Karma Served Cold


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"Didn't you think about what this would do to me?"

"I'm sooo sorry! You weren't ever supposed to find out... I don't know why maybe we were getting arrogant... maybe subconsciously I wanted you to find out. But I never wanted to hurt you," she bawled.

"Dave, tell her the truth."

"Wha, what do you mean?"

"She deserves to know Dave. Tell her the fucking truth or I'll shove this so far up your ass they'll have to make it a permanent fixture in your colon."

"Don't shoot me, I REALLY don't know what you want me to say."

"Fine, Dave. I'll spell it out for you then. Repeat after me."

"I don't love you," and Dave repeated it word for word.

"Just because you made him say that..."

"I'm not finished. What did I say about speaking when spoken to?" I roared, and she meeped and quickly shut up.

"I have been stringing you along for years for sex!" I said, "Repeat!" and he quickly did.

"I had a vasectomy and never wanted to have kids..." I said, and he hesitated before he saw my angry stare and he quickly repeated.

"Tell her in your own words, Dave. Now that I got the ball rolling. The whole truth... All of it, Gloria, the whole shebang."

"I. hrrmm," he cleared his throat. "Everyone knew you loved me, just like everyone knew I was in love with Gloria. I tried asking her out before I asked out Nancy. She shot me down giving me some excuse about how she would never get in the way of her sister and I should just ask you out. But I wasn't into you back then.

"When we got together that summer, I was still dating Nancy at the time. I thought you knew it was just sex... I mean you even said as much to me. But when me and Nancy's sex life cooled off at the beginning of our marriage..."

"No, no, no... You don't get to do that, Asshole! Tell her the fucking truth, Nancy had nothing to do with it!"

"S, S, Sorry. You're right! Our sex life was ok, I was just bored and since I wasn't in love with Nancy, I wanted something new. I guess I had a wandering eye. Although I craved an affair, no one was interested, that is until I thought of you."

"Keep going, let it all out!"

"I knew Nancy wanted children and I, of course, never told her about my vasectomy. When she would get suspicious, I would just do things like get the baby room ready. Or I'd have one of my lab tech friends from school fake lab results stating that my sperm count was just fine. When I wouldn't leave Nancy for Diane, Diane started to cool off so..."

"You told her you wanted her to have your baby! And she got all hot and bothered for you again. You must have been in hog heaven... just swimming in pussy, weren't you?"

"Ohhh, God..." Diane moaned.

"Fuck you, Diane. Don't act like you're a victim in all this. You were trying to get pregnant by him! What were you doing, wearing a diaphragm when we had sex? You were trying to get me to raise another man's baby. Did you even stop to think what you were doing? How it would affect the people around you. I mean, I get it, you didn't give a shit about me but what about your nieces?"

"What? How dare YOU bring them into this!" she said and she made a move as if she was going to pull away from Dave's cock.

"Awwt, Dave don't let her do that," I demanded, and he quickly grabbed her hips pressing himself to her. I could see that his fear made him flaccid and he already slipped out of her.

"I didn't bring your nieces into this YOU did. What were you thinking? Encouraging me to have a strong relationship with your nieces, when you were fucking someone behind my back? Don't get me wrong, I loved them the first day I saw them but it was YOU that encouraged me to babysit them all the time. It was YOU that bought me and them annual passes to Disneyland. You made me treat them like they were my own daughters and they adore me... And now... You are ripping us apart. You fucked over your own nieces, you evil piece of shit!"

"Ohhh, God..."

"And what about your mother? Did you think about that? I know she isn't my biological mother but she loves me like I'm her son. And I love her as much as I did my own mother! She doesn't call Jake, son, Diane! She told me she always wanted a boy but after three girls they gave up. She was glad that you married me, because..." I choked up. "Because she knew it was God's gift to her of the son she always wanted!"

"Ohhh, noooo..." she said, and she looked to be turning green.

"And what about your father?"

"My father?! My father will be ok with you leaving..."

"You might be right about that, but how is he going to trust you after all the stupid, idioticly dumb shit you just did. He made you CEO of one of his companies Diane. You think when he finds out about how dumb his daughter is that you're going to keep your job?"

"He wouldn't fire me..." she said, with no confidence in her voice.

