Life and Time of Lady Vargos Ch. 10


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After the women were all in the room Elenore once again got everyone's attention.

"As you all know Mrs. Vargos has asked us all here tonight to celebrate his Vow of Chastity to his husband the Baron in the age old tradition of chaste love. There will be three keys for the lock, and three keys only. Mrs. Vargos will not pocess a key. I will be escorting him in for the fitting of the chastity belt in a moment, but first do you have anything to add Mrs. Vargos?"

Martin was surprised by the offer to speak. All he wanted was to get it over with. The Vow Ceremony would take care of the issues he needed taken care of, mainly concubines repeatedly making unwanted sperm deposits deep inside butt hole in the name pleasure while his husband was away.

"I am glad to see so many people interested in seeing my dick being locked away. I hope you all have a wonderful evening," he said sarcastically with a sissy flip of the wrist to give the guest what he felt they perceived of him. "I'm ready darling. Where is the deed to be done," he asked as if now eager to do it.

"Very well then. I will take you to have your Chastity Belt fitted and locked then."

Elenore and another woman took Martin's arms. "This way Lady Vargos," they said and led him across the floor toward the room where he would be fitted privately, accept for the witnesses.

"What have I done," Martin said under his breath as he nervously minced across the floor under the stares of every single eye in the room. They all seemed to be wondering more of "why would anybody do this," than "How sweet." He tried to stay focused and look straight ahead.

When the door was opened Martin noticed the twelve women were all seated in chairs in a semi circle in front of the little room where he would chaste. He wanted to run. His knees became weak. This was too strange. They all were so formally dressed, awaiting the utter humiliation and degradation of his manhood. As if being dressed fully as a woman was not degrading enough of a life.

The door was closed and Martin was led to the front of the room and Tabatha took over.

Tabatha was wearing a backless black evening gown with 5" black heels which made her a towering and menacing site to Martin.

"Turn around sir," Tabatha said softly as she turned Martin so his back faced all the women in the room.

Tabatha picked up a dark veil and placed it over Martin's entire face. She then pinned it in his hair and pinned the bottom ends around his neck.

"This is a modesty veil. Your face will not be seen by the witnesses while your naked body is revealed to them. It allows you to have your dignity and you won't have to watch them looking at you while I'm doing this," she said softly while working diligently.

"Fine. Just get it over with," he said in an unemotional tone.

She walked behind Martin now and unzipped his dress. pulling it off his shoulders and holding it low so he could step out of it. She then removed his bra and panties. For total nudity his 6" pumps were also removed.

Martin, now completely naked, stood quietly with his back to the witnesses, his head bowed in shame. When his naked butt cheeks were exposed there was a slight reaction of surprise from the ladies watching, but none of them took their eyes off him.

"Ok ladies, we are ready to begin," Tabatha announced. She slowly turned Martin by the shoulder so he now stood totally naked facing the women. There was a noticeable gasp in the room.

"Oh my god," one of the women said with a shocked look on her face, but she never turned away.

Though he could not see them through the veil, he felt their eyes on him, and he knew right where they were looking.

It was well known that Martin was a feminized man, but now seeing the image of this clean shaved body with his large limp penis and balls hanging between his legs awaiting their requested bondage, caused a shock wave through the room. His painted toenails and feminine red fingernails, along with the big hairdo, gave ultra feminine trimmings to the obvious male object that stood before them all. The veil added to the mystery taking away the identity, at least visually from the sight.

"Spread your legs for me a little sir," Tabatha said. Her experience with these type things allowed her to work calmly.

Martin spread his legs as instructed and flinched at the first touch of Tabatha's fingertips touched his hanging balls.

"Don't move. This will only take a moment," she said now taking the straps off the chastity device.

Tabatha picked a paper that had the script she was tor read before beginning.

"Today we are here to witness Marcia Vargos take the Vow of Chastity as an act of total commitment and love for his husband, The Baron Vargos. You all have been selected as women leaders in the community and high social status to witness the locking of Lady Vargos's sexual organs. He has requested and accepts being chaste in this manner and having his sexual organs controlled by others as his commitment and show of love to his husband. We will begin."

