Mandi's Secret Pt. 03

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Mandi makes a new friend.
3.4k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/15/2014
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As it promised, the demon gave me time to live my life free from its dark influence after the frantic incident we'd caused that Friday night. I was able to be myself, though still in my newly changed body. That's not to say that on the inside I wasn't any different from how I'd been before my possession. I've always had an aggressive personality; I practice mixed martial arts, I play violent video games, and I listen to industrial metal. But that part of me had now been amplified. I'd become more assertive than ever.

Our story continues now with how that added assertiveness brought me in touch with my new best friend and playmate, Izabel.

It was the Monday morning after that weekend. I'd become comfortable in my new body, and wasn't making any efforts to hide the changes, other than choosing a skirt instead of jeans so my lower endowments weren't too obvious. And they weren't, because everyone's eyes were on my fantastic new chest.

I found myself caught in a tough chemistry class where we were told to pair up with another student to carry out an assignment. I wasn't doing so well in that course, so I knew I'd have to choose the right person to pull me through to a good grade. I recalled there being one girl whose arm would always shoot up in the air the moment the professor posed a question, and she would always have the right answer. From my vantage point at the back of the classroom, I only knew her by her huge frizzy hair. I started to scan the classroom for her...

"Hey egghead!"

She turned to me and sneered slightly, apparently not too pleased by how she'd been addressed. "Yes?"

"Be my lab partner."

"Oh, uhm..." She started to fidget with her pen, blinking nervously at me through her thick glasses. "If you insist."

She was a slightly stout Puerto Rican girl, not fat, but definitely thick. She was a good deal shorter than me, but then most girls are - I'm almost six feet tall even I before put on my heels. She wore a pleated skirt and high socks sprouted out of her sneakers up to her knees. I'm not even exaggerating when I say that her tits were even bigger than mine - they were practically bursting out of her shirt under her lab coat.

I tore my eyes away from her cleavage, which had just about put me into a lusty trance. It was neither the time nor the place for one of those, lest the demon take over and ruin my chances at a good grade! "Uhhhhhm. My name's Mandi."

"I'm Izabel. Pleased to meet you."

"Yeah, you too." I whipped out the assignment sheet. "So, um. Let's get to work?"


I'd never gotten through a chemistry lab so quickly. I'd barely even glanced at my phone (well, okay, I might have checked my Tumblr feed, but that only takes minutes), and already she was nearing the end of the lab.

"Oh, shit Izabel. You're really good at this." I started to copy her answers onto my sheet.

"Well it's actually quite simple, Mandi. If we combine the reagent with the reactant in the correct proportions, the chemical decomposition cycle is controlled and predictable by a factor of blah blah blah..."

My eyes began to glaze over as she babbled on about acids and solvents. As she went she leaned over the table to trace her finger tip along a line graph, and her tits were sitting on the surface and squishing up towards her chin. My distracted gaze again fell down into the deep milk chocolate chasm of her cleavage.

"...And so as you can see, it's really just a matter of minding your bases, or else an exothermic reaction will be spreading your hotness everywhere! Hahaha!"

As she laughed at her geeky science joke she stood up straight and put her hands on her hips, basking in her own brilliance. While she chuckled away her breasts were jiggling in her top. I was starting to sweat, and the lust I'd meant to control was increasing. I felt a growing need inside my skirt and the beginning twitch of growth. I needed to get out of that lab, and fast.

"Alright egghead, that's great. You seem to know a lot about stuff. Do you mind taking a look at something erm... supernatural?"

"Hah! I know enough to tell you that there is no such thing!"

"Right, okay. Maybe you'll change your mind after I show you though. Let's hand in these lab sheets and get out of here."


"What could you possibly need to show me here, in the girls' washroom, that you couldn't anywhere else on campus?"

"Like I said," I said, "something supernatural." I opened up a toilet stall and stepped inside. "Pipe down and get in here."

She did so, though that overactive mouth of hers was still moving. "I'll believe it when I see it. Anything laymen consider 'supernatural' can be easily explained through scientific analysis."

"Alright," I said as I reached for the hem of my skirt and began to lift, "then analyze this!"

