Lara's Misadventures


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By the time Bobby made it to the car, Joe was waiting for him with an expression of disbelief in her eyes.

"Help me!" yelled Bobby as he tried to disentangle himself from his sister.

Joe grabbed the girl by the waist as she helped Bobby lower her to the ground. When the thick blond mane parted, she recognized Lara right away. Bobby's big sister had been the subject of so many of her own fantasies. She could not believe that she was finally holding her slim nude body in her hands. Her hands remained attached to the soft skin of the blond as Lara tried to recover her balance.

Lara stumbled for a bit; the pillory was hard to lift. She was also struggling to recover her breath after the treacherous way in which her body had responded to being carried naked over Bobby's shoulder. It took a while for her to regain her bearings. When she finally looked up, her shame increased tenfold.

Joe was holding her and staring at her with lust in her eyes.

She cringed and stepped away from the brunette.

Without awareness to her movements, Joe followed the nude woman.

Lara was a deep shade of purple by now. To her chagrin, her arousal was still rising exponentially with her shame and being so ashamed made her that much hornier. Joe was a close friend of her brother's and had known Lara for many years. Lara was all too aware of Joe's crush on her and had repeatedly gently rebuked her by telling her that she was simply barking up the wrong tree. Joe had accepted that as a fact but was drawn to Lara's nude form.

"Please... Joe..." said Lara.

It was Joe's turn to blush in shame.

"Sorry Lara... You are just so beautiful..." she said sheepishly turning her eyes away.

Lara looked a Joe's tiny frame and wanted to cry. There was no way for her to fit into her pants. Joe was wearing kid's cloths for all she knew. It seemed to Lara that this nude ordeal was never going to end.

Bobby had not been paying attention to the girls. He was staring at the tiny "Smart car" scratching his head. The car was microscopic.

"Let's do this! Security might come any minute!" he said.

The group tried to pile into the car without success. It would not work. The vestiges of the pillory were too wide for the small car and Lara could not get in with or without Bobby in the car. Joe would not be able to drive as the pillory was coming straight across to the driver side.

Lara was being handled left and right as they tried all manners of getting her into the tiny space. She felt so bare as the hands pushed and twisted at her flesh. She hoped and wished that her body would not act up on her again. "Not another orgasm, not another orgasm..." she prayed as the touches sent more shivers down her spine.

Next, they made her get in through the sun roof. She was supposed to stand with her head sticking out as she straddled the center console of the tiny car.

That position was even more embarrassing than having to sit on her brother's lap. Now Bobby's face was level with her most intimate organs as she was forced to stand with her legs parted thus exposing her open wet vulva to him... and to Joe. Lara was burning with all the disgrace she felt. Her own poor sibling was so embarrassed that he just shut his eyes. Joe was focusing on the task ahead, trying to drive slowly and smoothly.

Unfortunately, they had to stop after a few yards. The pillory was too heavy and would swing with the motion of the car. Lara's neck could snap; it was way too dangerous.

Bobby thought long and hard about a solution. Each second seemed to last forever as everyone feared being caught by the convention's security guards.

A light bulb flashed into Bobby's mind... However, he suddenly turned bright red with embarrassment.

Lara felt a knot in her stomach as she saw her brother turn deeper shades of red.

"What is it Bobby?" she asked expecting the answer to be bad.

Bobby looked at her like a deer caught in headlights.

"Eh?" he answered, not sure if he could say the words. It took a while for him to find his voice.

The solution was far worst than Lara had ever feared.

Considering the weight of the pillory, it needed to be resting on the roof of the car for support. The only way that this could be achieved would be if Lara faced backwards while she sat on the shoulders of the passenger. That was the only way for her not to be strangled by the pillory. The passenger would have to hold her up to make sure that she would not move too much during the drive.

Lara contemplated the implication of his explanation and nearly fainted.

If she sat on Bobby's shoulders facing backwards... That meant... That her bare naked vagina would be seating inches from his face during the entire drive home. She would have to spread her legs for him and show him intimate parts that no brother was ever meant to be shown... Intimate parts that were so turned on, so wet, so heated up that there was no way he would not know the hyper stimulated state of her sweltering sex.