A gold metallic belt was placed around Martin's waist and locked in place.

Tabatha got on one knee and Martin felt her separate his testicle sacs and the put the leather strap around one of the sacs pulling it tight and buckling it in place, She then did his other the same way.

The women watched as this woman handled this man as if it were second nature for her to do so.

Martin's balls were now tight and nicely rounded from the straps. He was a bit uncomfortable, and winced under the veil when his bulging strapped balls bumped each other when she let them go, but he was not in any pain.

Tabatha took the beaded and jeweled stretch bags next. she worked it over each of his bound testicles. She adjusted them and it made beautiful cover for his lower maleness.

"Can you believe this?" one of the women whispered to the woman next to her.

"No," she said suddenly. "I mean look at the size of this man's dick. Why is he dressing like a woman and letting another man do him in the ass? His dick is much bigger than my husbands, and he waste it on dressing like a woman," she said awestruck.

"I meant what they are doing to his dick now," she said looking at her friend. They both grinned and then broke out into giggles over their little misunderstanding.

Tabatha inspected the jeweled ball bags and seemed happy with the results.

"Well this looks nice. Your balls look like they are in a little beaded purses." Tabatha said softly where Martin could here.

She then tied a short length of red. ribbon around his penis just under the head.

Emily Foster was probably the most nervous woman in the room watching this. She kept looking down putting her fingers to her forehead.

"Oh my god. They're going to decorate the damn thing with ribbons," she said embarrassed under her breath as the ribbon was attached.

Tabatha took the golden tube from the box and slipped the ribbon thought the tube. She then pulled the ribbon tight as she slipped the tube over Martin's dick. The curved tube faced down as the head of his penis appeared out the other end.

She removed the ribbon and which left Martin's penis head exposed now. A cuffing device was placed at the base of his penis and fastened shut behind the ball sac. Tabatha placed a key in the lock and locked it shut. She then locked the device to the belt.

Martin felt such shame standing here like this allowing this to be done to him. It would be humiliating even without having it done in front of all these women that he knew publicly and socially. Martin's face was covered though to spare him the shame and indignity that came from such an exhibition, but he still felt all the shame and indignity. What Martin didn't know was several of the women watching were feeling just as embarrassed and uncomfortable as he was.

Tabatha attached the tube to the locking cuff. She took the final piece. The gold cover for the head. Martin fidgeted at the discomfort of it rubbing his penis head as she put it on him.

"Hold still. It's almost on," she said turning back and forth on his penis head, the rubbing causing even more discomfort.

Tabatha then spread his butt cheeks and inserted a small butt plug that had a large red jewel at the base that covered his anal opening after being installed. A strapped was pulled between his legs and hooked the gold metallic belt around his waist.

"That's all he really needed," one woman said as they snickered quietly.

"There we go," Tabatha said standing up again. "Ok ladies. Lady Vargos is locked away," she said taking a wipe and cleaning her hands.

Nothing was said at first. They just all stared at the golden penis sticking straight out that they had just witnessed being placed on this man. He would never be able to remove it himself.

Tradition was there would be three keys. The husband possessed one of course. The second usually was kept by the lady's handmaiden for obvious reasons. In this case Leanne. The third...well that one was being used to raise money for a local charity. It was placed in a silent auction and the winner would receive the key as a symbolic piece. It was also to be kept secret who had won it. Everyone had placed bids of course, it was seen as supporting the Baron's cause, but nobody wanted to win it at least not openly.

"Turn back around please," Tabatha said helping Martin turn with his back to the women again. His bound balls bump against his upper thighs in as he moved his legs and he grunted. It was very uncomfortable.

"I wish I had brought the wooden spoon. Those balls should have been tenderized first. Don't you agree?" she said quietly in his ear where only Martin could understand.

"No," was all he said.

Tabatha helped Martin with his bra and panties, There was a huge lump in his panties where the material was stretched over the device. The waist band of the panties didn't touch his body in front. Martin stepped into his dress and Tabatha pulled it up the length of his body zipping it up in back.