Out came my cock, already slightly fattened by the tempting sight of Izabel's cleavage. Undeterred by my black thong panties, it tumbled down at nearly a foot's length and quickly began to throb into a more active state.

"Holy moly! I had no idea you had that! How... What...?"

Her mouth was still silently moving but finally I had her at a loss for words. We stared down at my cock as with each beat of my heart it reached higher, it grew longer and thicker, and got harder.

I was approaching my full length when finally she regained her voice. "How is this even possible? The sheer amount of blood required to erect this phallus, which looks like it must be a foot and half long, should be depriving your brain of the oxygen you need to stay conscious!"

"I told you Izabel. It's supernatural."

"No, that's not an acceptable explanation. How can this be?"

"I was hoping you could answer that."

"Well, there is a perfectly valid explanation for everything. I'm just going to have to examine it. Do you mind if... if I touch...?"

"No. No, you go right ahead..."

I tried to keep quiet as she began to handle my enormous cock, though the sensations she was creating in me were very nice and had me throbbing into an even harder state. Her manner was completely academic as she tilted me up, then to each side as she visually examined me from every angle.

I'd gotten terribly hot but thankfully I was still free of any demonic impulses, which would have surely had me forcing malevolent sex upon the intelligent yet inexperienced girl. Nevertheless I had urges of my own, and I wasn't going to let us leave that washroom until I was satisfied.

"Amazing! These readings are off the chart!" Izabel had whipped out some sort of sci-fi tricorder device and was scanning my immense dick. "There are an unprecedented amount of pheromones and other biological chemicals emanating from this phallus."

"You don't say, huh."

"Would you mind producing a sample of your ejaculant for me? This begs for further analysis!"

"Ohh-hoho, I wouldn't mind that at all," I said, as one of my hands began to excitedly run up and down a portion of my length.

"Great! I'm just going to need a container to put it in..."

I produced out of my purse a gigantic condom - basically a novelty item I'd picked up at the sex shoppe. What was meant as a gag gift for most was for me, the only option.

"Yes, that will do." She snatched it out of my hands and tore open the plastic envelope, and out came a double-sized mega condom. I couldn't help but moan and shudder as she placed it over the head of my cock and guided the pink latex down my throbbing, sensitive girth with repeated strokes of her dark hands. It was about a foot long, providing tight containment to two thirds of me.

"So, Izabel, do you know how to uh, extract samples?"

"Oh well, it should be quite simple." With both hands she began to firmly stroke my girth. I staggered and gasped, palming the walls of the bathroom stall for support. "Repeated stimulation to the sides of the shaft should simulate the friction of vaginal walls during coitus."

"Ahh, ahh... Uh-huh?"

"Yes. By the increasing pressure in your phallus I'd say I'm providing the correct stimulation."

"Ooh man, yes. You really are!" I was staring down at her tits, which her jostling up and down with the repeated motions of her arms. "But... but I think a phallus of this size will need more contact than just your hands. You know, like a vag of the same scale."

"Perhaps. But we have no such thing here, so my hands will have to suffice!"

"Oh, I beg to differ." I grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled up. Her huge tits came into view, crammed into a very sturdy bra.

"E-excuse me, Mandi?!"

Ignoring her, I reached around her back and undid her bra. As soon as the clasps were opened it practically shot off of her. She had a hell of a body under her dopey clothes... thick but with barely any flab, with some visible tone, and plenty of sexy curves.

"Oh. I suppose that would work."

"You're damn right it will. Wrap those tits around my dick."

With a quick nod of her head she lifted my heavy rod and laid it between them, and began to rock them up and down. In that position the head was level with her mouth, and she was occasionally glancing at it, then back up at me. I sensed that her actions were becoming less academic and more... primal. She liked my huge dick. "Ooh. Keep going, Izabel... That's going to get you a sample for sure."

As she persisted her gaze finally came to a focus on the latex-bound tip of my cock. She tilted toward it and slowly, hesitantly, took me into her mouth. As she began to sheepishly tongue and suck she glanced back up at me, as if asking if what she was doing was okay.

"Uh-huh, yes... Yes, that's good. Use your mouth, your tits... use everything!"

