Lost and Found


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Her tummy was full, and her body was squeaky clean.

And while her clothes were in the wash, her new friend Penny had left her a big fluffy pink bathrobe with a belt sash to go around the waist.

Wow, Cessy thought, noticing the robe as she picked up the towel to dry herself. Nicest, lady, ever. Period.

She still wasn't sure if all this came with a catch or what, but she'd deal with that if and when it appeared. She wasn't sure how long this divine nirvana might last, but she wanted to enjoy it while it did.

Passably dry wearing only the robe, she descended back down the stairs to see Penelope playing another game with Hollaweenie. She held one end of a bone-shaped toy in the air, raised it, then lowered it as the dog repeatedly jumped for it. Cesse noticed it was now dark outside, and that Penny had activated the Christmas lights strung around her windows.

"Oh, wow."

Penny looked up to see her.

"'Oh, wow' is right. You look like a new woman! Look at'cha, all fresh and pretty!"

Not exactly what Cesse was referring to, but she'd take it. She smiled.

"Thank you, about a bazillion and twelve times, Penny. I feel like it too.

"...I don't think I've ever actually met someone who turned their lights on before it was even Thanksgiving."

"Oh, they've been on since Halloween midnight," Penelope grinned proudly. "You're right, most folks don't plug 'em in till Thanksgiving, and that's fine, but—call me crazy—I think that kinda...'gyps' Thanksgiving, in a way. Y'know? I mean, by the time you get to November, you've got the two big holidays left. And I kinda think of them as...twins, in a way. And Christmas of course gets all the hype in the world, but Thanksgiving doesn't really get any. I think that's kind of a shame.

"I mean, yeah, Thanksgiving does have its purposes: stuffing your face, football, and that family ritual thing of, y'know, 'I'm thankful for this,' 'I'm thankful for that,' boppity-bop. But I still think we're kinda missing a bet leaving the lights off till afterwards. 'Course, I'm a real holiday-lovin' type of gal. If the novelty didn't wear off—and if it didn't send the electricity bill through the roof—I'd have 'em on all year."

Well, good...gravy, thought Cesse. She sauntered to the sofa and let herself down, careful with the robe not to flash any delicate areas. She watched them play until Hollaweenie decided he wished to dine himself, and ran off.

"Oh well," sighed Penelope, standing. "Well...oh, hey, can I get you some wine?"

Cecily let her head fall back on the sofa. "Oh, I love wine," she gushed. "Good heavens, Penny, I could just kiss you."

Penny smiled warmly as she again adjourned to the kitchen.

"That could possibly be arranged."

Five minutes later, Cessy had slipped into the second circle of eden with not one but two glasses of sumptuous, robust Cabernet. Penny started her second as well. Now that they were really loosening up, they settled into pleasant, casual conversation.

"You have the most beautiful home I've ever seen in my life," Cesse commented sincerely.

"Thank you, my friend!" said Penny. "It was an amazing stroke of luck in my legacy. What happened was—believe it or not—some years ago, I was actually homeless myself."

Cesse arched her eyebrows in surprise. Well, no wonder she was so welcoming.

"And at one point I actually had to start begging people for money. And it was astonishing—one time, I approached this lady, and asked if she might be able to help me, and, just...you are not gonna believe—are you ready for this?—right out of the blue..." Penny lowered her voice. "...She gave me...fifty, dollars!"

Cecily's mouth dropped open.

"I know, right?!" chuckled Penelope. "It was unbelievable! I didn't think she was for real at first! But...well, Cesse, you may not know this about me, but believe me when I tell you, I am the most thankful person in the world. I don't take anything for granted anymore. And she was totally on the level, and it was totally real money. The lady very possibly saved my life that day. 'Cause after I'd spent almost all of it, I was at this convenience store, and I had just enough money left for a lottery ticket."

Cesse gazed at her. "...I think I just filled in the blank."

Penny nodded back. "Powerball: $58 million."

Cecily almost spit took her wine. "Good Lord!"

"You can say that again about a dozen times. So, I saw a financial advisor to help me decide what to do with it, met with a few real estate agents, and..." She shrugged. "...Hop, skip and a jump later, here I am.

"And I owe it all to that angelic woman. She was almost like my fairy godmother."

Cesse could not believe it.

"I cannot believe it."

"I know!" Penny repeated. "Isn't that incredible??"

Cesse set down her wine glass.

"You have no idea, Penny."

