Lion's Den Ch. 03


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Max debated obeying. Leo looked pissed, but her fear was causing her pussy to flood even more, all over the table. Max laid down. What was the worst that could happen? She had texted Laney and told her where she was, so if she did not return, Laney would tell her dad.

Leo looked at Max on his table. He watched her pussy get slicker and slicker. He decided to get a little nasty with her. He grabbed the loaf of French bread; he had intended to serve with breakfast and sat at the end of the table. He ripped the bread dipped it into her open pussy. "This cunt juice is remarkable, Max. You should have some." He tore another piece of bread, scooped up some of her honey and fed it to her.

Max could barely breathe. This was taken getting eaten to a whole new level. Leo took his time, feeding himself and feeding her. When he was done with the bread he could not believe she was still pouring out. He put his tongue into her cunt and ate her, rolling her clit between his tongue and teeth made her buck up off the table, grab his hair and ride his face. He was lost in getting her off. When Max finally came, Leo knew all of Park Slope had heard her. He looked at her open vessel and jacked off onto her naked body. When he was done, her grabbed her face pulling it close to his, "Max, don't ever trick me again. I may not be so pleasant next time." Max registered the warning, but was still in her euphoric high to completely care.

They walked silently to the shower. The hot water was a welcome to their exhausted bodies. They soaped and rinsed each other down careful not to start anything more for the morning. When they got out, Leo saw he had missed two calls from his father. He gave Max some new clothes and went out in the hall to return the call.

"Hey Pops, How's it going?"

"I need to talk to you. Can you come out now?" The tone in Carmine's voice troubled his son.

"Yeah, give me a few."

Max was dressed when he returned, and was towel drying her hair. She put it in two braids, which made her look innocent. Max looked in the mirror. You are way past innocent girl. You have entered some dangerous territory. You let him fuck you up the ass, devour you like a meal, and shit, you hit and miss with the condoms. Are you insane?

Leo watched conflicting expressions flash across her grey eyes, and figured something was up, but didn't want to press the issue.

"Max I've gotta go see my parents. Wanna come with?"

"Uhhhhhh, sure, why the hell not, but I have to be back in Manhattan by 3 o'clock." She had texted Laney and told her to meet back at the apartment for that time.

"No problem, but first we have to swing by your place to get you something to wear that won't give my father a heart attack." Leo was back to his jovial mood, but he had something on his mind.

Leo got Max to her apartment building in record time. He knew she would decline to bring him up so he never asked, and she was relieved he didn't ask. She noticed Laney was not back yet. Hmm she and the Russian must have worn each other out. She left her a quick note, saying where she was going.

Max looked at Leo as they drove up to his parents place. All the time wondering what the hell was she doing. Meeting the parents was adding another string to this already complicated web in her head. She could not wait to get to France.

Leo's mom opened the door and greeted them with hugs and kisses. Isabella found Max more striking than her photo. She grew up beautifully, she thought.

"Carmine, Leo is here and he brought a friend." Her tone was that of warning to her husband.

Carmine stepped out of his study and had the same thought as his wife. Their son had chosen well. He could tell she had her father's ways about her, and all her mother's feminine charm. Carmine stepped to her and greeted her in Italian, telling her she was stunning and he hoped to see more of her. She responded to him in Italian, leaving Leo's mouth agape. He did not know she could speak Italian, how did his father know? Leo glared at her, feeling he was being left out of some secret."

"Leo, come join me in the study, let's leave the ladies to chat?" Carmine winked at Isabella and left the room.

Isabella took Max to the kitchen, speaking to her as she prepared lunch.

"I know your mother and father, Max. Very fine people."

"I figured as much, the way your husband outted me in front of Leo, I knew something was up. Is Signore telling Leo about me right now?"

"Sì, with your father's permission. Leo came to me the other night with a picture of you and told me what he had done to you, frightening you and just being plain foolish. I knew who you were instantly and told Carmine, who placed a call to your father. Your father confirmed to Carmine that you had sent him a message saying you had gone into hiding until you could leave the country, so imagine our surprise when you showed up here today arm in arm with Leo."

"You are not the only one surprised," Max muttered.