Her head started to spin at the thought. No way! No way! No way! She kept on repeating herself.

"BANG!" one of the hangar doors flew open as a dozen pudgy "Mall Cops" ran out.

There was no more time left to think.

Bobby and Joe pushed Lara onto the roof of the red car and installed her into place.

Joe got into the driver seat as Bobby raised Lara's left leg out of the way so he could take his spot. Everything happened in a moment.

Lara could not believe it as she felt her young step brother pushing her leg off the seat as he sat down.

There she was; seating atop his shoulder with her pussy completely exposed in his face!

His hands were lifting her forcing her to curve her back. Bobby was forcing her bust out in the most inappropriate display. Yet, this needed to be done to make sure that Lara would not slump and suffocate on the boards of the medieval device.

The shame was greater than anything she had ever felt to that point.

Lara could feel Bobby's hot breath on her thighs or on her pussy depending on how he was placing his face.

She could also feel how parted her labium were with the air that he blew in and out of his mouth. Her juices were dripping out of her as they ran down the length of her opened sex.

Lara's only escape was the fact that her head was not in the car. She could not see what was going on as the pillory and the roof were hiding the graphic display. Once again, her nude body seemed disconnected from her head. She closed her eyes wishing to be back in the safety of her home.

The car finally sped away.

The wind was blowing Lara's blond hair over her face as she faced backwards. The anonymity it offered comforted her in some small way.

Joe took the "scenic route" to avoid all risks of being intercepted by the police.

The scenic route wined down the side of the mountain. The road was full of stops and turns.

Lara fought with the movement of her body as long and as bravely as she could. She tightened her abdomen and her legs to make sure that she would not get too close to Bobby. She tried to anticipate the turns and the stops but the work was just too hard. After eight to ten minutes of excruciating burn her muscles could not handle the effort any longer.

Lara lost control of her abdominal muscles and let go. Bobby's strong arms were there to catch her. He did not let her down, instead pushing her further up onto his shoulder.

Her hot sex was now closer than ever to her little brother's face. At the next turn, his lips were on her sex, it lasted a fraction of a second but it set her soul afire. At the following stop, his nose was between her flaming lips. And so it went; on and on as they rode down the mountain. His cheeks, his lips, his nose all came into contact with Lara's most intimate parts.

Lara was simply being tortured with pleasure. It was so unexpected, so surprising, so startling and it never built up to any rhythm. An incessant tease was going on between her legs. She did not know when to expect the next touch or what it would be. It was driving her insane. Brushes from his skin, caresses from his lips, stabs from his nose; all coming one after the other playing with her tight little hole. No hint of what was coming next and never any rhythm for her to build upon. The frustration was making her insane, yet the alternative would have been so much more disastrous...

Bobby was concentrating on the safety of his sister. He was so worried about her health that he had ended up detaching himself from the whole sexual aspect of what was happening.

Joe had not. She had been too busy concentrating on the road as they had come down the hill. At the bottom, they finally encountered the first red light. When she turned her head left to look at the oncoming traffic she was surprised with the most sensual sight.

Lara was glowing with a bright sexual flush.

The skin at the base of her neck down to her tits had a reddish, pinkish hue. Her nipples were standing at attention, and her sex was engorged and clearly very wet.

"My god woman! You are so horny!" she shouted as the sound traveled out of the opened window and into Lara's ears.

This was the last level of degradation possible. If her brother had any doubts up until then, then they all would have been shattered by that statement.

Joe could not help herself, she reached out and rubbed Lara's belly before she pinched an erect nipple and began playing with it by rolling it between her fingers.

Lara's tears were rolling down her cheeks. She knew that the person touching her could not be Bobby because both of her little brother's hands were holding her for support.

"Stop it Joe!" yelled Bobby powerless to defend the honor of his sister.

"Look at that!" kept on saying Joe as she brought the hand down to Lara's sex. She brushed her fingers across the wet pubis before pinching her protruding clit.

