Little Love Song


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She gasped. The touch of his lips on her hand sent currents running down her spine that reverberated through her body setting every part of her -- from her toes to the crown of her skull -- tingling.

Edward kissed her hand again and again, then turned her hand over to lightly kiss the centre of her palm. His lips were full and soft, and they kissed her with a tenderness that she couldn't remember ever having encountered before.

He ran the index finger of his other hand across her palm, circling the mound of Venus and tracing her life-line. The light, tickling caress electrified her and, when he pressed his lips to the inside of her wrist and ran the tip of his tongue along the deep-blue veins showing through her translucent skin, a sob escaped her, startling them both.

He looked up, obviously scared that he had pushed her too far when he saw tears welling in her eyes.

"Valerie, what...? I'm sorry. I didn't mean..."

"No-one has ever... I've never..." She drew a deep shuddering breath and tried again. "I'm scared. I've never felt like this before." The words left her in a rush, their expression one of the hardest things she had ever done. She finished with another sob, the depth of emotion forcing visceral, physical reactions from her unwillingly.

Edward lurched forward -- clumsily -- to envelop her in his arms. Her face was buried in the crook of his neck, and she could smell the rich smell of his aftershave mingled with something distinctively masculine in essence. She breathed in deeply, relishing the beat of his pulse against her lips and his stubble grazing her jaw.

"I'm scared too." He whispered in her ear, his breath caressing her as his words soothed. "I am, but there must be a reason that we feel like this. Perhaps we're more scared at what we could lose?"

He pulled back a little, so that he could see her face. The moment their eyes met, the truth of what he had just said struck both of them forcibly and they came together, longing for the comfort of contact. They kissed, open-mouthed, their passion and longing sated and exacerbated by this exploration of each other's mouths.

Their tongues entwined and flickered, exploring and teasing. Edward's hands fumbled to release the clip in her hair, stroking and entangling his fingers in the long, dark strands as it fell free.

Valerie gripped the back of Edward's muscular neck in one hand, whilst she pressed the palm of her other hand to his cheek, feeling the bone and muscle through his skin and the rasp of his stubble.

He bore down on her hand with his cheek, rubbing against it like a cat being fondled, while she rubbed her cheek against his neck, kissing down the rope-like tendon that stood out against the column of his throat.

The skin at the base of his neck was smooth and soft as she kissed along his collar-bone. She wondered at -- and gloried in -- the youth and freshness of his body as each bit of it was revealed to her eager touch.

It was such an astounding contrast to her last sexual experience: a drunk and sweating Martin disregarding her pleasure for his own, whose flaccid and sour-smelling flesh engulfed her as he mounted her.

Edward was different in every aspect. His chest, as she inched his shirt off him, was firm and muscled, a smattering of dark hairs decorating its centre. His stomach displayed exactly that feature which she had visualised so vividly in her fantasies: the tempting trail of hair leading from his navel under his waistband.

"Hey hey, what's the rush?" Edward put his fingers under Valerie's chin and lifted her head from his belly, which she had been kissing feverishly.

He smiled and leant forward to kiss her neck. He nibbled lightly, the grazing of his teeth making the hairs on her arms stand up. She sighed with pleasure as his fingers and lips stroked and kissed the delicate, sensitive skin of her throat. He sucked her earlobe briefly, his hot breath a ghostly caress as it whispered down her ear.

She murmured his name as her hands fluttered uselessly against his naked back. Her instinct was to clutch her clothes to her as he slowly drew them off. Her thin, green sweater first, then her black chemise. He paused to gaze at her for a moment, taking in the small, pale globes of her breasts, encased in her most glamorous lacy bra.

He held her arms apart as she tried to cross them over her chest, conscious that her skin was not as fresh or firm as it had once been. Her head was turned away as she mentally compared herself to the young, nubile women of Edward's age, legions of whom he had no doubt bedded and enjoyed.

"You're so beautiful."

She looked at him, surprised. She didn't know how he could possibly find her so, but seeing herself through his eyes she felt more attractive than she had for years. She shook her head lightly, to make her hair fall over her shoulders, enjoying the silken shimmer down her bare back.

"Take your bra off."


"I want you to take your bra off for me." His voice was low and insistent. She felt herself responding to his command, reaching her arms behind her back.

She was shaking with trepidation. She had not been naked in front of a strange man since her late teens, and felt herself as nervous as a virgin now, but with the added insecurities of an older woman about to display her body to a man in his early twenties.

"Do it..." It was an order, but one so softly voiced that she could not object, nor could she resist it. She took hold of the catch and slid the hooks undone, but still held onto the fabric. Steeling herself, she let go and put her hands up to push the thin straps off her shoulders. The bra slid down her arms, revealing her breasts to Edward. She shook with the arousal of the moment, her nipples stiffening under his gaze.

