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"Damn me but I am going to make you pay for that little stunt!" Sam yelled at Mike.

Mike laughed, "You and who's army, old man?" as he circled around, keeping the desk between himself and the angry bear. "You liked it and you know it! Lookit the evidence!" Mike pointed to the growing wet spot on Sam's jeans.

"Why, you little pissant, mother fuckin', evil, disrespectful li'l SHIT!" Sam lunged across the desk and caught Mike's gray tee shirt and hung on. Mike turned and grinned and slithered out of the Harley shirt as it tore. His thick blond fur was beginning to mat with sweat, his braided ponytail flicking drops of sweat, swinging.

"Heh... not so easy, is it old man!" Hearing that, Sam roared and chased Mike around the desk again. He caught the blond bear's thick black belt and yanked hard, popping the buckle in front. The ragged work jeans Mike was wearing partially gave way next. Mike stumbled and Sam, seeing his chance, pounced. The chase turned into a wrestling match complete with torn clothing and animal sound effects. Sam lost his shirt, and his heavily furred torso dripped sweat. His muscles had grown larger as he wrestled and the seams at the crotch and along the outer thigh gave it up and split.

"It's payback time, cub!" Sam had managed to pin the big blond bear on the floor and was struggling to mount him. His great cock was swollen and red, dripping precum. The resistance of the bear under him only made his organ more engorged. He worked his cock in between Mike's hairy butt cheeks. He loved this just as much as Mike did.

Secretly pleased with the success of his trick with the bike's seat and the effect it had had on Sam's libido, Mike growled and pretended to be angry, and struggled, but not so hard that he'd break Sam's hold. The whiffs he got of Sam's ripe pits excited his groin, his meat swelling almost painfully. Paws gripping the rug, legs kicking and scrambling, Mike growled, "Do your worst, you old fart!"

"Fuckin' A, I'm gonna do my worst. I'm gonna punish that sorry ass of yours. Gonna fuck it and you into next week, PUP!" With that, Sam shoved his thick pole deep into Mike's sweat-soaked butt. Mike howled.

Mike thrashed and grunted and howled again, as Sam's meat penetrated his clenched ass. The thick blunt tip forced its way through the hair, and gradually widened the opening into Mike's tunnel. Sam's ram battered its way deeper, the thick shaft working past the muscle ring, pumping in deeper and deeper. Mike struggled; but, truth be told, the struggle involved more pushing back onto Sam's huge meat than anything else. The two huge bears grappled, like the fur covered animals they were, growing more heated and urgent in their coupling as Sam increased his pumping. Mike knew Sam like this rough play and knew that his 'struggle' was an essential part of it. The more he struggled, the better Sam liked it and the more intense and satisfying his breeding became.

Sam suddenly gripped Mike especially tight around his chest and shoved his cock in as deep as he could; grunted loud then roared louder, hollering, "Shit FUCK! Your ass is MINE!" Sam clung tightly as he unloaded deep in Mike's blond ass. He continued to pump, driving daddy bear seed deep into the bear ass he was dominating. Sam ground his thick beard into Mike's hairy back and neck and slowed his fucking. As the last spurts topped off the load in Mike's filled ass, he stopped. Rasping breath and the occasional grunt as one bear settled on the other were the only noises that came from the office now; and outside, work once again resumed at a more normal pace.

Both bears were soaked in sweat and panting and as Sam slowly pulled out, a gush of hot bear seed followed. Sam reared back on his knees and Mike struggled up. He turned, facing Sam.

"Glad to see you can still get it up, you old fossil," Mike said, grabbing Sam's slippery shoulders and pulling him in tight for a prolonged snog. The two broke the kiss and Sam laughed out loud.

"Damn right and don't you forget it, kid!" Sam got to his feet and extended a hairy paw to Mike, Mike gripped his forearm with his own paw and raised himself up. "You still got that shower in the back?" Sam asked. "I got a couple hundred miles of dirt on me and you're a fucking mess."

"And whose fault is that?" Mike growled, taking a playful swing at Sam, "Shower's this way." Mike reached for the door and the two headed to the shower.

Mike turned on the shower on full blast and the pair stood under the hot streams coming from the three shower heads all focused on the center. Sam pulled Mike into a hug and the two kissed fiercely. Sam broke it and looked into Mike's eyes.

"Been cravin' some bottom time with daddy, huh?" Sam said.

"Yeah... me an' Larry are great in bed. I love bein' his papa, but once in awhile I need a big hairy daddy to work me over" Mike said, "an' only one I know of will do... an' he's pressing his hard cock inta my crotch right now!"