"Oh really, even after you cancelled the prenup out of guilt for what you were doing? Trying to have another man's baby and have your cuckholded husband raise it as his own was getting to what little conscience you had left, didn't it? But dear old Daddy isn't going to question your ability to maintain contracts? Isn't going to question what's best for the company? You are exposing his shareholders to possible cover-ups and blackmail. He put you in your position out of pure nepotism, but even he isn't foolish enough to let it continue!"

"And to think, I was faithful to you the whole time we were together. Even when your hot friend Heather threw herself at me offering herself to me as a no strings attached booty call..." I let that sink in before continuing. "All of your college friends wanted to fuck me, Diane. They showed you no loyalty, but I did... I guess they must have known you better than I did though."

I tossed the gun on the bed and Dave quickly pulled off of Diane. She collapsed on the bed in crying heap. Dave grabbed the gun and pointed it at me. Taking the safety off, he pulled the trigger.

"Yeah, right, Dave. You think I'd give you a loaded gun?"

"What are you going to do?" Dave asked. He must have thought it was the end because he started pissing himself.

"Nothing, Dave. You see this? This is a live feed to everyone on my messenger list. Everyone! They all know what you did. I'm leaving and hopefully I'll never see you God forsaken sacks of shit ever again... Don't worry Diane, I won't stand in the way of 'true' love. But, when my lawyer contacts you after the holidays I expect your full and prompt cooperation, otherwise the gloves come off... you won't get a better deal from me.

"By the way, Dave, you'll have to find your firing pins before you try to murder me again."

"I didn't try to murder you, you were an intruder..."

"Dave, you tried to shoot an unarmed man who was invited into your house by your wife, in this state that's considered murder... She asked me to pick up the presents that she forgot, Dave..."

And with that, I left Diane sobbing on a cum and piss-soaked bed with the guy that just fucked her and betrayed her. On the way out the door, I grabbed the sack of Christmas presents to take them back to the in-laws without thinking. Once I got to the in-laws, I would have just got in my car and took off, but Mom had a policy of taking everyone's keys away so they wouldn't drive home drunk.

I don't even remember walking over to the house, I just remember the door bursting open and Gloria and Beth hugging me. I lamely handed Nancy's sack of presents to Gloria with a questioning look.

"She left to go see her mother..." she answered, reading my mind as usual. I nodded, numbly.

"I... need my keys..." I croaked, I was losing my voice.

"You shouldn't be driving, Mike. You're too upset. Why don't you take an Uber home?"

"I don't want to come back here..." I said.

She looked shocked as she realized the implications. Mom came out and hugged me to her, she had been crying.

"You are always welcome here, Son. Always... I know you feel betrayed... but we all love you."

"I'm going to give Mike a ride home, Mom," Gloria declared. "He's too upset to drive right now and I can take an Uber back."

"Okay, Dear," Mom replied, handing her my keys.

I walked to my car, Gloria attached to me at the hip. She poured me into the passenger seat and off we went.

"I can't stay," I said, and she looked at me quizzically. "My house... I can't stay there."

"Yes, I know. You're not," she declared, and I gave that same quizzical look right back. "We are going to pick up whatever you need and you are staying with me tonight..."

I should have been happy about that but I was too emotionally drained, so I just shrugged.


Spring 2010, Stanford, Senior Year

Hindsight is 20/20, so I'll fill in the blanks about what I found out and contrast it with what I was led to believe and why I was duped into marrying Diane.

As I said before, Diane isn't a looker, even with her new fit body she was bound to attract a lot of losers. So, when I said that Mom, Dad, Gloria and Beth were over the moon about me it wasn't because I was a saint. Even if I was, they didn't know me well enough to know that. But what they did know was: 1) I loved Diane, 2) wasn't interested in her money and 3) wasn't a total loser. I was graduating top of my class and was accepted into Stanford's doctoral program. I didn't have any diseases, there were no baby mommas for me to support and I picked a degree where I could actually make some money, the only downside was I didn't come from money.

Beth saw my love for children and family right away. Mom knew right away that I would never hurt her daughter. Dad knew I would protect Diane with my life. And Gloria... well, me and Gloria, as I said before, were two peas in a pod.