He reached out to remove the bra from her arms, passing it briefly under his nose to smell her scent on it. His large hands covered her breasts entirely, the warm dry skin of his palms creating a tantalisingly subtle friction over her sensitised nipples.

Valerie arched her back, pushing her breasts more firmly into his hands. He stroked and pinched them, the pain of his pinches heightening the pleasure of his more gentle caresses. When he leaned down to suck her nipple into his mouth, flicking it with his tongue and biting lightly with his sharp front teeth, she moaned out loud -- a vocal response she had no control over.

Edward slid down onto the floor from his stool, holding her nipple firmly between his teeth, forcing her to join him: forcing her to end up straddling him, leaning over with her breasts dangling in his face.

Feeling more wanton than she had for years, she ran her hands down his sides, sliding her fingers under his waistband at the sides to feel the jutting bones of his pelvis under his taut skin.

He wrapped his arms around her waist, his mouth still fastened firmly on her nipple, and rolled her forcibly over so that he was in the superior position. His head level with her chest already, he started kissing his way down her belly, running his tongue around her navel, a wet trail of tingles from there to the fastening of her jeans.

Still kissing her, he quickly undid the buttons, pulling the two sides apart so he could continue his exploration of her body. She raised her hips for him to pull the jeans off without any qualms whatsoever. The doubts she had had about exposing her body all vanished in the effusiveness of his admiration and the rising mists of her arousal.

Her hands lay on his head, her fingers twisting in the silky strands of his hair, enjoying the thick springiness of it and the slippery way it fell through her grasp.

She gasped as his fingers slid inside the lace edge of her knickers, the very shock of the contact causing more pleasure than she thought possible. He ran his finger lightly up and down just inside her knickers, doing very little more than stirring the damp curls, but causing tremors through her belly.

She clenched and clenched deep inside herself, pushing her hips up to try and get him to touch her more firmly.

"Please, Edward, please..." She wasn't entirely sure what she was begging for, but she was so full of longing she had to express it somehow.

He lifted his head and smiled teasingly at her before hooking his fingers into her knickers and pulling them down, the crotch sticking slightly between her legs. The removal of them only served to awaken more urgent desire in Valerie. She spread her legs instantly, unashamed of her provocative behaviour, so consumed was she by her need.

Edward stopped smiling at her and looked down at her pussy, so invitingly displayed before him. She fidgeted as he looked, uncomfortable under his steady examination. Being watched had never appealed to her particularly, but under his eyes she burned, desperate for more.

He held her legs apart with strong hands and bent to kiss her in the little hollow above her pubis. Moving lower, he kissed her right in the centre, his warm breath a pre-emptive strike for her pleasure. She almost cried out when she felt his tongue flicker over the sensitive, hidden nub of her pussy. A few delicate licks, and then he was raising his head, moving back up her body again. She whimpered in frustration at the cessation of his ministrations.

"Shush, shush," he murmured, moving in to stroke and kiss her face.

He had raised his body up and she seized the opportunity to unfasten his trousers. She did it hastily, eager for the sight of him.

Now it was his turn to moan as she pushed his trousers and underwear down simultaneously. She nudged him so that they were both lying on their sides, still facing each other. She used her feet to kick down his trousers, then turned her attention to him. Her hands smoothed their way over his torso, exploring the contours of his muscles and the coarse hairs that covered them.

She loved how he felt, the freshness of him, and could have spent hours just focusing on that. Her own arousal drove her onwards, though, and reached down to take his cock in her hand. It was almost as she had pictured, a little shorter, maybe and a little thicker. Its delicate, velvety skin moved freely over the hard shaft within, which seemed to have the same rigid qualities as steel. She marvelled at the feel and sight of it, sending him over the edge with her curious caresses.

"Valerie, I want to make love to you."

She blinked, slightly disconcerted by this curious formality at such a moment.

"I want you to, as well." She smiled, uncomprehending.

He smiled back, but frowningly, unsure how to say what he meant. "I want to, but I need to go and get something, from upstairs."

Valerie frowned too, then realised what he was referring to. She had been married so long, that such things seemed alien to her. She smiled shyly at him. "OK. I'll wait."

He grinned in relief at not having to be more graphic. "I was hoping that you would. But I want you to do something for me while you wait, alright?"


"Start touching yourself. I want to watch you touch yourself and I want to know that, when I come back, you still want me." He stilled her protests with a kiss. "Please, Valerie, I want you to play with yourself, but you're not allowed to come."

