Lori Ch. 11


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"Hey, Sweety!" called Lori, grin a mile wide. Vanessa looked over and batted her eyes at me as well then at Eric. I shifted my books to cover my growing erection, which caused Lori's smile to grow even more.

I made my way to my seat behind the girls and noticed the Bs were huddled together whispering. As Eric and I took our seats, I asked "What'd you do last night?"

Still looking at the girls, he answered "What didn't she do?" loud enough for Vanessa to look back and blow him a kiss. It was also loud enough to cause several of our classmates to snicker until Vanessa finally blushed scarlet but held her head up.

Before I could ask anything else, Mr. Bee came in and went directly to the board. Three weeks of school left and he was going to cram us full until the end!

Lori walked with me to my next class and she made it clear, as if I had any doubt, that she and Vanessa were only wearing the clothes we could see. She kissed me goodbye at the door and excused herself to go 'tidy up'.

I almost followed her but I knew she was planning something.

In Computer Lab, Eric explained that Vanessa had latched on to him as soon as school ended Thursday and all but dragged him back to her house. (I found out later that Lori had borrowed Vanessa's car to go get their clothes.) "What did you guys do to her? She damn near raped me!"

Shaking my head, I couldn't tell if he was thrilled or not by her change, "It's all Lori's doing. I haven't touched her." I didn't know what their relationship was any more but I needed to make that clear.

"They seem like they're 'OK'. I thought for sure that Lori was going to hate her 'til she died!"

"It's a truce of some sort. Vanessa...I don't know. This is between them." Trying to play it off, "Besides, Lori has all those pictures of Vanessa from the hotel."

"Man! I am pissed about those pictures! My phone fucking reset or crashed or something! Every one of them is gone!"

I tried not to laugh but I couldn't help it!

"It's not funny! Hey, can you send them back to me?" he asked.

"Sorry. Lori confiscated them." I responded. "She doesn't want there to be any chance that they get out before she's ready."

Lunch is when things got a little more interesting. Lori sat on my left and Vanessa on my right, Eric next to her, the Bs across from us. We talked about going out, agreeing that it had been too long since we did a group thing. I left it to Lori to make the plans.

It all seemed casual and innocent to everyone else but not to me. Lori had her hand hard against my erection and Vanessa stuck to the letter of the 'Rule' by putting her hand on top of Lori's every now and then and giving it a squeeze. I thought I had a good poker face but Brooke whispered to Britt and they both giggled.

Brittany's the one who 'outed' us. "Guys? Are you going to be fucking around like this all the time?"

I wasn't allowed to answer. Lori squeezed my balls when I tried, and I bit my tongue.

She looked at me and blew me a kiss before answering. "I'm really sorry, Brittany. It's my fault." Then she mock whispered "I think I'm a nymphomaniac!" Her face took on a completely serious demeanor as she nodded in wide-eyed agreement with herself.

Vanessa wasn't as subtle. "I'm a slut."

Brooke laughed at us while Britt just stared. Even Eric laughed until his phone went off and he walked away to answer it.

Vanessa looked to make sure he was out of earshot before asking Brooke how they were doing.

"It's OK." she answered. "Except Brittany's really uptight about anyone knowing."

"I am not!" protested Britt. "It's just that I know how people are. I'm not ready for that." and definitely not ready for her parents to find out.

Lori reached across the table and grabbed her hand. "We just want you guys to be as happy as we are. Why don't the four of us go out tomorrow night? Dinner, movie, putt-putt, whatever."

Brittany looked to Brooke and smiled. "OK, but none of that stuff!" she waved her hand in our general direction.

"Spoilsport!" replied Lori and stuck her tongue out at her.

"Careful," Brooke said dryly, "She's liable to want to ride that thing if you don't put it away."

"Brooke that is so NOT appropriate!" she huffed.

"Nope, but it's true!" responded Brooke, laughing.

Brittany blushed but smiled. We all laughed.

Vanessa had been watching Eric and absently tossed in "Lori said that Mike gave permission for her to lick my pussy."

"WHAT!" cried the Bs together.

I hadn't seen Lori turn that red for a couple of weeks but she was positively glow-in-the-dark!

Vanessa seemed to realize what she had said "Oh my God! Did I say that out loud?!"

Finally! It was my turn to laugh! Of course, I hadn't given permission but if that's what she wanted to do, I was becoming more OK with the idea of Lori with Vanessa.

All four of the girls were looking back and forth at each other not knowing what to say! It kept getting funnier the longer it went. Then Lori snorted and started laughing. Vanessa and Brittany joined in.

Brooke looked thoughtful as she looked at Lori then Vanessa. Her expression sobered me.

Eric returned as we all calmed down. "What'd I miss?"

Vanessa shook her head slightly and Brooke saved her. "We were talking about Mike's slide show and I was just telling Lori," she began but shifted her eyes to me, "that he needed to slip in a couple of special pictures that I've heard he's taken."

Vanessa nodded in agreement. Something was definitely up between them.

We were saved from further excuses by the bell but I wondered what Brooke was planning.

Study Hall was my favorite period of the day.

