Leader of the Pack Ch. 22


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Keith and Malik walked into Cullen's office with smirks on their faces. Without a word Keith walked over to the nearest chair and plopped down then propped his feet on the edge of Cullen's desk, right on top of some papers Sarah had been writing on. Sarah looked as though she might rip his head off.

Cadifor shook his head. Keith and his blatant lack of concern for superiors was interesting. Cadifor gave him credit for appearing to know when to turn it on and off, but this wasn't one of those occasions.

Keith looked around at all the glaring people. Malik at least had the courtesy to wipe the smirk off his face. "Okay okay, I give in I'll tell. Guess why I can't find out when Jenna intends to attack." There were more glares. "Alright I'll give you a hint."

"Keith," Cullen growled. "Enough."

Cadifor smirked this time. At Cullen's tone the look on Keith's face immediately vanished and he sat up in the chair. Sarah brushed the paperwork off and gave him the kind of amused look a big sister gets on her face when little brother is getting yelled at by dad.

"Sorry," Keith said. "I just find it amusing. From what I just found out it seems that the reason I haven't been able to track down when she intends to come over the border is because she's trying to find out when the mating ceremony is. I think her plan is to hit the ceremony. Turn about being fair play so to speak. She's pissed that you and her got interrupted so she's looking for revenge. Actually when I stopped and thought about it I wondered why we hadn't come up with it in the first place."

Cullen sat back in his chair. "I wish I knew how to stop this. It's pointless. I had really hoped, after Rafe was dealt with, that Jenna had gotten a grip and would back off."

Keith shrugged. "Jenna's too much like her mother. In any case the rest of what I found out is that she's already started turning people. She's got a number of families in the pack looking to find shelter somewhere. I thought I'd ask you before I suggested we could offer asylum."

Cullen nodded. "We have too many ties with the Tairneach. Do we know how many of ours mated into their pack over the years?" Cullen looked at Sarah.

"I could find out. Do you really want to know," she asked.

"No. It was just a thought. Anyway. Yeah, offer asylum. But on the off chance that it's a trick keep them separate from our own for now. Anything else?"

Keith grinned again. "The best part. She knows we're importing people for the mating. But it seems that she intends to go ahead with the attack anyway. So she's either mad or stupid. At least that's what the Tairneach are saying. So, pick a good day for a fight. I'll leak the info. We'll be set."

Cadifor sat grumbling. "How did Brennus manage her?"

Malik cleared his throat. "I hate to point this out, but considering the information we were able to retrieve from the Tairneach and all the precautions I took with the information that left here with messengers and over the phones, I think it can be assumed that the Tairneach are getting their information from inside your pack."

Cullen growled. "That's why the elder were fed the story they were given. Keith, find out who. After all the caoch with Rafe I thought we had it taken care of."

Sarah looked at Cullen sympathetically. If there was one thing that could piss Cullen off this was it. He'd had too many issues with loyalty lately. "Cullen, there's a chance that the information wasn't leaked to cause trouble. You didn't tell anyone not to speak to the Tairneach about it. There are a lot of shared families, like you said. I could have just gotten out."

"That's what Keith is going to find out," Cullen said with emphasis.


Aislinn and Makeda walked into the gym. They had managed to get and omega to produce sweatpants and t-shirts for them to wear. The two women walked around looking over the weights and other gym equipment. They decided they weren't interested in that kind of work out. They found their way to the big open area that was used for drills and sparring matches. There were blue mats lining the floors and walls. In one section of the room there was a virtual obstacle course of bars to climb on and over, making a fight more difficult. In another section there were ropes to climb and a simulated rock wall. But it was mostly open space with padding.

Makeda sat down and took her shoes and socks off. The t-shirt and sweatpants would adjust if she chose to shift but the shoes would be a problem. Aislinn followed her lead. Makeda was smiling widely as she watched Aislinn. "Ready?"

Aislinn nodded. The two of them paced around each other. Aislinn thought back to some self defense classes she had taken. "Do you want to practice anything in particular?" She wasn't exactly sure what she had intended now that they were in the middle of it.

Makeda's eyes suddenly turned golden. "How about a game of dog and cat," she growled through her accent as her body took on her hybrid form.

Aislinn stepped back and watched as the dark woman took on a form that was wolven but a great deal more lithe than the lycans she had met to date. Makeda's form was lanky but graceful. Her ears were much longer and higher on her head than the others and her muzzle was more narrow and longer. As Makeda finished her shift Aislinn realized that she looked a bit like Anubis in sweatpants and a t-shirt.

As Aislinn completed the thought Makeda jumped at her. Aislinn was rolled onto her back. I thought you said that you weren't that bad at this. I'm not really trying here.

"Sorry. I was staring and not paying attention at the same time. Gimme a chance."

