. I opened the door carefully a crack and put my hand and phone through the door. I angled the camera to show all of the action. The muffled sounds suddenly came at me in stereo and I realized I knew the woman moaning - Diane!

I was gut punched, and I stood there shell shocked. They didn't even notice the door opening, as it was out of their peripheral vision, or maybe they were too distracted. But I saw everything through the small phone's screen. Dave was piledriving into Diane, missionary position. Her feet were resting on his shoulders.

"Fuck me, Baby... I'm yours..." she cried, but then I saw red when I heard, "Cum in me, get me pregnant... I want your baby, Dave!"

I cut off the video feed and stepped back into the hallway, and slumped against the wall sliding down into a fetal position.


Spring 2007, Stanford Sophomore Year

I was alone when I first met Diane in college. I was an emotion wreck and a self-imposed loner - friendless and without family. I had pushed everyone that cared about me out of my life in anger. I didn't have time for them anyway; I was struggling to juggle three jobs while I put myself through school.

When I first came got to Stanford, Mom moved to Oakland to be near me. She had money saved up and wanted me to focus on my studies. She got a good job at a Silicon Valley firm as their head of human resources. Even though I had all of my tuition paid through scholarships, I still need to pay room, board and other expenses and mom didn't wanted me to focus on school and didn't want me to work.

I loved my mom, and despite my partying I always kept my grades up for her. She found out she had cancer halfway through my freshman year and died six months later. I was angry at the medical system and insurance companies for years after her death, not because they refused to pay for a few operations that she needed to survive but because they took my college money in the process. Don't get me wrong, I didn't care about the money or the bills; however, it broke HER heart that she couldn't put me through college like she planned all of my life and I think THAT is what put the final nail in the coffin.

Before my mother got sick, I was as a trainer at a local mixed martial arts gym. It didn't pay well and even though it was technically a job, mom didn't mind because it kept me fit. I had been training in various martial arts since I was 13 and I think she wanted me to keep my edge since she spent so much money having me trained over the years. As a child, I used to live in a poor part of town and I got into a lot of fights growing up. I had a hair trigger and would fight anyone that even threatened me or my sister. My mother put me in martial arts so that I could learn discipline and how to control my anger. I took to it like a duck to water, and thrived under the guidance of a few sensei.

My reputation as a hothead soon flipped 180 degrees to one of cool, calm and collected. People still feared me, because I didn't back down if it ever came to the point where fighting was needed. But I also started resolving conflicts with words and by example and I was known as a good mediator.

When I hit my growth spurt, I towered over all my friends. I could have been a linebacker if I was on the football team. After I got three different black belts in Jiu Jitsu, Karate, and Judo, I was offered a job at a neighborhood gym as an assistant, and throughout high school that's how I paid for my dates.

When I moved to Stanford I used my contacts to get a job at a local MMA studio. In order for the gym to supplement their income, they started teaching cardio kickboxing which was more an aerobics class than a martial arts training session and as the new guy I was relegated to teach the class. I did have them go through the motions of learning basic kicks and punches and there were a lot of work with the kick pad and heavy bags, but it was mainly to keep in shape and not intended for self defense. Pretty soon I took over teaching all of the classes three days a week; and since they were all at night they didn't interfere with school; it kept me in great shape.

I had no problem getting laid; 80% of the people attending cardio kickboxing classes were women! I soon gained a reputation as a stud; not only was I good looking, had a great body, but I have also a large cock and knew how to use it. I always made sure the women I took to bed were well satisfied and word got around.

Don't get me wrong, I was no player. I never went out with anyone that I wasn't sure I'd go out with again, I wasn't looking to screw everyone I ever saw or met. But neither was I particularly monogamous either. I always let anyone I was dating know that I dated other people and wasn't interested in a committed relationship while I was in college. College women actually loved that about me, because a lot of them just wanted no strings sex, so I had a lot of friends with benefits. I did demand that they be honest with me if they were sleeping with anyone else. It wasn't a deal breaker for me, but I wouldn't sleep with anyone with a boyfriend especially one that wasn't cool with sharing. Mom put the fear of God in me about safe sex when I was younger so I always wore a condom.

Once my mom got sick, however, I gave up women altogether and I focused all of my energy in getting her better. I picked up two more jobs; one as tutor at the LAC (Learning Assistance Center) at school and the other as a computer repair technician at a local Best Buy. All of my jobs were part time and they all had flexible shifts, allowing me to work my schedules around school. I was working 60 hours a week and going to school full time. Any time I had left was devoted to taking care of my mom, so I had no social life.