It began when both Lori and Vanessa thought it was too warm to keep their vests buttoned. Sitting across from me, they pretended to work on...something.

In reality, they were both playing with their boobs. I could already see their pale skin through the shirts but without the vests, I was treated to the sight of four rock hard nipples!

Lori started sucking her finger while Vanessa became bolder and unbuttoned enough to fully expose her massive rack!

I had long since stopped pretending to study anything and only kept a nominal watch for the teacher that never came.

Not to be outdone by her toy, Lori dropped her free hand below the table. Her sudden hiss of pleasure only confirmed what she was doing. Our eyes locked as she quickly brought herself off!

Vanessa damn near stripped! She stood and, without even checking who might be watching, finished unbuttoning her shirt before rolling her skirt up so high it looked like a belt before sitting back down!

Lori, at least looked around before leaning over and taking Vanessa's left nipple into her mouth, giving it a good long suck.

Vanessa groaned loud enough that I was afraid that she might have been heard! Add to that her comment from lunch and I was waiting for Lori to throw her onto the table and start licking her right there!

Reluctantly, Lori pulled away and sat up. I could see her building need and if we weren't careful, the whole school would hear her. "Get dressed!" I told them. Vanessa had leaned back in her chair, legs spread wide, and was openly masturbating. I got up and moved between them. "Damn it! Get dressed!" I repeated.

Lori slowly nodded but I had to pull Vanessa's fingers out of her pussy and sit her up forcibly. She was dazed and flushed. "Do I need to dress you?" I asked as quietly as possible.

As her hands moved slowly to her buttons, I had the brief thought that she was going to take her shirt off but she shakily began to do up her buttons.

I moved to my side of the table and glanced furtively around. Brittany was standing about 10 feet away eyes wide open and staring. Her face was unreadable. I didn't have time to deal with her.

They were both reasonably dressed when I looked back. "Let's go!" Grabbing their books and mine, I hustled them out. Britt started to follow but stopped in the doorway.

I quickly guided them down the halls and out to my truck where they both climbed into the back seat and Lori attacked Vanessa: full on kiss while ripping her shirt and vest open! Vanessa's self-control was amazing! Her hands came up to grab Lori but stopped as Lori kissed her way down to her tits. Vanessa's hands clawed the air in frustration, "Please! Let me touch her!" she begged.

Shaking my head, I pulled out of the parking lot and sped off.

We nearly wrecked when Vanessa's foot kicked my head as she was trying to put it on the headrest and again when I looked back to see Lori's mouth glued to Vanessa's left tit with two fingers buried in her pussy. Vanessa was struggling to find a place to hold on and moaning.

I was headed to an abandoned barn only a couple of miles outside of town and thought I'd never make it. When Vanessa's moans turned to screams as she came, I nearly hit a ditch trying to see!

Turning down the road to the barn, I heard Vanessa beg Lori to stop teasing and lick her!

Skidding to a stop in the vacant barn, I spun around and saw Lori had moved to her other nipple.

Jumping out, I opened Lori's door and pulled her out so that she was leaning over the seat then dropped my pants and slid deeply into Lori's sopping pussy. "Fuck me!" she screamed as I began thrusting in and out! Hell, we were all frantic with lust and then need to get off!

Pulling her out of the truck had the side benefit of placing Lori's face inches from Vanessa's steaming cunt! The truck was still echoing from her scream as she lowered her mouth to Vanessa. I couldn't see what she did but Vanessa shrieked as she came again!

Lori's first orgasm happened just as quickly and she clamped down on my cock! She grew almost unbearably tight as her muscles clenched, then clenched tighter as I continued trying to pound into her!

Lori's cries were muffled by Vanessa crushing her swollen pussy up against Lori's face! Vanessa stopped suddenly and gasped for breath, her hands were using Lori's hair to hold her in place as she built towards another climax.

Crying out, Lori came again! This time grabbing my cock so tightly I could not move. Vanessa began quietly telling Lori "Rightthererighttheresuckmyclit suck it. Suck it! SUCK IT!" she screeched!

It was all I could take! Pressing against Lori's ass as deeply as I could, I let go! drenching the walls of Lori's channel with my cum! Her womb seemed to suck it out of me until I fell back against the truck door, panting!

Vanessa was quiet but for a few whimpers as Lori continued kissing and sucking until I gently pulled her away. Her face was wet from Vanessa's juices and she was still drunk on lust as she kissed me. I tasted Vanessa but more, I tasted Lori's arousal. "Fuck me, again." she whispered and climbed backwards into the truck. Laying down on top of Vanessa so that her head was nestled between Vanessa's tits, she reached out to me. The sight was enough to cause me to recover faster than I would have thought possible!

"Fuck my little cunt!" she panted. "Give it more of your cum!" I crawled in. Awkward as it was, I managed.

Slipping in, I fucked her slowly, not quite Loving but letting her feel me inside her. Vanessa had wrapped her arms around Lori, squeezing breasts and pinching her nipples. Lori closed her eyes and rode the waves of her ecstasy. Between the two of us, we were able to quickly bring her to another screaming orgasm before I pumped another load deep inside her.

