Little White Lies Ch. 07


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His thrusts got quicker, and after just a total time of about a minute of sucking his cock, she felt the warm burst of his yummy cum fill her mouth. She whimpered, swallowing thickly as he burst a second time and then a third in her mouth, a towel crumbled up in his hand to stifle his moan.

She giggled, slurping and swallowing one last time, then standing up to return to the shower. "You didn't say you wanted to finish, silly," she said.

He smiled. "Well, your blowjobs are one of a kind and it's been too long. Donna can get me goin' again."

She smirked. "Mmmhmm," she said, waving as he grinned at her. She rolled her tongue around her lips and mouth, playing with the remnants of cum before she would sadly have to swallow it down.

He turned from watching, then went and opening the door after drying off quickly. Pausing just before he opened it, he farted, loud enough for her to hear.

"God, now it stinks in here," she yelled.

Still, she was always happy to help him out, but had found that he didn't often need a blowjob. It had been maybe six or seven times that she'd given him one, and every time it had been in the morning when she'd made them breakfast. Most of the time, John was content to finger her or eat her pussy until she had the orgasm.

She realized then that he'd never actually initiated the blowjobs, and it had, in fact, been her that had dropped to her knees without question. Dexter would definitely have been glad to know that John wasn't crossing any boundaries and forcing her to do things. She smiled, still tasting the yummy glop in her mouth as she ran her tongue around in it.

Giggling to herself, she finally swallowed, then rinsed her mouth out and got out to finish getting dressed. A little later, they left for dinner, and she looked over to admire her handsome boyfriend.

"I can't believe he went and took a shit while you were showering," Dex said, reaching for her hand. "He's such a fuckin' jackass."

She giggled, not bothering to mention the blowjob. Dexter definitely wanted honesty, but she knew it wasn't a big deal about giving head where John was concerned. She knew he didn't care too much about that anymore, and figured she'd tell him later if it came up, not that she expected it to.

"He totally is," she agreed. "So where are you taking me? Strip club?"

He smirked, looking over. "You don't want to just go back and have sex at your place? I mean, I'm happy to take you to a titty bar."

She giggled. "I've never been to one, but I also have not had any dick in like... 24 hours."

"Oh lord, not that!" he said, looking scared for a moment. She flipped him off and scowled at him for a second. Figuring that she could probably fool him for a bit of a joke, she looked away and didn't say anything for a few minutes.

Eventually he looked back over and re-initiated the conversation. "Honey, I'm happy to take you to a strip club. I was just kidding."

She giggled and turned, grinning at him. "You're so easy to fool," she said.

Smirking, he shook his head. "Meany."

She smiled and nodded. "Seriously though, if you want to, we can, but I'd much rather just go home after dinner and fuck you. Besides, we've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow and it's been a long week. If we plan for it in advance, we could go with Donna and John, or Erin and Alec, or all of them!"

He smiled back at her finally, and she relaxed.

They chose a nice Italian restaurant and ate dinner, talking quietly about their weekend plans and what the park was going to be like. Jessie kept her flirting with the waiter to an absolute minimum, focusing on being affectionate with Dex instead.

Afterward, Dexter paid the bill and they drove back over to his house to check on his dad. He told her that he was going to drive around a bit, and maybe get gas, and that she should text him if she needed him.

She smiled. "Okay. I'll check on Papa and let you know what we come up with."

Leaning over to kiss her, he flashed her his charmingly cute smile. "Ugh, you're so fucking handsome," she said, rolling her eyes.

"You make that sound like a bad thing," he said, frowning playfully.

"God, it's just awful," she said, giggling and winking at him. "I'll see you in a bit," she said.

"Bye, behave!" he joked.

She hopped out and nodded, then turned and went inside. Don was sitting at his customary spot on the couch and looked up.

"Spitfire!" he said smiling and standing.