"Child, did my son force you?" Isabella was ready to give Leo a good whack.

"Oh no," Max answered quickly sensing the older woman protectiveness of her. "I went to him willingly. I needed to talk to him, to purge him from my system, but my plan may have backfired."

Isabella laughed, "Carbone men are difficult to get over, especially when they let down that macho exterior and show you who they really are. Do you love him?"

"I don't know. It doesn't feel so simple. I figured when I fell in love I would know, the birds will all burst out in song with me." Max hung her head in despair. Fucking Disney.

Isabella gazed at her for a long time. Poor child. She is in love and doesn't know it. Maybe her trip to France will help sort her head. "Are you hungry? Lets' eat."

"Ravenous." Max realized that the last thing she ate was herself on some bread.

Leo was pacing his father's office trying to digest what his father had just told him. Max's dad was a gangster just like him; retired, but a gangster nevertheless. Oh that explains a lot; her secretiveness, her knowing way of speaking about my business. She's more than perfect for me. I wouldn't have to lie to her. Carmine also explained the nature of the relationship of the La Costas to the Carbones, a relationship that Leo had put in jeopardy. Antonio La Costa had made it clear to Carmine that he would not tolerate any more threats coming from his son. If Max wanted to be with Leo that would be her decision. The men ended their phone conversation amicably, but an understanding was there.

"Son, you hungry?"

"Starved." His stomach telling him all he had to eat today was pussy and bread.

The air around the lunch table was tense. Leo wanted to release a barrage of questions on Max and she ate quietly waiting for hell to rain down on her. Carmine spoke to Max warmly, asking questions about school and her internship. At the mention of her internship, Leo's jaw gritted. He knew there was something he wanted to talk to her about and since she was being so chatty he saw his opening.

"What was the name of your boss again?"

She glared at him, refusing to answer.

"Your boss, cara?"

Carmine flashed Isabella a worried look and she shrugged having no clue what was going on between Max and Leo.

"Leo, leave it alone. What's done is done."

"And if he tries that with another intern who couldn't get away, what then?"

Leo had successfully guilted her into revealing his name. "McCleary."

"Thanks, now was that so hard."

Max wanted to fly across the table and slap Leo. She did not want his parents to know what had happened. Hell, she didn't want her parents to know, but the thought of some other woman not being able to defend herself against the likes of McCleary made her cave. She knew that she may have just signed his death warrant and had to live with that.

To change the subject Isabella asked Max about her grandfather in Colombia. Max informed her that she had plans to see him in April, but was super excited about leaving for France tonight. Max noticed her slip, and shot her eyes up to a glaring Leo.

Wow. Max really had not told him anything about herself or her life.

"Hmmm," he muttered.

"Hmmm, nothing. Laney and I are going to the South of France, for two weeks. I haven't seen my parents all summer and it would be nice to get out of New York for a bit."

"To get away from me is more like it." He spoke sharper than he intended.

"Sure, that is a factor too, but I was going before I met you."

Carmine and Isabella were amused looking at the young lovers. Lunch progressed silently and quickly.

Max kissed Isabella and Carmine goodbye, thanked them for their hospitality, and promised to express their well wishes to her grandfather. Leo sped to Manhattan. If she wanted to be rid of him, then he wanted to be rid of her.

"Leo you are being childish."

"Me childish?" he sputtered incredulously. "I am not the one who has held back every piece of vital information about their life, even the trivial crap you guard like gold. I felt like an ass knowing my parents knew more about you than I did and I have been tearing that ass up for days now."

"Okay, ask me anything you want to know?"

"Why do you speak Italian?"

"My father thinks languages are a gateway to life's possibilities."

"How many do you speak?"

"Seven and a half; English, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Chinese, and German. I can read, write, and speak them all, but I'm learning Arabic.

"What the hell! Your father is no joke."

"No he isn't. You'll see when you meet him." Leo smiled too himself, all was not lost; she wants me to meet her father.

"What up with the tattoo? Pistols don't seem very lady like?"

"First off, I am no lady. I am a woman. Secondly, an AK47 would not have been as sexy. I am a gun aficionado." Max took her love for guns seriously.

"Is aficionado a fancy word for freak?"