Lori rested, satisfied, against Vanessa who would occasionally tweak a nipple, causing Lori to squirm. Vanessa broke the silence. "I think I'm in love with both of you."

Lori perked up at that "HMM?"

Vanessa was quick to clarify, "I mean what you do to me! God! Did I really strip in the library and get off?"

"Yeah." I answered. "You did and Lori was about to go down on you right there!"

They both giggled. "That would have been too awesome!" said Lori.

"Is it awesome that Brittany saw you guys?" I asked.

"She saw?!" gasped Lori. "Oh God!" she sat up. "Who else?"

"I only saw her."

"I wouldn't mind eating her pussy." giggled Vanessa.

"You get her and I get Brooke!" laughed Lori.

"Whoa!" I said. "These are our friends! You can't..." I sputtered.

"Mike, you know I'd never do anything without you there or your permission." said Lori. "Vanessa is a special case and we've never touched each other when you weren't present."

"I promise, too!" chimed in Vanessa.

"You have Eric." I responded.

"Yeah." she agreed, "He's nice but we're pretty much over."

"What?! Why?" asked Lori. "He's a great guy."

"He is but he isn't up for all of this. I mean, could you imagine how he would have freaked out if we did that stuff at school with him?" she asked.

I nodded. Eric was way too straight laced for all of the things we had been doing.

"And he's still learning to fuck." she giggled. "We both are."

"Practice makes perfect!" cried Lori. We laughed at that.

I heard my phone so I found my pants and dug it out. It was Brittany. She hesitatingly asked if we were OK. Laughing, I assured her we were then handed the phone to Lori who confirmed that we were still going out and discussed the details as I got dressed. School had just ended but it seemed like it had taken longer.

With the girls still lounging in the backseat I drove back to town. Vanessa laughed as she struggled to hold her top together and pulled her skirt down before hopping out. Lori told her to be ready at five and to tell Eric there was going to be NO naughty stuff with the group.

After Vanessa walked away, I called her back, watching her struggle to keep her top closed without buttons. When she was at my window, "I'll think of a suitable punishment for not following my rule. I didn't give you permission to touch Lori like you did." Her eyes got big and she tried to say something but I rolled up my window and drove away, leaving her in the driveway.

"That was mean."

"What? How many times did she touch you without my permission?"

Rolling her head back, "Not that!" she laughed. "Besides, you don't really care, do you?"

I shook my head. I didn't know where this was headed, the three of us, but I knew Lori was mine and I felt something for Vanessa but I wasn't falling in love with her. "Then what?"

"It was mean that you are making her wait!"

Confused, "OK, What should I have done?"

"I don't know. Maybe make her give you her shirt or skirt or something right there. Then, while she's standing outside her house half-naked, you tell her that she was still going to be punished!"

I guess I don't get it. "Why?"

"To make her squirm! Build it up! It's what she wants." Seeing I still wasn't catching on, "You remember how you made me take off my shirt that day on the farm? Then drove to Sonic?" I grinned at that. Lori almost had a shrieking orgasm from just the thought of someone seeing her nipples stabbing through her t-shirt! Of course, after everything else we've done since then, that was pretty tame. Still...

Lori was able to button her shirt and looked somewhat presentable as we walked in. Mom was in the kitchen and Lori scurried off upstairs to put on something less likely to raise eyebrows while I explained that we were going out.

We picked everyone up and cruised to the city: putt-putt, Mickey D's, and time hanging out! We avoided the topic of sex and talked about everything else.

Eric and Vanessa played together as a couple and she would yell or squeal with glee and hug Eric after either one of them made a great shot but Eric wasn't really matching her enthusiasm. Lori played as good as she ever had but still came in a close 2nd to Brooke! She won a free game on her next visit to putt-putt. We all had a blast!

On the way home, we laughed and carried on as if the past few weeks hadn't changed our relationships and I discovered that it was something Lori and I had needed to do for a while. We had become so wrapped up with each other and all the sex that we had almost forgotten to keep doing the things that had brought us together in the first place!

I dropped Eric and Vanessa off first at Eric's and Vanessa surprised us all when she gave Lori a deep goodnight kiss.

As we dropped the Bs off at Brittany's, Lori confirmed we were going out Saturday. Brooke teased Lori by asking for a kiss goodnight as well then laughed as Lori found herself at a loss for words.

Lori and I took the back way in and shared a shower before Lori slowly rode me until I came deep inside. She put on a pair of panties to, as she put it 'Keep the party in the pool' then gave me a quick oral cleansing before we fell asleep.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
So excited

I was stoked to see an update. Thanks for coming back and please continue writing!

MajesticJMajesticJabout 9 years ago
Dud is still hanging in there

I can't wait to see the last of Eric. He's been a downer all along. Not sure why he is even in this fine tale. Looking forward to some more hot group action.

Mc1sucksMc1sucksabout 9 years ago
Love This Story

Thank you for continuing to write this wonderful story. I was so happy to find the most recent chapter as I was going back through my favorite writers and checking for updates. I am looking forward to the next chapter!

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