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With menace, Sam mockingly said, "You speaky ingee?"

The man grunted as he nodded. Sam stepped back as he pulled the muzzle of the Tommy gun out of the man's mouth. Sam noticed the man had a scar on his left cheek. Most likely, he received it in a knife fight at some time in the past.

Sam asked, "O k Scarface, where is everybody?"

The man answered, "They all go to the village."

Sam asked again, "Why did they go to the village?"

The man answered, "They make big party."

Sam asked again, "What party?"

The man hesitated.

Sam growled, "Listen Scarface, If you don't tell me what I want to know, I am going to blow the top of your head right the fuck off!"

The man shook with fear. Sam pointed the submachine gun directly at Scarface's head.

Sam yelled, "TALK! And make it good!"

The man began to speak, "The boss made a big score. One rich buyer --- he come. We load much opium on the boat. Then they all go to village have big party. Get drunk and get many whores."

Sam asked, "What boat?"

Scarface replied, "The boss he have motor boat. Like in the war. Big motors--- go fast."

Sam asked, "You mean like a patrol boat?"

Scarface nodded, "Yes, Two machine guns rat tat tat go fast."

Sam threw a look of concern toward Chung. Chung nodded.

Sam asked, "How many guards at the farm?"

Scarface replied, "Not a lot. Most go to village to get drunk and fuck whores."

Sam asked, "The man, he is still alive?"

Scarface seemed to be confused.

Sam asked again, "Where is the man that your boss is holding for ransom?"

Scarface replied, "Oh, him. He is locked up in the big house. He is good. One time I bring him food. He not harmed."

Sam asked, "When is your boss coming back?"

Scarface said, "I not sure. Maybe today. Maybe tomorrow. I don't know."

Sam had realized that they had hit it lucky. Most of the bad guys were out getting drunk, and the opium farm was lightly guarded.

Sam asked, "What's in those fifty five gallon drums outside?"

Scarface said, "Gas for the boat."

A plan was forming in Sam's mind. As if he could read Sam's mind, Chung started to round up their bad guys.

Pointing at the bad guy who was tied up on the bunk, Sam said, "Get him dressed. Get these monkeys to load the gas onto the truck. We are going to pay a visit. I expect that there is going to be a hot time in the old town tonight."

Chung began to hustle the three men outside. Chung had seen Sam in this mood before. When Sam got an idea in his mind, it was like Moses parting the Red Sea. It was almost divine. A look of divine insight would appear upon Sam's face. He would walk around as if he was in a trance. To say the least, it was scary shit.

Outside the gas was loaded on the truck. Chung sat in the back of the truck with the fifty five gallon drums and two of the bad guys. The two men were securely tied up. Chung sat across from them balancing his M-1 carbine upon his knee. The muzzle of his rifle was pointed directly at the two men. Sam and Scarface sat in the front of the truck. Scarface drove while Sam covered him with his Tommy gun.

The dirt road was rough. The old truck bounced around as they traveled. It was about the middle of the morning when Sam caught sight of the opium farm. Sam ordered Scarface to pull over and stop. The day had turned out to be sunny and hot full of blue sky. Sam could hear the buzz of the insects as they warmed themselves in the sun. This was hot and dry land. With some irrigation, this would be an ideal place for a poppy farm. Also, there was nobody around to disturb you.

Sam remembered his history. As he viewed the poppy farm, Sam remembered that places like this drove the economic engine of the opium trade. Places like this were part and parcel of the opium wars. It was the reason why the British had gained control of Hong Kong at the end of the opium wars.

Sam ordered Scarface to drive closer to the farm so that he could get a better look. Off into the distance, Sam noticed a bare breasted woman in the field gathering the sap from the flowers. She stood waist high in the pretty flowers. She was a dark skinned woman. Her dark skin seemed to shine in the bright sun. She wore a simple blue cloth dress which hung lazily across her right shoulder. Her large breasts hung heavily and swayed as she worked among the flowers. Her long black hair moved under the influence of the breeze. Upon her face was a contented smile. She took no notice of the truck.

There were the four buildings as Susie's step sister had described. There was a bunk house, a barn, and a residence. Also there was the big square building where they probably refined the poppy sap into opium. It occurred to Sam that they were making more than opium. In these days, there was a lucrative market in heroin as well.

