All Comments on 'Life Ain't Fair'

by Tara Cox

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The therapists should help her to accept objective reality, and to be happy as a woman


AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
There is hope after transition

If you feel like the person in the story, be hopeful. I am ftm post-surgery (top) and on T. Love myself more than ever before, walk tall with no more breasts to hate and hide. I am called "sir" as it should be. I am a free man. It's worth it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Missed the mark a little...

Props for trying to include an FTM character in your story, but please do a little research. Your focus on "the surgery" makes it clear that you're not trans* (which is fine, as long as you're willing to educate yourself) and that you know very little about transguys or the trans community. I'm generalizing here (i.e., this is not true for every FTM), but transguys are more likely to be focused on getting on hormones (testosterone) or having "top surgery" (i.e., double mastectomy). There are plenty of resources available online for furthe research -- I hope you'll take advantage of them.

RebeccaCherieRebeccaCheriealmost 10 years ago

I would happily trade too. Xxxxx

RebeccaCherieRebeccaCheriealmost 10 years ago

Beautiful. On the same wavelength xxx

Joscelyn2tgJoscelyn2tgalmost 10 years ago
Once Again You Explain The Unexplainable...

...To those who need to understand just exactly how unfair life truly is for those locked in the body of the opposite gender. And you write so beautifully Tara, and so technically proficient that it makes the reader experience the story viscerally... it literally pounds on your heart to make it feel the pathos and empathy for the characters you build inside this remarkable tale. Thank you for sharing your work with us and I will be looking for more from you in future. Cheers! --- Josie

BrendaNWBrendaNWalmost 10 years ago
well written

Very good writing.. shows what few people understand or even try to.. thank you.. P.S. I would love to have her body.. what if we could really trade.. oh wow..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Brutally honest, loved it.

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UPDATE: If you are wondering what happened to me, I have not died. I left Lit. Please do NOT comment or complain about unfinished stories. Completed versions of many are available on my website to read for FREE. If you follow the links: Twitter: @...