"I don't?"

"Let me ask you something if I may, Penny...did this woman, per chance, have a baby blue Buick LeSabre?"

"Um..." Penny thought. "I know it was a blue car. But I'm not terribly good with makes and models and all that stuff."

"Uh-huh," replied Cessy. "And, eh...just a wild stab in the dark here—did you happen to be pregnant at the time?"

It was Penny's turn to be floored.

"How on Earth could you possibly know that?!" she asked in awe. "Did I let that slip out subliminally or something?"

Cecily shook her head. "No. But...

"You did allow me to slip you the fifty dollars."

Penny's jaw hit the floor. Her eyebrows all but leapt off her forehead.

"NO WAY!!" she exclaimed. "It was you??!"

"It's not the wine talking. Honest, Penny-Lane...I'm just as blown away as you are!"

"WOWie!" laughed Penny. "That's awesome! Well...gosh, hi!" she giggled, shaking Cecily's hand. "How have you been?"

Cecily hugged her, squeezing with unexpectedly forceful affection. Her tone turned grave and fragile. In fact, Penny thought she even heard her voice crack.

"Now so glad I was nice and generous to you that day...you've no idea," Cesse reiterated.

Penelope was taken quite by surprise, but slipped her arms around Cecily as well.

"...I guess I don't," she quietly rejoined.

For a few moments, they let all sound and all the outside world fade away, sitting still in each other's arms in mutual astonishment, at the twist of fate that brought them together here tonight. So deep in awe were they of this chance encounter, Hollaweenie trotted through the room, began climbing the staircase and neither of them even noticed.

Finally, Cesse released her.

"Oh, gosh, I...uh...please excuse me, Penny," she apologized, a bit embarrassed. "I forgot what happens when I drink. I get a little...well...I guess wistful. And, then I get...kinda..."

Penny waited. "...Yes?"

Cecily blushed. "Well, then I become..." She finished under her breath.


The blush spread to Penny's cheeks as well hearing this.

"Well, that doesn't really surprise me, to be honest, Cesse. I mean, you're obviously a person with tons of love in her heart, who's probably been wanting to find someone to share it with for a little while. But...I'm just speculating here, of course; if I'm wrong at all, please, just kiss me to shut me right up."

Cessy whipped her gaze back up to meet Penny's.


Penny realized what she'd just said. It appeared to Cecily once Penny had consumed enough, the wine also began to do the talking for her. She partially covered her mouth. But she knew Cessy had heard her right.

"Um...I said...if-if I'm wrong at all...hiss at me. And I'll just shut right up."

Their minds had clouded a bit. And a bit was about all it took. Cecily pulled her feet up onto the sofa and scooched closer.

"No, you didn't."

Penelope set her own wine glass down.

"Well, but, um, Cesse..."

Cecily batted her eyelashes. "Yes?" she murmured sweetly.

Penny had to choose her words very carefully here. Cecily again rested her hands on Penelope's body, which was now becoming a little excited.

"C-Cesse, w-we may or may not be about to...do something that, uh...we may or may not refwet," she half-warned and half-slurred.

Cesse smiled at her verbal slip-up. She dabbed and tickled Penny's nose tip.

"You're cute when you talk goofy," she purred. "Do it again."

Penny's heart beat faster. "But-but, C—...C-Cesse, this c—...this could be a mispake."

Cesse giggled. "You're so adorable, Penny." The next she caressed was Penny's pinkened cheek.

"Oh my gosh," Penny gushed, becoming turned on inside. "Oh, Cesse, you're...you're so pretty...and...you're so striking...but, I'm...I'm just not sure about...a-about doing something we may remember in the morning."

Cesse shook her head, suffusing Penny with sweet seduction.

"Morning doesn't matter, Penny," she uttered to her, permeating the atmosphere with as much sexy flirtation as she could muster. "The rest of this night doesn't matter. Not even the next five minutes. Right now, Penny...all that matters, is just that: right now. And you and I. And that's all."

Penelope felt herself gasp as Cesse swept a hand over her torso, ever so lightly grazing her supple breast through her soft blue sweater, in which she was suddenly beginning to feel quite warm.

Cecily edged in on her, nearing her inviting ear, half-protected by silky fair hair.

"Let yourself go with me, Penny," she heard Cesse whisper. Her eyes closed.

Her hand reached for Cesse's waiting body, as the space between them narrowed.

Penny couldn't bear to protest or wait any longer.