"Whatever, I loves my guns," Max mimicked a character on South Park. "I can even tell you what gun you had in your hand the night at the club."

"Hmm." Leo was intrigued; this girl was getting hotter by the minute.

"Don't hmm me, it was .45, KP345 to be exact, made by Ruger, it first came on the market in 1987. Want me to go on?"

"Damn girl, you are seriously into that shit." Leo was rock hard. His chick was a badass, sexy, and smart. That turned him on.

Max laughed. Revealing stuff to Leo was more fun than she thought it would be. She was beginning to feel relaxed with him.

"When is your flight?"

"Eleven p.m. What wanna chauffeur me?" she joked.

"Yes." He was serious.

"Okay, drive a bigger car. It'll be me, Laney, and a ton of luggage."


When Max arrived back at the apartment Laney was waiting for her all smiles and giggles. Max flopped down on the couch and told Laney about her night, starting with her incident with McCleary. Laney Laughed. She had seen McCleary throughout the night giving her dirty looks.

"Poor bastard."

"Poor bastard, indeed. Leo's got his name."

"Red, I met the parents and they were pretty awesome. Actually they turned out to know my parents. His dad called my dad and told him what was going on and he apologized on behalf of his love sick son. All in all an eventful day. What about you Lanes, how did your night go?"

Laney divulged to her that it was her client's son who took her to the hotel.

"He was amazing. You have to teach me Russian."

"What about Pauley?"

"Pauley who?" They both fell out laughing.


Leo hauled the ladies' luggage unto the curb for the porter. He tipped the man handsomely as Laney led him to the counter, giving the couple time to say goodbye. He held onto Max for a long time not wanting to let go. She buried he face in his chest, deeply inhaling his scent. She did not think it would be so hard to let go. He made things more difficult by kissing her. His tongue snaked in her mouth, instigating moans from her. Leo was turning her on, as she was him. She whispered to him, "I'm going to check-in, then let you fuck me. Comprende?"

Leo gagged, my girl. While she went on line he went to park the car.

He stood in the terminal looking at her; he could hardly wait to see how she was going to pull this off. And all that off, he thought scrutinizing her. She really looked liked a diva tonight. Her hair was pulled back tightly in one; she had on long dangling diamond earrings, body hugging jeans, a D&G off the shoulder black top, and six inch black peep toes. On her right wrists she wore about 20 bangles, a mixture of silver and black. Her face was made up and she sported silver rimmed D&G sunglasses. He marveled at the many fashion sides of his woman. She felt him looking at her and gave her ass a little shake.

After she was checked in, she told Laney what she was going to do and that she would meet her at the gate. They had forty-five minutes before boarding. That would be sufficient. She walked off toward the bathrooms, knowing Leo was following. She led him quickly into the handicap stall and began to get undressed. Only intending to remove her pants, she stood in her heels and top, but Leo was having none of it. He wanted her stark naked, except for the heels and diamonds of course. In the small space he had her model for him, showing off her delightful goodies. When his eyes had had their fill, he bent her over and told her to grab the railing. The flare of her hips was an erotic site. Leo his condom in record time. He slid his shaft into her slowly delaying both their gratification, but Max could not wait. She backed up on him taking his whole length into her. When she felt his public hair against her ass, she began to dance on his dick, gyrating to a rhythm all her own. Leo had never felt or seen anything like before. Her movements caused her vagina to milk, stroke and twist him at the same time. He knew if she did not stop he was going to blow faster than he wanted so with great effort he pulled out of her. Max felt so empty without Leo inside of her. She mewed like a cat in heat and was satisfied when Leo placed his cock at the opening to her anus. A thrill ran through her as she waited for Leo to press in a bit, that was all she needed to slide right back to the base of his penis. Max resumed her ministrations, extract a growl and moan from Leo.

"Don't stop, princess. Don't stop," was all he could chant.