Sam kissed him again and nipped his lower lip before he spoke, "Ya didn't need to give me that prostate massage in my scoot's seat to get me to fuck you rough, ya know."

"Nope, that was payback for you an' Larry tyin' me up and teasin' me. The both of ya playin' with me just enough so that I was constantly turned on an' kept me cooled off enough so's I never came... for three fuckin' days." Mike said

"Yeah, that was a great weekend!" Sam said as he hunched into Mike's crotch and smiled, "You COULDA broken through your bonds, ya know."

"You shit head!" Mike said and smacked Sam's wet ass with the hand resting on it. "You knew I wouldn't tear through that leather gear, its got sentimental attachment for me."

"Yes... I knew that... that's why I chose it." Sam smirked. "Besides, when you finally came, wasn't the three days of edging worth it? Didn't you have the most mind blowing orgasm you'd ever had?"

"Yes to both questions, but it was still a mean joke." Mike said.

"Yes, it was and now we're even. Do I get to keep the little love-nut stimulator to insert when I want?" Sam smiled evily.

"Yep, custom seat for my horny daddy." Mike said.

"You're an evil little shit, but your my evil little shit... you're spawn of evil!" Sam said and kissed him again.

Mike laughed, "Like father, like son!"

They soaped each other up, taking their time to massage each other and rub their bodies together. After rinsing, Sam pushed Mike up against the stone tile wall and fucked him again, this time less roughly, but still with a lot of power. Mike was plenty slick from what was still in his ass. They traded places and Sam spreadeagled. Mike still hadn't shot and was rock hard. He spread a little of his precum on Sam's pucker and hilted in one swift move. He gripped Sam around his thick middle, his chest and belly fur meshing with Sam's back pelt. He fucked rapidly and unloaded quickly but oh, it was satisfying. The two rinsed off again, turned off the shower and toweled each other dry.

They padded back into the office naked and looked at the ruin that was their clothes lying about an office that needed some serious straightening up.

"You better have something to wear around here." Sam growled.

"Way ahead of ya." Mike said and opened up a filing cabinet drawer. Sam peeked inside and began pulling out clothes, "I figured you'd probably trash my clothes an' yours as well. You change some when you wrestle mad an' I know that those seams just weren't designed for that."

Sam pulled out a new pair of jeans and a 4X black T-shirt that had the Grizzly Mike's Desert Choppers logo on it. "Those'll fit." Mike said and he fished out his set which was identical except the shirt color was red. In minutes the pair were dressed and out of the office. Everyone on the floor was not paying attention in a very obvious way.

"Wonder where my cub went?" Sam asked.

"Dunno, I'll ask around." Mike said and he came back in a few minutes with the news.

"Sparky told Joe that he was taking Mack to Sally's Diner. Sparky's off work early today seein' as how he came in at three-thirty this mornin' to help me put the finishin' touches on yer bike. Hop on your scoot; I'll grab mine an' we'll join them at the diner." Mike grinned.

"Not 'til you show me how to remove the nut massager." Sam said and grinned back.

"Well, you are 'Mr. No-Fun', ain'choo?" Mike chuckled and showed Sam the release on the seat, removed the silicone egg, and tossed it to the big bear. Sam pocketed it, and the two roared off to the diner.

Chapter 9

Sam and Mike arrived at Sally's Diner just as Sparky and Mack were finishing up their meals. "Where's that bitch-goddess of the grill?" Sam hollered as the two entered. Sally's head popped up from behind the order hole.

"Well, if it ain't my two bestest customers! Sam, it's been a while. How you been keepin'?" Sally motioned a waitress over. "Edna, take these two walking bottomless pit's orders." She turned back to Sam and Mack. "Your buddies are over in the front booth."

Sam and Mike sat with Sparky and Mack. Edna brought Mack and Sparky's pie and flipped a page on her order pad.

"Too late for breakfast?" Sam said, without looking at the manu.

"Oh, hell no. Sally's always ready to do breakfast for you guys. The usual?"

Sam nodded and Edna wrote. "And for you, Mike?"

Mike glanced at the menu. "Biker's Breakfast for me, too. Thanks." Edna took the menus and headed back to the order hole.

In short order, plate after plate began arriving at the booth. Eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, waffles, juice, and a large pot of coffee filled the space. Mack looked in wonder as the mountains of food began to disappear. "I've seen Sam eat before, but I didn't know there weretwoappetites that big. You guys eat like horses!"

Mike chuckled and nudged Sam in the ribs as he forked another sausage in his mouth. "No, like hungry bears!" Sam barked a laugh and poured more coffee.

"Good fuckin' makes a good appetite. You guys finished there?" Sam looked at the empty pie plates in front of Mack and Sparky.