From Sam's vantage point, the place seemed Deserted. Sam ordered Scarface to drive. He pointed the Tommy gun at Scarface's ear.

Sam ordered, "Get this shit box into third gear, and you drive to the front door of that house."

Scarface did what he was ordered to do. He got the truck into third, and he floored the accelerator.

Sam called to Chung who was in the back of the truck guarding the two men, "Get ready! We are going in!"

The truck zoomed up to the front door of the residence, and Sam hopped out of the truck. His boots made a crunching sound in the dry dirt. He quickly ran to the driver's side of the truck and ordered Scarface to get out. At the same time, Chung hopped out of the back of the truck. Using the familiar truck, they were able to drive right up to the front door without even being noticed. Both Sam and Chung looked around with surprise to see that no one had even noticed them yet. Sam got behind Scarface and told him to walk. Pointing his Tommy gun at Scarface's back, Sam walked him up to the front door. Sam nodded to Chung as to say get ready. Chung stood at Sam's right as he shouldered his rifle. Sam ordered Scarface to knock upon the door. At first, no one answered. With some prodding of the muzzle of the Tommy gun, Scarface then pounded upon the door. The door opened to reveal a man dressed in black silk pajamas.

With a stunned look upon his face he asked in Chinese, "What is this? Who are you?"

Sam and Chung forced their way into the house. With his rifle pointed at the man in pajamas, Chung sat him down into a chair.

Chung Asked in Chinese, "Where is Lee Wong?"

With the muzzle of an M-1 pointed directly at the man's forehead, he said, "He is in the bedroom in the back."

Sam said to Chung, "Watch these two."

Sam went into the interior of the house as Chung placed the two men under guard. As Sam went down the hallway, he opened each door looking for Lee.

When he reached a locked door, he called out, "Lee! Are you in there?"

When he heard the sound of his old friend's voice, Sam was elated.

Sam yelled, "Stand away from the door Lee. I'm going to blast the lock open."

Sam aimed the submachine gun at the lock and pulled the trigger. The forty five caliber gun made splinters of the door and lock. With a kick of his boot, Sam opened the bedroom door. There was Lee Wong standing in the corner of the room.

It had been more than ten years since either man had seen each other. The two men paused to look at each other. Smiles appeared upon each man's face as they hugged as comrades.

Sam said, "You old bandit. It's good to see you again."

The slight gray hair old man nodded in agreement. When Sam knew him, Lee Wong was one of the most courageous freedom fighters in the Chinese underground. He and his comrades saved the lives of more than one American pilot. The effort against the Japanese was a ragtag affair, and a person in those days lived from day to day. The end could come at any time. These fighters put their lives on the line every time they went out on a mission. Needless to say, Sam had the highest respect for his old friend.

Lee said, "I knew that you would come. It's like the old days again when we ran around shooting at the bad guys. Isn't it Sam?"

The sentimental old man shed a tear as he hugged Sam again.

Sam said, "You bet. Now, we got to get you out of here. Get your self dressed, There is someone special waiting to meet you. Come on now. We must be quick."

Lee asked, "Who is waiting for me?"

Sam said, "Your stepdaughter from America. She is waiting for you at the boat."

At this news, Lee seemed to be invigorated. He quickly changed out of his pajamas, and he made himself ready to travel.

At the time of his capture, he was wearing a white shirt, blue pants, and black shoes, and these were the clothes he changed into. The spunky old man came alive with excitement. It had been a long time since he had adventure like this, and Sam could see that now that he was here, Lee was ready to run. When Lee was fully dress, Sam unloosened his gun belt which held his army Colt.

Sam said, "Here old man. Strap this on. It's time to kick some ass."

Lee's face brightened into a glorious smile. He took the gun belt and strapped it on like an old professional.

Then he said, "You bet!"

The two men went out and entered the room where Chung was standing guard over the two gangsters. As Sam and Lee entered the room, Chung's face broke into a broad smile.

Chung said, "You got him. This is a good sign. And look at him, he is ready to fight."

The three men laughed. Lee looked at the man who was sitting in the chair. This was the man who was Lee's guard. Lee walked over to the man who was sitting in the chair.

He said in Chinese, "Stand up!"

With a look of fear upon his face, the man stood in front of Lee.

Lee said to Sam and Chung, "Him! He is the one who insulted me! He is the one who betrayed me!"