After Thanksgiving, I was personally invited by Mom for Christmas. Now as duplicitous as it sounds, Diane was still friends with me all the way through my senior year. I found out later that she was continuing her affair with Dave all throughout winter and spring break. We were only supposed friends at that point anyway, so at least she wasn't trying to hurt me then. But she DID betray me before we broke up by screwing Dave behind my back the summer before my senior year.

Me and Diane, continued being friends after Winter break all the way up to graduation. Dave never flew up to see Diane so as far as I can figure, she only had sex with him during winter and spring break. But despite her lack of sex life and obvious lust for me she stopped hinting at us having a sexual relationship. We went out to dinner or to lunch when our schedules synced, and kept each other company. I still had feelings for her, and I guess if we hadn't been friends, I would have dated someone else. Our friendship kept my loneliness at bay and I was too busy with school to worry about a sexual relationship anyway.

What I didn't know was that her family was constantly pressuring her to get together with me. When I think back, I wonder if she even liked me or she just stayed friends to save face. She, to this day, claims that she did love me, she was just in love with two men.

Two weeks before graduation, Diane asked me out on a date. We were dating as friends so I didn't think anything of it until she took me to the same restaurant I proposed to her in. I was immediately suspicious and I tried to ask her why we were there, but every time I questioned her she hemmed and hawed saying things like, she really liked the place the last time we came there etc.

At the end of the night as the dancing started up, Diane asked to talk to me out on the veranda. I didn't think much of it but I do remember it bringing up bad memories of her rejecting me the first time I proposed. Regardless of my feelings, I pushed back my nausea and went outside with her.

"I know our relationship hasn't been perfect, but what relationships are?" she began. "Even though we broke up, I feel like our friendship has only grown stronger... And I wanted to know if... You'd marry me?"

That hit me like a ton of bricks. I still had feelings for her and she was right, our friendship did seem to be stronger. She at least attempted to make our relationship about us rather than her, and from time to time I actually remember her doing things for me she never did while we were together. Like, she went hiking with me even though she hated the outdoors. She went to the LA car show with me when we visited her parents for Easter and even faked a smile through the whole thing. She really seemed to be trying, but I still never got an answer as to why she said no in the first place.

"Why wouldn't you say yes when I asked you the first time?"

"I knew my parents only wanted me to date one of their high-society types - but you have turned their heads around and now they are on board... So, what do you say?"

I know now that, at the time, Diane gave up on Dave and wanted to give us a try, despite her feelings for Dave.

Her mom was on board on day one, and her father was on board by Christmas. And, as far as I knew, her parents never made any proclamations forbidding her from seeing anyone. The truth, as I found out later, was that she was holding out hope that Dave would break up with Nancy. She only asked me the very weekend after Dave married Nancy. And, in my defense, I didn't go to Dave and Nancy's wedding, (I didn't know them very well, at the time), so I never made the connection.

"OK, baby! Let's do it!" I said, grabbing her up and twirling her around.

We finally did get to dance that night. When we got back to my apartment, I got down on one knee and asked her for her hand. It was then that I surprised her with the ring I made. Needless to say, we made love for hours, falling asleep as the sun was trying to peek through the window shades.


Christmas 2017

Luckily, packing wasn't very hard. Me, Diane, Dave and Nancy were all planning to go on vacation the next day. I already had my suitcases packed. So, it was a pretty easy thing to go from our house in Newport Beach to Gloria's place in Marina Del Rey. When we got to her condo, I dropped my bags in the entryway and Gloria led me past her guest room to her bedroom and had me strip to my boxers and t-shirt. I crashed on her bed and was dead to the world for the rest of the night.

I woke up confused. Confused that I was so comfortable.

"Was yesterday just a nightmare?" I thought.

Diane was spooned into me, softly snoring, just the way I liked. As my eyes gained focus, I didn't recognize where I was. I looked over and saw it wasn't Diane at all but her sister Gloria.

I was hard as a rock and my cock was pressed against her nightie. It must have popped through the hole in my boxers during the night. I didn't know if Gloria was consciously rubbing her ass along my length but as soon as she felt me stir, she stopped. She turned her head and twisted her body around to face me.

"Good morning. How're you feeling?" she asked, concerned.

"Like... Like I just lost my whole family in plane crash. My world feels - undone."

She grabbed my head, pressing me into her bosom. We grasped each other desperately, trying meld into one.