She giggled. "Hi Papa!" she replied, going over and wrapping him in a hug. "Dex is running to do something real quick and I figured I'd come in and say hi," she said.

He gestured to the couch for her to sit and joined her. For the first few minutes, she kept the conversation normal, not straying into the dangerous waters until she was sure that he was comfortable.

"So, Dex is just running an errand?" he asked, changing the subject from their jobs.

She nodded. "Well, honestly, I wanted to see how the dating scene was going and he figured that you might open up to me more than him."

He sighed but flashed her an obviously forced smile. "I guess it's pretty obvious."

As Dexter had said, it was obvious from the way his face looked that he was sad, and that nothing was seeming to go right in that realm of his life. She put an arm on his shoulder and listened. He talked about several of the dates that he'd been on and some of the weirdos he'd met.

"These women that I'm running into are just... delusional," he said. "Six foot five guys that own ranches don't need any help finding a date."

She nodded. "Yeah, women can be way too picky when it comes to those things. We might need to take a look at the profile and see what we can change. Maybe we need to look for some younger women instead of those your age and above?"

He shrugged. "I'm guessing my son has picked up that I'm not happy?" he asked.

She smiled, nodding.

"Well, to tell you the truth, part of me has been wanting to ask if I could... well... borrow you again," he admitted. "But, that's just the pent up part of me talking. I'm gonna be just fine."

She was surprised to hear him actually say it. It was pretty obvious that he was still attracted to her, of course, but the old Don would never have admitted that had she not pushed him so hard before their accident.

"Well, I'd have to talk to him about it, of course," she said. Don was already shaking his head though. "You know, if I can relieve any tension in other ways, I'm more than happy to do so. You know that. I promise that I'll never get upset if you ask me for something, even if I can't give it to you."

He smiled, nodding. "I know. I'm okay though, really. I'm just depressed that there aren't better options out there, you know. You don't have to go bothering my son about taking care of me, and I really appreciate your honesty."

She smiled, nodding. "I know, Papa." She comforted him by rubbing his back for a few seconds, then stopped and looked at him. "Can I ask you something personal?"

He looked up at her and paused, then nodded with a shrug.

"Do you jerk off any since we... well... you know..." she asked.

He shook his head. "Not often."

"Well, how about I let you watch while I play with myself sometime," she suggested. "You could jerk off at the same time, too."

He smiled. "I just... I don't want to lose control like I did before," he said. "I feel like I'm lucky that my son still talks to me, let alone worries about me."

She nodded, understanding why he was afraid of losing control. That is exactly what happened last time. His normally calm demeanor was cast aside, and a rampaging sexual monster took her there in the kitchen. She still shivered a little when she thought about it.

"Well, then we can take a look at the selection of women we're fishing in," she said, smiling.

He nodded, probably just to placate her, and conversation shifted to other things. After a few minutes, she texted Dex that it was okay to come in, and he sent her a thumbs up emoji.

After a bit more conversation and updating her boyfriend on the game plan, they said a goodnight to Don and then heading to Dexter's truck.

"Well, he's definitely down in the dumps," she said. "But, it's like you thought. He's horny, and he's tired of not being able to find any women."

Dexter sighed and nodded. "Well, hopefully we'll be able to figure something out," he said.

She smiled and nodded back. "I'm sure we will, honey," she said.

Dexter smiled and nodded, turning to look at her again. "Thank you for checking on him for me."

She smiled back at him. "That's what family does," she said. "But I do have to let you know that he mentioned that part of him wanted to ask to "borrow me" again."

Dexter looked over at her in surprise. "Really?" he asked.

She nodded.


"Shocked that he still wanted me?" she asked playfully, hoping that this wouldn't cause any issues or spoil the mood for the evening.

He shook his head. "No, I'm quite sure that everyone who meets you wants you permanently," he said. "I just... didn't think he would mention it again."

She smiled. "Well, he didn't ask if he could, he just said that the thought had occurred to him."