My mom succumbed to ovarian in the summer before my sophomore year. Life became tasteless, bland and meaningless after that. I had no desire or drive to do anything. If not for the promise she made me make before she died, that I would finish my degree, I probably would have quit.

I first met Diane as her tutor a several months after mom passed. I tutored math all the way up to Calculus III and most of the lower level computer science courses. Normally grad students or at least senior level undergraduates tutored math and computer science, but I was a bit of genius and finished all of my math and computer programming courses at the end of my sophomore year. I had an advantage since I had a lot of AP math credits transferred in from high school. All that was required in order to tutor in a subject was that you needed to get an A in the course and have a professor write you a letter of recommendation.

Diane, came in seeking one on one tutoring in Trigonometry (math was not her forte). Students normally came to the LAC to get group tutoring sessions. In group tutoring sessions, I basically hovered around a group of people doing their homework and I would help them when they had questions. If there were a lot of questions, they put their name in a queue and I would help them in order. If students had the money, they could pay for one on one sessions with tutors, and Diane's family was very wealthy.

Diane's sessions quickly increased from one session a week to five. She would always request to have me as a tutor. But my grief kept me oblivious to her interest for weeks. But even my cluelessness couldn't last long. Soon enough I caught on that she really didn't need to be helped five days a week. But being "forced" to interact with her for work, I found myself talking to her about this, that and nothing really important. It was my only social interactions I had other than answering question in class. We rarely did any Trig tutoring and I found myself coming out of my funk. Even though I could tell that she was interested in me, I still had no interest in dating at that time.

"Mike, I know you're still grieving, but you can't live your life this way. Your mother wouldn't have wanted this for you, so you are taking me out Friday night," she finally said one day.

"I don't think so! I can't stand being around 'happy' people," I said, morosely.

"Yes, you can! You're strong and for your mother's sake, you're going to fight this darkness you're in. Besides, I'll be there to take care of you..." she said, pulling me into a passionate kiss.

I hadn't realized I had any feelings for her up until then, but that set off sparks in me. So, I went to a party with her and she kept dragging me from one event to another after that. Eventually I started coming out of my shell. A month later, I officially started dating her exclusively, which was new for me as I never had anything stronger than a friend with benefits relationship before.

We didn't have sex right away, even though I was raring to go despite my grief. I think a part of me was hoping that sex would help me forget the pain of my mother's passing. We would make out and get hot and heavy; however, every time I tried to take it to that next level, she shot me down saying she wasn't ready. Despite my blue balls, I loved her so I never pushed her nor made her feel bad because of it.

It wasn't until we were invited to a frat party that things changed for us. I won't go into a lot of details but the abridged version is that three drunken frats guys were trying to get Diane to go upstairs with them when I was off getting drinks. When I found her they were calling her all kinds of demeaning names and they were too drunk to notice me. They started getting grabby and I intervened, hurting a couple of them bad. I even put one of them in the hospital when he tried stabbing me with a knife. I was arrested for assault but got lucky, because someone at the party videoed the whole thing and it was demonstrated that I was very careful not to seriously hurt them and most of their injuries were caused by their own clumsiness when they fell into furniture after I dodged their rushes at me as if I were a bullfighter. The only exception was the dumbass that came at me with the knife. The judge sided with me saying that I had the right to defend myself and the charges were quickly dismissed.

The night of the fight, Diane had to bail me out. She took me home and was all over me. The tables were turned and it was me that had to fend her off. She begged me to "make love" to her, but what she really wanted wasn't loving, it was more primal. She wanted that caveman, that had just defended his woman, to ravage her.

She really wasn't very experienced but she wasn't a virgin either. I soon gave her, her first cock induced orgasm and not long after that I showed her that she was multi-orgasmic. After that night the sex was constant and there wasn't a day, we were together, that we didn't find time for sex. It got to the point where we were having sex four or five times a day and our studies were in danger.