Valerie blushed furiously, both at what he was asking and at her own reaction to it, which was increased desire.

She looked at him and it was obvious that he was waiting for her to start. She lowered her hand to her pussy and started to move her fingers in the same tight circles she used in private. She had never done this in front of anybody before and she squirmed under Edward's scrutiny.

"Put your finger inside yourself."

She closed her eyes and slipped her finger down the crease of her pussy. It was slick and wet with the juices of her arousal. She was amazed, she had never been so wet before. The tight entrance of her cunt embraced her finger and she dipped it in again and again.

"Now the next one..."

Edward left the room and Valerie added a second finger to the first, sighing as they both entered her. The lubrication on her fingers changed the sensation as she went back to circle her clit again. She was lost in a private world of pleasure and fantasy, imagining and longing for the moment when Edward would return and enter her.

She opened her eyes to find him standing over her, his cock in his hand, his eyes narrowed and clouded with desire. She half sat up, her weight on her elbows, her eyes locked with Edward's, her hand still lazily touching herself. He seemed to crumple, his legs giving way until he knelt in front of her, between her legs.

Valerie watched as he clumsily undid the little foil packet he held, reaching out to touch him as he rolled the flimsy sheath down his cock. It felt strange and rubbery and she smiled to feel it.

Biting her lower lip, she lay back down on the ground, the carpet rough and warm under her back. She wriggled a little -- invitingly. She was hungry and empty and she wanted to be filled.

Edward paused a moment as his cock nudged at her, and then pushed in with one, long thrust. They both drew in a loud gasp of air, revelling in the long-awaited penetration. Valerie bent her legs and put her feet on the floor so she could thrust her hips towards him. They fucked fast and passionately, their longing for each other almost violent in its ferociousness.

The thick girth of his cock inside her was indescribable in its pleasure. Aching for him to penetrate her even more deeply, she wrapped her long legs about his waist and cried out as his cock reached the very centre of her.

He pushed up onto his arms so he could look at her.

"Touch yourself."

She didn't even demur this time. She was desperate for the release orgasm would give her, and Edward's thrusting served only to increase her ardour. She reached down and touched herself with an urgency only Edward's powerful thrusts could match.

Both were panting and calling out. Sweat ran between them, mingling as their bodies struggled together in the eternal quest for union between two people.

"Edward, I'm close..." He kissed her and redoubled his efforts. It seemed imperative that they reach the goal they strove for together. Her belly tightened in anticipation and her feet and back arched. The climax came in strong waves, timed with his fierce thrusts into her. She cried out, unintelligible cries in French and Edward's name, over and over.

His body bucked and trembled on top of her as her orgasm ripped through her. At one point she opened her eyes and saw him looking at her. As their eyes met, something crackled between them, a stronger version of the same feeling she had had when he laid his hand on hers a week before. As if some force joined them together, from her soul to his.

They slowly shuddered to a stop, lying limp and spent on the floor under the piano.

He kissed her softly, all the fire of their passion transmuted into something quieter and more permanent.

Valerie held tightly around his neck, clinging to him as if to a lifebelt. The thought of a relationship with Edward seemed fraught with so many obstacles that she could not imagine how it would be managed. Even if it wasn't meant to be, this time with him had been perfect, and she clung to it as tightly as she clung to him.

She whimpered as he tried to pull away. As soon as he let go, this moment would be over and she couldn't be sure that she would ever experience something like it again. Edward tried to pull away again, more successfully this time.

"Please don't go!" She was ashamed to hear herself beg like that. "Please..."

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm not, believe me. I was just going to get the wine. I thought, now that our lesson was over, we ought to have that drink." He smiled, almost coyly. "Besides, we have to book you in for your next lesson."

She looked at him, surprised, and then started to laugh joyously. What they had might not last, but it had meant something to him too, and that meant a lot to her.


The snippets of French dialogue were necessary for plot and flavour and I tried to use them on phrases where understanding wasn't essential, but, just in case you desperately want to know what was being said, I have provided translations below. Thanks go to LadyCibelle, CeriseNoire, Christabelll and Elfin_Odalisque (in no particular order) for their help and enthusiasm with the translations! And an extra thanks to Darkniciad who ran a brutal eye over my commas...

Comme ma mere -- Like my mother

Ah merde, pourquoi j'ai accepté ça? Toutes c'te gang de femmes-là - j'perds mon temps pourquoi? Gang d'amateurs! -"Ah shit, why did I agree to do this? All these bloody women -- why am I wasting my time here? Bloody amateurs."

Poufiasse -- tart

Also, a kind American friend pointed out that 'Diary' might be confusing, as in the States they are commonly known as day-planners and 'crèche' was entirely unknown - it is, in fact, a nursery for babies and small children.