"Yeah. And I need to take Mack back now, unless one of you wants to. I got stuff to do." Sparky looked a bit sheepishly at his boss.

"Well, damn me, Sparky. Nah, its OK, one of us will ride him back. You got a hot date?" When Sparky colored a bit, Mike roared with laughter. "That's it.... you've got a date tonight! Youfinallygot Fred to say yes to more than lunch! Youdawg!" The good-natured kidding continued as Sparky eased out of the booth and picked up his bill. The razzing followed him as he headed to the cash register.

"You hairy bastards just see that you clean your plates or Edna ain't givin' you NO pie... you hear that Edna? NO PIE!" Sparky called out as he headed out to the parking lot, shaking his head.

Mack looked at Mike and Sam, both of whom were shaking with laughter. "What was that?"

"Oh, Sparky has been alone way too long for his own good. There's this guy, Fred, that he's been interested in for months now; but Fred's been playing hard to get. Looks like ol' Sparky has cracked Fred's defenses." Mike poured Mack another mug of strong black coffee. "We're just funnin' Sparky. If we didn't rag on him, he'd think we didn't care about him. Which we do."

Plates were cleared and pie arrived and was consumed. Mike looked at Sam and Mack. "You too look like you could use a good bed and night's sleep. You been drivin' all day?" Mack nodded. "Well, you're staying with me tonight." Sam started to interrupt. "Nope, I insist. No arguing."

Once the last of the pie had been polished off, Mike picked up the bill and the three headed to the register. While Mike paid, Sam put a big paw on Mack's shoulder and squeezed. "Don't worry, Mike's good people." They headed out to the lot. Mike kicked his ride into life while Mack settled behind Sam. Throttles twisted, pipes roared, and the three headed out to Mike's place.

Sam hollered back over his shoulder to Mack. "Mike used to pretty much live at the shop, but a couple of years ago he bought a house a couple of blocks away. He and Larry've been working on it ever since. I call it their cave. They've got it fixed up real nice." Within a few minutes, they had turned onto a side street. They cruised slowly down a couple of blocks, turned again, and pulled into a wide driveway and into a triple garage. Half the space was filled with a '49 Mercury, obviously undergoing some restoration. The rest of the space was intended for the bikes.

The three headed into Mike's house, through the kitchen and into the main living area. Mike had knocked out walls and turned the living and dining room into one large replica of a bar, only with couches and chairs instead of stand up tables. A bar stood against one wall, in front of a mirror and shelves filled with bottles, pictures, belt buckles, what looked like an old carburetor, a speed limit sign, and a couple of street signs. A pool table graced the right side of the area, and couches and chairs were grouped around a pot bellied stove on the left. "Told ya," Swam whispered.

"Guys, I gotta pee, " Mack was all but dancing, the vibrations of Sam's ride having done a real number on his bladder.

"Through there and to your left," Mike waved.

Sam took Mike's arm and pulled him close, speaking in a low voice. "Just to let you know. We can all play tonight, but go kinda easy on Mack. I've bred him, and he's learning to take it a lot more easy, but go slow. He's not ready for bear sex just yet. And don't change, even to half form. Just guys havin' fun, OK?"

Mike looked at his papa. "He doesn't know?"

"Well, not about that; not yet, anyway. Don't worry, I'll tell him. And show him, come to that. But not yet. By the way, he's turning into a talented fucker. You might want to give him a try." Sam grinned at his one time cub.

"Pimpin' for yer cub? Come here, you sexy fucker," Mike said, pulling his papa bear into a tight hug and sloppy bear smooch.

"Still horny, ain'tcha? I can read you like a fucking book!" Sam rubbed Mike's swelling crotch and tongue-wrestled with him as Mack came back from the can, zipping up his pants.

"Hey! You started without me!"

Sam extended a hairy arm and motioned for Mack to come and join in. Mack wasted no time, and was enfolded into a three way bear hug and grope. Mack's senses went into overdrive as he was assaulted with the strong bear scent of his papa along with the equally strong but tantalizingly different smell of the second bear. The feel of furry arms and paws on his body and the scratch of their beards on his face was like heaven to the young man.

"Let's git nekkid," Mike grinned, and the other two nodded and followed Mike into the bedroom, shedding clothes as they went. Mack went last, admiring the strong, thick backs of Mike and Sam, and lusting after their meaty butts. He really hoped he'd get another chance to fuck Sam, and Mike's blond, fur-covered butt was making his cock drool.