"It's ok, baby. You haven't lost everyone," she said, and for the first time since I discovered Diane's betrayal I started crying.

We laid there for maybe an hour, neither daring to move. Although we were barely clothed, there was nothing sexual between us, but the intimacy was familiar and felt right. I stared at her and she stared back with nothing but love in her eyes. I felt pulled to her, our lips met in a tender comforting kiss that grew more and more passionate and suddenly she pushed me away.

"We - need to..." she began.


"Yes. Talk. I'll make us some breakfast. Why don't you take a shower?" she suggested.

I saw my suitcases beside the bed as she sauntered sexily out the door, closing it behind her. I had a hard time getting myself moving. Then, I remembered what a friend of mine, that suffered from depression, told me once. When he couldn't get out of bed, he would ask himself, "What would a normal person do?" I don't know why that helped, but I think the thought that if he could find the strength to move about his day as if... then so could I. So, I beared down, pushing myself erect, and zombie walked to the shower.

I walked out to the living area, which was a combination, open concept kitchen, dining and living room, resplendent with rabbit eared tv and couch. Who owns a VCR anymore? Apparently, Gloria.

She saw me judging her and smirked, "I don't watch much tv, I stream most of my entertainment in my office," she said pointing to a small room next to her guest bedroom.

I shrugged and said, "It's not a deal breaker," then I started laughing and she joined me in my mirth.

"I see you shaved. Good, you were a bit prickly last night," she said, and everything she seemed to say hinted towards their being a next night, and next night after that. I didn't respond, I just grinned, or maybe it was a grimace I wasn't too sure.

"You want any help?" I asked.

"No, I got it. Sit down and make yourself comfortable."

I sat down at her kitchen island and watched her work. She was dressed in an almost see-through lavender nighty. I could see a matching red bra and panty combo beneath but couldn't make out much detail.

It was kind of nice being served for once, I was always the one that made the breakfasts at our house. Diane never lifted a finger to cook anything more than whatever she could throw into the microwave.

Here, by contrast, was the sexiest woman I ever met, eagerly making me a meal - and it smelled good. The bacon sizzling, the apron loosely tied, her ass cheeks floundering every time her hips moved. Even as dead as I felt, she was stirring me.

She brought me a plate of eggs, bacon, and pancakes. I didn't remember her making the pancakes. I guess she had me too distracted.

"Come on. Enough staring at my ass. We are eating at the table," she said, smugly.

I turned a shade redder, busted. But she winked at me and swayed her hips in such a deliberate way that all guilt left me.

As we ate, we talked. I never felt more at ease with anyone in my life. It just felt - right. Then the conversation turned from the innocuous and inane to something more interesting and serious.

"I know you haven't had much time to recover and think about things, but you can stay here as long as you want until you figure things out."

"Thank you, Gloria. You're a lifesaver. I wouldn't want to impose."

"You are always welcome here for as long as you need. You're my best friend after all..." she said staring at me. "I want you to know, that last night was a one-time free pass to my bed. After today, you have to decide whether you want to continue staying here, sharing my bed. Or will you take the guest room. Either way is fine by me, but..." she said nervously, and she seemed to be talking faster and faster trying to get it out as fast as she could.

"Shhhh," I said, and she looked a little shocked but quieted down. "I love you, I'll be sleeping in your bed."

Her face brightened as if she had just received the present she was waiting for.

"I, I love you too," she said tentatively.

"I know," I said smiling. "You want this broken man? You got me, but know this... I can't take another betrayal. It's got to be for keeps."

She nodded and started crying, "I already told my boyfriends I found someone and they wouldn't be hearing from me again."

"Wow, a little presumptuous of you," I said smiling.

"We have been in love for a while now... I didn't think Diane would ever be stupid enough to give you up, but when she did, I jumped at the chance," she said, laughing nervously.

She continued to eat smiling like a cat that ate the canary. There's no way I could stay depressed knowing that I found true love. With my wife, there was always something unshared, something missing. I knew what it was but I thought I could be happy without it. But now that I had it, I couldn't not be happy - looking into Gloria's bright eyes dissipated all fear, loneliness and grief I felt. Gloria loved me with the same love I gave her, and that increased my passion past anything I felt for my wife or for anyone really.