Lee stepped closer to the man who was standing before him now. Without saying another word, Lee reached for the Colt forty five which was now strapped to his waist, and with it he delivered a swift and stinging blow to the man's forehead. The man crumbled into the chair.

Lee looked at Sam and said, "Now we can go!"

Sam said "First let me look around for a minute."

Pointing at Scarface, Sam said, "That one over there told me that these guys made a big score. Just let me look around. Maybe ... you never know."

The residence was arranged like a ranch house with all the rooms on one level. Sam went off looking for the room which looked like an office. When he found it, he quickly began to search it. He laid his Tommy gun down upon the desk. First he went through the desk to find nothing special. Next he tried the cabinets, and the result was the same. Sam sat at the desk and thought. He looked around the room. Then he arose from the desk chair and walked over to what looked like a closet. Opening the closet door, Sam found it. There it was as big as life. Tucked into one corner of the closet was a safe box. Sam sighed. It was a good size box. It was about waist high, and it was as wide as a refrigerator.

There was a good reason why Sam called Lee, "You old bandit."

Lee was one of the most skilled fighters. In those days in China, the underground fighters were obliged to make do with whatever was at hand. Money and supplies were always scarce. It was sometimes necessary to improvise. This meant sometimes that they had to beg, borrow, or steal what they needed. In war time, you do what you must, and Lee had acquired some unusual skills. One of those skills was safe cracking.

Sam called to Lee, "Lee come in here."

Lee stepped into the room, and he immediately saw what Sam was pointing at. Lee slowly approached the safe box as if it was alive. He appraised the box as if he was a doctor examining a patient.

Lee said to Sam, "It's been a long time since I have done this, but look here, it is an old box. It's not like the new ones. They are most complicated. This one I recognize."

Lee kneeled in front of the safe and began to turn the dial. Lee asked for a water glass. Sam searched until he found one, and he handed it to Lee. In an unusual movement, Lee placed the open end of the glass to a particular spot on the door of the safe. Next, Lee placed his ear to the other end of the glass using it like a hearing aid. Lee began to turn the dial again. This continued for some time until Lee heard the correct clicks. A smile of success appeared upon Lee's face. He looked at Sam as he twirled the dial in the correct sequence. With a yank, he pulled upon the handle. The door opened. Lee stepped back so that Sam could examine the contents of the safe. Sam saw bundles of cash neatly arranged in the safe box. He didn't know exactly how much wealth was sitting there, but he knew that it was a lot.

Sam said to Lee, "Get something to carry it. We are going to take it with us."

Lee replied, "But Sam, it's blood money."

Sam was moving in that special way. It was that look again. Sam would look as if he was entering a trance when these plans came to him. In the shack with Chung, the look first appeared. Now, with Lee, it was back again. Sam was going to leave his mark on these parasites.

Sam said, "I know. I intend to bleed these parasites with their own money. Besides, this money will do more good in our pockets. I'll get a pillow case from the bedroom to carry it in."

After filling the pillow case with money, Sam and Lee returned to the room in which Chung was waiting. Sam stood there with his Tommy gun hanging loosely in his right hand. The sack of money was slung over his left shoulder. The safe box was picked clean.

Sam said to Chung who was guarding Scarface and pajama man, "Get those two monkeys to unload one of the fifty five gallon drums, and have them roll it up to the front door."

Chung knew that it was going to happen now. He knew that it would be just a matter of time. Sam's plan was about to take form. Sam and the others went out of the front door. Chung set the men to work unloading one of the drums. Lee and Sam got into the front of the truck. Sam placed the sack of money on the seat between them. Lee Sat in the driver's seat and waited for further orders from Sam. Once the drum was placed at the front door of the house, Chung and the two men climbed into the back of the truck to join the two men who were tied there. By now, Chung knew what the plan was. They were going to give these guys a big hot foot. Sam told Lee to drive to the building which was supposed to be the factory. Once there, Chung had the men unload another drum, and they placed it in front of the building. Next, they went off into the field. The truck went bouncing along into the middle of the nearest field. Among the flowers, the truck looked ridiculous as it bounced around. The remaining drum was pushed out of the back of the truck. By now, Lee figured out the plan. The old man laughed out loud as he stepped upon the gas peddle. The truck made a large circle around the last drum so that Sam could blast it with his Tommy gun.