I considered changing these in the story, but I don't want to change my 'voice' and style just to win votes, so I kept the original UK styling, but added this note to clear things up if there was any confusion.

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AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Hot and interesting. Not too long. Well written. I enjoyed the French dialogue and the added aspect of fraud!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Emelia...... thank you for a wonderful short story. Pain, loss, insecurity, need, support, fear, excitement, patience, courage, passion.....all in 3 pages. This would make a wonderful play script! Unlike so many of the stories on literotica that jump right into lurid sex and are fine for mere sexual release, this one shows many of the deeper aspects and awkwardness that is often a part of human interaction. I also like the age disparity. There can be a gulf between generations that is unfortunate. We are all lost souls. Our age is most often of unimportance. We all have need, have lost, have been hurt. To feel completed, even for a moment, is an invaluable gift. Thank my dear Emilia. Please continue!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Author, This was my first read of your work. Completely enjoyed the story, characters and plot. Loved the nuance of older women and younger man being in love/lust. Thank you for the enjoyable journey and completion. Will look forward to reading more of your work. A strong five for this gem. jntiques

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Romantic n erotic

Lovely story....... not crass at all..... very sensuous

Raven_FLSTCRaven_FLSTCover 16 years ago
Beautifully written....

You really brought the emotion through to the reader - capturing the insecurity, excitement and sexual tension perfectly. Great story! Beautifully written!


LadyAriaLadyAriaover 16 years ago
Very well written

Beautifully written. Good luck with the contest.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
very sexy

A great build up and a sweet conclusion.

Good luck in the contest!


AngelineAngelineover 16 years ago
What a lovely story!

Your writing is so articulate and you made both characters believeable. I especially like the way you handled the erotic elements: great build-up and a great mix of graphic and poetic description. Thanks for the read. :-)

CeriseNoireCeriseNoireover 16 years ago
So sweet

I really enjoyed the story. Well done.

christabelllchristabelllover 16 years ago

I am so glad to have come and read this... You did very very well with what it feels like for a woman to be dumped - and discover other painful things occuring in what was to have been her life... The nerves and desire that flood when encountering her first lover in years was touching and poignant. And the sex... Rock on baby - Rock on... Hehehe... Probably one of the few who arent internationally traveled who knew what creche meant! LOL Great Job and Good Luck in the Contest

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
good story

I agree...I would love for Martin and Donna to have seen Valerie and Edward...and frankly, I would love for you to have dispensed with the birth control and had her get pregnant.

LadyCibelleLadyCibelleover 16 years ago

Simply and purely beautiful, Millie. :)

It's good to see that your characters weren't all perfect 10, with perfect bodies and perfect lives. You've captured the essence of a woman left for another woman and her insecurities.


Emperor_NeroEmperor_Neroover 16 years ago
A great job

I loved the story. The pace was slow but steady as it built to a climax -- just like the passion in the story steadily built from flirting to some hot sex. A tremendous effort and I wish you luck with it in the contest -- it should do very well.

mellowgyrlmellowgyrlover 16 years ago

Really enjoyed the slow build up. The sexual tension...very well done!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
The flirtation is so wonderfully written

The way he slowly, naturally worked with her, and her fears melted in his presence, it was pure poetry.

Wonderfully well done!

evanslilyevanslilyover 16 years ago
Really enjoyed this

I loved the slow build up, the building of tension--it made it so much more believable that something like that could really happen. I've never read anything of yours before--and now I'm wondering why! I'm off to find more... :)

DarkniciadDarkniciadover 16 years ago
You already know

You already know I loved this one. Love the life in the characters, and the opportunity to get to know them.

MagicaPracticaMagicaPracticaover 16 years ago
Beautifully Done!

You brought the music of the night of love to life!

TarakinTarakinover 16 years ago
Very good

Very good, you captured Val in all her wants and doubts - great job!

sr71pltsr71pltover 16 years ago
Very nicely done

Not a new theme, but very erotic and romantic. Great pacing. I was on the edge of thinking "too slow" a couple of times, but always found myself thinking, no, the background is unfolding just right and the transitions are expertly done. I thought the "I want to make love to you" was a little cliched and "late"--they'd been making love for paragraphs already. But that's the only glitch I saw--beyond the initial problem with "what language are they talking to each other in when this isn't signaled and her dialogue is English smattered with some French?"--and if he and Val's friend communicated to each other later without Val there to translate. Discerning readers will, I think, find this strong competition for the Valentine's Day contest if they are looking for the intersection of romance, eroticism, and good storytelling and writing.

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