Max was not going to stop until she reached her climax, and may not even then. Leo slid his hand into her dripping folds to stroke her clit. He rotated and pinched the hard nubbin, until he felt her begin to shake. He grabbed her hips and hammered roughly into her, her dam broke and rivulets of cum ran down her thighs. Leo came with a howl. He eased himself out of her, and dropped to his knees. He could not let the opportunity pass to taste her, and taste her he did. First licking the length of her legs to get every drip to her nectar then he pushed his tongue into her pussy. Her erratic panting and hissing indicated that he was hitting her sweet spot good. Leo sucked and prodded Max until he was satisfied. For Max, the sensitivity of her clit from the previous orgasm had her on edge for more. Leo's expert eating had her grabbing his hair and screaming for him to stop.

"Uncle! Uncle! I give." Despite her pleas Leo did not stop, until he was good and ready. Max's legs were jelly. She had to hold onto the door for support. Leo watched in pride as his woman still shook from the fucking she had received.

Over the loudspeaker they heard, "All passengers for British Airways flight 237 to Marseilles, please report to gate 45 for boarding."

"That's me," she whispered. Her body felt raw, it was a little too late to rethink the wisdom of her idea.

He knew they had little time left, so he dressed her. Max was weak and she just wanted to board the aircraft and go to sleep.

Max and Leo gave each other a long languid kiss at the security station, and reluctantly parted ways. Two weeks on two separate continents should be enough space and time for her to get it together, but who knew what the future would hold.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Good story!

chocolatesistachocolatesistaover 10 years ago

Next time I'm in New York, I'll have to go little italy and find me an Italian Stallion. Yummy!

Good STUFF!!

I almost fainted when he put the BREAD in her WHO - HA!!! This some good ISH!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I haven't even finished reading the story, but I had to make this comment. Some folks are just plain ignorant. They automatically think "big girl' means fat and flabby. There is a whole world of womanhood between skinny and fat and flabby. There is an unrealistic perception by SOME of what attracts most men. It's not always the skinny girl. Gee, I'm just so surprised about that lol. Yeah , right. A lot of men like the curves, that doesn't mean FAT. Hell, some even like that fat. But I don't get the idea that max is fat. Sounds like she's voluptuous and toned. According to our Society today or what some would like you to believe is the ideal, even a number of the voluptuous hot female actresses back in the day would be considered fat or 'big girls'. These women had tons of men idolizing them. There are men for ALL body types. Some people ought to get a clue and see the REAL world.

hisangelbeautyhisangelbeautyover 12 years ago

yup that about sums up my thought on this ch lol.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I love it! Oh please say there will be more chapters, we gotta see what happens!


to see that they were willing to give their relationship a chance, let's see what enemies of her fathers' come upon the scene or even some new ones of Leo's.

Will there be more, who knows?

willerileywillerileyalmost 13 years ago
No Problems that I See

Good story heavy on sex and sensuality & you keep coloring in the lines of each character so that they're clear and standout.

There is one huge difference between this story & other tales here involving a so-called mobster, Max knows how to take care of herself and seems not just mentally but physically STRONG.

Very refreshing!

You could take this story anywhere. It could just keep being encounters or it could build-up and up into a romantic tale of conflict btwn two strong-willed individuals. I find what you're writing to be very entertaining.


FOR THE LIFE OF ME I CANT & DONT FIND ACCEPTABLE NEGATIVE COMMENTS ABOUT THE BREVITY OF CHAPTERS???????? Writing is hard work! Sometimes you have to fight to get each word onto the page.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Love it!!

Keep bringing it! If the haters don't like it they don't have to read it but we know they will;)

honeybreehoneybreealmost 13 years ago
LOVING this story but….and it is a small but

I’ am not getting the characters when they are talking about their feelings for one another? I understand they had great sex two times where a bit of infatuation and a since of attachment might take place but these deep feelings they are having seems force. Hopefully, you give them a bit more experiences with one another other than the sex (which is hot) but not a love story make. But other than that keep up the good work

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I can't wait to read more!!! I'm loving this story!!! Submit mire ASAP!(: -nice touch w the bread btw lol

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Different tone to the last 2 chapters, but I guess that's to be expected.

But bread? seriously?! I mean Yeast infection?.... Anyone?...

silver766silver766almost 13 years ago

Well, you've done it again! I've gotta say that was pretty hot. You really know how to spin a tale. I can't wait for the next installment of this super hot tale. Keep writing and I'll keep reading.

Thanks, from miss Silver766

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago


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