The urgency in my voice spurred her on, and with a pornographic level of enthusiasm, which I'm sure she'd never before revealed, she took me deeper into her mouth and gagged on my cock while continuing to rock her tits up and down.

"Do you feel like you'll ejaculate soon?"

"Oh-ho fuck yes I do, don't you fucking stop now!" I grabbed her tits and started to work them harder and faster. She dropped her hands down to resume her efforts on the vast expanse of revealed shaft between out bellies, while again gagging wetly at the throbbing tip. The combined motions had my balls beginning to clench as they summoned a voluminous load.

"Here it comes Izabel... here it... comes!"

She pulled her mouth away, and not a moment after the first blast of cum shot up my cock and filled the condom's reservoir. "Good lord!"

"Ohhh, fuck yes!" Frantically I continued to use her tits as shot after shot left my throttling dick. The condom was inflating further, swelling into a big pearly white oblong balloon which hung lazily against her chest.

She was speechless as she watched the condom fill and stretch. With each beat of orgasm it exceeded the volume of a conventional load, and the total amount did so by magnitudes. When finally I'd finished she began to roll the condom off of my shaft, holding her position so the heavy latex package wouldn't go plummeting off of her chest onto the ground. "This certainly will do," she said, "I'll let you know what I find out about this supernatural body of yours."


A few days later I was zoning out in front of the TV with some Xbox games. There was a knocking at my door, but I was too absorbed to pay much mind to it. That person was persistent, and their knocks were getting louder and more severe, so eventually with a weary grumble I tossed down my controller and got up. "This had better be good..."

"Hello Mandi."

"Oh! Izabel, hi..." I felt a pang of awkwardness in her presence, owing to what we'd done two days prior. Before I had time to properly react she marched past me, into my room.

"Hmm. Not bad."

"Not bad what?"

"Oh, well, I have good news! I'm going to be your new room mate!"

"You what? You-"

"Yes. Which is fortunate, because the sample we took the other day was contaminated by your condom. I'm going to have to take a lot more!" She shut the door behind her and took off her glasses, revealing a face that was actually quite pretty, and set them aside. As she then began to shrug out of her sweater she continued, "let's not waste any time... science can be an impatient mistress!"

"Jesus Christ..." As my unexpected visitor began to disrobe I adjusted my stance, taking up a more spread-legged stature to make space between my legs. Though in her haste I was yet to find the situation very sexy the demon within me and was apparently feeling very frisky indeed. She and I watched as the straps of my thong came into view, being pulled downwards out of my black miniskirt by the growing form of my monster dick. As it filled out the heated sensations of arousal hit me, and soon I was raring to go just as much as my hidden possessor.

She wriggled out of her pleated skirt, and then off went her t-shirt. In her bra and panties she dropped to her knees before me, eliciting a shuddering bounce of her chocolatey bosom. My cock had gained the rigidity needed to surge out from beneath my thong, snapping it aside as it swung up into the space between us and stretched out to its full length.

There was nothing academic about what she did next: She caught me midshaft and began to stroke as she held my heated length against her cheek. She turned toward it and began to trail kisses all along my enormous erection, eventually adding her tongue into the mix until she was simply trailing it all along me, wettening me with her slobber.

"Oho shit, Izabel, you dirty slut... Is this really the girl from my chemistry class?" I flicked off my fishnet top and slipped out of the black tank top beneath it, leaving me naked from the waist up. She didn't have any reply - she was too caught up in her raunchy desires, hungrily stroking and tonguing away. I felt an urge to use her tits again. "Get out of that bra."

My cock swayed as she let it go, though those movements ceased as soon as she released her luscious tits, for an impliable level of tension entered it upon their revealing. I placed a foot on her sternum and gave her a firm push, sending her onto her back. Her tits revolved on her chest upon impact with the ground, and she uttered a muffled sound of discomfort at my roughness, but she was a good sport. She squeezed them together and gave me a heated look.

I dropped to my knees over her and thrusted forwards, sending my spit-slicked dick surging through her cleavage and into her mouth. "NnnGLUK~!"