"Just let...yourself...go..."

Before she knew what was happening, Penny could do nothing but obey.


Wednesday, November 26th, 2014, 7:11 p.m.

The first kiss was as intoxicating as the exotic vintage that led to it. Holding her like a baby in her embrace, Cecily gingerly but passionately brought her wine-tinted lips to Penny's own. Penny's mind surrendered, giving in to the flood of romance that crashed over her. She slid downward horizontally on the sofa, and pulled Cesse longingly to her.

A happy surge of pleasure too swam through Cesse's deepest reaches. Lips melded together, the alluring scent of oenoperfume toyed with their nostrils and dazed their senses for an exquisite combination. Their bodies heaved into one another as the kiss ran course. Hot doses of love pulsed through both hearts. Their lips finally peeled apart out of need for oxygen. Warm, gasping breath wafted over their soft, flushed skin.

Cecily's nipples twitched and nubbed their way closer to the edges of her bathrobe. She wanted to free her perked-up breasts, but didn't want to remove her arms from Penny's curvy, enticing frame. Penny's breasts were vastly enjoying the company of Cesse's ballooning up against them. Erotic heat radiated and tingled through their extremities. Finally, they temporarily pried their lips completely off each other. Cesse let her head drop beside Penny's, nuzzled and tickled Penelope's cheek with her nose.

"Mmm...I like it here," she stated in a sultry whisper.

"I like having you here," came the equally steamy reply.

They alternated whispering sweet nothings, pecking and nipping each other's cheek.

"Penny for your thoughts," Cecily heard her murmur.

Cessy giggled. "How many people have you used that one on?"

"Believe it or not...just you. Just came to me."

A big, beautiful smile spread across Cecily's face. She felt special.

"This one's a little tougher to pull off, but...

"...I could very well see myself becoming ob-'Cesse''d with you," she giggled back.

Penny tossed her head back and laughed heartily. Cesse could tell she found her inane little pun genuinely funny. Or she was just infatuated, and drunk. The way she laughed made Cecily fall in love with her just a little tiny bit. She felt truly charmed and blessed.

"And that's because a Penny saved is a Penny earned," she added.

Penelope removed her arms from around Cesse, rested one hand on her cheek, and ran the other through her thick brown hair.

"That has a more truthful meaning than it may have seemed at first, my friend."

All four lips came together once more in sublime passion. Lying on top of Penny, Cesse tightened her grip with her arms, slipped her bare feet under Penny's leg, and gam-hugged her. It was true. She had very possibly saved Penny's life those eleven years ago, and now earned the grandest of reciprocations. Cecily's tongue discreetly approached Penny's and asked it to dance. Penny's graciously accepted.

There was something part of Cesse very much wanted to say after the next kiss, but wasn't sure if she should, if it was the right time. So she added a few words to it, and said that.

"I love making out with you," she purred.

"I'm having quite a bit of fun as well," Penny cooed back. "Remarkable for someone I just met for the first time today."

"Not true," Cesse reminded her.

Penny nodded. "Oh, that's right."

"You know what's funny too?" Cessy asked. "You also remind me of this little playmate I had when I was about five or so. She lived just a few doors down from me. I used to go over her house and we'd crawl under the bed together, mess around, tickle each other's feet and stuff. But she moved away when we were still little. I really missed her."

Penny stared at her wordlessly for a few moments. She didn't even blink.

"...Oh my God."

Cessy's expression went dead serious. Her eyes locked with Penny's.

"...No way."

"...Street name?" Penny proposed. "...On the count of three?"

The wide-eyed Cecily gazed back at her.



They whispered in unison.

"Sequoia Avenue."

Perfectly flawless silence followed. Neither woman moved, spoke, blinked or breathed. Finally, Cesse shook her head.

"You know what?...This is just too...I-I...

"I am not even going to marvel uncontrollably about how blindingly...unreal this is, Miss Penny James. Since it is by now patently obvious that fate's been knocking its brains out trying to get us together—I am going to resume kissing you, and then, I am going to proceed to crazy-glue our hands together."

Penny chuckled. "Um...gosh, Cesse, uh...th—"

"Okay, okay, clearly, I was kidding about the crazy-glue thing," Cesse amended. "Regular ol' Elmer's should work just fine."

Penelope giggled again. She made love to Cesse's eyes with her own twinkling, sparkling baby greens.


Cecily crinkled her own amber-colored eyes. Penny went on.