Makeda got up off of her and crouched for another lunge attack. Aislinn started her shift and this time it was Makeda's turn to be fascinated. Makeda stared as Aislinn's face took on an indescript cat-like appearance, but retained most of the human features as well. Her eyes shifted to molten amber with blue flecks that gave them an almost iridescent green hue at times. Her arms were covered in spots and Makeda could see the spots dip into the front of her t-shirt. Aislinn was quite proud of herself that she had managed to shift to her hybrid form with no trouble.

Makeda was not as easily knocked down as Aislinn had been however. Makeda stepped aside easily when Aislinn jumped at her. And so it begins, she said, her accent clear even in Aislinn's mind.

Neither woman paid attention to the audience they had attracted. A majority of the pack had never seen Aislinn shift and was curious about that alone. When word spread that Makeda was involved as well, there was an additional group that made their way down to the gym to see if the rumors about the ancient lycan were true.


Cullen felt Aislinn shift. He knew she wasn't upset or in trouble. But it concerned him that she would be in a situation that cause her to change forms. He was trying to get a sense of what was happening to her but she was wrapped up in whatever it was and was concentrating enough that she wasn't open to a conversation.


He looked up at Cadifor's voice. "Sorry. What?"

Cadifor sighed. "Maybe it's time for a break. We've been at this all day. We missed lunch. How about an early dinner. I think we're mostly set anyway."

Cullen nodded and all the others in the room were looking hopeful at the suggestion. "I think I need to find Aislinn anyway." They saw Cullen's vision fog over again before he looked around the room. "Why don't we all meet in the Taigh-Oèsda in half an hour."

There was an easy consensus and the group dispersed. Cadifor got up to go with Cullen. "Last I saw Makeda she had her eyes set on your woman. I believe I'll be most likely to find her still with Aislinn."

Cullen briefly wondered if Makeda was the reason for Aislinn's shift.

It didn't take long for Cullen and Cadifor to find out that Aislinn and Makeda were in the gym. Cullen and Cadifor got into the elevator and headed down.

Cadifor looked at Cullen with amused confusion. "Why do you look so concerned."

Cullen shrugged. "I don't know exactly."

"Truth. You've already mated the woman," Cadifor said knowingly and shaking his head. "What are you getting that's distracted you?"

Cullen looked at his friend. "I don't know why I thought it would be easy to hide something that was only in my own head."

Cadifor laughed. "Don't sound so insulted. I've been around a long time. I've know the bond twice over in different ways. Not every man will see it. But don't take me for a fool."

"Sorry. She shifted for some reason. She was having trouble with it. Until now apparently. But I can't get why she would do it. It's not like her. And she's in the gym?" Cullen looked at Cadifor. "It just doesn't make sense." Cullen sounded despondent.

"You're still dwelling on the possibility of a traitor in your pack. That's another thing I've endured. It's not so unusual, Cullen." Cadifor's voice took on a deadly serious note. "What makes you think you're so different from every other alpha that you'd command complete, unwavering loyalty from every man within your pack? You're only alpha until someone else beats you down." The elevator doors slid open. "That kind of incentive is not meant to breed loyalty."

Cullen walked into the hall. Cadifor was right. "It's the first I've had to deal with it here," he said flatly.

The men could hear cheering and commotion coming from down the hall. They looked at each other uncertainly and continued toward the gym. The crowd was so wrapped up in the show that they didn't notice the alphas' approach. Cullen growled and the people in the door moved so that he could get into the gym.

Aislinn and Makeda had found that they were more on equal footing than either of them had thought they would be. No sooner than one would pin the other then the first would be thrown. They had each gotten in some good hits that had resulted in torn clothes and some blood. But it was mostly superficial.

Aislinn had led Makeda over to the obstacles, hoping that Makeda wouldn't be as good at climbing as she was. Makeda was faster than Aislinn though and as Aislinn took to one of the higher bars in a leap that impressed Cullen and Cadifor both, Makeda grabbed at her leg. Makeda through Aislinn off balance just enough to keep her from making the higher bar. But she didn't have enough of a grip to get her down and only managed to come away with what was left of Aislinn's sweatpants.

Aislinn turned and a jungle cat growl warned Makeda back. But that wasn't nearly impressive enough to stop Makeda. Aislinn watched the lycan pace until Makeda came just within reach. Then she launched herself at Makeda, swinging off the bar in an acrobatic fashion that would have impressed an Olympic judge. She managed to get a hold of Makeda's shoulders and the two of them hit the ground wrestling for the pin as the rolled across the matt.

The crowd cheered with each impressive move and bets were being made as to who would win. Cullen and Cadifor watched in amused silence. There was something more than a little erotic about watching the two beautiful women wrestle.

"How long should we let this continue," Cadifor asked through a wide grin, his eyes never leaving the women.

Cullen shrugged. He was suddenly feeling a great deal better. "I see no reason to stop them now. I'm curious who'll win. I wouldn't have thought she'd stand a chance against Makeda."

"Women often are full of surprises."