Dexter nodded. "I know. I don't think he'd try to or anything, I'm just... surprised."

"Me too," she agreed. "We're just going to try and fix the search and maybe update his profile a little."

A few minutes later, they pulled into her apartment and went inside. Quietly tiptoeing past Donna and John's room, they covered their mouths as they heard the moans coming from within, stifling their laughter.

Shutting the door, Jessie locked it behind her and turned, pushing Dexter to the bed and immediately leaning in to kiss him. Her hand went south just as quickly, taking his cock in her hand and stroking.

His hands were just as busy, pulling her clothes off and then his, and finally, the two slid the covers out from under them. Spreading her legs for her man, she sighed in pleasure as he nibbled at her neck, moving between her legs and rubbing her pussy with one hand.

She felt him spreading her wetness around, then grunted in pleasure as a finger pushed inside for a moment. A few seconds later, he moved into position, his hand still between them as he guided his cock into its home.

Sliding gently inside, she felt her pussy contorting around the massive organ, her flesh pulling a bit until it was fed some lubricant. Dex was always gentle, though, and he let her adjust to his girth for a few seconds for every inch he pushed in.

Clutching at him, she wrapped her legs around his body and moaned as he started to gently build up rhythm. Soon, he had one hand under her waist, lifting in time with his thrusts, the other propping him up enough so he didn't smother her.

She whimpered, pleasure coursing through her, but kept thinking about Don and his current predicament. Not wanting Dex to pick up on her distraction and think he did something wrong, she forced herself to focus on him.

For a minute or so, she was able to fixate on the way his cock felt sliding in and out of her, the way he smelled, the muscles of his chest and arms, the way his legs felt against hers. Then, she realized it felt so much like Don's had, only so much softer.

Grunting in pleasure, she had a vision of herself clutching at the older man, her body limp and unable to make him stop. She shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut.

"That wasn't how it went!" she thought.

The scene flashed back into her head as she forced herself to recall it. Don yanked her off the counter, slammed her up against the wall, his cock sliding hard inside of her. She saw herself protest, shaking her head, telling him no. She cried out then, suddenly realizing that it was real, in her room. She'd just yelled, "NO!"

Opening her eyes, she saw that Dexter had stopped moving and was looking at her, concern clear in his eyes.

"Honey?" he asked.

She tried to pull him back down, but couldn't help it, and started to cry.

"Baby, I'm so sorry! Did I hurt you?" Dex stammered, immediately pulling out and moving to the side.

She shook her head, fighting to control the tears that were coming. "I... I can't stop," she said, wiping her eyes.

"Are you okay?" he asked, clearly worried.

She nodded quickly, sitting up and wiping her face. Standing, she immediately went to the bathroom and washed her face with cool water, then hurried back to the bedroom, locking the door so her roommates would know to leave them alone.

"I'm... sorry," he stammered, still clearly confused.

She shook her head, wondering how she was going to explain this. "It wasn't you honey. It was me."

He breathed easier, hearing that. "I didn't physically injure you?" he asked.

She shook her head. "No, no. Nothing like that." A long sigh and another sniffle and wipe of her eyes, and she looked up. "I'll try to... explain, I guess."

He nodded. "Just take your time."

"Do... do you ever have... like... random thoughts pop into your head while we're fooling around or making love?" she asked, looking at him.

He shrugged. "Sure, sometimes," he replied. "I'm sure everyone does."

She nodded, sighing. "Well, for a lot of women, having an orgasm is at least partly mental. I usually focus on what's happening, or how it feels sliding in and out, you know?"

He nodded.

Taking a moment to prepare herself, she took a deep breath.

"Well, for some stupid reason, I couldn't focus, and I've just been worried about your dad since you told me about how depressed he was."

Dex nodded again, patiently listening.

"I focused back on what was happening, physically between us in that moment, but it... it wouldn't stop. I suddenly realized how much it felt like..." she stopped looking up and wondering if this was going to hurt him. "How much it felt like... your dad."