"...My Aunt Tracy is flying in tomorrow from San Francisco. She's about the only living relative I have left. Anyway, I'd love for you to stay and spend Thanksgiving with us."

"Oh, how sweet!" Cesse replied, pecking Penny's lips.

Penny pecked her back. "So that's a yes?"

"Well, of course. I'm certainly glad you invited me, 'cause I was kinda figuring and hoping I was staying anyway!" Cecily laughed.

A moment later, they were thirsty again. They sat up, finished the wine, and Penny pushed to her feet. She held out her hand.

"Shall we, darling?"

Cecily delicately granted Penny her hand. Penny kissed it and pulled her too off the sofa. With a seductive glance back and a cock of the head, she led Cesse by the hand up the stairs and showed her to the mistress bedroom. It crossed her mind to say something bad, such as, "You've been a very naughty girl. Now you're going to my room!" But she didn't. She wanted tonight to be special and beautiful, and hoped Cesse did too. She'd save rogue naughtiness for another time. Besides, anything said on her blood alcohol level would come out a bit garbled up. It was very fortunate they made it to the bed when they did, as they were beginning to stagger.

They tumbled into the enormous mattress, trying to balance with the right amount of joie de vivre to keep the romance aflame. They flipped up the comforter and dragged it over themselves. Once snug, cozy and settled in, they took each other's faces in their hands.

"Oh," murmured Penny, as if they were meeting for the first time. "Well, hi there."

Cessy smiled. "Why, fancy meeting you here, stranger."

The next kiss refreshed the wine in their senses. Cesse was still wearing only Penny's pink robe. Penny was starting to perspire in her aptly named fuzzy garment. She let go of Cecily's cheeks, reached down, whipped off her socks and yanked her sweater up over her head. A light cotton short-sleeve top lay beneath. Cesse delighted in the way her blonde hair messily floated back over her face.

"Oh, hello, cuties," Cesse greeted.

"Cuties?" asked Penny. "Plural?"

Cesse looked back up to her face. "Oh, and of course you too!" she chortled, laying another peck on her.

"Ah," clarified Penny, gesturing to her tits. "You were referring to the girls. Hansel and Gretel down here. Lucky thing Hansel doesn't mind having a boy's name."

Cecily giggled. "Your...uh...boobies are named Hansel and Gretel?"

"Well, what do you call yours?"

"Um...mine don't have names."

"Well, let's name them!" Penny decided. "What do you think of, oh...Wilma and Betty?"

Cesse laughed. "That's...cute," she opined, "But I think the three of us are a bit more partial to, say..."

She placed her hands inside the robe and pensively fondled and groped herself.

"...Hmm, uh...ooh, that feels good...they're telling me..."

She waited, then grinned back at Penny when her titties gave her their answer. She squeezed one to show Penny, then the other.

"...Minnie and Daisy."

Penny chuckled. "Very charming."

"Yeah, I'm more of a Disney kinda gal."

"Well, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!" exclaimed Penny. "What do you wanna call your honeypot?"

Cesse smirked at her, feeling naughty. And suddenly a bit horny.

"Is that a serious question...or do you just wanna watch me put my hand in there, for your entertainment?" she asked. "Just wanna see me touch myself, to turn you on?"

"Mmm, little of both, quite frankly."

Cecily blushed. She wasn't expecting Penny to be that open and honest.

Penny grinned wickedly at her. "Mine's named Lolita."

Cesse stroked her hip. "I'd like to meet her sometime."

"She'll pencil you in."

"Okay." Cesse folded her hand in between her thighs, edged her fingers in between the lips, slid her fingertips down, up and in.

"Hmmm...uh...oooh." She closed her eyes, stroking herself, waiting for her pussy to give itself a name. Penny propped herself up on the elbow, enjoying the show. It was entertaining indeed. While Cesse was distracted, Penny surreptitiously turned the angle of her gaze to see if Minnie and/or Daisy wanted to come out and play. She leaned over just enough to detect Cessy's fragile, shadowy naked left nipple under the robe. She smiled sneakily to herself, feeling a premature spark of pleasure.

Finally, Cesse opened her eyes and grinned back at her.

"Her name is Tigger."

Penny arched her eyebrows in surprise. "Really? Tiggers hate honey."

Cecily mischievously waggled her own eyebrows. "Not mine."

"I seeeee...well, now that all the eight of us know each other..."

Penny pulled off her top, revealing her bra.