Makeda was on top of Aislinn when they rolled to a stop. Aislinn growled menacingly at her and tried to overpower her. But Makeda had won this time. She was straddling Aislinn at the waist and holding her wrists to the matt. Makeda's eyes gleamed as she stared down at Aislinn. Finally Aislinn stopped struggling. Makeda leaned down and ran her nose over Aislinn's sweat covered neck. Her tongue snaked out to taste Aislinn. Much to Cullen's amusement Aislinn was finding the caress exceedingly pleasurable.

The crowd could tell that the fight was over. Most of them began to disperse. Makeda's tongue traveled the line of Aislinn's jaw and Makeda caught the scent of Aislinn's arousal over the smell of sweat and gym matts.

Cullen smiled widely. He was tempted to let it continue. But he had promised to meet the others for lunch. And if she was going to play with Makeda Cullen knew that Aislinn would prefer privacy. She'd be upset if he let it continue with an audience. Cadifor gave an annoyed growl as Cullen headed for the women.

He looked back at his friend. "Not here," Cullen said. Cadifor rolled his eyes but backed off.

Cullen knelt next to the women. "If you're both finished. We came to take you to dinner."

Aislinn jumped as though she had been caught doing something wrong and blushed furiously as she looked up at Cullen.

Makeda sat back, releasing Aislinn's hands but not getting off of her and changed back to her human form. "You're no fun Cullen. It took me all morning and afternoon to get her to give in."

Aislinn pushed Makeda off of her and Makeda landed on her butt next to her on the floor. Her heart was racing. Aislinn looked from Makeda to Cullen as though she expected to be in trouble.

Cullen started to laugh. He could feel Aislinn's upset, embarrassment, and confusion. He put his hand under her chin and made her look into his eyes. I'll not hold women against you. Especially if I get to watch. His smile broadened. I know your heart is mine. Calm down. Let's go to dinner. He leaned in and kissed her, biting at her bottom lip before pulling away from her again and standing up.

"The both of you should go get cleaned up. You've got ten minutes. If you're not back from the showers by then we'll come after you," Cullen said. "Not that I think any of us would mind that, but there are a number of people waiting at the Taigh-Oèsda for us."


So I'm thinking one more chapter and an epilogue.

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kiwiplumkiwiplumalmost 2 years ago

Loving it for the second time around. Once again though the biggest laugh/jarring word is "liter" which is a measurement of liquid, when you meant "litter" of pups...

XantaiXantaiover 5 years ago

Na cena do quarto quando Cullen apresenta Makeda e Cadifor para Aislinn, o que Cadifor quis dizer com: eu ganhei?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
"I'll not hold women against you. Especially if I get to watch."

And bang goes the significance of the mate bond. How would this not be cheating? I'll be very disappointed if next chapter shows a lesbian scene. And don't tell me werewolf society is more open about sex so probably also more open to experimentation. I'll believe that if Cullen and Cadifor will jump each other equally. Something tells me they won't be swallowing each other's cum though. Talk about catering to male fantasies.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Seems like you made a problem for yourself making the lifespans of Cullen / Makeda/ Cadifor one of centuries. You don't know how to handle that, keep things logical. How they act, what must be within what they have experienced. Sometimes you make it work, sometimes it's just not conceivable as reality.

lonesomedove66lonesomedove66almost 11 years ago
I have to agree if you are bored stop reading..

Personally I think this was a great chapter. Possessiveness is also knowing and trusting your partner, they were sparring and wrestling, animals, weres, lycans, are just like humans, especially when they are part human and get an adrenaline rush with physical exercise. Neither woman actually did anything and it was only insinuated nothing actually happened.

This is chapter 22 if you really were bored you wouldn't have read it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I find it more than a little jarring that suddenly Cullen and Aislinn are ok with sharing. If you had set up the story that way from the beginning I might like it but now it feels wrong. I like that they are possessive of each other. :(

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
bored still??!!!

Clearly you're not because you're still reading! When I start to read something boring I stop. That's the nornal response. So why don't you stop complaining and find another story.

St0rMiESt0rMiEabout 11 years ago
I have to agree with the last two comments!

Bored STILL outta my skull. Don't know why I wasted my time hoping this story would get better and not to my surprise, it hasn't.

And as a typical male, Cullen would gladly watch her with another woman...pppffts... really?! THAT idea just shot it over the edge from bored to hate it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
"Least favourite chapter"

I have to agree with the previous comment on this chapter. I don't mind girl/girl in the slightest but I don't like the idea of either Cullen or Aislinn sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Least favorite chapter

Sorry to add my disappointment in the addition of girl on girl action, and what appears to be a lead up to group sex or partner swap (Cullen and Makeda; cadifor and Aislinn). It is jarring to see the Cullen and Aislinn characters who, up to this point in the story have been developing this indelible , almost soulmate bond, now casually considering sexual play with others. Maybe after some time had passed, like a couple married some years and bored with each other, I could see them turning to other partners for excitement. But already, when they are supposedly wildly in heat and love for each other? It rang false to the story and how these characters were written to this point. I liked them less. If that was the author's intent, success.

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