Tabatha removed the veil. Martin took a deep breath as he was turned to face the women again.

The women once again were shocked and surprised. A few even broke out in giggles at first, but quickly suppressed them. The chastity device was pressing hard against the fabric of the tight dress. The pup tent effect was so obvious.

Tabatha spoke again.

"Lady Vargos has now been now placed in chastity and will from this day forward allow his husband to make the decisions as they pertain to his own sexual organs. This is Lady Vargos's statement of love and total commitment to her husband The Baron Vargos. He is ready to be presented to the public."

Finally Elenore stood up.

"Congratulations Mrs. Vargos. I am so happy for you."

Martin was being helped back into his high heels when the other women began to congratulate him also.

"You must love the Baron an awful lot to do something like this as a sign of your love for him."

Martin just stared at the woman.

"Yeah lady this is what true love looks like," Martin thought to himself but he said nothing. Not that he was speechless, but he had been with Tabatha before. She had been the one using the wooden spoon on him and feared her and her intentions.

Martin stood and was ready to reenter the the main celebration. He looked down at the tight dress he was wearing. His balls made it even more difficult to walk because of the discomfort he felt now with each step as they bumped his thighs. Martin knew that Felix had done this on purpose. The large lump in his groin would fulfill Martin's sarcastic request of Felix the last time they had met.

"Something that he would be so humiliated in publicly that he would just die from embarrassment wearing it in front of other people."

"Ok everybody," Elenore announced. The other women were now coming out of the room. "It is done and Lady Vargos has been placed in chastity and is ready to take his public vow for his husband," she said taking Martin by the arm and leading him along with another woman across the room to his husband.

The room was quiet, accept for the low murmuring that was going on from the sight of the protruding bulge in the front of Martin's dress.

"OMG," one woman commented softly, "that's almost obscene."

Martin was led to the Baron. The Baron took both of Martin's beautifully manicured hands in his. The vow was now to be repeated by Martin as recited quietly to him by Mrs. Bell.

Martin looked up to the Baron. He spoke softly with pleading eyes, "Haven't I suffered enough humiliation over this already? Let me go," Martin pleaded softly.

The Baron said nothing but gazed deeply into Martin's eyes.

The woman now cited the vows of love and commitment for Martin to repeat.

"My husband," Martin said with a weak voice repeating the vow as it was quoted to him.

"Words can never express the depth of my love for you."

"Is this guy for real," a man commented to his wife. "I mean this is sickening!"

"Oh hush Tom. I think it is very romantic. He's obviously deeply in love," she said staring at Martin in awe of his commitment.

"You really think so?" he said looking at them. "I guess it's the guys voice coming out of the girl image that is throwing me off here. You think it's romantic?"

"Yeah well, in a strange way."

"Very strange if you ask me," he said.

The Vow continued.

"From this day forward my hopes, my dreams, and all my emotional desires are all for you."

Martin was feeling like he couldn't finish this. It was almost impossible to say these utterly ridiculous lines. The must have been written in the middle ages.

Martin glanced out at the people standing around him. Some seemed amused while others seem to feel as he did and it was all over the top and a bit ridiculous. A few people had their noses wrinkled up like they couldn't wait for this to stop. SOme obviously found it disgusting but kept to themselves.

After getting Martin's attention back the recital continued.

"Please accept this public Vow and my chastity as a testament to my love for you."

The Baron lifted Martin's chin and kissed him gently. There was an uneasiness by some watching the two men kiss, even if one was rather convincingly dressed as a woman.

"I do," the Baron said.

The room was now clapping and congratulating them on the Vow.

Phoebe hurried up to the couple with her photographer for some fresh shots of the couple.

Martin was escorted into the large foyer on the Baron's arm. His balls bumping his thighs as he was forced to walk with his legs so pressed together.

Martin stopped and pulled the Baron aside gently.

"Listen Baron," he said but not in a mean way, "My balls are strapped in way that they are bulging and they are tied together. They hurt when my thighs hit them. I'm sure you can relate to what I am saying about the pain since you are a man too."