"NOOO!" screamed Lara in despair as her mind was being stretched beyond the limits of what she could accept. She was on the verge of a powerful orgasm that she could not control.

"NOOO!" she screamed again as she fought her body's desired reaction. She would not orgasm to a woman's manipulation. At least, not in these terms, if it ever happened it would have to happen in her own terms. She fought and for once she won her internal struggle.

Joe jumped up and removed her hand immediately.

"I am so sorry!" she yelled to Lara, "I don't know what happened to me."

Of all people, Joe knew the meaning of "no."

Lara was finally safe at home.

The remainder of the car drive had been fortunately uneventful and the long day was finally winding down to its end.

Of course there had been a few more humiliating events along the way, and she would just as soon forget about them.

When she had gotten home she had needed to pee so badly that she could not wait for Joe to unlock her. Her bladder had been so full... Fortunately, after the incident in the car, Joe had been a true friend. She had helped Lara with her toilet issues and had then helped her slip on a pair of shorts.

Then there had been the whole unlocking incident...

That, too, had proven to be somewhat of an embarrassment.

Lara was still topless, still prevented by the device from slipping on a top, but at least she was now more decent with her bottom covered up.

They had moved into the garage where all the tools were being kept. The pillory was too heavy for Lara to hold on her own. The use of any type of power tool near Lara's head had also been deemed too risky. And so, Joe needed a few minutes of hard banging to unlock the contraption.

The only way to remedy to the drawbacks had been for Lara to sit on Bobby's lap while he lifted the boards so that Joe could work on the lock.

It had not seemed such a hard undertaking until Lara felt Bobby's erection swelling beneath her.

She tried to ignore it but Bobby was still wearing his superhero costume. The thin material did nothing to shield her from her brother's growing bulge.

Lara could not believe it. His sex just kept on growing beneath her. She did not need to see it to know that little Bobby was not so little anymore.

Lara was embarrassed but could do nothing about it as she felt his hard penis poking into her.

Then it was done!

After hours of entrapment, the boards of the pillory parted and released Lara from their grip. A weight was lifted.

Before Lara could say or do anything Bobby lifted her off of him and ran into the house.

Lara sat dumbfounded. She thanked Joe for all her help and offered her a drink. Joe thanked her but refused as she needed to get back to work on her project.

Lara and Bobby were now alone in the house. Their parents were away for a few days to take care of a sick relative and they had the house to themselves. Lara was thankful for that.

She walked into the house and grabbed the first top that she found.

She needed to have a talk with Bobby and she needed to have it now.

Lara knew how sensitive Bobby was and, after all that he had done today to rescue her, the last thing that he deserved was to be going through feelings of guilt because of an unfortunate erection.

No, Lara would make sure that Bobby knew how grateful she was for his bravery that day. He should be proud of himself. He deserved a reward, a treat: an ice cream or something.

The young woman walked up the stairs towards his room convinced that she would find him sobbing as she had so many times in the past.

She quietly opened the door to be utterly shocked by the sight in front of her.

Bobby was not crying, not by any means. Bobby was lying on his bed naked masturbating the biggest penis she had ever seen. He had not heard her come in and his eyes were closed as he concentrated on the task at hand.

Lara observed transfixed and hypnotized for some time. How much time, she did not know?

"Aw!" Bobby moaned as he got himself worked up.

Lara snapped out of it and understood that she needed to get out of the room as quietly as possible. Bobby would be mortified if he knew that she had been in the room.

She began stepping backwards towards the door.

"Lara!... Aw!... Lara!" voiced the boy as he kept on tugging on his giant tool.

Lara was startled for a moment as she thought that he had seen her. Then, she realized that his eyes were still closed and that he was simply calling her name while he played with himself.

That revelation triggered something within her. Lara was going to help out her little Bobby who had been so kind and so strong for her.

She quietly removed her t-shirt and her shorts.

She stood naked in her step brother's room as he played with his hard dick while calling out her name.

Lara stepped closer to the bed making sure not to startle him.