"Mm, yes... Are you sure you want to be my room mate? It can be a lot to handle!" I started to fuck her cleavage. The head of my cock steadily entered and exited her mouth as her tits rocked my girth. She took it like a champ, spurring me to continue my cruel act.

I thrusted myself deep, up to her tonsils, and as I held it there she sucked and tongued the sensitive throbbing tip. Her breasts, which she still squeezed so tightly around me, she began to slosh up and down my shaft, preserving the sweet feeling of motion. "Ooh, yes!"

In that position I began to jerk the remaining length of shaft between the bottoms of her tits and my body, keeping in time with the movements of her breasts. We were working up towards a big load. "Don't you fucking stop Izabel... don't you dare!"

She didn't. My body tensed as the throbbing momentum of release began to build. The tremors of pre-orgasmic power in my shaft had Izabel's eyes growing wide, and she gave a muffled moan of excitement. The first blast of cum came hard, and she sputtered as it splashed out of her mouth and dripped down her cheeks.


She had the good sense to close her throat, but she kept her lips sealed around me, causing each mighty blast to be deflected into a creamy mini explosion. Her face, her tits, and my cock were becoming soaked by the thick fluid, which dripped down onto the ground beneath us. She finally turned her head away, and the final beats of release painted long streaks onto the ground ahead of us.

"Good job, slut," I said between heavy breaths as my orgasm faded. She didn't reply, instead choosing to put my cock back in her mouth and lovingly make out with it. By the way she writhed and rubbed her cum drenched body against my equally drenched dick, it was plain to see she was absolutely in love with it, and wasn't yet done.

Without giving her the chance to choose what would come next I backed away, wrenching myself out of her slippery grip to shift way, way down until I could level the tip of my dick with her vag. Despite the incompatible dimensions involved she gave no sign of protest, so drunk with lust was she. She spread her legs and, gazing down at me between her cum drenched tits, licked her lips.

In I went. She cried out and writhed with intense discomfort as inch after inch entered her. My cum was a fine lubricant, but still there was no way she was ready for what I was wielding. As soon as I hit her deepest I started to pick up a rhythm.

"Good lord, it's so big! I feel like you're tearing me open!"

"You'll learn to enjoy it, soon."

"I already do! Fuck me Mandi!"

I did exactly that. I liked her enough not to be as rough with her as I'd been with Ashley, but still, no one in her life would ever show her the power I was wielding. Her head fell back and she moaned out loud as I rammed my slippery way through her resistance, forcing her to adapt to me.

With a little persistence I began to feel her open up to me, and as it had been with Ashley, I was able to push my way much, much deeper into her. She was impaled on me from crotch to womb and moaning animal sounds of unrestrained lust and confusion.

"This... it's phy-physically impossible!"

"My cock is supernatural."

"Oh god!"

I laid myself against her, holding ourselves breast to expansive breast in a missionary position, and resumed my pace. I was revelling in the heavenly feel of my entire dick taking pleasure from her body as it submitted to my massive penetrating power. In that moment she was a completely different person... not the boring teacher's pet I'd met in class but a woman, a woman who needed me to fill her sensual body with enormous sex.

She was cumming as I gave my final deep thrust. Our breasts sloshed against each other from the impact of my hips, and I could swear I could see her body shuddering with each thunderous throb within her. The onslaught of cum hit her, rushing against the walls of her womb with viscous heat.

Crying out with bliss, we writhed and rode our climaxes until their finish, only for me to pull out and she to worshipfully suck, and stroke...

We didn't stop until dawn.


Suffice to say my chemistry grades have improved. As have my biology grades, my trigonometry, you name it. All Izabel asks in return is for me to fuck her, to use her like I did on that strange night, to let her bathe in my cum again, and again.

Of course I'd let her have that for free, but a girl's got to get through college somehow.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Please continue this series!!

This story is very good. I'd love to see more of it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

You gotta continue this! Don't you dare fucking stop!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I hope you will continue this series. It's really good!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
. This was auto word from my phone

D.C. United states is your cheek to my mom and cuddles you too much more than I thought it would be. Vagina and cuddles you can go out with me and kisses your head over in trouble

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Please please please keep this series going!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Ridiculous story...

That I am enjoying so much! As Mandi would say: don't you dare fucking stop!

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