As they came near the drum, Sam yelled out, "HURRAH!"

While pointing the gun out of the passenger window, Sam pulled the trigger, and the forty five caliber gun began to rip the drum apart. The hot led ignited the gas, and an explosive bright orange flame burst into the air. Like a delivery truck, they drove by the house and the factory. As they came close, Sam aimed at the drums which contained the gas. Just like the first drum, the gas exploded causing a fireball. The dry wood of the buildings went up like a match stick. In the factory building, secondary explosions could be heard. Hearing the explosions, a small group of men came running out of the bunk house firing their guns at the truck as it came driving by. Lee tossed a serious look at Sam as he drove the truck around in a circle. Sam seemed to agree without saying a word. The truck came around again, and Sam opened up upon the men who were firing at them. The men weren't expecting so much fire power. The Tommy gun roared, and the small group of men fell to the ground seeking cover. At the same time, Chung began tossing men out the back of the truck. One by one, they bounced upon the ground. Each man ran for his life as Chung opened up with his M-1. The house, the factory, and the field were in flames now. The breeze would do the rest. With so much fire, it would be just a matter of time before the remaining buildings would catch fire. The truck made one more circle before it headed down the road away from the compound. As they left the burning compound, Sam, Lee, and Chung had one last look. It would be something that they would all remember.

Chapter 5 The way home:

The Truck pulled up to the edge of the landing. Sam, Lee, and Chung jumped out. Sam had told Lee to drive onto the dock and to leave the truck in neutral. They had driven all the way down the road from the farm without incident. They were at the little landing. There was the shack and the dock. Just like before, there was no one around. The truck sat with its' nose pointing at the river. The three men gave the truck a push and into the river it plunged with a loud splash.

It was afternoon now, and it was time to get back to the Hornet. Sam knew that Susie was waiting down river with the rowboat.

Sam said, "Let's get the hell out of here. Lee, you follow us. Chung, you carry the money sack."

At that, they set off to meet up with Susie. There was nothing to say. The three men made their way through the bushes until they saw Susie sitting on the prow of the rowboat.

The shotgun lay across her lap as she stood guard. Sam waved at Susie. The three men broke into a trot as they hustled over to where Susie and the boat were waiting.

Sam said, "Susie, this is Lee Wong your stepfather."

Stepfather and stepdaughter confronted each other.

Lee said, "You are a beautiful young woman. You are more beautiful than in your pictures."

Susie said, "I have been told much about you. I have been told that you were a very courageous soldier in the war, and you have brought high honor to our family."

Lee said, "You have helped to save my life. You, my daughter, have also brought high honor to our family."

With that the two embraced. The spunky old man turned sentimental as he hugged his stepdaughter for the first time. Susie noticed a tear in Lee's eye, and she too became sentimental.

Sam interrupted, "You two can get more acquainted later. For now, we got to get moving. I'm expecting a gang of bad guys to show up any time now. Time is wasting."

With that, everybody boarded the rowboat and made their way to the Hornet. The trip across the river was easier than Sam expected. When they came this way before, Sam being a soldier was aware of the exposure the little boat presented. Especially since they would be sitting ducks out here on the river if anybody was to be shooting at them, but there was no need to be worried. They had gotten away cleanly at least for now.

Aboard the Hornet, they all changed back into their disguises. Even Lee looked like a fisherman. On deck, Sam gave the order to get under way. The crew scrambled about the deck taking in the moorings. The engine came to life, and the Hornet moved into the main channel of the river. Aided by the current, the Hornet made good progress on its' way down the river. Spirits were high among the adventurers. However, Sam knew that this wasn't over yet. He knew that those gangsters were going to be pissed big time when they got home. Sam knew that if they didn't get out of here in a hurry, there would be trouble. Those guys weren't going to take this shit without a fight.

The Hornet cruised down river. They had been under way for about four of five hours now, and they were approaching civilization. Small craft appeared upon the river, and signs of life were apparent on either bank of the river. The sun was making its' exit for the day, and a rainbow of color broke across the horizon. Just when Sam thought that they were going to get away with it, he saw it. Coming up the river was the patrol boat that Scarface had described. She was about seventy five foot long, and she was painted a dull gray. Mounted on each side of her foredeck were two fifty caliber machine guns. On her afterdeck, there mounted was a twenty millimeter antiaircraft gun.