To me Diane was the most beautiful woman I knew, not because she was particularly physically attractive. As a matter of fact, she was the least attractive woman I had ever been with. She was about 30 lbs. overweight, had very small breasts (A-cup) and a rather large ass. She had pretty average looks, her brown hair was kind of dull and her nose was crooked. But what she didn't have in physical beauty she more than made up for in personality. She had spunk, charm and vitality that brought me out of my depression. She was very outgoing and people seemed to gravitate toward her - she had the charm of a politician. She earned my loyalty and love and it never faltered and I knew right away that she was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

Despite Diane's outward persona, Diane had pretty low self-esteem. However, where she gave me back my lust for life, I gave her a sexual awakening. I guess she was embarrassed by all the comments mean people would make like, "Why is he with HER?" or "Is this a before and after photo where she never changed". I was the target of the comments too but mine were more like backhanded insults directed to me but meant for her like, "He must have a tiny dick", etc.

She decided to get in shape for me. So, I signed her up at my gym and after six months of intense cardio kickboxing she lost her excess weight fat and gained a lean, toned and tight athletic body. With her new body, her confidence increased, and she started getting attention from other guys. Even though guys were asking her out, as soon as they found out I was her boyfriend the quickly backed off. Her increased stamina also increased her sexual appetite and she seemed almost insatiable.

We were a happy couple all the way through my Junior year of college. I was madly in love and although she wasn't the best lover I ever had, I didn't care because I loved her so much. During the summer break before senior year, she started becoming distant. We didn't weren't together everyday since she went home during the summer and would fly back to see me every other weekend. Needless to say, our sex life suffered. I couldn't understand it because she was almost insatiable before she went home so I expected her to be all over me when she visited me. But, our sex was lackluster at best.

I tried to ask her about it, I even asked her if she was seeing someone else. But she would always give me some lame excuses and brush it off as if it was nothing. She left mid-July to go on vacation with her family, whom up to that point, never met. In hindsight, I guess I was a little naive but the only thing I could think of as to what was going on, was she wanted me to commit, because she seemed so sincere about being faithful to me. We had been going steady for more than a year by then, so I trusted her and believed that I knew her well enough that she wouldn't be able to lie to me. Looking back now, I can see my naivete for what it was.

I wanted to ask her to marry me but she came from a very wealthy family whom I never met, and I hadn't saved enough money to get her a proper ring. I figured I was graduating from an Ivy League school, top of my class, surely even they might give me a chance.

I never went home with her during breaks in classes, and when I brought up meeting her parents she always had an excuse. I thought she might have been too embarrassed to tell them about me. I was making enough money to pay my rent and bills and I even saved a bit of it for a rainy day, but I had only two grand in the bank. Buying an engagement ring for two thousand dollars wouldn't get me anything that a rich girl would be impressed by, especially if she had to show it off to her family.

Since she was going to be gone most of the summer, I decided to take up a jewelry making and design class at a vocational school nearby. And after an intensive one-month long course, I got certified and licensed as a jeweler. With my certification, I was able to buy precious stones at wholesale prices, (a jewelry store will markup the cost of a diamond by 600% or more), and even had access to uncut stones. So, I ended up buying a raw uncut diamond for $1500 and after weeks of cutting I had a beautiful ten-carat princess cut diamond and after another week I had a beautiful ring to set it in, I wasn't the greatest artist but I was really good at copying designs. The diamond was appraised for insurance purposes at roughly 30 thousand dollars, so I figured that would be impressive enough for her parents. Not bad for two months of work.

Diane came back from vacation right when classes began. Our sex life picked back up too, so I thought everything was fine. I decided to ask her to marry me before classes really got into swing and I came up with a plan. I found a romantic spot at a fancy restaurant on a bluff overlooking the San Francisco Bay. Everything seemed to be going as planned and when I got to that part, where we were outside on the veranda gazing across the bay, she looked happy.

So, I decided take my shot. I got down on one knee and asked her to marry me. She had a shocked look on her face as expected, and to my surprise instead of saying yes, she said "No."

"No? But why? Did something change? Am I doing something wrong?" I asked.

"No... I don't want to talk about it right now."

"I don't understand. I mean, YOU talked about us getting married, so this shouldn't have been a big surprise."

"I know, and I'm sorry. Can we talk about this later?"

"What am I to you anyway, a toy to be played with? I deserve an explanation."

"Not, here please!" she said through her teeth.

"Fine, I'll go pick up the check and take you home."

"Do we have to leave now? they have a dancefloor," she begged, but I gave her an angry stare that she had never seen from me before.

"You want to stay here? You can call an Uber, but I'm leaving with or without you."