Dexter's eyes widened in surprise, but he didn't look upset or pissed, only silent.

"I mean... I wasn't fantasizing or anything or thinking about someone else. I just popped in there. It was different, though," she told him, looking up and taking his hand.

"How was it different?" he asked.

She sniffed, trying not to start crying again. "When Don and I had the... accident?" she asked, looking up at him.

He nodded. "That's as good a word as any," he said. "It's okay, just... take your time."

She nodded, silently thankful that he was so caring and understanding.

"When we were in the kitchen and his sexual desires overpowered him, it was... intense. It was... powerful, but it wasn't violent. He didn't hurt me beyond the initial... penetration, you know?"

He nodded. "Well, not really, but I get what you're saying."

She nodded, finding the humor in the statement but not feeling the laugh. "It was... okay... you know? He was... upset by it."

Dex nodded again, falling silent after.

"In this instance... he was... violent, almost scary," she said. "He hit me and slammed me up against the wall."

Dex pulled her to him, wrapping her in his arms and instantly making her feel better.

"I'm so sorry," she said, sniffling. "I didn't mean to think such things."

Dexter chuckled. "Honey, it's just random thoughts in your head."

She shook her head in disagreement. "This felt like I was really remembering what happened. It felt like I had... sugarcoated the topic in my head and the vision I was experiencing was what actually took place."

Dex looked at her then, confused. "Are you saying that he actually did that stuff?"

She sighed. "No... I... don't think so. I mean... I know he didn't. I didn't have a black eye or bruises, right?"

He shook his head.

"I just... don't know why I would think something so awful about him," she said. He laid back on the bed, pulling her over to lay on his chest.

"Well, I've never had sex ruined by my girlfriend having a panic attack from thinking my dad actually assaulted her during their previous sexual tryst, but there's a first time for everything," he said.

She sat up a bit, looking at him in disbelief, then burst out laughing. Falling over, then nearly falling off the bed, she laughed and laughed until her stomach hurt. Dexter sat up, patiently waiting and smiling as she did so, then spent another few minutes giggling and slowly recovering.

"Honey," he said, pulling her up. "It's okay. I love you and I'm not going anywhere. The human brain does weird things sometimes. I think we both know that Dad didn't do that and wouldn't."

She smiled, nodding. "I'm sorry I ruined sex for us," she said, frowning.

He smirked, then raised his eyebrows playfully, pretending to be seductive.

Rolling her eyes, she slugged him in the shoulder, then let him wrap her up in his arms protectively.

"You didn't ruin it on purpose," he said. "Let's just get a good night's sleep and we can go have some fun at the amusement park."

She smiled, scootching her butt playfully back against him and putting her cold feet on his. He grumbled in mild protest but didn't move them. Smiling into her pillow, she closed her eyes to go to sleep.

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IJS0904IJS0904almost 3 years ago

I have been having fun reading this series. I swear though if you keep misusing, and overusing, the word smirk in the next chapters I am going to scream!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Finish the Story?

A lot of questions are left unanswered. Are you planning to continue the story?

toobytoobyabout 4 years ago
Loving it!

I really dug the chance meeting with Amy from Lucky Man. I laughed when Don said he's too old to dance at less than 50, cos my wife and I dance like teenagers still at 58 and 64! There' something about your stories that I just realized today, MC. I actually like all your characters, unlike how I feel about a lot of other authors' stories. Sure, some are cuckholded, which always kinda messes with my head. But you don't make the women evil and demeaning, nor make the guys complete wimps. Everyone is treated fairly and is happy. That's the difference. Once again, thanks for great tales of exciting sex and antics.

lovemesomephillylovemesomephillyabout 4 years ago

Nice guest appearance early in the chapter. Her family wasn't anything surprising considering how she acts. Also interested where your gonna take that vision she had of dad at the end. 5 star work as always.

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