The Baron listened as the rest of the people worked their way into the foyer for the portrait unveiling.

"I am wearing a dress that squeezes my knees together and I'm in 6" spike heels. In other words, please slow down the pace. I can't keep up with you."

The Baron kissed Martin and again proceeded with Martin on his arm. Martin found himself still having to walk quickly with restricted small steps. Even though it was a little slower he was still having to take two steps of his own to each one of his husbands.

"Gee thanks a lot, that really helps," Martin said sarcastically and grimacing from the discomfort.

The fabric of the dress pressing on the tip of the chastity device created even more discomfort as the movements of walking caused the device to press on the base and his balls also felt the movement.

In the foyer everybody was gathered. Martin and the Baron stood across the room from the painting so they could get a good look at the masterpiece as it was unveiled.

"We have another special treat for you tonight," a woman's voice announced. "Lady Vargo's portrait is ready to be revealed and take it's place on the wall among the other members of this wonderful and very influential family."

All eyes were fixed on the draped portrait and with a tug of the tassel the satin drape fell to the floor revealing the portrait of Lady Vargos.

There was the sound of stunned silence at first as everyone looked at the stunning beauty in the portrait. It was that of a beautiful woman with Martin's features.

Martin looked about the room noticing eyes shifting from the portrait to him in comparison. Then a rather soft applause began and grew until everyone was clapping.

The painter had taken many liberties, and by lowering the cut of the dress Martin had been wearing revealing more than ample cleavage of real breast. Martin noticed also that his features had been soften to look more feminine. The facial expression was soft and that of a woman in lustful thought of her husband who was away. His lips formed a perfect Cupid's bow and were dynamically red and glossy. The tiara in his hair gave the look a majestic feel. The eyes were bold with long lashes and a look of confidence.

"That's not me," Martin said looking at the Baron.

"You are beautiful Marcia," the Baron said smiling looking at the scene. "It is a masterpiece."

"It is a piece of fiction," Martin said with his hand still daintily on his husband's arm.

"What do you think Vernon," one of the guest said to her husband.

"Well, to tell the truth, it's a beautiful picture," he said looking at it again.

"Beautiful?" she asked brashly. "Lady Vargos is a hussy and you know it," she said with seeming disdain for Martin.

"You have to admit it takes a lot of balls for a young man to stand here in front of all these people and be proud of looking like that," he said nodding at the portrait.

"Oh Vernon, it doesn't take a lot of balls for him. He's a fag and wants us all to know."

The people started to mingle about and some headed to the door. Martin and the Baron thanked a few select guest for coming. Martin said nothing as the Baron thanked them. Martin extended his limp wrist to the men. When they took his hand and looked him in the eye Martin lowered his eyes and allowed them to shake his hand. It was now how he was to greet other men after the Vow.

The Baron escorted Martin out of the great hall and into the study. Martin felt good to be out of there. He was ready to get the high heels off he was wearing as they were hurting his feet. Wearing heels without stockings he was finding was much more uncomfortable. Martin sat down in a chair and removed the heels. He wiggled and flexed his painted toes. He then turned back to the Baron who was standing next to him unzipping his pants.

"You have got to be kidding," Martin said looking up at him.

"Marcia my sweet, I must go to meet with some important people. I will be leaving tomorrow for an extended business trip," the Baron said as he pulled his enormous half erect cock from his pants. "I will be back to be with you later this evening."

"You want me to suck your dick now, right here in this room. Have you no dignity at all. I mean you can't be pulling your dick out just anywhere or anytime and expect me to suck it," Martin said starting to get up.

The Baron's hand on Martin's shoulder kept him seated. The Baron said nothing and put his hands on his hips awaiting Martin to administer to him as his wife.

"Do you know how cheap and used this makes me feel?" Martin said taking the Baron's dick in his hand.

The Baron didn't seem to care. Martin stroked the Baron for a few moments then looked up at him.

"If I have to be your wife, I expect more respect from you. This is disrespectful to me as a person, pulling me into a nearby room to give you a blowjob," Martin said looking at the Baron who once again didn't respond.