Slowly, she approached him and his manhood. She knew that if he had time to stop her he would. He had proven to be too much of a gentleman to let her do what she was about to do. He just respected her too much.

Lara was now standing over him, her head inches from his penis. Slowly, she lowered her head as she opened her mouth to receive him.

When she put her lips around him, it was done so softly, so gently that he did not feel it right away. It is only when her hot tongue touched the crown of his cock that his eyes jolted open in shock.

Bobby tried to sit up but Lara pushed him back down with a hand as she kept her mouth glued to his penis.

"Lara!" he pleaded as his big sister worked her mouth the length of his erection.

"Lara... Please!" he begged.

This new sensation was too much for him and he quickly stopped protesting as he could not resist the pleasure that his sister was giving him.

Bobby was an eighteen-year-old virgin and his beautiful big sister was giving him his very first blow job.

He did not last very long.

Lara was enthralled by the size of his organ and what had started as a kind and soft act was slowly turning into a very impassioned affair. Soon, Lara's act of gratitude was getting her as hot and bothered as Bobby.

Bobby erupted and Lara received every last drop of his semen into her mouth. It was not her favorite thing to do, but men are at their most sensitive at that very moment. She knew that; and she wanted him to experience that. She kept her mouth glued to his manhood as his hips shot up. She wanted to reward him with the sweetest of sensations.

Then, she still did not let go of his powerful organ. She wanted to keep him hard for the second part of the reward. Lara was determined to ride Bobby to a second orgasm. Today, she would thank him for protecting her by turning him into a man.

After the orgasm, Bobby had attempted to push Lara off without success. His attempts were not too vocal as her magical mouth was still sucking on Bobby's sex. After a few minutes, he completely surrendered to the unadulterated feelings of sexual need that Lara was creating within him.

Once Lara was convinced that he was ready for her, she finally climbed into the bed to straddle him.

Her little Bobby was between her leg and she began the slow process of impaling her hot tight little pussy onto his oversized prick.

"Oh my! You are so big!" she whispered.

"Lara... It feels so hot," he answered.

"I feel like a virgin being penetrated for the first time," she went on.

"It's liquid... it's wet... it's soft... Aw!... so tight!" he described.

Lara did not need any preliminary foreplay. Her desire had awoken the minute she had felt Bobby's sex poking at her in the garage. She would never have acted on it until she saw him naked and playing with himself while calling her name. That act had driven her lust into over drive.

She could not believe how big he felt. Was she going to be able to fit him entirely into her? As she slowly lowered herself onto him, a shiver of pleasure began rumbling within her. The more he filled her the more she began to shake. It was incredible. The deep penetration was touching parts that had remained unexplored until now. By the time, his penis finally reached the depth of her love canal the shivers, quivers and shakes shattered her to a powerful climax.

"Ooh! My little Bobby is making me cum" she whispered to herself.

Bobby, on the other hand had not yet achieved the second release that Lara had meant as a gift to him.

Seeing his big sister in such a state of yearning drove him mad with his own longing to come. He started bucking his hips in the air and impaled Lara further onto his massive pole.

Lara was no longer in control as her hot trembling sex was now at the mercy of the young man's hard rod at the core of her soul.

Bobby went wild with desire and Lara went along for the ride. Each stride perpetuating the length of a long orgasm.

"Ooh!" they screamed together as Bobby finally came into her hot vulva. They finally collapsed in a heap of sweaty skin and drifted into a deep restful sleep.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Somewhat convoluted but well done!

Things kept happening, though.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Incredibly arousing story! I'm ninety years old but this got my wilted prick hard as a stone ax. I want to be fucked in the ass by her so badly. comes my jizz!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
All points of the compass

This is a story with great potential that goes EVERYWHERE!! Too much for me.

1000dreams1000dreamsabout 8 years agoAuthor
remember... this is a fantasy..

She is in a private venue... in an adults only room... so even if the the story is not meant to be terribly realistic... topless/nude shows do happen in conventions...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Spank her in public and guess what happens? People call the cops and he went to jail! End of nonsense.

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