Entering the bedroom, Mike turned on a small light on the dresser and turned to Mack. "You've got a fine body there, Mack. Put some meat on those bones and some more fur on that chest and belly and you'll be grade A prime bear meat! And speaking of meat..." Mike sank down and took Mack's swollen member into his hot mouth and began to suck and tongue the rigid pole. Sam stood next to the two, his arm around Mack and his paw resting on Mike's head. In short order, Mack was shaking and close to exploding in Mike's mouth.

"Son, Mike's a talented cocksucker. He'll drink down everything you can give him, but if he's going too fast, just let him know. He'll match your speed and make it last if you want to."

Mack tapped Mike on the shoulder and immediately the blond bear slowed his slurping. He backed his mouth off, holding Mack's shaft in his paw and looked up at him. Mack nodded and stroked Mike's head and Mike returned to chowing down on the bear meat in his paw, but at a slower pace. Sam's cock was pounding erect, bobbing with each heartbeat. He moved behind his cub and wedged his erect cock between the lightly furred cheeks and placed his arms around Mack in his favorite 'hug from behind' move. He pumped his hips, forcing his meat deeper between and tickling Mack's asshole while driving his cub's cock forward and into Mike's hungry mouth.

Sam pulled back and spat on his hand and slicked himself with a combination of spit and precum. He bent his knees a bit and guided his rigid cock back in between Mack's butt cheeks. By this time, Mack was pumping his own cock into Mike's warm wet mouth and the back and forth motion complimented Sam's thrusting so that in a minute, Sam's meat was buried in his cub's ass, sheathed to the hilt. Sam put his hands on Mack's hips and held him while he pumped. Growls and slurps and moans filled the room as each pleasured the other. The sharp smell of sex and sweat permeated the room.

Unheard, a key rattled in the side door, and a tired figure moved in and turned on the kitchen light, closing and locking the door behind him, dropping the travel bags at the door. Hearing the sex sounds from the bedroom, he moved toward the door and stood, surveying the hot pumping action in front of him. Mike's eyes swiveled towards the door but he continued addressing Mack's meat. Sam, following the direction of Mike's eyes, turned.

"Hey, Larry! Come on in and join the party. Always room for one more!" He went back to plowing his cub's ass as Larry forgot his tiredness and shed his business clothes.

Dressed, Larry was a buttoned-down, almost elegant business man. Short, to be sure; with a belly, certainly. But the cut of his suit largely concealed his overall stockiness and revealed none of his hairiness. Dressed this way, Larry exuded confidence, controlled power, refinement and shrewdness. Naked, he was a fur-covered fireplug; a hot bear who exuded raw sexuality, shameless lust and male potency. His scent spoke of his sexual need, no doubt Larry had been abstaining, saving up for his homecoming. The shiny bald top of his head, wreathed in a gray-white horseshoe of close cropped hair was the largest hairless place on his body. Head set on a corded bull neck, wide muscular shoulders, thick bulging arms, a rock hard ball belly - all sat on meaty tree trunk legs and a well muscled butt. Larry might have looked like a bit of a butterball beneath his business suit, but with it off, it was obvious he was not. Everything on the bear was covered, from head to toe, in a thick pelt of gray and white fur, and out of the center of his crotch, a thick but still flaccid stubby cock extended slightly over a nice pair of heavy balls.

Mack's head was thrown back, his eyes screwed shut in ecstasy. The intensity of being fucked and sucked at the same time was driving him over the edge, and he badly wanted to fuck at least once, maybe more. He tapped Mike's shoulder and the blond bear once again backed off. Mack panted as Sam continued skewering his cub.

Mike turned to Larry and reached for him. Larry closed the distance between them and Mike's arms went around the shorter man's legs and butt, drawing him in close. Mike buried his face in Larry's crotch and snuffled and slurped.

"God, you smell great! Welcome home, love." Mike began to coax Larry's cock into full attention. Larry whispered so only Mike could hear while he stroked his lover's head. Mike lapped at Larry's meat, making the thick red stub shiny with saliva.

Placing his thumb and index finger in a ring, he forced back the thick hair that covered the base of Larry's cock. "Have you ever seen anything that purdy?" he said to Sam and Mack. "Solid thick bear meat; meat fit to feed a grizzly!"

What Larry lacked in length, he certainly made up for in girth. Most of his life he had been shy of his less than stellar endowment, but Mike's worship of his thick body had changed his point of view. It was obvious that Mike couldn't get enough of Larry's cock. It was just as obvious that Larry liked the attention. His cock was leaking like a broken faucet. Mike flicked his tongue against Larry's tip and drew out a long string of precum. "My lover makes the sweetest dick drool!" Mike reached up and hugged Larry again, who bent and kissed the top of Mike's head.
